Julian Edelman and Eric Stonestreet Breakdown John Elway and Joe Montana's Last Faceoff | KC vs. DEN

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we finally have our own guy yeah no deberg no Bono no Trent green I mean I can go down the list of quarterbacks that weren't ours and now we have ours you guys yeah you guys were on the lease program and it was good to finally buy one right it's exactly right we got a good and we got a good one turns out today we have a very special guest St he's an actor he's a writer lifelong cheese fan Eric Stone Street Sports guy chest pump Sports guy chess pump well let's go back the 94 Montana versus laway great game first of all love the era love Joe Montana love that team and it was classic Chiefs game we I feel like every celebrity that we have on is a godamn Chiefs fan is everyone in that area just die hard Chief we have as much pride as bostonians and little nicer people though I agree yes you said it first I'm a Bostonian bro we're cold I'm learning so much about what it was to be a Patriots fan because they're just showing up every day doing their best and they happen to be winning games just like you guys did and I couldn't stand you guys for all the right reasons because I was jealous superow you remind me of like how everybody talks about Travis Kel he's like how the is he always open met belich at the correspondence dinner one time how was that yeah good good good to meet yeah good to meet you big fan of the show I've never met Tom you want to hear a great story I want to hear a great story games with names a production of ihart radio welcome to games of names presented by wi and on today's episode we are recording from The Win Las Vegas yeah our interview and we have a very special guest I was going to say desk there is a desk in that a good desk there's a desk very special guest Eric Stone Street and we go over the 1994 Chiefs versus Bronco Montana versus Elway the last time they went against each other back when Monday Night Football was Monday Night Football Monday Night Football was Monday [Music] night there we go he's an actor he's a writer he's a host he kills it in Modern Family we go over all that Hollywood stuff but you know what he was a real big gamer like I was so impressed with how much he knows football and like the history of the game he's he's like a historian especially for the Chiefs oh my God he knew a lot of everything yeah knows ball lifelong Chiefs fan Kansas State University wild cat wild cat Real Deal guy we get into his uh his awesome meeting with Tommy spoil it he's got a great nickname for got a great nickname and I mean he kept referencing his box at at Arrowhead we'll get into that why it's so cool pretty special has some really good memorabilia in there oh my God some really good memorabilia and then we wrap up the show by hitting the old hotline bling and just a little editor's note um we had a little technical difficulties in the studio so if you're missing some camera angles apologies the interview is all there it should be fine but there's a little bit technical stuff on that so just bear with us come to interview so if you guys got my ugly side I don't want to hear anything about it all right make sure you check out games with names on YouTube Instagram X Snapchat and Tik Tok gameswith names subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast we want to hear from you call in at 424 291-2290 and leave a message I'm getting better with that as you can hear let's go October 17th 1994 Mile High Stadium Denver Colorado Marty shoten heimer's Chiefs are windless in Mile High and down 28 to 24 late in the fourth quarter but with 8 seconds left Joe Montana drops back he looks to his right and he lets it rip this is Montana versus Elway [Music] welcome to games with names presented by wi today we are looking at the Montana verse hway week 7 1994 Chiefs verse Broncos with Eric Stone Street just a compound word Julian Stone Street just put them together one big word I you know what Eric I I got hit in the head a lot for a living yeah for but dude you were so good at it you were so good at getting hit in that you delivered a lot of hits with your body to others heads I was a physical player here and there but uh it does mess with your your memory does it it really does yeah so I got you know I apologize on that no apology how how are you doing I'm doing great man you enjoying this week we're here at Super yeah I mean what do you got three I got three went to five so I've been to this will be the third I've been to yeah I didn't go to the one against Tom and Tampa and we lost yeah so it was Co it was Co yeah it's a long way to go and uh but yeah this is my third I'm excited man I can't believe as a lifelong fan you know and watching my team your team back in the day for for two years for two years for two years I because of Joe Montana because of Joe Montana yeah great guy uh you know that we're here I mean I waited 49 years as a person to get to a Super Bowl and now in the last five years I've been we've been to four yeah it's been unbelievable now I I was super excited when we found out you were picking a 1994 game yeah you know a lot of people always a lot of recency bias on what games to pick yeah how come you pick this specific game well I I I I I went back and forth between the first Super Bowl because it was such an emotional time for me I mean I literally cried on the sidelines after we won and uh it was very emotional but the 94 game I picked because is a great game first of all yeah and I have such a vivid memory of the Willie Davis touchdown in the end zone moment at the Pike house fraternity at Kansas State University like all of us hanging out in the office of the pike house and watching that on the edge of our seats and when that happened um I just it's it's it's a Memory you know like uh just core right right in the head and you know love love the era love Joe Montana love that team um and it was classic classic Chiefs game yeah I mean this is this is a classic matchup Joe vers Elway I mean 1994 Joe is he does he still have it in his in the bank does he still got it the Niners threw him threw him away for Steve Young and I used to love watching these old Chief games and just seeing that little Montana magic that he'd always have yeah like when he went back and he played the ners and beat them what was it on was that Monday Night Football when he went back and played I don't know if it was his first year or second year there but I just remember he had a game-winning Drive I mean I think I think if he would have had one more year I think we I mean Marty Schottenheimer I think is a Hall of Fame coach and I think he should be in the Hall of Fame someday but I think if Joe would have had one more year in the tank I think he would have gotten us there then yeah instead of waiting until 19 or 20 whenever it was just was but yeah U you know when he came to town his wife was a broadcaster on the local news and our season tickets were right in the second row of the corner of the end zone and Jennifer Montana used to do her hits for for the new station right in my corner and it looked like she was looking at me all the time but she was just looking at the camera but I was like man when Joe Montana come to town his wife couldn't take her eyes off of me I was like all right baby here we go I got to tell him and her that at the AFC Championship when you guys beat us in Arrowhead he was at the game I was sitting with uh Commissioner Goodell and Joe was in the suite and uh name drop name drop yeah I just hold on doing I didn't yeah anyway that's that's why I get to go to the Super Bowl because he invited me uh I've told the story a lot but it's it's a it's a good one and and you should know about it because of of how serious of a fan I am he invited me to the Super Bowl in like 15 and I said commissioner I'm not going to a Super Bowl until my Chiefs are in in it and he said all right if you want to wait that long cut two uh I didn't go then we have the ASC Championship against you guys at Arrowhead the Phantom roughing the passer call on Chris Jones and the D Ford the D Ford off sides kept us from I I don't I know there's rules I know I mean we could play that both ways with what the Chiefs have been doing all year 100% Can you gotta play outplay the officials I'm not complaining I'm not I'm not one of those people I like that phrase I hadn't heard that before like yeah you got to outplay the officials bro you got to you know uh but that I you know I thought we were going that year I really did you remember that game it was crazy man it was nuts and he offered me a rain check and I said well I'll only bother you if the chiefs were in the Super Bowl and now we're in the Super Bowl all the time so I'm wearing out my welcome with with Commissioner Goodell for sure now where did this fandom how did how did this start and and like I we just had I feel like every celebrity that we have on is a goddamn [ __ ] Chiefs fan this is our third in the Chiefs Mafia man we Rob we did Rob rle about and then we got Eric now and then you got to get you're you're got to get Taylor me she's in now for us she's in she's in are they married I why wouldn't you would is great she's great amen that's the goal do kids yeah oh my go talented kid talented kids big blonde tit ends wait that sounded like neonazi or something cut that out like gr pretty much grank yeah belong tight end question for you got to be a couple like Johnny C L or homers or pH um uh posers in that like Chief celebrity fan group like who's the one that knows ball the least oh knows ball the least I'm not gonna say who knows ball the least that that reveals itself in interviews but I'm not GNA say who that is or who if there is somebody that knows ball the least I don't know hey no hey Jack can we get all the interviews for started simply at a at a mall in Kansas City outside of a jewelry store uh JT Smith wide receiver and and Joe Delaney the late Joe Delaney were signing autographs and I nervously went up like so many kids have done to you and said Mr Delaney can I have your autograph and I got it and I still have that card in my in my man cave and that be began my fandom I mean I loved the sport of football as soon as I knew what football was and could participate in it somehow uh I became a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs and what's so weird and I know you experience is I'm not just a fan of the Chiefs I'm a fan of whoever puts that uniform on right like you you have a fan in me somehow if you ever would have made it I mean like I would have forgiven all the Patriot years and you're you're you're chief now man and I'm I'm all about you so that's what happened with Joe Montana and that was our that was our franchise for so long which is what makes Patrick Mahomes such a blessing is we finally have our own guy yeah no deberg no Bono no Rich Ganon no Trent green I me I can go down the list of quarterbacks that weren't ours and now we have ours you guys yeah you guys were on the lease program and it was good to finally buy one right that's exactly right we got a good and we got a good one turns out pretty good I always tell every Chief and my favorite win was that AFC championship and the only reason it's out of respect well it's out of respect because I remember you know I was telling this this same story to Rob and Heidi Monday Night Football 2014 pumped up going to play Chiefs they kicked our [ __ ] teeth in oh man you remember that yeah I remember it you know and and that that is legitimately one of the loudest outdoor stadiums electric environment now like everyone it's is it like a college like what do you guys you guys have the Royals and the Chiefs like is is everyone in that area just die hard Chief yeah I mean you come to Kansas City I mean it's it's we have as much pride as as bostonians and philadelphians and you know it's the same thing it's just little nicer people though you know what let me tell you my I agree yes you said it first I'm only agreeing I'm a Bostonian we're when we just played the Eagles this year at Arrowhead I found two guys on their way to our suite and uh they're standing over there in their Eagle stuff and I walk up to them and I go hey has anybody told you to go [ __ ] yourself yet and the guy's like no do you want to be the first and I'm like no I want to say welcome to Kansas City and treat you unlike your fans treated me at the Super Bowl last year soome welcome to Kansas City I hope you have a great time a good and I hope you leave this game uninjured and lo and and as a loser yeah I love it you should have seen him turn well you want to go tell me to [ __ ] myself say welcome oh my God are you starting to feel the heat now that like the Chiefs have become like the team in the NFL I love the villain era thing I'm wear you know I usually dress in all Chief [ __ ] and for for the game tomorrow I like that you cussed and now I'm just [ __ ] going for it man it's like all right I didn't know for sure yeah [ __ ] balls uh but yeah I'm wearing like I've never worn black to like a chief event so I got a black jacket with a Chief's emblem and I'm like I'm Johnny Cash now I'm in our we're we're in our villain era it's hilarious going to funeral tomorrow that's when you know your your organization's becoming a premier organization is when you start getting fashiony you don't have to wear the all red you start getting this new cool look thing all black make no mistake mine's like Tommy Bahama it's still like adult contemporary old guy stuff it's not it's not these [ __ ] pants over here I'll tell you that got to Tommy that's we you know got to keep that gen Z look around you know these guys keep you young uh but you know I'm and here's the other thing I'm learning I'm learning so much about what it was to be a Patriots fan uh during your run because we're just winning I mean it's it we're not we're they're just showing up every day doing their best and they happen to be winning games just like you guys did and you know I couldn't stand you guys for all the right reasons because I was jealous I I respected you and admired you and respected the fan base and everything uh I've never met Tom you want to hear a great story I want to hear a great story Tom is right like 50 feet from us right now FYI well shut up okay so Super Bowl all right I never assume anyone knows who I am or what I do for a living I I meet people and introduce myself and they're like I know who you are I'm like well I don't know for sure you know who I am so my name's Eric so at the Super Bowl Brett V general manager of the Kansas City Chiefs were in the Super Bowl okay in Miami he texts me he's like bro where are I was headed to the team Hotel goes bro where are you and I'm like I'm like 20 minutes out what's up he's like Tom Tom Brady's here like a kid he's texting me Tom Brady's at the pool and I'm like Tom Brady it's a lookalike he's not at the pool why would he be at the hotel the Chiefs are at in a Super Bowl that he's not in he goes they've got an amazing water park here he's with he's here with his kids you got to get here we got to go meet him I'm like I don't want to meet Tom Brady right now now's not the time for me to meet Tom Brady I like I want to meet Tom Brady in a different is he standing right up no so like it's not he's like no I need I need you I'm like you're the general manager of the Kansas City Chiefs you go meet he doesn't he's like he doesn't give a [ __ ] about who I am so I get to the hotel he rushes me over and Tom sure enough is out on the W by the water slide sitting back in a recliner chair like this and around security around him exactly how I want to see Tom Brady for the first time sunglasses uh sunglasses no shirt no shirt looking secure great [ __ ] Tom Brady it's good and so here we are at Brett's like all right all right um You you go first you go first I'm like bro this is not I'm not going up to Tom Brady right now he's like no no so V the general manager arguably the greatest general manager right now in the NFL he's like you go so he's like Tom Tom Eric Stow Street Modern Family and I'm like you have got to be kidding me this is so humiliating there's nothing worse than trying to get someone's attention with what you do for a living and so surrounded by security they kind of let us get close and Brett's like general manager of Kanas City Chiefs Eric Stone Street Modern Family so we kind of approached Tom literally Tom's on his recliner it's the best [ __ ] thing ever I love it and I respect him so much more he's reclined like this he literally raises his shoulders two degrees off the back and he goes hey nice to meet you and he just puts his shoulders back and that was our meeting with Tom Brady I'm like beach I will never in my life forgive you for embarrassing me like that so now we call Tom Brady two degrees Brady cuz he literally two de two degre Brady because he was like nice to meet you and then just back down on his recliner so I'm like how how dare you embarrass me like that to the one the greatest anyway so if you ever see Tom tell him I'm two degre he he was he was so unbothered he could lift his shoulders two degrees off hece meet you a gentleman always raises himself up two degrees to meet I like bro I'm not going to assume he watches like I I don't need people that are the greatest at what they do to know what I do like when I would go did you say the greatest at what they do to know what yeah no argument no argument you said it at the time at this time we're coming ever to do Patrick's coming anyway when I'd go to the White House correspondence dinner and these generals would come up to me with all these [ __ ] these things on their chest and then be like I have no idea who you are and I'm like I don't want you to know who I am I want you to make sure we're safe don't I don't want you watching TV B Snyder who was just up on the but Bill Snider coach at K State Legend when he first Legend when he first met me he didn't know what I do like coach I don't I don't want you know what I do I want you winning K State football games I don't care yeah anyway met belich at the correspondence dinner one time how was that he Lov he's a big big fan he's a funny guy well let let's hear what did he say well he was with his then wife Linda Linda yeah are they girl girl yeah no one knows people here I don't want to get that dog mom uh he just we walked up and uh she wanted to meet me and she said this is Bill and I'm like I'm a there's a picture of he and I on my Instagram from way back when my glasses fogged up I said I can't believe my glasses are fogging up with you coach but uh nice to meet you he was great yeah good good good to meet yeah good to meet you big fan of the show that's what he say that's it yeah he he's you know in a controlled in environment like an environment that where he's comfortable let his hair down a little yeah well the clip of him going as a pirate to your costume party with with with with Randy Moss with Randy Moss it's legendary I mean that's all you kind of need to know about him oh God that's Linda that was Linda at the time she made him do that kind of stuff he didn't want to do it that Linda over there he wanted to break down fil out there rolling now were you on the roster when Matt Light was there oh yeah yeah so I came to a Patriots game uh a chief Patriots game but as Matt lights guest and then I went to a bar with all you dudes afterwards wherever you went over into like a mall or something Patriot Place yeah yeah yeah I I was what year well was one of Andy Reid's First Years in Kansas City so we're talking like 14 15 I was there yeah I don't know if I was at that bar CU grank was there I remember grank and Matt and and those dudes uh I didn't see two degrees he wasn't there oh my God he's going to beat my ass yes no he's not the thing is you're going to meet Tom Brady and and if if you know once again he's in an environment where he's comfortable he's legitimately like awkwardly nice yeah like he's that kind of guy where you're like is this real yeah 100% know what you mean Larry King was that for me yeah the great Larry King arguably most one of the most recognizable people ever when I met Larry King I'm like are you [ __ ] with me right now like are you just a nice person I totally get it yeah no so why why don't you take us back 94 to 94 yeah how about the this was my first year I ever played football for the Rood City 49ers by the way Irwin City 49ers Redwood City Redwood City I'm 30 miles South of San Francisco yeah man by the big Sequoya trees exactly how great are those trees I I am such a tree lover yeah because of those trees I mean it 4 hours and 25 minutes from my house in Toca lake is when you go holy [ __ ] like that's how long of a drive it is and I've taken so many people up there it's a great experience anyway 94 hold on let's let's let's give some SEO trees some love yeah I was just up there a couple weeks ago or maybe a month or two ago and like it's one of those things you go on a hike and you see one and you're like wow and then you go like 10t further you see another old they're older than the Andes Mountains they're crazy yeah the trees were there before the [ __ ] mountains they they're they are so cool like I I don't necessarily I grew up in Redwood City just 30 m South you're probably you probably go to Mir Woods or something Kings National Forest King and uh I take 84 all the way to the beach and you just have these windy roads and these damn you have like these Cliffs with these trees that are 80 feet tall like right next to the damn road it's just so cool it's cold because of the how tall they are it keeps all the moisture inside yeah it's awesome fireproof those trees are fireproof basically I loved them so much I got a little sapling and planted it in front of my in my front yard in TCA Lake and it's doing great I I wanted to put a couple in I live in Brownwood I wanted to put a couple there but I don't know if it'll they'll do fine will they yeah water the [ __ ] out of them when you bury them put PVC have your landscaper put PVC pipe down to the roots and just water the [ __ ] out of first and get them going and then they'll they'll take off yeah because like you said they take the air from the they take the moisture from the air not necessarily the roots that's why they'll do okay yeah hey you're listening to landcape talk with Julian you joke but like if you came to his house to do the show would spend 30 minutes on the I love sycamores I have I don't have a bonsai but I have beautiful Japanese maples in like a qu I just put in this Korean grass under the Japanese maple which is it's still not matured but in like give this next spring it's going to be [ __ ] beautiful that you know in that area the the the native tree is sycamores yeah love sycamore trees so we have there's a sycamore built in between my house pretty much is it is it bent over yes one's bent it's like a two thing and then like we're right here in it I just I love trees because of growing up City you know uh my co-star Ed O'Neal lives over on Old Road I don't know where you are from Old Road in Brentwood but Liv on Old Road the equestrian area is Al ball player too huh yeah play you had a cup of coffee with the Steelers yeah I didn't have any cup of coffees with anybody other than Piper High School I'm dealing with planner fasciitis right now have you ever had that I have it's terrible I've had such bad feet problems I've broken my Fifth metat tarso twice on both feet one of your guys got a scooter out there I rolled in I'm like bro I'm stealing this for tomorrow your ankle fine yeah I I've lived on those the feet you got to get good Orthotics it's I got them in I got them in I got yeah there's a you got to I after this I'll send you a guy they're like they're really expensive but they're lifechanging you're like hey we can't talk about this online I got a guy I got a guy for I got a guy no it's it's actually Brady's guy two degrees two degrees it's two degrees uh take us back to 94 what was life like for you this time 94 I was a uh uh FR freshman in col well no wait I graduated 90 so I'm a freshman sophomore in college I did one year in junior college I thought I wanted to be a discus and Shop putter until I found out how heavy those [ __ ] those things were I was like holy [ __ ] these are a lot heavier than my high school ones so I went one year to Junior College and I'm like yeah I'm not GNA make the Olympics I'm moving on so you know who's a crazy shock putter Vince Wilfork oh dude and Jo Toney probably is too no but Vince like competes still I don't know not still but sometimes we'd be in OTAs and [ __ ] he'd just be out there throwing a [ __ ] shock put I'd be like what the hell he going forever I love Vince wol workk I got to introduced myself to him in the elevator at Arrowhead one time and told him what a big fan of mine fan of his I was a lovable guy I love that I love he overalls with no shirt no but he was wearing a lot of gold and chains and I just like this is exactly how I wanted Vince Wilfork yeah I wanted this is how I wanted to meet you he makes he he knows how to barbecue the [ __ ] out of course he does he's he's a [ __ ] he's a giant so I'm in College uh 94 Joe Montana John Elway uh the other reason I picked this game is because so we have a suite at Arrowhead and when I got the suite they asked me what pictures I wanted in our suite and I said I want offensive line themed pictures and they said well do you have any favorite memories and I'm like well we had a tackle named Joe Valerio who caught tackle eligible touchdowns from Joe Montana and he caught one right in front of me at Arrowhead in my seats and so the [ __ ] types it in he's like oh right here I'm like yes hold on I'm going to be in this picture so sure enough on in this picture Joe Valerio's got his hands up in the air and there's a young me in the background wearing a green polo for some reason still have no idea why I wore a green polo to chief's name but there I am cheering so that's up those pictures are up in my sweet right above where that touchdown happened well Joe Valerio scored a touchdown elig tackle eligible touchdown in this game against John laway on Monday Night Football also John alt was a tackle this game favorite player John alt was my favorite favorite offensive lineman have you seen him I mean you think bring up a picture oh Joe's gonna I wish we were bad enough to get Joe Al my dream is that we have John Al and Joe alal love Joe I love him he's I don't he's 10 11 I would guess is where he'll go maybe even earlier I've heard like five or six well leave leaves a wide receiver for us at 32 I'm so happy we're doing like we're doing like line loveworth oh big line guy love him love love him you must you must love light Matt Light oh love mat how [ __ ] funny is he he's hilarious and I've heard some of the pranks that he did on on coach on your coach was like Mouse yeah and the shock one yes the shock one and then Coach sent him a letter or something I remember some story about him sending him a letter and got Matt Light back and Matt was like oh [ __ ] I'm in trouble and then was like gotcha with that load didn't it uh yeah love offensive line love Joe Toney you played with Joe of course tuny is he's a [ __ ] badass he was I love that kid man he's really bril too so smart smart guy he'd be in his locker reading a goddamn like romance fiction book or something yeah well just look at it this way he tore his well I don't know he tore his PE he heard his PE he's out but my point is is he wanted to still play and you know what an injury that is and uh they just ruled him out I think today yeah I saw that great kid awesome guy love my offensive Leman Nikki alig's going to go in for him Nikki two rings I gave him that or Nikki two kids I gave him that uh nickname after the last Super Bowl because he had twins on the super Bowl the day of the Super Bowl last time in Arizona I'm like you're [ __ ] Nicki two kids now Nicki two kids Alec ready we got to get you we got to have a we got to get you just to nickname things yeah what do you want who needs nicknames we got old [ __ ] over here we need help naming games all we're like at bottom Barrel like naming some of these games we have some trouble with that so um let's get into the roster we're time time oh roster yeah4 Joe John Al uh I could yeah JJ Burton Willie Davis one of our Scouts on the Chiefs he's he's a regional Scout of the Chiefs uh Marcus Allen Marcus Allen Marcus Allen Joe Montana Joe Montana we were just past to Christian AOA days chrisan AOA had just retired in I think 92 her Edwards is a secondary Coach Joe Valerio will Shields Hall of Famer Mike McCarthy was on this staff oh yeah was he really quity control quality control guy holy [ __ ] I didn't know that like I said Alan Wright our equipment manager current equipment manager was the equipment manager here and I texted him the other night that I was going to be on the show talking about this game and he said quote besides the two super the Super Bowls that he's been in this was his favorite game as the equipment manager this game right here is his favorite game this game is incredible for windbreakers all the P oh windbreakers he still has his he said he can still wear it I'm like bro you need you should have archived one of those from every year how many penalties all the penalties in this game how many we have 20 I think Chief had 26 or 27 penalties what are we doing game yeah exactly also back toback fumbles like in the fourth quarter like with like three or four minutes left yeah yeah back to back and how about Jerry markr the the referee how he just walks around the ref and just show and I couldn't you know the other thing I couldn't believe is players getting in the refs like right up on the refs when you watch that game back I watched some clips the other night that's that's why they put all these rules like if you touch a ref yeah you can get thrown out you know what I mean it's because of these these this generation and apparently if Chris Jes just like comes close to Tom Brady's helmet that's a penalty well it's kind of like that with Patrick Mahomes now you know what watching this game too like you see like the rest had the old school like white pants that were like now they got these likey like these type of like sweat pants I don't want to buff ref and I don't want you to back in these days when I was a kid playing you would put two thigh pads in to look like the pros just because they'd wear those big ass thigh pads neck rolls let's talk about neck rolls lot of neck rolls in this game Great Neck roll game NE inside the jersey or an outside the Jersey nek roll guy I like the outside the Jersey Irv vman was a offensive tackle for the Chiefs that wore it outside uh what was the linebacker for uh Raiders how he long oh yeah well defensive end how long oh Bill Romanowski Bill romanow outside neck roll remember when he spit in JJ stoke's face oh dude Romanowski I mean come on he was remember he's a guarden the The Longest Yard remake yes yeah you're talking Chiefs Raiders hate uh Broncos uh John Elway you know what what oh shanp Shannon sharp Wade Phillips head coach Wade Phillips Jason elim Jason elim was kicking forever yeah Jason in yeah um they dead Washington and we had a former Bronco lineman craigan I think it was that had come to the Chiefs who was a legendary Bronco before kind of like Neil Smith Neil Smith went from the Chiefs to the Broncos in my after this do you guys you guys hated the Broncos at this time I don't think we hated them like the Raiders I mean we hadn't won in Mile High in like 14 years up until this point or something like that crazy I had a bet with a guy that if either of our teams ever want because he was a Broncos fan and I had bet all four years of college that if we each team sweep we'd shave our head and never happened yeah split yeah split 24 total penalties in this game insane 24 total or on the Chiefs total okay 14 on the Chiefs okay yeah felt like 24 though so with the Raiders and the Chiefs rivalry any weirdness with Marcus Allen coming over or is that I mean I I I mean I I love Marcus Allen they already said if anyone puts on the chief's uniform doesn't matter where you are yeah he loves I'm in I'm in bro I mean I'm in a true fan and what better I mean what I always love about Marcus Allen is Marcus never went sideways backwards anytime Marcus alen was tackled he always somehow fell forward which is kind of how Jamal Charles was too a beast beast I used to so played what year was that in 2011 I had to play defense I remember that and they they my job for the game was I had to cover Charles I was the the money do you think we'll do that um Sunday do you think we'll do a similar thing of how we did Lamar with Christian like kind of like spy him a little bit not you can't put a spy on a running back I guess it's just tough because they have so many weapons KD KD Deo Debo Deo what's up people you should say that you should call him that that has a way better ring to it the the fullback I mean che check yeah what was your fullbacks name that went James develin yeah and what was the running back no the guy in the game against the AFC Championship that scored that one touchdown Rex B re Reich yeah yeah re B yeah who just retired he just retired he's another fall forward guy to me yeah always get didn't it seem like that yeah how about peo I think he's a stud is somebody said runs hard runs angry uh coach Reed just said he reminds him of Roger Craig and I think that's such a great High baby North and South Runner Oh's getting downhill I mean I think that's going to be the key for them they have to establish that run well the thing that won't happen Sunday is Kyle Shanahan will not all of a sudden stop running the ball like which is what happened with the Ravens in eight rushes yeah 4.8 a carry or something so 30 what is it the 29th ranked defense against the run you have the best ranking offense on run with Baltimore but how much of that though like as an offensive player like what what did spagnolo do to even I don't think it's what Spagnola did I think it was a panic because they got behind yeah so then you get off your game plan A lot of times you you know you can rattle an offensive coordinator if they think like oh it's going to get out of hand we got to start throwing the ball you know teams that stick in the game plan and still run the ball I mean you're not you're not going to have to worry about that with Bud mine that played he always said and I always look for this see if you agree with it he always said if a if a team early does any kind of trick play it's a sign that they don't think they can win and they need some kind of Advantage you know somewhere well the Super Bowls that's a lot of the case in the regular season but the playoffs in Super Bowl there's always a saying nothing's left in the bag if we got it in the Playbook you're going to throw it out there and if you need like there's nothing that's saved yeah so that is that's kind of true in the regular season what Super Bowl were you the MVP what number 53 against the Rams oh yeah how many non- quarterbacks have been super more than you think too we were just talked about that yeah because Cooper cup Jerry Rice Deon Branch Deon Branch Malcolm Smith Jackson couple running backs any any uh defense Charles Woodson ever was it Dexter Jackson of the on the the first buck one James Harr with the steers no I think Ray Lewis got it back in1 Ray Le scary guy can't imagine can't imagine we worked together on inside the NFL and I let me just tell you those pre-production meetings I felt like we were going getting a locker room speech every time I wanted to run through a [ __ ] wall any time he spoke and half the time it was just a quote from goddamn Gladiator I I make I bust his ball the time I go Ray will you stop using Gladiator quotes Eric as like a football guy like I got to be a fly in the wall with watching Jules and Ray Lewis just talk shop just like alone in the corner of a room in the green room I got to say it's the best football memory I've ever had in my entire life my dream I've never I've watched a lot of college games on the sideline and I have not yet got to watch an NFL game on the sideline just to feel the speed of everything but my dream and I I think probably NFL rule rules will never let me but I would love to listen into a game like heads yes that'll never yeah it'll never happen unless you be you know unless I become a coach no unless you become like really cool I don't know Andy re maybe well I mean I'm as I'm close to coach I just think it's like maybe a preseason game you could probably they could give you a headset yeah sit up in the booth or something I couldn't be down like the premium subscription on Amazon Prime oh my God could you imagine could you imagine so do you do you have I know this is like I I I feel like you could either have an answer to this or be like bro but do you have a memory of the hardest you've ever been hit by someone yeah Brian Dawkins when he was with the uh Eagles no when he was with Denver oh remember he was Denver for that stint mhm in 2009 I saw a star for three weeks I got hit so hard I saw a star for like three weeks that's why when you said my name you went Eric Stone [ __ ] that hey you know what you know what he called Rob rle he was the Rob Rob rle was Rod Ribble Rod show yeah rippled for her pleasure rod rippled for her pleasure not a word guy not a word you know I asked I asked bagnolo at camp this year if you could go take any guy off any roster you've ever coached and put on this Chief's defense Ryan Dawkins was the name yeah wow cam chanler lit me up in the Super Bowl pretty hard once that one where they thought I was knocked out uh I've been yeah there's been I mean because what how you played coming ac across the middle man I mean but I you know what it it's crazy and the early part of like the first five six years of my career you could you could get hit and then you know I'd watch I used to watch after a season I'd watch every play I want to just just watch the game every play I played and I would sit there like at the end of my career and I'd be like I would have been knocked out of 15 16 of these catches if the the rules were different you know what I mean it's just used to be legitimately a no-fly zone if you go across there you're going to get knocked out you're going to be out for two weeks you know and that's what it was but you know the game's changed some of those hits in this game the 94 game Neil Smith and and Derek Thomas getting on John Elway after the whistle I mean no way would happen no I think you would I think you would get uh arrested if you watched if if you did some of these things in this era and like you watched the 70s hits in Joe Montana not a big guy no no that's why he only played the amount of years he played he broke his goddamn back the Giants yeah I mean he was a thin guy remember how bad remember how hard he was hitting Buffalo that year I mean he was I'll never forget the image of him sitting on the on the field them like kind of lifting him up and just looking at him and it just looked like his eyes were gone I was like oh my God all right Joe uh the other thing I I I know it's your podcast but it's so awesome for me to like get to ask you questions you remind me of like how everybody compare talks about Travis Kel's like how the [ __ ] is he always open that's how I always thought of you as a as a hater of the Patriots is like why is Julian edman open again why why is he no one over there with him what is that because all from from our seat at Arrowhead I'll just take plays and I'll just be like I'm just gonna watch Travis I'm not gonna watch I'm not gonna watch anything else and I'm just going to see how he gets open how do how do you guys do that I think that's predicated pretty much on The Chemistry Between the quarterback and the receiver and also you know Travis has seen everything and you know just because a a play is drawn up a certain way you know he has the football IQ to say like all right well there's no one going to be in this area so if I kind of just redirect over here I'm not going to [ __ ] anyone else up and I'm probably going to get the ball because Patrick's looking at me you know what I mean so there's a lot of feel you know and and you see that in Travis Kel's game like he runs a lot of unor Orthodox looking routes and and a lot of people used to say that about my routes yeah you know where you look at the paper and that's not what it's supposed to be but he knows he needs to be in this area it doesn't matter how you get there but he needs he has a quarterback clock in his head where he knows this is going to th1 th2 and I just need to be there right so however you get there is is the creator becomes about talk about the hips you guys both had those swaggy hips about just getting around elusive very elusive yeah he's slippery they call me hippie I got I got some elusive H five minutes toss oh cut that out we got we got to run through this this epic Monday night Showdown it was everything it was buil up to be Montana Elway combined for 650 passing yards five TDS it was a little slow starting out nothing nothing after the first feeling each other out in Mile High then we get on the board 144 at the half laway slinging won Montana slinging one they trade TD passes in the third then it comes down to the fourth minute 25 it's the same old story lway does the drive 10 men on the field he runs it in himself they take the lead with a minute 29 left now it's Joe Joe magic time and it really when you watch that drive it really is you know people talk about Tom Brady with the 10 yard three yard four yard dump off passes I mean he did just check down check check down check down the whole field and what was so interesting I'm rewatching it the other day you see guys in this situation today it's it's from the shotgun empty backfield spread them out back then Joe's under Center every snap with two tight ends they got a minute 20 29 left two timeouts and he's still marching down the field under Center I love it you look at the Chiefs now with this year yep you know they they've been a lot more under the center yeah because it you know you got you got to incorporate that run game helping the tackles out a little bit t you know it's it's a big thing and there's something to be said like when people say oh it's a dink dunk this that to have the discipline as a quarterback to not take the foo's goal there's there's spots where it opened up and it closes quick and and to be able to not make a mistake in a high pressure situation and take what the defense gives you it seems easy for the regular person but it's so hard because you feel that pressure you feel the time you feel where you are in the game and and you know that that's why you like Patrick Mahomes this year he's been like that he hasn't turned the ball over in six goddamn playoff games and it hasn't been razzled Dazzle but he's had the humility and he's had that kind of confidence to like know what his team is know we have a really good defense right now we know you know defenses are playing us probably a little different we don't have what we had on in the past uh on the outside and and to just take what the defense gives you is that's a skill you know discipline yeah it's just and then but there's going to be that one time where you hit that checkdown you hit that option route option route there's going to be that one time where you have to put that that 14 yard in cut in there you know and and that's what these guys do yeah and that's what you saw with you know Joe Montana and that's what you saw a lot with Tom Brady and that's what you're seeing right now with Patrick momes it's been impressive Jack what's what's this last this last Drive can you this last drive through it do you remember the last Drive well I remember we our tight in Keith cash was out he was injured so we had uh I believe his name was Tracy green or something like that it was his rookie year from Grambling State rambling State rambling State bigs he was a former offensive lineman 6 65 275 big old tight end he had a crucial catch down at the end of the game to get us close to the goal line and then Willie Davis I mean the Great Willie Davis again still a Kansas City chief um gets that that touchdown and and where Montana put it very momes esque I mean momes would say my passes are very Joe Montana es right where it needed to be right right leading him to the pylon was low and outside y low only where he could get it so a lot of what you're coached in the National Football League on that the back line everything's high so no one can catch it when you're on the goal line everything has to be low because less space you know how about that pass from Josh Allen uh against us uh that was so low and down at the pylon in that game and then Patrick Mahomes Returns the favor against the Ravens with an equally great pass like that oh my man and Shout great recall Eric shout out to Tracy green he only had six career receptions in the NFL yeah and Joe's leaning on him in the crunches of crunch times yeah I I he and I I don't think I don't think he I don't think I think he played one more year and then that was it he did one more year for the Steelers Grambling State yeah Grambling State and this one is up 3128 in the House of Horrors Kansas City goes in there and gets the win boom and boom 14 year dra Monday Night Football yeah 14 gets his first one in there yeah at Mile High that's awesome I love Marty shimer Marty Ball baby Marty what a legend now let's name the game what's the name of this game you got the great nicknames all right oh oh is one of those the real name and options or something else Montana vers hway Montana's Mile High magic Joe vers Joe John Joe versus John can't read Montana's Mile High magic Joe versus John or something that you think it should be it needs to have something Mile High Joe enters the mile high club officially like [ __ ] that's so good yes now let's score the game presented by win bet is this the greatest game of all time let's score it stay AK 1 to 10 decimals okay the stakes of this game regular season game uh what am I saying what are the Stak what are the stakes this Stakes of this game regular season game of the game we just watched huge Stakes huge Stakes we've done super BS week seven two teams have finished what Jack yeah uh n and seven 14e drought Stakes High 10 Broncos bronos Broncos are one and four at this time high stakes oh one and four seven that's Integrity right there thank you the star power of this game 10 Jo Montana John Elway two future Hall of Famers Marcus Allen looking for Redemption from Al Davis Al Davis now what hurts this game is we do a lot of Super Bowls you get a lot of like celebrities there yeah you know week seven game not a whole lot of celebrity star power but it's a were there even celebrities back then good love it 10 the windbreakers were the celebrity baby the game play uh a little low on that because of 24 penalties I mean it was a sloppy but you got a game-winning Drive game-winning drive back to back but there were two fumbles two fumbles interception sloppy turnovers penalties sloppy what is it 75 75 and the name of the game the name of the game Joe Joe enters the mile high club Joe enters the mile high club I I mean I think that's pretty good because we don't know for sure I mean it's Joe Montana so I bet you he's already been in the mile high club 100% 100% but this is officially he just calls his wife from the bathroom the airpl guy who's calling his wife on the sideline I'm not going to give myself a 10 on that I I you know I S and also too how we like to think of name is like the cultural impact of it this is a regular season game from 1994 and we're still talking about it there's a little bit of like juice that way a lot of juice eight what's the to what's the the the score I'm bad at math me too we need grank here look at this Eagle fan F yeah to the ground [ __ ] 8.1 got his ass got him 8.125 said but I just roasted you yeah it's like how we feel when Mexican guys or Chinese people are talking about us in elevators I know telling us to [ __ ] ourselves 8.125 eight point where's it rank that puts us just ahead of the 2007 Fiesta Bowl the Statue of Liberty game remember that one that that was Boise State in Oklahoma Adrian remember great game Statue liberty oh yeah yeah yeah electric game we had Zim bronsky and uh zansky zansky yeah Pearson AP a right ahead of that one and then just behind the uh the 1985 AFC Championship Game the squish the fish game squish the fish who was that that was Patriots Dolphins we had Gary Goldman on to talk about that one and that was when uh they went and got blown out in the 85 Super Bowl by the the bears but they were leading they were leading 3-0 uh my favorite Patriot from that time was a guy named Paul Fairchild he played guard for the Patriots he was a KU grad and when I went to KU football camp he came and spoke to us and I became a Paul Fairchild fan hell yes at some point but I rooted for the Bears in that Super Bowl at some point we got to get you back into the studio in Brentwood because I would love to do Kansas Kansas State beats Oklahoma in like the big 10 The Bigs yes you got to love we had a route named sprouls because of you know the angle route for the running back yeah he was so electric at that route that's not the wheel route right no but he would he would set that route up to look like the wheel route and then he would cut in front of the guy's face so they'd overplay because of the wheel and his shimmy was always so good Darren you know he was one and his punt returning I well I love Darren solls but I always hated him because I always finished second and punt returns because how scary is that come on I loved it I I love you're you're cut out for it but like the average person yeah but you could there's you actually can prepare for that play more than you think because of the time can you hear footsteps no but you you know by that you have like a quarterback clock you have a punt clock in your head you can tell by how far the punt is with how long it is in the air there's a lot of trust on your your your guys but you're always scanning the field so you you'll take a picture then you'll get back to the punt and maybe at this last second you'll take take one more picture to see where everyone's at and then you get the punt and then you go that was something watching that 94 game makes you remember how great kickoffs were because remember the wedge and you see all those the wedges of big and the other thing about that is there were no long Snappers on this roster it was just offensive line doing the long snapping or good point now it's a position now it's a specialized thing yeah you go to C Jo Cardon it's so funny watching Joe Montana taking uh he was the holder too I think you know you get your starting quarterback as a goddamn holder can you imagine now yeah Eric anything to add about this game uh no well we'll see what happens this will be on after the game so I'll either look like an [ __ ] or but I think we're I mean I think we're gonna win I hope so it's hard to bit against Mahomes right now right the only thing I don't like which is Wentworth said last night and I think he has a great point is it's tough in the league as you would know um I would not not a former professional football player when you're on a hot streak and then you have to sit for a minute like we were we were hot we won those last three games and now we had two weeks off and they weren't hot right and they get two weeks to think about not being hot I know I get a whole lifetime to think about not being hot get out of here not two degrees motherfucker's hot he is hot we can say it we're comfortable in our sexuality right I I remember when the first time I met him I was like those goddamn Blue Eyes in that chin I like I wouldn't know I wouldn't know never made direct eye contact well thank you Eric for joining us I appreciate this awesome episode yeah and you want to plug anything you're good no I'm good I have nothing to plug other than the Super Bowl Sunday we love we love that you came man big F you got to come back thank you well that was a educational on so many different terms type episode on how to be funny on football rules on football statistics and just being an awesome football fan knowledgeable and had a big league someone who knew Tom Brady two two degree two degrees two degree he got a new nickname man [ __ ] that that was great his nicknames were his nicknames are he so cool he as a locker room guy I bet Eric was giving everybody nicknames back in the day yeah or back in his frat days at KSU hilarious loves sports he was I mean these asked him afterwards like I was like yeah hey D you never need n you don't need anything I just want to come say Out Here For the Love of the Game baby no plugs we got to get him back here and have like a longer episode not constrained by Vegas yeah I I think he'd get into some fun stuff he was a legend man I don't know if we're just getting lucky with with Heidi Eric Rob and like we're getting them but like these Chiefs fans they know their stuff knowledgeable fans they're kind of turning me and Travis saying nice stuff about the show like it's it's hard to hate him I want to hate him so bad it's more of like a it's more of a passing of the torch engine of the Guard I understand what they're going through so like that's why I respect them even more now with how they've been able to overcome and succeed and you know anytime they got people thinking the [ __ ] scripted over you you know you're in a [ __ ] great spot they ha a his Vibes on you know what and they play it well they sure do I've gotten to know those guys you know I hung out with Patrick Mahomes before he was a starter crossing paths with Trav and they're just they're good ass dudes that you could tell they love ball and they work their [ __ ] dicks off so why why why wouldn't you want to see him go out and [ __ ] do a three repat hey man I'm rooting for him they might kill a love you brother well let's go back around October 17th 1994 what a year I mean whoa first year of football that was your first year of football wow moment City 49ers eight years old yeah Kurt on the team or no no Kurt no Kurt basball what was the weight limit for you I had to be I had to be at least 45 pounds and I remember I had to put a couple like things in my pockets the fact like we live such 5 to 105 the fact that you when I said weight limit for youth football you went how much you had to weigh versus like me getting down to my like underwear having like spit cups like trying to get under like 120 or whatever I remember yeah yeah mine was 55 for the little Giants couldn't play it wasn't there wasn't there damn I was about eight pounds short I think redel City 49 we were badass Frank running that thing like the Army well it came from before my dad with with Coach Frank Guida oh shout out Frank other Frank Co yeah Co coach Guido was he was the guy he kicked my dad off the field when he was like 7 years old or 8 years old cuz my had long hair he said get out of here you hippie that's how long he coached he was like back in those days in the Hipp that Frank's a hippie yeah that's why my dad never played Bob order cuz coach coach Guida who became one of like our best friends as we grew up as I grew up God no but yeah man it was some serious [ __ ] over there in Redwood City we won Super Bowls great great mix guys had we had like a you'd have some of these like rich kids from Woodside you have some of these hard-nosed white boys from like middle Redwood City then you get a couple of these East Rebel City kids you get like some of the black kids from like palalo line right there we get a bunch of simones and tongin and like we were all rad disciplined I remember going to like high school thinking it was a joke after like playing our Pop Warner and how like hard we were coached and how well every single one of our guys knew their assignment I mean I remember my dad used to make up songs for the ly and head up to playside but if they're in the Gap we block that Gap unless it's a trap and he's got all these kids singing these songs for their their their [ __ ] foot placements I mean it was [ __ ] some of the funnest I love Pop orner football man that I learned so much I love it that's why sports are great man 94 great time man number one song I'll make love to you you want me to and I'll you bro the fits in this video go so hard oh my oh my God I had to throw it on before this oh what he have like a tank top and he's the jeans and on his knees yeah and you know the shirts always wind coming in from somewhere and the shirt's flowing love little glass oh so fire love boy anytime that's at the top of the chart you know it's a good year number one movie pop fiction oh brother that's icon this might be one of our best Duos of time top song top movie it could very well be and then you look down here what else was at the box office Little Giants Forest Gump shank sha shank was Jurassic Park wow see Jurassic Park might have been this year to4 to yeah man what a year at the box office look at the range though okay look at the range you get you get little kids check icon you get drama historical fiction Force Gump check and then like novel drama like insane check and then we can even throw sci-fi awesomeness check with Jurassic Park Jurassic park3 93 93 still close wow we're in the ball than I would expected dude I mean little giants Forest gum Shaw Shank and pul fiction all rewatchables all if you're flipping through cable you stop and watch you clear the afternoon God what a time you think Force Gump could have played the NFL I just watched it last night I started it no no couldn't pick up the block the blitz might be able to run the ball but you know need them in protection n speaking only go so far on on in in in between the the men line Bobby buet though Bobby buet yeah proba he could he could be a hello special teamer he'd be a four team phase guy you know maybe a first and second down linebacker when you know it's a run we need to do a whole let's make a note of this let's make a segment at some point postow segment best fictional football player oh I'm down I'm down yeah I just thinking Friday lights Palco oh Shane Falco Lefty he's living on the house booat Jean but Adam Sandler in The Longest Yard oh yeah or Bert Reynolds B Reynolds would be great also a real football player you guys ever seen me Brian song Brian song a cheer jerker remember I watch as a kid sad really sad true story one of those what Brian Piccolo Brian Piccolo dude and then Nelson Mandela visited the United States as president of South Africa there you go geopolitical talk I like it got to keep it in the Sports World 1994 oh baby Niners crushed the Chargers Super Bowl 29 I remember this I felt only reason I felt bad Junior SE oh that was early Junior I was Junior damn so this wasn't 95 but it's a 994 season so it was the extension of this season uh did rce have the Super Bowl MVP let me double check um he had like four touchdowns they gave it to Steve Young he had five what he threw for five or six let me double check his stats here cuz Shanahan was the coach and he said he was gonna make he was goingon to throw nine or something or Steve was 24 of 36 325 for six TDS six TDS and Jerry was um 10 receptions 149 yards three TDS Whoa man it's wild that that's not the MVP statline I guess the 60D that but that's wild Jerry got one though I think I think he got a Super Bowl MVP yeah Wayne Gretzky sets the NHL record for 802 career goals scored March 23rd it's a wild great one it's a wild stat although it was one of those stats all gry's records are like unbeatable except this one Alexander vkin is getting close I think he's like 50 60 goals away but he's falling off the cliff this year so it might be tough for him to get it but when GR would love to have him on the show would do anything the great one he's so sick he transcended hockey he made it American and he's Canadian but he's so cool he made hockey American when he when he went from Edmonton to La that that helped with hockey America yeah that's why hockey became hockey like now you know I I live in Boston you know it's always been but like yeah as not just a niche sport Gretzky bro Ricky Hendrickson Steve his 1,100 career base dude Ricky Legend ended up with like 143 stolen bases I think who was that with was that with the A's that was with the A's he was back with the A's at this uh at this time that's one Speaking of Records no one's going to break like I think Lou Brock is second he's like 600 or something behind him no one's even close it's currently playing you know who you want screaming of Records that'll never be broke police long police chase OJ Simpson also this year it was this year June 17th I remember we this was such a big thing I'm in what I'm 8 years old so how old are you when you're eight I mean what grade you in generally eight um you're in uh second second I yeah you're in or third third yeah maybe third I have a kid um I remember them rolling we were watching this in t in in in in school why the [ __ ] are we watching this in school midday bro School 90s midday School in the90s midday School in the 90 like oh OJ Simpson school right to get out it's June we we were driving by a white Bronco the other day we were that was awesome shout out OJ shout out Al callings and this year also Brazil defeats the Italians in the World Cup in the Rose bow the rose what do you mean that's another great game at the Rose Bowl what do you know I bet you that would have probably been so cool that would have been so sick they should have done the World Cup there this year world to America here but it's going to be at Sofi not as cool not as cool should we hit this Legacy real quick let's hit the Legacy this game we talked about with Eric a bit of a deep cut to some it is a regular season game we we've been doing a lot of playoff a lot of NFL Super Bowls all that kind of thing um this was an awesome regular season game it was number 55 on the NFL's top 100 list does that feel right to you guys does that placement of this game feel correct 5 I mean it's the it was the last time between these two yep yeah I mean These Guys these guys were the Brady Montana or the Brady pton you know what I mean like they're two of the biggest yep Joe uh JN had the edge three to2 in all time head-to-head matchups but most notably lost Super Bowl 55 to 10 Joe smacked them and he had more Super Bowls too he had more Super Bowl what we should do is we should take the next 45 minutes and just name 54 better games I think they're listen were we okay with that nice 4our episode yeah I mean if you go down the list of like the 100 like this is literally like a games with names checklist of like yeah we should do these yeah we should do these for all you listeners at home 19 well no one's going to be alive for this game Sorry 1958 the greatest game the greatest game ever played is number one the NFL Championship I want to do that game which is some like just find like an old dude I mean there's a lot of historic there's probably a lot of stuff behind that we've done two of the top 10 I mean so no we've done three of the top 10 m reception we have done no that is not in there Malcolm Butler game is number eight according to their list number nine is 28 to3 we've done that David tyres helmet catch 18 and one that's number five we have done that and then the Immaculate Reception 13 so I mean greatest comeback ever in Super Bowl pretty much in ever and then one number eight I mean there's so much Patriot hate I know you're looking at these goddamn lists so much Patriot hate all right ridiculous 28 one Joe Cool is one of the greatest nicknames though big time and even just Joe Montana is a great football name Joe Cool makes want to smoke a cigarette for some reason like Snoopy such a cool dude Joe Camel we gotta get Joe on yeah there's where you're coming from um also we also talked with Eric uh how mile high was kind of a house of horrors for Kansas City along with a lot of other teams Jules where does mile high rank to you um amongst the greatest HomeField advantages in sports as me it's got to be up there they they've knocked this off twice in the AFC championship did you play in the older building or no no I played in the newer one I don't think the the altitude hits you like what everyone says it does not like Mexico City yeah no Mexico City that was like 90 that was like 9,000 I think 6,000 the stadium but they've had a lot of big wins there so yeah I would say I wouldn't say it's the best but it's good it's up there though it's definitely up there Mexico's City altitude 7,349 ft Denver it sits at 5,280 ft in altitude whereas Mexico City is 7,349 Ft the difference so like yeah so it's like 2,000 feet more in Mexico that'll hit you that'll hit you Joe joins the mile high club Jackie that's a good name I like that name I want to take Eric up on like Just sh text what do you call this one because we're kind of at the bottom of the barrel with some of these games with names he he's are be our resident Nam you never know yeah I don't know I don't think he's wants that title he's more hey hey yeah I don't think he really wants his text and I say every week hey that's true you just count that Modern Family money baby he said let me get that rigi in the mailbox exactly oh man Jackie we miss anything n we were pretty good that episode um although I will say one thing I was a little bummed we didn't get to flesh out a little more we talked Vince Wilfork throwing the shot put man that was awesome so I had to do a little digging Vince Wilfork was the 2000 State 4A champion in shot putting discs if my research uh oh he was is correct that Santa luci's High School in Florida so shout out to Big Vince throwing that thing big V I mean I'm looking at a picture he was good at anything he's a I never knew that I mean I knew like a ballerina too he could dance I knew the overalls I knew he was nice on the smoker I knew he drove the drove the big rig shot put disc is he's a man of he's a renaissance man explosive quick Legend and he could me he he he can make a meme barbecue as far as locker room guy cool guy was he cool yeah he's like big daddy hell yeah he just kind of stay in his own little area no one Mess With Big Daddy I like that did he get one one Locker or you get two I think he had two yeah Tom had two big Vince is are three or four in my book yeah Big N I think V big V everyone I think Tom had two at the end oh that's clutch big V needs a little studio apartment over there in the corner bro he's a legend but he was up in this the defensive corner running shot baby running it I love it but no other than that great episode man right final score 8.125 respectable maybe a little high star power a little high but once again rescoring Extravaganza coming I thought it was good I thought okay it's okay it's not the worst it's not the most egregious let's just say we've been way worse let's go hit this uh hotline again the number is 424 291-2290 what's up Jules and the Gang um I love when you all describe parts of the NFL that us fans don't usually get to see I was wondering if you'd like describe those minor annoyances or those small things that suck about life in the NFL that us fans wouldn't know about thanks um it's a great question a lot of great things that come to being an NFL football player some of the things that you know that suck are you're put into like this everyone watches you everyone watches you and someone sometimes they don't realize that some of these guys are humans you know guy misses a catch does doesn't do this doesn't you know and it he has a regular life to go back to and he never gets to escape to that in that specific moment because of you know the world we live in so that's tough um scheduling's tough people don't realize you you spend I know it's regulated a lot more now but we would spend you know anywhere from 10 to 16 hours a day in the facility you know sacrifice a lot of family relationships all that kind of stuff sacrif during football season which rightfully so we get paid a lot of money um but you know it's it's tough with you know you you get in you play a game you're beat up on the road all of a sudden you fly back immediately after you have meetings at you know you get in if it was a Monday night football game you get in at 4: or 5 in the morning five six hours of sleep then you come in you got to watch the film get a workout in like it Bec comes a grind now first couple weeks it's easy you know but when you're battling your body hurts you're getting yelled at by your family or someone a wife girlfriend this that uh you know you have to get your like it's it's it's a lot to manage so being a professional athlete or being a football player great thing but you know there are a lot of tough things that come with being it what about like some like minor workplace type stuff like someone eating your lunch out of the fridge or like someone using your Axe Body Spray like little like the answer this question as if you're George castanza I played New England for 12 years I won't say no names but our omelet station guy I [ __ ] up my omelette way too many times I'll try to be a nice guy I love I love my guy we we we're cool but you do remember the time I had to get back there because I got I got so mad about it I went back and made my own goddamn omelet sending back the omelet how how would he mess it up overb bur it or sometimes it'd be raw in certain areas you know is this like a French style omelet or like a American Diner style omelet no bro it's like [ __ ] omelet station you got a guy sitting here [ __ ] putting [ __ ] in your goddamn omelet it's my guy I love him I love him I never said anything to him never said anything to him but I would go back and it would be 6:00 in the morning 5:45 in the morning and it would R my goddamn day every time then you got to go back through the line and you want a little trail mix and you see your coach reaching in there with his bare hands that's another thing workplace [ __ ] cleansiness okay you can't be running off the goddamn field in a humid August Boston day Foxboro day sweaty stinky scratching your [ __ ] balls all practice messing around your goddamn job and put your hand in the [ __ ] the nuts brother or or take a [ __ ] you know or take some of the grapes like oh you did you know what I mean because we have we had every [ __ ] thing you could think of every fruit this that and the other but you know guys after Co everyone was clean you everyone was starting but before that man guys going in there grabbing some [ __ ] coach I've seen you a few times not use the goddamn scooper oh I had to call you out bro nothing like a little side I wouldn't eat from that thing cuz you know that they don't replace the bottom of the nuts so you know that there's still that [ __ ] up in there residuals hey there's some Championship nuts down deep in there maybe we should go go go to the well oh my God maybe we should go to the well boy it's Jordan from Boston love the program um I think I I think two things number one Kyler thanks for calling guests out on given everything a 10 like come on Mark cubin 10 out of 10 for everything come on get real um one game I need you guys to do I would love for you guys to do get venet terion the tuck RU game go through that playoff run epic kicks greatest kicker of all time first ballot Hall of Famer need them on the show boys love it keep it up go P definitely Gotta Give vinary on he's jacked right now too little salt and pepper salt and pepper Gray beard ripped he's gonna be Hall of Famer right 100% he's up next right yeah 100% first ballot he is he gonna be the first first ballot kicker oh who the other kickers Gary Anderson Morton Anderson right not Gary Morton Anderson's like the only kicker him and like Ray guy yeah he's a punter which game did you do so many he'd be a great one for the Panthers the Panthers Super Bowl oh yeah that was epic Tuck Rule game nah we probably wouldn't get him it's like has like a documentary we talk about it oh Yan stanner rude and Morton Anders of the only two first ballot yeah guy made so many clutch kicks Justin Tucker will be next hey people forget about Steve gusowski though don't forget about old Stevie Stevie had a bunch of kicks and for a long time he had like the record for career average you know it wasn't until he [ __ ] up his hip people sleep on Steve gusowski man we got a lot of Super Bowls because of him but I you know Adam does have the he got the memorable shots the kickoff the lights going someone someone did a tweet the Super Bowl that just happened that was like no I was saying like the kickoff of the the whole thing beny right the thing but like the kickoff like the start the Super Bowl it's got all the flashing lights and like someone made a tweet that's like the eror of that is over because everyone's on their cell phone no one's got the flash FL so it's just kind of like the flash bulbs were tight yeah that that first shot with all the lights just like man just like we were talking about with Eric no more Monday Night Football or mind he doesn't have the luster like this game did yeah yeah well thank you Jordan great you're smart intelligent human being we all appreciate you my name's cby this was this was a 10 Callin oh my God Jordan is one of your buddies you put up to this crabby he's not but he has a 413 number so we're we're very uh a kin spirit thank you Jordan CRA Kyler Jordan that loves the Russian judge thanks hey what's up y'all just got a quick question uh are the Cowboys going to the Super Bowl next year I really think it's our year next year I knew it was supposed to be this year and the the year before but I I really think next year is g to be our year peace spoken like every Cowboy fan ever may be good for the league yeah but if they go in and they it just seems like it's the same thing every year with them real good in regular season light Jokers up that need to be lit up bad teams battle two of the really good teams really good maybe sneak a win away and when it comes to playoffs man I don't know for whatever reason they got to get that monkey off their back something I mean like you got to win a couple playoffs then you always know there's going to be one or two games they drop to like like the Cardinals or somebody this year they're going to drop is always sneaky though right but I mean like one team like that they're going to always drop like one game they shouldn't lose during the year and they're not going to get HomeField advantage in the playoffs and they're going to lose to whoever running back yeah if only there was some coach out there with a winning pedigree it was just there Mike McCarthy yeah yeah what about this though I was just thinking about that who's the one coach that knows how to stop Andy Reid's offense bill I saw some I saw a wild fan theory on Tik Tok last night that they would bring bill in as DC and San Francisco I was like what are you talking about isn't that seem insane to you no bill I was going say bill is De get out of here some jok trying to reason it out he I felt like he always he always knew how to dial up against Andy always and I know we had DCS and that's Bill we had DCS and that's Bill ain't nobody had titles we saw that for years you know DCS bill go into Arrowhead Tyreek Hill he doesn't scare us even the that Eagles Eagles Super Bowl oh yeah Don MCN in the Huddle too too had a broken leg Freddy Mitchell where you Budd still bald Fred X dude I hate Fred X screw them God he's in our comments talking smack too now is he he got just won't go away get out of here buddy has Bill ever said anything about Freddy Mitchell ever no okay just that one clip who I would say who yeah I don't know cowboys I mean come on we got we got some some demons to overcome and that demons just so happen to be the way to get to the Super Bowl so a little more salt on that egg McMuffin maybe it'll get you get some garlic or is that vampires it works it'll work for this get some garlic get some Sage you pull Aaron didn't Aaron Rogers Sage something I think Kyrie did or Kyrie at the Garden okay we need a sage we need garlic and we need silver just to start stabbing like just in case something something yeah should bury something slash Seance slash get right slash overcome our demons maybe they got to sacrifice Tony Romo after the fumbled snap ever since then they been I mean n they' been better sorry Romo we love you they're gonna get they're gonna they're GNA get their cornerback I mean we'll see yeah hey Jules we got to get some knowledge and get some info what's the story on Jack he's behind the desk he's running the show he's got you know he's doing all the things behind the scenes bring him into the light what's what's his story where' he come from I didn't see I I'm usually pretty good in the voicemail I never saw this question I snaked this one in oh my goodness hold Jackie what's story do we give him the bridge version do I go Davidson I mean I hail from Davidson yes North Carolina North Carolina that's where I hail from I I work for Coast Productions Julian's production company doing some writing some creative development some producing stuff alongside Kyler and a off um and he's a bay magnet yeah there there we go um Jules me upm the DMS are open um yeah I don't know well I don't know what else B basketball guy you were a scholarship manager at Elon basketball manager um let me see what else I don't know not much to tell when we first hired Jack he came in with like pages of like this is when we were doing like the Smoothie time and Burger Time skits and [ __ ] he had like pages of like sketches that he like wrote I'm kind of I kind of think you did you move to Boston to like take an interview with I was no I was I was living there already I was sleeping on couches crashing in Boston with my boys Pat and Anton um help Jules do his prep for Inside the NFL before this and that kind of led to s in Fox and now I'm kind of the the resident sort of stat guy over here but as far as running the show goes no Kyler and Kyler's on the the show rundown running that thing you're the heart of the show you're spark plug buddy oh my goodness what else am I doing a little piece that this makes such a big difference oh thanks guys um but yeah I'm over here pulling stats and Googling stuff and chiming in and that's I don't know that's a story you'll learn more I'll learn more keep listening I'm like an onion baby be me back like a blooming onion from backst dip in there I love what an episode thanks again to Eric Stone Street street street compound word last name compound word last name uh and thank you to the Wi Las Vegas that was awesome follow games with names on YouTube Instagram X Tik Tok and Snapchat see you next week games with names a production of iHeart radio for more podcasts from iHeart Radio visit the iHeart Radio app Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts
Channel: Games With Names
Views: 61,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GamesWithNames, #Podcast, #Sports, #JulianEdelman
Id: V09GU729CIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 57sec (4917 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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