JSCOC Live Stream 09-26-21 10:00am

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anybody doing well can we sing jesus rose with all power in his hand we serving a living god a living satan that good news amen all right jesus rose with all power in his hands [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] one sunday morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] with all power in [Music] on sunday morning [Music] is he'll wipe all tears away he'll wipe all tears away it's raining pretty hard there's a big accident out there on interstate 24 so some of our members aren't here and some of us have to fill in and god has blessed us to be able to do that [Music] [Music] yes is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you good morning church how's everyone feeling this morning we ready to worship the lord this morning hey man amen we want to welcome you to our service this morning we also want to welcome our live stream audience uh those that are visiting you are honored guest this morning uh we thank you for choosing jackson street church of christ as your place of worship as we prepare our minds and our hearts for worship this morning we're going to ask everyone to please stand for the reading of our scripture and our opening prayer and after the opening prayer you can be seated we'll be reading together psalms 100 verses 1 through 5 and it reads make a joyful noise until the lord all ye lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endure to all generations let us pray most gracious heavenly father we want to say thank you dear lord for all that you have done for us we thank you dear lord for getting us through next week to the beginning of this week we're thanking you dear lord for this first day of the week that you are allowing us to come and worship you in spirit and in truth i pray to the lord that we will have our hearts and our minds focused on you anything in the trials or tribulations i pray that we will leave them at the door at this time lord we are praying for our servants this morning that it will be uplifting to you dear lord forgive us all for any sins we have committed we pray this prayer in your son jesus name amen good morning good morning it's good to see everybody we're going to open up with uh someday someday [Music] sopranos altos tenor and face in that order tears mario just a little bit all right so y'all follow me when he gets to that part so right now sing this with me [Music] sopranos [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] i gotta [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is [Music] ah [Music] [Music] i gotta be real [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody hey everybody is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] someday good morning today's scripture reading will be coming from acts the 12th chapter verses 1 through 5. once again that is acts the 2 the 12th chapter verses 1 through 5. and it reads now about that time herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church and he killed james the brother of john with the sword and because he saw it pleased the jews he proceeded further to take peter also there were the days of unleavened bread and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison and delivered him to four cortinians of soldiers to keep him intended after easter to bring him forth to the people peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church and unto god for him i have read to you i have read to your hearing the acts the 12th chapter verses 1 through 5. let us pray the righteous and loving heavenly father we come to you at this time the heavenly father understanding just the different trials and tribulations that we have devil and father we understand that you're here with us deadly father we come to you at this time asking that when we are apprehended heavenly father that we will leave our trust in our minds with you the heavenly father we ask that you will be with us today for this sermon that the word spoken will keep those that are with you devil and father and strengthen us to bring others to you as well the only father we ask that you will do these and many more things in your son's name jesus name we pray amen selection 383 just over in the glory land selection 383. everybody doing all right this morning all right we're here amen amen amen selection 383 and let's do let's do all four of these verses selection 383 all found let us sink [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] just over [Music] just [Music] over [Music] just over in amen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and just over [Music] over [Music] just over [Music] just [Music] [Music] christ the lord oh [Music] [Music] just over [Music] over in the glory land [Applause] [Music] land [Music] we have come down to this part of the service where we are commanded to give as we look at the instructions that provided in 1st corinthians chapter 16 verses 1 and 2 it reads now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given orders to the churches of galatia so you must do also on the first day of the week that each one of you lay something aside storing up as he may prosper that there may be no collection when i come also in second corinthians chapter nine verse six and seven it reads but this i say he who sowed sparingly will also reap spanily and he who sows bountifully will also remountably so let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for god loves a chill forgiver let us go to god in prayer the heavenly father we come to you at this hour with bow heads and humble hearts thanking you for giving us the opportunity to come to you this day as one accord we thank you for providing us so much day in and day out we thank you for giving us clarity as well as direction on how to give and we pray that we may be able to utilize this way to the betterment of the upliftment of your kingdom we thank you for everything you've done for us and we pray this prayer in jesus name let us all say amen church say man right before our communion song we'll sing a verse of uh this world is not my home and then we will have our communion um [Music] from [Music] in this world [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord what will i do oh lord oh [Music] is of somewhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in this world hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] and jesus [Music] and how he loves me [Music] and he is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] uh [Music] we are the lowest church which he purchased with his blood you can find it in acts chapter 20 verse 28 also paul's give us the attitude and how we ought to partake in remembering of our lord in first corinthians the chapter is 11 beginning at verse 23 paul says for i received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me and the same manner also he took the cup and when he had sup sand this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as often as she drink it in remembrance of me for as often as she eated his bread and drinking this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drink it unworthily eat it and drink it damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak many are sick among you and many sleep let us give thanks first for the bread our lord and savior we thank you so much for the opportunity to come collectively on this lord's day to worship you in spirit and in truth we thank you so much for the opportunity to appreciate what you've done for us on the cross we thank you so much for your body that was torn beaten battered for our sins lord and not only for our sins but for the sins of the world lord we thank you for that and may we always be mindful as we partake of bread it is in jesus name amen hmm let us offer a prayer for the cook heavenly father we thank you so much for all that you have done again and we thank you so much for your blood your blood which purchased us the church your blood which gave us redemption which gave us the hope of heaven lord we thank you so much for that lord as we partake of this blood we pray that we do it in a worldly manner we pray that we examine ourself and make sure we're doing what we need to do to be in covenant relationship with you we thank you so much for it all it's in the mighty name of your son we do pray amen this concludes the lord's service thursday man again it's good to be here i'm just in a good mood today so hopefully y'all are too we're gonna we're gonna sing this next song and uh and get a word this morning amen this next song is called let us adore uh this has quickly become one of my favorite songs i've been seeing it all week and i'm sure my wife and my kids are sick of me singing in the house so uh i figured i'd bring it to y'all this morning amen this is also one of those songs that you just can't sing sitting down so if you would please stand with me if you don't know this song just jump in when you get it it's pretty simple but uh hopefully you'll be blessed this morning y'all follow me let us adore the ever living god [Music] unto him and establish the nerves and whose glory is [Music] unto [Music] whose glory is there is there [Music] is our god god [Music] and lift my hands unto you [Music] together and you are my god you are my god you are [Music] there it my [Music] oh there it is is [Music] there is no better place to be at than in god's house and hopefully you are smiling under your mask and because you realize just how good god has been to you we thankful we're thankful to all the brethren who have come before us and that they have done a magnificent job and leading us in our worship to the lord appreciate mike jones he has a versus battle against snoop dogg later on this week but [Applause] but but but we're thankful for him giving we're thankful for him giving time to the lord and since mike jones i know you'll be on tour i gotta show no spray after you just thought about it [Applause] get it all up there oh yeah and so and so we're grateful to be here on today if you are if you are a guest we welcome you to the church of christ at jackson street where we have made it our aim to make disciples to make a difference for god has called us to be a blessing in such as a time like this and we're grateful just to be servants in his kingdom and so if you are a guest we are putting up a qr code right now we want you to take out your phone and if you go to your camera app and you point it towards that qr code it will prompt you to a screen where you can fill it out about for 20 20 or 30 seconds and we will have a record of you being with us on today we have quite quite a bit of announcements on today we're gonna we're gonna run through them pretty quickly and we're gonna get you out of here pretty pretty quickly as well um we want to say congratulations to brother jared and india kelly who tied the knot on last weekend and we just wanted to if you all are watching on your honeymoon wherever you are at um we we say congratulations and we bid you god speed and and this next announcement is very personal to me sister battle who is 93 years old just completed another book it hit the publisher and amen amen can you can you can you all do me a favor can you you know anytime anybody accomplishes something but especially when you're 93 years old and completed a book i'm asked that you stand on your feet let's give a standing ovation if you're able to stand sister battle we're so grateful you're so grateful amen amen amen amen sister battle amen and so sister battle just know we love you sis and if and if you want a copy of her book just get with sister battle um and she will she will give you the details on on behalf of that book and our our next um announcement we had three baptisms this past week and so we're grateful we're grateful that god has has blessed us uh blessed us with three baptisms i don't know if you i don't know i know one of them lives in texas and but but if if the two other two were here we ask that you raise your hand i don't know if you it if you're in here all right hey sister bowman hey brother harris granddaughter amen hey hey so glad we're glad to have y'all part of the family sister bowman and sister harris i'm so glad to have you all a part of the family and not only that we we also have some other announcements if you start rolling you start wrote an announcement slide our deepest condolences go out to the acres to the pulse family to the davis family to the ellis family to the watkins family and to the more family all of those different families who are members here have lost have lost loved ones brother paul services our daily beloved brother will be this upcoming tuesday but on monday which is tomorrow there is a public viewing from 3 p.m to 6 p.m then on tuesday there is visitation from 11 a.m to noon with the funeral to follow so let's keep sister pulse in our prayers not only that sister ellis ariel ellis lost her brother this this past week and mr terrence sullivan um died after after being in a coma and so his services will be september 30th at 11 a.m in atlanta georgia that's at alfonzo dawson's mortuary so we want to keep all of those who have lost loved ones in our prayers if you roll the next announcement please we want to remind you now y'all got to help us out because god has blessed us that we have not had any outbreaks because you all know if we have our outbreak here we might as well go on bike to virtue for another year because you all know y'all ain't gonna come back to church if there's an outbreak let's be honest and so we we are encouraging you to please wear your mask the right way amen the right way which means it goes over your nose and over your mouth and also another reminder of please no congregating after service if you're going to congregate we ask that you do it outside martin used to say you don't got to go home you fill in the blank in your mind next announcement we want to remind you on tonight we are we are gearing up we are gearing up for tonight for a magnificent time our sunday evening prayer service we're going to go to god together the entire congregation is encouraged to attend even if you not if you're not a member of jackson street you can come on to this prayer service and each person will have an opportunity to make their request be made known virtually in other words there will be no cards no going through a person to make your requests you will be able to verbalize your prayer requests and you probably wondering how we gonna get three or four hundred people within an hour and fifteen minutes come and watch on tonight we gonna show you magic on how we gonna get through it and so we encourage you on tonight to please come to our prayer service let's keep rolling them um wednesday night bible study the man in the mirror brother turner that is second samuel chapter 12 verses 1 through 10 we encourage you to come on our wednesday night bible study on zoom let's keep on rolling it keep on rolling it t-punk t-pom they are having their annual benefit dinner this upcoming tuesday at 6 30 p.m at lipscomb university if you are interested in intending please contact brother nix our brother harold bryant that is this upcoming tuesday the tennessee the t-palm and your benefit dinner let's keep rolling them um we are asking from the social media team that we're trying to get up to 5 000 followers we are currently at 3 000 followers and so we are encouraging our congregation here to please follow and like jackson street on facebook and on instagram to like our post and to share the live stream with your friends on social media please help us to reach our goal keep on rolling them and then last but last but not least we since we started monday night questions we've already had two baptisms in this electronic format in two weeks and so and so and so we're encouraging the church you all help us out you you have family members you have friends people you know who may have questions about about the gospel about beings being saved we encourage you to tell them you know we're making it easy for them you you you just get them on the phone call and we'll autozoom and we'll take care of the rest that's every monday from 6 30 p.m to 7 00 p.m and i think i got one more possibly if not that's good all right i think that's it let us let us bow our heads and go to god in prayer father we thank you for your revealed word we thank you for the word that was made flesh father bring back the remembrance of the things i've studied and may you get all the glory and honor for it is in jesus name we pray amen has someone ever tried to give you advice but they had never gone through what you were currently going through it may be family it may be a single person trying to give a married person advice a person with no children trying to give a person with children advice a person with no job trying to give a person with a job advice and even though the advice may have been good the advice hits differently when it comes from a person who has actually experienced what you are experiencing it's difficult you can't really give a person advice on how to deal with the death of a parent or a child if you haven't been there maybe the best thing is to say is that imma pray for you because people have a tendency to try to advise us on certain things but they've never walked even a day in our shoes in first peter chapter 3 and in verse number 12 peter would say for the eyes of the lord are on the righteous our watches over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the lord is against those who do evil even though peter writes from being inspired by the holy spirit peter has also experienced what he's writing about if there was anybody that ever could tell you on how to handle or how to deal with trying circumstances it is peter so even though he writes guided by god's spirit peter has actually lived through what he's writing about which means that whenever we look at peter's life whatever he mentions to us whatever example is shown there are principles we can pick up that will help us when life gets difficult all of this month then preaching about god can god can help because if it had not been for the lord who was on my side we talked about then that god can work it out because all things work together for good for them who love god unto them who are the called according to his purpose and even brother spider who did a magnificent job on last week talked about how god has a better place for us a place where there is no more crying no more pain because we realize that we need hope when times are difficult and so what i want to do on this morning i want to look at the life of someone who wrote about suffering who experienced suffering to see is there anything we can gain from this from his life that will teach us how to navigate suffering listen i know the titans are playing i know your favorite team is playing and and so i was gonna do a real long sermon but i'm gonna do you a favor and i'm gonna cut it in half on the day we're gonna we're gonna cut it in half we can now we got to go to part two we gotta do a part two because if i preach too long y'all won't come back next sunday y'all say he preached too long and so we're gonna cut this sermon in half so we can get out of here at a reasonable time when you come with me to acts chapter 12. come with me to acts chapter 12. as we watch luke the physician writes about how the church transitions from jerusalem to gentile territory and how the perspective of the people who love the church in gentile territory but how they begin to dislike the church in the area of jerusalem so now in verse 1 the bible says now about that time herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church then he killed james the brother of john with the sword and because he saw that it pleased the jews he proceeded further to seize peter also now it was during the days of unleavened bread so when he had arrested him he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads or soldiers to keep him intending or planning or plotting to bring him before the people after passover stop right there if i could give you if i could just give you a quick background um the bible says that herod was the king this is herod agrippa the first whenever you see that word herod in the new testament it is not the name of somebody but it's actually their title this guy's grandfather was herod the great the one who ordered the babies to be killed when jesus was a baby his uncle was the one who had john the baptist beheaded and and if you're wondering if you're wondering why herod is the king herod's father was killed at a young guy let me just teach history for a while and when herod's father was killed his mother bernice sent him to stay with the roman on king's children and so he grew up with a with a guy by the name of claudius when claudius became caesar over the empire of rome he elevated herod to be king over the judean territory and so now you have a man who is not qualified to be in his position he just got the position because he had a good friend well chris what you where you going with this chris you are looking at a guy that that he begins to persecute the church we have the first ever apostle killed by the name of james 10 years 10 years before that jesus would die on the same weekend and so now the church is facing the fact that that jesus died on this same weekend 10 years ago james one of the inner three of jesus circle have just been killed and now he has arrested peter as well if you look at verse three i'm just i'm just building a case in verse three the bible says that that he arrested peter because he saw that it pleased the jews see herod was a politician come on the line herod herod would do stuff to please his base herod would spray down innocent protesters and take a picture in front of the church with the bible upside down to please his base y'all ain't on the line today y'all ain't on the line today in other words herod doesn't have anything personally against the church but he is using his politics to to hurt the church why because he's trying to please his base well why is he trying to please his base because the jews had some prejudice in their heart and and in the previous chapter the gospel has begun to go out even in chapter 10 the gospel has begun to go out to gentiles people who don't look like them and there are some who were prejudiced based off the fact that people who do not look like them are now getting saved and so now they got a problem with peter herrod knows that and so he arrest peter over politics and so when he arrests peter um this is the third time peter has been arrested and and the previous occasions peter escaped so he puts peter in prison and he and he puts them under four squads of soldiers which means four soldiers would watch peter around the clock and when one shift was over a new set of soldiers came in and to make sure peter would not escape he was chained between two soldiers with two soldiers guarding his door and herod's goal is that after passover is over imma bring peter out so i can kill him just like i've killed james but in verse five there ain't man somebody but in verse five the story begins to change because in verse 5 the peter the bible says peter was therefore kept in prison but constant prayer was offered to god for him by the church you know there are certain tvs that have a pip function where you can watch two different channels at the same time and and what luke is telling us he is showing us a split screen of two things that are happening at one time while peter is in prison the church is having a good old-fashioned prayer meeting while peter is locked up the church is praying on his behalf listen the text says constant prayer good god almighty help the spirit constant prayer carries an idea that that these were not pretty prayers um constant actually means intensity these were intense prayer prayer how was written carries an idea this just wasn't one prayer but they was praying continuously on behalf of peter isn't it good that when you're going through stuff that the church can bring your situation before the god who sits high and looks low and the bible says they were praying but derek they were praying hard can i bless you let me let me help you how does this help me there are times when we're going through stuff that when it when it's real bad that that that your prayer doesn't need to be pretty um you need some strong prayers you need sometimes you got to pray that that when you when you pray you got to turn the tv off preach chris there's sometimes that that is so bad that you got to get off facebook while you're praying there's sometimes the situation is so bad you gotta drop to your knees while you're praying there's sometimes when the situation is so bad you gotta go in the closet yourself why because it's just that bad vernon it's just that bad the text brings out this year's earnest praying this the same type of praying that jesus was doing in the garden when he was praying so hard that sweat like drops of blood became to come down his face this time mike jones that that our prayers are so serious that that it ain't no pretty sophisticated prayer there's some groaning in this prayer there's some crying in this prayer there's some shedding tears in this prayer there's some waving of the hands in this prayer this is my lord my hands are outstretched in this prayer it's lord i don't know what i'm gonna do if you don't show up in this prayer there are times you'll find yourself brother malone having to lift up those type of prayers and what i like about the tax is that the text says they were constant praying for him because even a prison can't keep prayer out there's no prison there is no situation that prayer can't find its way into um if you put if you put my first point up there i will tell you this that that because i want to show you something that praying is more effective in in dealing with your prisons and persecution i'll say that again praying is more effective in dealing with your prisons and persecution they couldn't march down to the prison but their prayer could okay okay okay y'all y'all thinking about the titans um they couldn't they couldn't go to a cell but prayer could they couldn't get an audience with peter but prayer could why because there is no prison that can keep prayer out and whatever prison you are in on this morning wow you can't be there your prayer can be there listen but not only that not only that this also shows me that that i don't have to be there to affect what's going on there okay i said that too fast i don't have to be there to affect what's going on there okay ccc you thinking that you got to move to the college that your child go to so you can help your child with your prayer or go with your child okay y'all ain't on the line y'all see see you thinking the elders got to be there at the hospital to pray for you but the elders prayer can travel to the hospital preach chris you thinking somebody got to be there but prayer doesn't need a cough prayer doesn't need a pain prayer get there all by itself see see see you've been trying to handle your prisons by worrying you've been trying to handle your prisons by alcohol you've been trying to handle your prisons by being negative and that is not an effective way in dealing with your prisons but not only that but not only that but to deal with their persecution they praying one of the things that the book of acts shows us is that whenever the church was in trouble whenever somebody was being mistreated they didn't fight back they didn't get even they pray okay okay okay um in acts 4 31 for cook for time's sake acts 41 31 as a matter of fact drop go up to about verse number 21 from it quickly brother with acts chapter 4. y'all all right acts chapter 4 verse number 21 it says so when they have further threatened them this is peter and john they let them go finding no way of punishing them because of the people since all they glorify god for what he had done come on give me the next verse give me verse 23 in verse 23 come on let's roll with it let's wrote it and being let go they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them come on let's roll it so when they heard that watch this they were threatened they didn't threaten back though they didn't say no let me go out to my car they didn't they they didn't say you just don't know that tennessee that i can carry without having a permit oh preach chris now now they went they did they win and that's what they did it said so when they heard that they raised their voice to the lord with one accord they prayed they didn't get on the phone they didn't get on facebook preach chris they prayed with one accord said lord you are god who made heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them come on it says who by the mouth of your servant david have said why did the nation race drop down to verse 29 from it get verse 29 for time say come on now lord look on their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word come on come on come on by stretching out your hand the heel and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of your holy servant jesus give me the next verse he says and when and when and when they had prayed when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken and they were filled with the holy spirit and they spoke the word of god and said listen listen see when your boss is giving you a hard time you don't need to try to get even you just need to pray about that thing cc because in the text he's showing a split screen like i said while herod is plotting the church was praying so let your enemy plot you just keep praying let your baby daddy plop you just keep praying let the one who's lying on you plot and lie you just keep praying let your child say they gonna get even with let them do all that planning you just keep praying because prayer has a way of not only dealing with them but prayer deals with you [Music] because because prayer prayer says lord i trust you in this moment and i trust that not only will you take care of me you gonna take care of them [Music] [Applause] and so you got the split screen you got um they praying at the church while peter is locked up and they don't even know what's going on peter doesn't know what's going on at the prayer meeting and then at the present day at the prayer meeting they don't know what's going on at the prison but you don't have to know what's going on to pray preach chris you don't have to be nosy to pray you don't have to say well i need to know your business before i pray for you no just pray for me cause god [Music] just take me before the lord and the lord know all that i need and so and so that's what's going on in point one and so and so watch what happens so in verse 6 verse 6 verse 6 acts chapter 12 verse 6 acts 12 verse number 6 it says and when herod was about to bring him out that night that night peter was sleeping bound with two chains and we ain't talking about the rapper either bound with two chains between two soldiers and the guards before the door were keeping the prison and so and so it's the night before peter is to be brought to trial to be executed and what is amazing to me dr cummings is that in the midst of all of that peter is sleeping now now this week when i began to study that you know that this caught my teeth and i was wondering why in the world is he sleeping come on brother lock i was like how in the world can you be sleep when you know death is on tomorrow sister tell us i struggled with death and for a couple hours i dug and i dug and i prayed and i looked at it and i turned it sideways why is he sleeping when death is on tomorrow well i found out why and i know you knows it's just like how i know this so i'ma let you know go to john 21 and verse 18. in john chapter 21 and verse number 18 you remember peter had denied jesus three times and and jesus reinstated peter by asking peter three times peter do you love me and after being reinstated peter jesus tells peter this most assuredly i say to you when you were younger you put your own you put your clothes on or you girded yourself and you walk where you wished but when you are old when you are old when you are old when you are old you will stretch out your hands and another will hold you and carry you where you do not wish where you're going chris see see the the timeline of acts 12 is it's only 10 years after jesus has been killed um and so if peter is not old peter can remember that jesus told me i wasn't going to die till i'm old okay okay okay come on come on come on come on come on jesus told peter you're not gonna get killed till you are old man so if peter is still a young man or a middle-aged man even though death is on tomorrow peter must know god gonna show up somehow oh y'all ain't with me and so and so when you know that god gonna show up when you have faith in his word you are able to get you some sleep even when life is bad i don't know who i'm talking to you've been letting them grandchildren keep you up at night you've been letting your job keep you up at night you've been letting different stuff keep you up and you losing sleep you got to have some faith in god because a sign a sign of faith in god is that i'm able to go to sleep even when it's bad yeah i know i lost my job but i'm gonna give me some sleep yeah i know my spouse cheating on me but i'ma get some sleep i know they filed a voice on me but i'ma get some sleep yeah i'm sick but i'ma get some sleep why because i know i know that god i know that god got me because she sees a sign of faith is when you can sleep when it looks bad [Music] and sometimes you got to tell your family when they when they up at night worrying about how it's going to turn out you got to tell them i'm giving me some sleep cause i know god got this god don't stay up while i give me some sleep and i don't even have to take a sleeping pill i trust god enough to know that i'm gonna lay my head on my pillow i'ma turn on sportscenter and let and go on to sleep and i know when i wake up on tomorrow that is gonna be all right even though it looks bad peter is sleep in the midst of possibly dying on tomorrow and so and so and so and so he's asleep he's sleep because somebody says that worry is when you believe god gonna get it wrong in the future and bitterness is when you believe hold on let me reverse that worry is when you believe god won't get it right in the future and bitterness is when you believe god has gotten it wrong in the past somebody need to write that down worry is when you believe god will not get it right in the future and bitterness is when you believe god got it wrong in the past so he's sleeping he's sleeping laying between two soldiers he's sleep he's sleeping peter's asleep and peter's chain put acts 12 and six up there for me and peter i need for you to get your chains peter i need for you to get your change because peter and sleep mm-hmm cause i got to show it to you i'm a visual runner i don't know about you all but but i'm a visual learner peter is trained and he's trained between two soldiers let me get two brothers who ain't nervous to come up here um two brothers nervous to come up here come on come on come on come on go bro come on come on let me get one more let me get one more amen and so peter is chained and and really the chains are tied to two soldiers and and and and and he's asleep and and and the bible says that not only is he asleep but there are also there are also two more guards right here i need two more brothers i need two more brothers two more brothers two more brothers i need two more bro let me put on my ass for curtis [Applause] listen i need two more brothers all right all right and so and so and so do you see how bad this looks now y'all turn this way there are two soldiers in front of the door and he's tagged between two soldiers chained between two soldiers and on tomorrow morning he's gonna get killed basically that's what's gonna happen it's gonna be a mock trial kangaroo court trial he's gonna get killed but he's sleeping in the midst of that but what is amazing to me is that in the next verse come on put it on up there the next verse now behold an angel of the lord stood by because they prayed and prayer moved god to send an angel and the angels stood by him a light shined in the prison and and he struck peter on the side because you know some of us sleep on so the angel hit him on the side i'm just showing you what's in the text y'all i'm telling you what's in the case the angel hit him on the side and and and and raised him up peter got up watch what the angel says the angel says arise quickly are y'all with me and his chains fell off his hands [Applause] [Music] stay with me stay with me command number one arrived quickly the chains fell off his hand give me the next verse verse eight then the angel said to him gird yourself the second command put on your clothes [Applause] tie on your sandals the third command and the text says what you are and what and so come on let's say it together and what so he did and he said to him put on your garment put on your coat and follow me five commands four do it in a one time thing the fifth one i want you to continue let's do this now stay with me now stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me the text says so he went out and followed him you you two have a secret because i'm gonna answer next week what happened to the guards that's gonna be next week what happened to the guy y'all stay with me stay with me and so he began to follow him you know you all i'm gonna have to see too because remember now there's two guards in front of the door and begin to follow chris where you going with this now some of you all probably getting ready to turn me off on live stream [Music] um but i got bible behind mine all right all right whenever god does something miraculous god say you got a part to play jesus god will do the miraculous but the miraculous doesn't mean you can't you can neglect your part put that point up there funny brother in other words in other words if you want god to deliver come on bro if you want god to deliver you got to participate in it like y'all stay with me i'm in my text he gives them five commands now what would have happened if all of that would have happened but peter didn't listen [Music] cause the angel could have put peter clothes on himself but he told peter you put your clothes on you put your shoes on you put your coat on you follow me chris where you going with this whenever you're going through something you can't pray for a better marriage but you're not willing to spend time with your spouse you can't pray that god at your tile to get on the right track but you ain't on the right track y'all don't like this y'all don't like this you can't pray that lord i want a higher paying job but you're not willing to go back to school you can't pray for god in coven 19 but you ain't willing to take the vaccine i got bible for it i got bible for it and you can get mad all you want to i got bible for mine because scripture shows a pattern that when god brings deliverance god will at times give man a part to play in his deliverance let me give you some scripture for it in first king chapter 20. hezekiah was sick hezekiah was about to die hezekiah prayed god said i'ma give you 15 more years but watch what god tells to him through isaiah first king 20 and verse 7. come on brother we put on up there first king 20 verse number seven first kings chapter 20 verse number seven i need a brother who got a bible to turn your bible to first king twenty verse number seven and read it from the old school style first kings chapter 20 verse number seven it's all good it's all good it's all good one one of the brothers gonna get there from the first king chapter 20 verse number seven thank you brother rob washington that's that's it hold on hold on that first king twenty my bad brother wig that's gonna be second kings twenty hey man that's my bad brother with a man that's on the preacher right there second kings 20 verse number seven yeah yeah yeah yeah and bro we gonna develop that synergy that when i'm off you already know what i'm trying to do amen that's on me bro watch this then then then isaiah said take a lump of things hold on i thought god's family healed him through prayer yes but isaiah say go get you a lump of figs y'all y'all y'all don't see this go get you a lump of figs so they laid they took it and laid it on the boiler and he recovered hold on but i thought the prayer healed him he did but god also told put some figs on that ball let me give you some more bible let me give you some more bible y'all remember lazarus how lazarus was dead and how jesus came to the tomb you know jesus could have just moved the rock on out the way by himself right but you know what jesus told them in john chapter 11 i think that's verse 13 39 brother whitaker john chapter 11 verse 39 jesus said take away the stone hold on jesus can't you just speak to the stone and then move yeah come on now y'all grab this but i want you to take away the stone then you know what else would happen when he raised lazarus from the dead you know what he said in verse 44 11 and 44 come on brother whitaker come on brother whitaker and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a claw jesus said to them jesus couldn't have spoken the word and the clothes came off yes but i want you all to lose them and let them go where you going with this chris you can't be praying for god to end something and you won't even do your part [Applause] and so whatever and so and so we argue all day long but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i see what you're saying but god said you gotta do your part how are you gonna how are you gonna tell god to deliver you then you give the terms on how god does it huh y'all y'all all right how even even if it ain't about the vaccine even if it's something else how in the world i'm gonna tell god to to fix my marriage but i tell god how to do it you sitting in the wrong chair when did i start telling god how to fix my issue good lord good luck okay okay all right chris still love y'all but in acts chapter 12 are you good peter now watch this act 12 we getting ready to close we can read it close acts 12. go back to verse number eight put put verse number eight up there put verse number eight verse number nine put verse number nine all right watch this now so he went out and followed him because they getting ready to come to a gate and did not know what was done by the angel was real but saw he was seeing a vision give me the next part when they were past the first and the second guard post so they walked by of the sections of the guards how in the world the guards can't see peter everybody ain't sleep they came to the iron gate they come to the iron gate that leads to the city so now they come to the last part which opened to them on his own accord amen somebody throw your amens about so so watch this now they come to a gate and the gate now y'all don't see brother sanders right here but i'm showing you what's in the text the text says when they got to the gate they ain't man and that's how the devil try to be the devil try to close that door on you you all [Applause] they got to the gate watch this and the game open on its own accord it is where we get the word automatic from there was nobody at the iron gate but it just opened all by itself deontay i know there's somebody who can attach there's been some doors in your life that that that god he opened all by himself you you didn't deserve it you were not worthy you were not the best person for it you were thinking crazy but god did then you didn't have to do a thing [Applause] because door stands for an opportunity and god has given us all some opportunities [Applause] that you just had to show up and it was taken care of and and what is amazing you all cause i'm closing right here you have a seat i'm closing right here because what is amazing this is going on at the prison and they don't know about it at the church house [Applause] [Music] i'm closing right here this is going on at the prison but they don't know about it at the church house and and and it shows you that that that even when you don't know what's going on you keep praying because they don't even know god is working on it and there's some stuff we get discouraged because to our eyes we don't see god working but god could be working you just don't even know about it yet see see you threatened at home because you've been praying for a long time and because there is no visual evidence you beginning to believe that god ain't working but maybe god working and you just hadn't seen it yet see see see you praying you praying that god will send you the right doctor and so what god is doing god is getting that doctor from atlanta he's in the process of relocating give me another one see see you praying that god will send you the right spouse and god is allowing the other relationship with that person i'm talking about somebody who's single night time out of prayer that's married me and somebody and god is letting that other single person have a rough time in that relationship so they can leave and you all too [Music] see see see you praying that your child get back on the right track and and while you praying for that god already working in that child's life by making things difficult so they can come back home but because you don't see god working that doesn't mean god isn't working and we wondering about how he gonna fix it well he's already working on it what god don't do god's have already taken care of it god when you gonna do it don't worry about that cause i'm working on listen listen listen let me give you this illustration i'm closing yeah we're gonna close right here y'all all right we're gonna close right here because even on the way to the tomb that's march 16 3 and 4 they were asking who gonna roll away the stone they didn't realize the angel had already gone before and moved the stone out the way okay okay okay so let me let me give you this illustration last week when we were when we left nashville we got to go to memphis and and and and the rehearsals started at 6 p.m and we left at 2 30 partly because i was running a little late but i still had it i still had it worked out in my mind that we would get there at 5 30 because i had to get there to get my hotel key from the member from a church member and and then i had to take my family in and i had to be at the rehearsals at six and so we all had it planned out vernon but but as we at about an hour away from memphis um we had to pull over and pull over go to the gas station get some gas and get something to eat and use the bathroom and then and then but we still good we still good we're still good but then but then my gps started to say we're not gonna make it in time and and it was because traffic was backed up because of a wreck and it was backed up for miles and miles and miles and miles and i'm beginning to worry i'm beginning to fret because i was like i gotta get there because i can't hold up rehearsals i gotta get there get the key from the member check my family and then be at the rehearsals at six so so so i'm starting to get worried we taking back roads and if you ever wanna see brother jackson or sister jackson argue when we're in the car together and we're riding through traffic my argument might just break out somebody hey man i know y'all marriage is perfect but ours isn't and so and so we were riding we taking these back rolls and i'm starting to think while my wife driving so slow she made me sick when she driving so slow but i ain't gonna say nothing though i ain't gonna say nothing cause i ain't no food and so and so we just riding we're just riding in and and as i was as i was worried as i was worrying pierre and as as we got closer to memphis the brother called and he said brother jackson i say i say man i'm running late i ain't gonna be there in time he said don't worry about it cause i've left your key with a family member and not only have i left your key with a family member she's already sprayed down y'all room with lysol come on the line come on the line what that brother did is what god does god goes before us and he begins to work on it we just don't know that he's working on it but not only does god work on it god does exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or we think according to the power that works in us and so somebody on this morning needs to know that whatever you've been praying for god is already working it [Applause] [Music] and so since he's already working it out he begins to work it out when i pray i'm in my invitation i'mma be at the prayer service tonight because i know when the prayers of the righteous go up because prayer went and got the angel that went to the prison cause we gonna pray tonight and we're gonna shake somebody's shackles off we're gonna pray tonight and we're gonna break some spirit that's been on somebody we're gonna pray tonight and god gonna give hope to somebody why because the servant is sexual prayers of the righteous if you need to come to a jesus like this you believe that he is the son of god that just like how the gate opened by himself he bore our sins all by himself he was spit on and he was all by himself and he was nailed to the cross carrying your sins and my sins our mistakes all by himself he was buried in a tomb all by himself but god got him up all by himself and all powers in his hands you believe in that message you repent of your sins which means to make a turn to make a turn from the things that you've been doing that's wrong you confess that he is the son of god and you go down in a water grave of baptism for the removal of your sins and then you'll be added to god's family you'll be added to the church of christ the church he's purchased with his own blood you'll be added to the pages the lamb book of life but you got it you got to respond you got to respond god will save you all by himself but you got to do your part and your part is i'mma give them my life if you need prayer if you've fallen short even if you got questions if you got questions call in tomorrow night and we'll answer your questions but at this time but at this time we want you to stand because if you need to respond to the savings invitation we want you to come right now as we sing our song of encouragement [Music] y'all [Music] you will say yes it will [Music] feel like you need it y'all gonna change it yes it you will change [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i [Music] will come [Music] listen listen listen listen listen god he can fix it yeah you can't yeah he can't you've heard that god can but some of us can tell you that we're witnesses that god can now y'all don't believe that cause you to be saying amen you'll be saying amen if you really believe that god could and and and you don't even have to wait till tonight to make your prayer requests be made known our four great shepherds they'll pray over you they'll pray over you and i've even seen it in my life that when they pray for you collectively some things change yeah yeah yeah some things change when the elders go to praying for you some things change when the church pray for you why because god will see about his children when the church praying for him but listen you got to be willing to bring it to him you got to be willing to bring it to him stop taking it to facebook stop worrying about it say lord imma just put it on your lap cause if i put it there lord it's gonna be all right yes it will because prayer will pray we'll go ahead brother jones will pray and pray yes it will [Music] yes it will [Music] [Music] you will change yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right man what a spirited spiritual worship we had this morning i'm sure everybody got a lot of it out of that lesson this morning uh like mike jones said this morning he was talking about how good he feel and this is before the sermon and i was feeling the same way uh brother jones and i'm like man something is going on because i'm feeling good too but after that sermon i really feel good so we want to thank our brother mike jones for leading us in our song service this morning thank you my brother also we want to thank the brothers that are participated in our worship service this morning uh brother armstrong brother job and brother mayberry we thank you guys for uh serving the lord this morning and then we also want to thank brother jackson this morning for uh that was a great lesson that he taught us this morning about suffering and then prayer you know how it goes together and we definitely need that that was a great lesson that he did this morning so we want to thank him uh for that uh at this time i do want to remind everyone that our second service is at 12 30 now so those that may want to come back uh those that are listening on listening on live stream our second service is at 12 30 and not two o'clock uh going forward it's 12 30 unless you hear something different later on uh also we're still encouraging you see the number that's on the screen we're still encouraging those that are watching on live stream to uh texting those that are here as well can text in your prayer requests uh restorations baptisms you can still text those in if you're not feeling comfortable with doing that you can meet the elders in the fellowship hall immediately after this morning worship service and we would take care of things uh in there at that time at this time we're going to ask everyone to please bow your head for prayer most gracious heavenly father we come to you dear lord saying thanks once again we thank you dear lord for answering the prayers early earlier about having a spiritual worship and worshiping in spirit and in truth and i pray to the lord that we have done so i pray that this service has been uplifted and glorifying to you we know dear lord that you get all the glory you get all the honor we also dear lord i want to thank you for uh brother jackson and we thank you the lord for the message the message that you put on his heart that he delivered this morning we thank you dear lord for him studying and getting in that word and then coming and professing your name boldly lord and we just thank you for that we pray that those things that were said by him today has touched someone's heart that it had helped someone this morning we pray that lord that you will continue to watch out for his family continue to bless him and his family as well we want to pray the lord for those that have text in this morning their prayer requests and you know what those requests are we're praying to the lord that if it is your will that you will grant them their request we want to pray the lord for those that are sick at this time those that may be suffering from whatever type of ailments at this time we're praying for comfort for them we also pray for peace of mind for them peace of mind for their families and a speedy recovery as well as we stated earlier dear lord we have many uh here at the congregation and other places that has gone on and we want to pray for those families lord that are suffering through bereavement at this time we're playing dead lord that you will we're praying the lord that you will have your angels to surround those families and comfort those families we also dear lord i want to thank you for allowing jackson street church of christ through you to disturb the baptism pool we thank you dear lord for those who have surrendered their lives to you in the last couple of weeks we thank you for uh sister ruth bowman we thank you dear lord for sister kennedy berry we thank you dear lord for sister shonda locke we thank you dear lord for brother benjamin maxwell we know dear lord that the angels are rejoicing and we are rejoicing as well and we're praying to the lord that we will be there for them throughout their christian walk be with us dear lord through the rest of this service forgive us all for any sins that we have committed forgive me for my sins as well we pray this prayer in your son jesus name amen please stand [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] father we have had a fantastic day of worship uh on this morning we're just so thankful you've allowed us to be here on today we are so thankful for the message from brother chris uh as he always does a great job father we are just blessed to have some great ministers uh some great elders some great deacons some great members father we're just so thankful that you've blessed this congregation uh and allow us to be here and continue to grow uh even during this tough time father we ask you to be with those that are sick and shut in among us those who are going to bereavement father we all have things that we go through on a day-to-day basis and we ask you to just meet those needs and just cover us as you always do father father we love you we just don't have the words to say it but we'll say it the best way that we know how and just thank you father thank you thank you be with us until we meet again we pray that everything done today is pleasing and acceptable in thy sight because that's all that matters in your son's name we pray amen
Channel: Jackson Street Church of Christ
Views: 816
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Nashville Church, The Church of Christ, Church of Christ Preaching, Church of Christ Worship Service, Michael Crowder
Id: xJcFAtjLZ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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