Juicy TikToks I watch instead of sleeping

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happy day i'm glad have you ever wondered what happens when an intruder in a mask with gloves on with some sort of you know hinge wing breaks into a girl boss's house well thanks to tick-tock we now know came home to someone in our house do you know this person let's just take this in here he's wearing a mask a hat he's wearing gloves so he doesn't need fingerprints and this girl's like do you know him how is she so brave look he's trying to run yo this guy brought a backpack full of stuff like this was about to become some sort of crazy true crime story he snuck in while they weren't there the ladies came home the heels are on she hasn't even taken her shoes off yet you just walked in and you can walk out of it scolding him i can't believe this he does not want to leave fingerprints on the doorknob so he's like using a cloth oh my goodness get out i was like yeah you were like you were like absolutely speechless like if this were to happen to me like i feel like i would give the intruder what they want because i'd be like and i would run and then he would chase me and it would be a whole situation but like i feel like even a robber would be like whoa this girl is scary if you just come at him and go get out not on my saturday night honey i've been locked down for too long i'm just trying to enjoy my life get out oh this is some tea right here right the girls my ex husband cheated on me with lisa the first girl i don't even know who she is but she left me this little gift a plug like an earbud evidence i found if i'm cheating i think this girl probably saw that he had signs of a wife or girlfriend in his house so she left me this sign as a warning so for that you get a nano-intensive i thought she was gonna be like showing pictures of them and be like this girl's a dirty little hussy i like how she's willing to give women the benefit of the doubt because she's like you know what he is the person who owes me loyalty he's the person who owes me you know dedication and these girls maybe they didn't know this is the very first girl i was able to find and actually speak with when i reached out to her she was more than willing to tell me everything that idiot did not to mention oh the exact dates and the name of the hotel room i wouldn't want to know like i feel like if i met the girl i'd just be like listen can you just tell me if i as a fiance as a girlfriend as a wife should be upset like don't give me every last detail like i don't need to know just like yeah i don't know i wouldn't want to know like i'm just like i'm devastated for her and she's like in such good spirits so i was able to call the hotel pretend i was his assistant and get his receipt for his stay 25 out of 10 sisters this girl what about gorgeous and way out of his league so she gets a 20 out of town already goes to his hotel room not only knows that he's lying but also feels so uncomfortable she leaves in the middle of the night like this girl looks like azzy like this is like this is a really really really pretty girl like what comfortable sitting in a train station all by herself overnight then being in his room a thousand out of ten come back for part two oh girl girl oh hilary zinks i love your demeanor i love your attitude you're way too good for him thank you for getting mad at just him and not the girls and giving them the benefit of the doubt this is the kind of tea that i like it's like uplifting it brings us all together makes us go okay that person is the enemy and the rest of us should work together i have no idea what's going on here i don't think anyone does but i want you to look at these two girls and tell me do you think that they're friends they look like it right but she's like her body language is very nervous she's like chewing and just kind of like looking around this girl look at her like this looks like a threat what's going on i need to know what's going on here i wish that there was audio like we need some lip readers in here we need people to tell us what she said it looks like she's saying like better watch your back oh this girl looks so mean look at that like she means business here she's not kidding around and there was no love no regard for this girl this girl wanted her to suffer and it's crazy a lot of people in the comments were saying like this has to be a school in the south based on how they're dressed like maybe those southern girls maybe they know how to give you a stern talking too ladies and gentlemen this is cheating on another level you got the calculator you take off the the top of the calculator and then you have your phone you can kind of disguise your phone as the top of a calculator and then take a picture of the answers and get the answers that is crazy like this is basic algebra i feel like it'd be easier to learn the math than it would to like saw this open and put your phone in and risk getting caught and risk the academic dishonesty suspension possible expulsion it's a little dicey it's a little dicey and this is coming from somebody who's not good at math yikes here we have the helicopter oh on the bright side it looks like there was nobody back there are they why are they running are they running to get the meat so they can dip it in the hot pot i mean hey if you dip it in the hot pot it gets sterilized there just might be a few hairs on it here we have love caught in 4k i love this kind of video i just love it so much like you can tell that she's like trying to make him feel wanted that they just met each other that they are absolutely smitten with each other they're in their own world this guy throws a box at him and look at his reaction he's just like here hold that i'm just going to fold it up and keep talking to you because i don't care that the boys are trying to get my attention and sabotage me i'm having the time of my life oh the young love is so cute this is why it's important to be a trained professional this fish just starts eating her hair and look how smooth her reaction is just like no little buddy off you go oh my gosh it's so good it's so professional i love her so much if it was me okay i'm not getting paid overtime i'm swimming i'm underwater i like she's not wearing like any sort of gills or anything like unless she's a real mermaid she can't breathe right now and then she has a giant shark fish trying to eat her hair i would punch the fish keeping her cool unbelievable oh that giggle is just perfect i love her somebody give this woman a raise what is going on here we've got this guy trying to plug the hole i don't know what this guy in the back with the toilet paper thinks he's doing uh we got a sleep guy who's just getting soaked and doesn't even care like this looks like quite a night i have to say i love this man's style like he looks like a laugh he looks like a good time he looks like the banter is good the caption is just red flags like what is going on here what is going on here i need to know oh this is just one of those nights with the boys that i wish that i could be involved with this is an unexpected tea me thinking my dad would be mad i got pregnant but look at him oh my goodness clipping his nails sleeping with the little baby playing with these little look at those tiny little toes filing is okay this guy really cares about nails like this guy is like the nail groomer this is the cutest thing ever these kind of videos just really warm my heart like the whole i brought a puppy home and my dad was mad i've never seen i brought a baby home and my dad was mad but then he came around pov your friend tried to cake-face you on your birthday but you have quick reflexes i do not understand this tradition and if somebody tried to do this to me i would do this get him get him that was cool no i would be devastated and it's the same thing with like weddings where they like take a piece of cake and like shove it in each other's face i'd be like um lip gloss like what are you doing this is my day you can't just cake face me this girl did the right thing this right here ladies and gentlemen is the reason why i made this video just watch wanna know how to grow your own mushrooms i want to know how to grow hair on the inside of your pancreas you want to know how to eat a live rattlesnake without chewing i want to know the best place to hide a dead body i want to know how to rub another man's rhubarb will never know how to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight it's such a wholesome question that he's asking but it just seems like something is wrong with there's something sinister about the way this man asked and his expression looking like mushrooms no no no then this man watches it and like same energy match the vibe perfectly hair on the inside of your pancreas you want to know how to eat a live rattlesnake without chewing i want to know the best place to hide a dead body i want to know how to rub another man's rhubarb that just sent me i i just like i unbelievable unbelievable tv this is the kind of thing that i stay up i watch i laugh i enjoy my night i go to bed with a smile on my face like it's perfect this is just rude people twerking made a noise this is what it would sound like that's just not fair that's 100 what it sounds like when i try i was going to try for this video but i don't want to subject you guys to that so that's just so rude it's so rude because it's rude because it's true this is a question where if i asked it i would be in humongous trouble yeah absolutely kind of like the kid plus you give me a chance to just know him a little bit better and see how he treats you firsthand i'm not telling you guys that you got to let your kids boyfriend or girlfriend go on vacation with them because what works in my house might not work in yours but what i am telling you is have a grown conversation with them don't just say no yeah i don't know i i mean i feel like this is just so out of reach and so like too good to be true for most families and i'm glad that this is out there because maybe some parents will learn from it i don't know how i'd react to it like i understand where the parents are coming from i just really want to end up being like this one day ah this is how kids talk nowadays [Music] it's a hard hat holiday respectfully okay teachers when i was in school they could kind of understand what we were saying like they were confused sometimes i feel like if you're like maybe gen x or older and you don't have tick tock and you're at a school like how the heck are you supposed to know what's going on it'd be like trying to talk to your dog where you're just kind of like judging based on like the delivery because you don't know what they're actually saying oh this girl has immaculate energy neither neither yeah neither i don't like them skinny and scrawny a lot i like them chubby and stubby chubby and [Music] i don't know what she's on but i like her a lot i got a stick prosthetic what it's a prosthetic stop fooling everybody with that it's real it's a prosthetic i worked hard for this yeah i bet you paid a lot for it too okay listen listen can my abs get your what's wrong with her but i love her i feel like this is the good funny version of this and this is the bad not funny version of this pov you're watching the funny girls insta story i've seen this before i just have to keep telling myself it's just a pov oh hey guys um i literally just woke up and it's like 4 30 p.m which means that it's like stop it i made this coffee why am i talking like that can you marry coffee i wish i could marry coffee oh no oh no i appreciate girls like this i really do because they're trying i feel like there must have been like a million trillion kajillion different times in my life where i was this girl where like you're trying to figure it out you're trying to have banter you're trying to have something interesting to say but it all just comes off as so tacky and insincere and just ah like the whole i'm so random thing like this girl was way too good at this this was a professional reenactment i wanna hear you do an american accent okay um i'll i'll give it a go i'll try all right okay i'm excited to see this huh oh uh the mental breakdown the the quivering lip the um the confusion being overwhelmed i feel like this was one of the best american accents i've ever seen but the vocab mascot to encourage you to do your bucking vocab don't do your bucking vocab and we lose the vocab bowl i kill the dog oh my gosh this is not the tea that you expect but it's what you need i like how he said it with a straight face i hope he does kill that dog i really do what is wrong with you oh this is the worst oh okay oh my gosh is this a prank that is that i really hope that this was just a stool malfunction because that is deadly what you just did to this poor man this would hurt anybody in bird culture this is considered a deep move so she's doing a little singing tommy with the weather today we'll be expecting heavy northeastern winds due to the tropical dock her head does look like weather participation in the southern part of florida back to you bill some people are just way too creative for me it reminded me of something i just don't know what but yeah it looks like a category three hurricane i like it though blind girl rolls up to the pool okay these two are watching her try to get in oh sorry can you tell yes can you can you give that to me please so this guy's just being an utter gentleman right excuse me sir can you help me to apply this i would want help to apply sunscreen too if i couldn't see because sunscreen especially the kind you put on your body it often leaves a white cast like i could do it myself but if a nice helpful person was there i'd be like could you please help me out innocent question the girlfriend's like getting a little jealous here he's so nice okay yeah look at her she's freaking out she's got the legs tapping like crazy she's texting her friends right now she's she's picking up her phone and she's going like i can't believe this guy i don't trust him yeah why is she so mad oh my goodness i could never be with somebody like this like i would die imagine you're helping somebody who could really use the help and your significant other's just like she's hot like what you can't help hot people even if they need help well guys that is all i have for you today i hope that you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see on the next one bye did i say make sure to check out the creators featured in this video because if i didn't please do
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,308,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, juicy tiktok, tiktok tea, tik tok, tiktok compilation, tik tok memes, memes compilation, iconic tiktok, tiktok 2021, cringey tik toks, tik toks worth watching, viral tiktok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, best of tik tok, viral funny videos, viral videos, funny viral tiktoks
Id: 5InBSeUFv0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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