Juce Framework Tutorial 00- Intro & Building Your First Project

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everybody this is the first of a series of videos that I'm going to be doing introducing you to the juice framework now some of you may be asking what exactly is the juice framework well the juice framework was started by a programmer named Julian storm and it is a framework a framework is a set of libraries and functions that are built on top of a language in this case C++ add the juice library is the juice framework is used to build a lot of today's VST plugins and audio applications is used in a lot of commercial software and so yeah it's a good thing to know and I'm trying to get to know it now and as I'm getting to know it I'm developing these videos to help you get to know it as well so before I start I should mention a great book that's been a good source of information for me to start these videos and I think it could be helpful for you I'll link it below the book is called getting started with juice and it's by a Northland named Martin Robinson so what we're going to do on this tutorial is we're just going to do a basic go into the dus page downloading the juice framework going through what the juicer directory looks like what some of the files look like opening a project opening one of the demo projects just having a little run through it and that's going to be it okay so if we go to juice that's J you see EECOM okay what to do is just click on this link that says good juice ok then presents you with a couple of these options here okay I've chosen the education option I'm a student going to Goldsmiths going into my 30 or goldsmiths so I've got the education option but you choose the one that's applicable to you and you download it okay and you can see here some of the companies that are using juice at the moment cycling 74 they make max/msp programming language Evi korg and music and x4 records that's dead Mouse's label so if you use serum or anything like that probably built with juice okay so once you've downloaded the once it downloaded juice you'll get a folder like this okay I've already installed it but I'm going to do it again here just for just to show you how I've done it here so what we'll do I'm on a Mac obviously it's a little bit different for PC go to your Applications folder and now what I'll do is I'll just take this juice folder and I will drag it into my applications okay so now I'm going to double click in here you see a couple different things I'm going to click on this one this is producer that's the application itself okay and then you're presented with these different options we'll just cancel this for now and what we're going to do is we're just going to open an example project okay just get the hang of the way this thing works so let this dud what this has done is this has taken us into the folder that we were just in that that Jesus folder that we threw in the applications the Applications folder now we're in examples I'm just going to click on this one that says demo okay now we're just going to take a couple minutes just to talk about what to expect in a juice juice or directory so first one we have here is builds okay and we have a couple different platforms here so one of the great things about the juice framework that that really makes it appealing to developers is that you can develop your code once and then is able to be used across multiple platforms so you just develop the woods it can go to Mac PC or mobile okay that's the idea behind it so here if we look in our Mac OSX folder here we can see that you have your Xcode project folder here okay for Xcode I'm going to assume that you know what Xcode is and that you have some sort of C++ experience next is the dot Juicer file okay that is the actual producer file that we are going to double click on in just a moment next we have juice library code okay so this is like all of your libraries that you need : if you need to okay I would assume that that would be kind of like your add-ons folder and if you have ever used like upper frameworks then we have resources resources looks to me like the data folder that you would see like in your Xcode project so we have a cello that wave which would be like a sample that you would have in a sample sampler in one of the demo files some of the PNG files so on and so forth then you have your source code which is your actual kind of Xcode files so you got main.cpp so on and so forth okay so for now what we're going to do is we're just going to click on this juice demo dot juicer okay so I'm going to double click on that and now it's taking me to this screen okay so just to do a rundown of what this actually is so think of the framework as a place where it organizes your files so you basically have to have all your files in this one place so it can do what it needs to do to export them to these multiple platforms and this is the place where you would have these files okay and then what we're going to do is if I go here and I say save and open an IDE what that's going to do is that's going to open this project in Xcode so we're just going to go ahead and do that quick okay so saving is doing its thing okay it's opening Xcode and one of these days it'll open okay so here we are we're in xcode now okay so if i just click on this drop down menu here at the top left and we go into juice demo and then source code then you have your main dot cpp main window dot cpp so on and so forth okay but for now what we're going to do since this is just an example patch example project rather i'm just going to click build okay so this is designed i've already taken a look at this this this some project is designed to show us some of the capabilities of juice okay so this is what it presents with okay so i'm going to just go through a couple of these click on them so if you have tabs and widgets so if you were like building a synthesizer and you wanted multiple tabs for different functions these are some quick functions that you would be able to import into your project quite quickly okay so i've got like a pop-up menu got some different buttons okay different buttons here we're gonna change the colors of them okay so that's that's some of that stuff okay so we've got some animation stuff that you can do okay what else do we got okay feel so this is quite cool I thought this was cool especially as we're building audio plugins you can change the book in the feel of your different of your different buttons and sliders okay so that is very cool okay I'm looking forward to using those yeah multi-touch drag here with as many fingers as you have okay so we only have one because we're using the mouse look at that nice okay got transforms here very cool okay show Windows wow that's nice close windows so these are just a couple of the built-in things that you can call in juice so you have all these different fonts that you can use Wow amazing look at that okay they got TD graphics in the background do like different textures man got video playback if you want to do that got synthesizers okay so you can get this the idea behind these things is that you can get it up and running quite quickly so you could use a sample sound which I'm going to assume is going to be the cello got latency detector which will Tec detect your latency between when I click this button and when it actually comes out so it's doing the test yeah so might be a little bit confusing because I'm recording at the moment so we won't do that so yeah so this is just a demo patch showing you some of the capabilities of juice it's going to open a juice project ourselves just going to do this on the fly right click so what we'll do is we'll just close all this close project okay so now we'll do new project right so we're just going to do a GUI application okay we're just going to call this test okay so I'm going to put this in my development folder target platform is xcode because i'm on mac i'm going to just hit create cool so here I am don't really have much here so we've got our main our main dot cpp and the which is the these are the essential files that we need just to start up the juice framework so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to save and open an IDE okay so we're just going to do that quick great so here we are and test then if I just go down here to my source file so this is kind of like a little hello world here so if we just look at this this code here so let's just build it see what it looks like at the moment we'll just do a couple of the modifications just to just to show that the codes actually working here compiling compiling and one of these days it shall succeed okay so taking a minute to think and there we go okay there it is hello world nice so it's white just little this little text okay so now we're just going to modify the text here a little bit let's just make this instead of 16 we'll make this 50 okay so if we get a set color here let's just see what colors that we actually have available to us maybe we click here colors okay so if you didn't know how to do how I did that okay that's just command and click on colors there okay that just brings us into the colors class look at all these colors that we have available to us okay cool let's try lime-green okay so we're just going to go here and there we are okay so I'm just going to change this okay and I'm just going to command R which is compile and run let's just see what happens there it is the audio programmer great so so that's just a little rundown of just how to get your first juice application juice project rather up and running and I hope you enjoyed this video learned a bit be sure to give a comment down below or like and I'll see you soon with another video
Channel: The Audio Programmer
Views: 115,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c++, juce framework, audio, cplusplus, cpp, dsp, digital signal processing, vst, build vst, max msp, sound, programming, coding, creative coding, creative programming, audio progamming, audio coding, tutorial, juce, basics, plugins, projects
Id: 7n16Yw51xkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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