Judge may request Harry's immigration records as Prince makes 'LUDICROUS' argument in drug lawsuit

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so tomorrow's front pages are on the way very shortly but first this is a court case being brought against the Department of Homeland Security to release Prince Harry's US immigration records and it's just finished in Washington DC conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation has sued the Department of Homeland Security over their decision not to share Harry's Visa records particularly those relating to his drug use now Harry admitted in his Memoir spare last year that he had previously taken cocaine marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms the Heritage Foundation have therefore questioned why the prince was ever allowed to live in the US in the first place and whether he lied on his visa application in 2020 they have ultimately called for these documents to be made public well joining me now is the man who has just been in court for this lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security is Nile Gardner Nile thank you very much so what's happened then uh Patrick thanks very much for having on the show tonight and as you mentioned I just actually came back to my office from uh the federal courtroom here in Washington DC uh and I have to say the hearing actually was very very positive from our point point of view uh we have asked for the uh the release of Prince Harry's immigration records we want to establish whether or not Harry lied with regard to his drug use uh we want to see whether he received any kind of preferential treatment from us authorities uh and so the federal judge who heard uh evidence from both both sides arguments from both sides uh is treating this case very very seriously and he made it clear at the end of the hearing uh that he may request very soon in his own words uh to see Harris's immigration records uh in camera in other words he would the judge himself would be able to review these records and he'll be able to see exactly what Prince Harry put down on his application this is a very very big step if indeed the the judge goes ahead with that and I think there's a very strong chance that he that he will and so this would be a very big development in terms of getting closer to the release of Harris's record so a very a very positive outcome from our point of view just talk talk me through that then now so as it stands then the judge himself has not been able to view whether or not Prince Harry lied on his visa application to America right correct yeah yeah it sounds like he now wants to yeah so the of Homeland Security has refused to release any information whatsoever uh with with regard to the uh the details of Harris's immigration records so so the judge himself has not had a chance to review these records and he made it categorically clear the end of the hearing uh that very soon he will make a decision about whether he himself should have the opportunity to review those those records in camera is is the legal legal term uh and if if indeed the judge is able to review these records uh then then I think that is a very very significant development the judge it will be significant now as I understand it the lawyers representing Harry I've got in my notes here that they also represent Jo have represented the Biden presidency apparently is that right and yeah so yeah they're they're saying the book spare the book spare is not sufficient evidence that Harry ever took drugs and that it simply could have been used to sell books is that their argument yeah so uh so I I I sat in the front of the courtroom I heard uh the the B administration's lawyers make their arguments after we have sued the B Administration for the release of these that's my fault Sor and and so uh so the B Administration officials representing the Department of Homeland Security argued today uh that uh Prince Harris's own book spur and his Revelations about drug use um were not were not necessarily A a legal admission by by Harry that he had used uh drugs and I I I thought this was a ludicrous argument Harry himself wrote the book is in his name he has admitted a widespread drug use this is clear-cut evidence that would be accepted in any Court to argue that this is not admissible and that this is not evidence of how is drug taking I think is it's completely uh I think we can learn a bit from that now though can't we can't we learn a bit from that because why would you make the case as in why would they make the case that Harry's drug taking in spare is not definitive proof that he took drugs previously why would you make that case unless he had said on his visa application that he hadn't taken drugs right because that's a very good that's a very good case and so this is why we're asking the Biden abration to release those records so the American people can see exactly what's in them and whether or not Harry Harry lied and lying on an immigration application of course is a criminal offense it's a very serious uh matter here and and I think that uh you know it's it's it's extraordinary that the lengths to which the Biden presidency is going to protect these records from public release why are they doing that uh and this is uh in my view completely unacceptable uh and there's a real shroud of secrecy surrounding Paris application why is that uh we want to know exactly what's in those uh those records Harry is a huge public figure who's openly talked about his his drug use so this is not a matter of privacy for Harry well well well quite right so then just to summarize all of this then we could be getting a result on this when and um playing that forward a bit what could this result in Harry being deported yeah so so firstly if the if the judge requests to see the records himself uh that that could be actually within the next few days or so then the judge will have a chance to review those records uh and uh then the judge will will decide based upon what's in those records whether to release them publicly but you can be sure if there's evidence of any lying wrongdoing here uh on the part of Prince Harry with regard to his application you're going to see those those documents released so we're moving a step closer towards that lying on an immigration uh application as a criminal offense normally in those situations the individual involved would be removed from the United States gosh well watch this space hey NY thank you very very much um and really appreciate you've literally legged it from court to get back to your office to come on this show so much appreciated pleasure I I would just really hope that you'll keep us updated for the very latest do Patrick than much that's n Gard there from the Heritage Foundation thank you
Channel: GBNews
Views: 395,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GB news, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Montecito, Royal, royal news, royal family, royal update, Sussexes, Duke of Sussex, Migration, migrants, migrant crisis, dover, small boats, stop the boats, conservative, asylum seekers, illegal migration, illegal migrants, legal migration
Id: 44xQsBoB8Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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