JoyRide Podcast EP 4|| When we didn't believe in each other (Broke days)

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[Music] victory [Music] hi guys welcome back to another episode of the joyride podcast it's yours truly ben psycho and juan jiren episode 4 man this is episode four man and we really appreciate the feedback we love that you guys have decided to be part of this journey you guys are joy riders we are going with that one yeah yeah and today before we even continue what instagram women complained that you know we are neglecting them a lot of times so i thought i'd read some a few comments from instagram and we had there's one from wahora a big shout out to ahora amazing content yeah i was like this was such a good episode onegoi the proverbial queen sana elite episode one uh awesome content one boy kamari saying yes this was such a dope episode looking forward to more one geshe cash in fact atakawa she's gonna subaru [Music] equals to bad companies that ruins good morals it's unknown isn't that what i said the there's i love this podcast i'm interesting i love this podcast can't wait for more content from youtube thank you so much ami we will definitely be giving you guys um is her name amy or amy that's how i can do it no any [Music] yeah so today's conversation purpose what do you want us to what are we talking about today we're talking about purpose that's why i'm [Music] into everything okay let's start as usual i start i think i usually start yeah so that you can let me do all the things oh i started with number two yeah that's close at any point in your relationship have you ever doubted that you were meant to be together based on what each of you wanted to achieve previous relationship um previous relationships had to go in the same path why tell us more dad we'd really love to know [Music] keep sharing sharing sharing sharing show max is what i'm texting you too but i keep swimming but i never mentioned their names um especially in one he wanted to have a sports career a career in the sport is it running no i will leave it at sports because i prefer sports and at this point you know it's not you [Laughter] that's a good one yeah he wanted to have a career in sports yeah and you know as is the nature of the sports industry i think there's no pay um and more prospects if you plead outside yeah and so that became a very huge dream of his and family was also very important to him so if there was ever a point where we were to be together then that would mean me relocating have you watched that film georgina i am georgina no i know this footballer's name cristiano christiano yes wife no [Music] [Laughter] um what about you have i been in a way have i ever doubted at any point in your relationship have you ever doubted that you are meant to be together based on what each of you wanted to achieve um [Music] i mean there was one place yeah what do you want to achieve what's your problem every time it was games we go to that point but um yes i doubt it at first because there was one who was just let's be honest you are not that deep you're you're fishing you're fishing but you weren't that deep in your relationship fishing i think there was of course there are times where i wasn't sure where this is going see this this is also past based on past relationships there were some relationships where i didn't know i mean we lay ourselves there yeah and i didn't know where this was going um because one of them was super spiritual uh you know there was someone who was more spiritual than you yeah we're talking about you know fighting the the spiritual warfare you know like i was like you know i mean i mean i'm into this oh where am i laughing it's not funny and you know like it was you know the spiritual for demons and i was like man so i'm going to be a warrior all my life you know so i when it got to that point i wasn't i wasn't really sure i think that's the one i can remember i i really asked myself because you know me i love god and i love um my relationship with god but if you can't wait to figure out what demons i'm just saying your dark forces are bitter a bit tricky okay in the more difficult these a part b yeah in the more difficult moments in life have you ever felt like your partner would achieve their purpose faster and easier without you i if you i've always felt like we are intertwined and maybe i'm preempting a lot of the questions that will come yeah but if i were to focus on this um i mean just look at how ben generally yeah and i love your channel i love my channel but we've both struggled yes to numbers like yeah but that's why i believe like with you i've always felt like actually i've always felt yeah that and maybe i don't know if i should say this just say it yeah because they never come forward they always come for me but i think i always feel like if we break up then we never felt like that kind of soul mate like you lose out even on yours yeah or maybe we are preempting the questions but yeah has ended and for you what what's the question in the more difficult moments in life have you ever felt like your partner would have you ever felt like i would achieve my purpose faster without you like you you know those days you were broke no no i didn't like i didn't think you would feel like you were holding me back no no but you know weirdly maybe i don't know if people might know this when we started dating you kind of blew up faster than me even in in the financial space like i was already in the entertainment space but you know how music goes with mcsk and you know he you would they wanted to meet chuani or whatever yeah so i think your career started paying off financially uh faster before mine yeah yeah and they think it's just life it's just did you ever feel like you're holding me back no i didn't feel that i didn't feel that in fact i loved so much from your breakouts you know i didn't think youtube would pay you i liked that from your channel i was so shocked you know and even to see content in that content pay and and and that's one of the things that also helped helped me adapt quickly also as an artist that you have to merge and that's why you've been able now to do music yes content do content all this time it's been years of trying to find a balance on all of them okay okay okay hope today pick number one man you guys think this is number one let's open let's open it's number seven number of contributions [Laughter] if you were to pick one option right now to pursue either your purpose or your relationship what do you think you choose well um wow as i said i think for me where i'm at right now i feel like my pa my relationship is intertwined with my partner um and so that's why i feel like a lot of that's why something like the joyride is working the way it is and people are relating the way it is um because of our relationship yeah so i think i don't think it would either have to be either or i think for me they're intertwined yeah for me for you they're intertwined yeah for me as well and that is not just trying to play safe in fact for maybe another question or some question i drew i'd throw at you do you think the person you end up with and maybe it's here you know maybe if we get there we have to say but if it's not before i forget it do you think the person you marry or the person you're in a relationship with determines how far you go in life a hundred percent uh 100 i i believe that strongly that the person you decide to yank yourself to either for life or for whatever amount of time that you choose to i think they determine how far you're going to get because because even look at our situation yeah you i'm able to excel in the areas that i excel because you create an environment where i could be that yeah um if you would be like oh my god you're blowing up you see even what you were saying like i blew up and couldn't quote before you did so if you were like ah hold it right there woman needs to be exactly that would have really affected my trajectory but instead you created that environment so i strongly believe who you're with yeah well definitely because there are some relationships that i was in and i was i was not looking at the future the way i look at it now like i was not seeing myself you know growing up i always grew up with dreams and as much as i came from a humble background i grew up believing that one day i live all that you're doing drive well you know so there were some relationships i was in now all i saw was darkness you know i'm not seeing so far ahead so yes i'm telling you coming to this side with your prayer [Music] [Music] visually what have you done so far this is a sub question what have you done so far to ensure that your relationship does not jeopardize your purpose a i think has been to maybe this may not work for everyone i think on the journey we just share based on our experience i think i've purposely roped you in into what i am about and the things that i want to achieve yeah that way you've understood my why you've understood the how and i think that has helped um i know that's not for everyone yeah um but i think for me it's worked really well so i've literally roped you in and even in days when we never used to do content together where i still had my own platform and even in things like mawa because i feel like that's an extension of what with every business it's usually an extension of my purpose yeah you're still very much roped into the house the wise i think that way yeah yeah i think also what what i've done to ensure that my relationship does not jeopardize my purpose is that from the get-go i i like explaining to my partner or the person i'm with what i want to achieve so that if they don't want to be a part of it what did i do yeah yeah yeah you do that a lot you're like i want to do this with music yeah i want to do this i want to do this content and everything such that uh it's not like when you're getting woocombe and then your partner doesn't starts to doubt like who you are and all that stuff and i remember when the first time you started dating with yuki tambo no we were not even dating we're just friends and i think it was at cabere's memorial service and i think when you're supposed to be my mother yeah i refuse to meet your mom and now you look for opportunities to be with her yeah yeah we're talking i'm happy right right um [Music] and your family or you guys in your family you had already known a few people in the media spaces and i used to be so jazzed that you guys wanna tell me at my celebrity co-op coming out is they have just been blowing their phone hello hello honey holy crap but you guys were tied to them and at that point i knew you had a soft spot also for the industry and as much as you really didn't like it that much which you still do does your partner try and ensure that they do not jeopardize your purpose i think you do you try let me see that question it's just you may somewhat even does your partner try and ensure that they don't jeopardize your purpose that they do not i think you do because you've understood my why you understood what i'm trying to do i think it's become very very and i think as i was saying it was very important for me to rope you in and let you know like this is the how this is the why i'm doing it and so for you everything that you do even as you align and maybe it's god's grace that hours have mysteriously aligned yeah um that even as you pursue yours it's never at my expense yeah it's almost like how can this complement yeah whatever shiro is trying to do yeah it's also you have to be secure that um and this sometimes normally a challenge for guys when their lady like you know exceeds um a lot more that succeeds and exceeds the expectations and you know some guys start feeling a bit intimidated and threatened it really it takes a real strong man to support their woman and not be intimidated by their dreams yes that's just the person who she is out there and that's the purpose that she has in life yeah you should not be threatened by that what what do you think are some of the things that you have done to ensure that you don't jeopardize my purpose first of all to understand it okay yeah and i remember you started telling me about your purpose but back in the days at expansion you told me you went i want to be a ceo by 28. look at me now i'm so this is an uncomfortable site yeah yeah i look at you now in moab yeah um so from from the early stages i understood what you wanted to achieve yeah and how yeah so just just buying into the vision and not not seeing it because i feel like if you win i'm also winning i think you win yeah i think thing and i think again i think we're preempting yeah a lot of it especially music when back in the day when you were releasing bomba i really did not understand your you had told you told me you didn't understand oh i was going to say you do not obviously understand and kill you even further but i i didn't unders fully understand what it was but i think because i knew you and i knew the kind of person that you are and i had faith so you just had the faith without even understanding yeah i had faith especially the music elements missing cool i took i took a bit of time yeah and i never shared that with you but i took a bit of it who's laughing now who's laughing now definitely me no it's not all right oh 15. do you ever compare each other's journeys with other people i.e you compare ben to a mutual friend you mean you may know who may have found his purpose earlier than ben or compare andrew to a mutual you know why i like this question because it doesn't compare us to social media personalities which is usually the comparison it's like somebody you know so do you may think i did that too no i think i did that a lot um today you're confessing we'll have a we have a discussion after this father forgive me yeah in my in your struggle years especially again music i was like hey this thing is taking too long maybe ben is not you start even questioning things like hey he's been talented is it is ben as um yeah just continue we'll talk later no so it it got to that point but i think the more i speak to you and the more i see the f the work the more i continue to see the work that went into it that slowly was so would you compare me did you used to compare me to other people who had found their purpose earlier not compare but wonder like oh wait why is this taking time when you told me you want to do youtube and i was just like um i've been i've been in youtube for a while i only have a thousand subscribers why do you think this is good so at that time you remember at that time i said you were hustling man can i can you tell people some stories it's my story to tell no i can't have myself i was part of the judge so you can see i remember those one time we were so broke you had to shave your hair because you couldn't afford maintaining it yeah and so this i saw this joke somebody saying that working uh in kenyatta market with an afro it's like a goat at an auction excuse excuse braids you know yeah so i remember i remember that time yeah what does it feel like when your purpose is aligned as a couple what does it feel like to know your purpose is in sync i don't i don't even know if i have one i can do a song or a point let me say this now it's seamless now it feels like this there's a greater sense like um like our marriage is for more than just like we are at the core and our celebrate and that celebration is for us yeah but it feels like with platforms like the joyride it feels like it's more than just us and it's a beautiful feeling because i believe in a lot of things are more than for we are created to be more than just about ourselves how can i edify myself i strongly believe that we are created to be more sweet it feels good yeah [Music] but before we got here there was struggle years but i feel like the struggle years also they kind of bond you guys more if you struggle with your god because i know a lot of people i know some of the people i work with in production like he tell me stories of how they they did go shoot and they didn't even have fear he just stayed with their wife and then now they've allowed their leave they're doing so well and you can tell their bond is very very strong it's it's not because they they know each other's hassle nakunu madarao you know like you know you've been you were together since the days in the gutters and uh now you're together in the days of with all the platters you know something ben told me like tambo when we had nothing to do you're trying youtube so it was early on in our relationship and we had time yeah we had a lot of time eh i had just quit my job so we were just trying to figure out youtube you know before things get busy yeah you're just shooting maybe videos i love all this you've edited free there's no work to do and so we used to meet up a lot yeah and i used to feel bad because i'm a busy body i like to be busy and ben used to tell me every single time that at least we are working on our relationship that's the biggest joke it's paying money now exactly and that's what i'm saying i reminded you the other day and you were like well at least we're making money now so yeah the days of the hustle yeah this is 16 nobody's getting number one man i need to get actually supposed to be reading okay how does it feel for you you have an answer does it feel what for us for us to be when our purpose is aligned i feel like there's a greater responsibility to also ensure that the relationship is is okay yeah it's okay so because the relationship means we'll be spending more time together now we do spend a lot of time together more time more than what we [Music] but yeah i feel like now there's more responsibility to it so you kind of don't want to take things lightly and if you jeopardize this you might be jeopardizing your purpose as well love it oh this is a long one as a couple you must see other couples who may be further ahead in their journeys or some that are a little behind like drive to your couple's friend's house in wasaga and they have six cars do you have a friend named osaga who has six girls like uh they give you panganiya [Music] and living the dream it seems to have life figured out yeah how do you not let comparing and contrasting affect your relationship but keep trusting the process um maybe the reference can be when we were still trying to come up oh we haven't talked about our struggle days those things were hard and it was years it was not just one year or two years may remember things took off 2020 2020 even for you no no for us for us this is i think i can be doing well but as long as you're struggling and because we are so synced yeah it still doesn't feel like um yeah so there's a celebration of me and on an individual level i feel great yeah but also when i come on the relationship there's a desire for you to make it as well so that we could celebrate in that yeah the comparison would be there at times you know there are times when you'd feel discouraged you know because you know some of the people because you know when you live when you finish campus you're more or less on the same graph but then like one year so people are used to other people are that's what's waiting and so now you start getting the thoughts of maybe you're doing something really wrong that was you from 20. yeah maybe there is something they say to 2020. there's something you're doing wrong or maybe you just don't have what it takes in fact it took uh if you notice even when people started loving our videos we still used to doubt those videos because we feel like i wanted to chill chill because we had been doing this for a while and we felt like we are not blowing up as some people because we started off with some people and tell people gods they blew up and just took off took off you know so it's later on when you start understanding that is this how the process works yeah so when things are working well right now with the joyride this has been years in the making this has been years of doing whatever we do and so yes those times we'd compare ourselves to people but but also that journey also teaches you a humility such that when you're ahead of people and ahead in quotes because it's just the way normal people see a head it helps it makes you understand that the people who are somehow behind in quotes again it's see yeah it's not that they're in it yes [Music] it's a different type it has nothing to do that there's something wrong with you i think also it boils down to a lot of individualism because i had to work on my comparing myself see if i struggled with that and i think if on an individual level i compare myself a lot to other people it will trickle down to how i see our relationship vis-a-vis others so i think there was a lot of we had to work individually on ourselves yeah so you work with your struggles with say the industry for example um how do you feel about that how do you feel about people who've gone ahead of you yeah um and figure out your feelings about that and deal with them yeah um visa as well as me and then now i think that also helped us deal with the relationship and then moving with your pace really works because it also eases you some unnecessary pressure i remember those times man and the cooler times complete black date and all remember one time we went to about time but they had 5k exactly you know i didn't know that you play something like frisky is still not uh enough you know like um beyond that you know nikki dream is over [Music] you're not in that space yeah yeah yeah yeah but you still can't take me to about time because of lack of mind is just cause lack of seriousness no no so when do i call it as a family the entire family okay do you think that who you are and i think we answered this um or who you your partner is determines how far ahead you get in life or is that also based on your individual traits [Music] yeah the person you date will determine how how far you go you see especially as men we move when we know like the the girl or the woman you have really believes in you if the lady you're dating already doesn't believe in you as a guy that's the first dent so by the f by the time i'm going to meet uh whatever twitter will make him [Music] criticize you already but if you know you have the support of your lady ah you can you can you can take up a few arrows in the field you know because you know the you the girl still loves you and she's supposed she's going to support you so especially for men i think the support of the lady is very very important i don't know about women and even not that somebody who can i don't know who's saying this maybe it might be rotimi um who's saying that how important to me you're saying it in a song no no i don't know where i had it i think it was him but he was seeing how it has it has worked for him that he got a woman i think vanessa vanessa okay who is able to multiply his wealth so it's somebody like an empire one bob and he's able to make and the lady has been able to make yeah yeah from that one and i think he was saying how that has worked to your advantage person you you you're with yeah you determine that a lot 100 you want to go yes sir hope this is number one number one how do you handle instances where your partner tells you about something that they want to achieve and it's not that you do not support or believe in them but you find it difficult to see how they will achieve this the person who wrote this question neil yeah they knew this too my journey about you and music let me see that question so i can find a diplomatic answer how do you feel like how do you be basically how do you handle instances where your partner tells you about something that they want to achieve and it's not that you do not support or believe in them but you find it difficult to see how they will achieve this that's music with you oh what are you so you are telling me am i am i laying my soul too bad just just we'll talk about this letter who knows no but i think i saw it in you but you see what your eyes can see i just didn't see how and i think in that moment what i i don't know do you want me do you want me to cut my trachea and i think in that moment what i decided to do i will support you blindly if you believe it in your heart yeah i wouldn't question it i wouldn't even ask myself and i think that's why you struggled a lot with like oh why aren't you sharing my music oh yeah yeah yeah i used to love it when people come at you low-key like mm-hmm um so i think i made a conscious decision that i will support blindly you've just told us on this channel that previously in your previous relationship just yeah yeah why didn't you believe in that as well because it was at my expense i wasn't ready to sacrifice oh yeah so nice it's [ __ ] nikes um for me i think when i say these things about your music do they hurt you no don't care i mean it's a lot of people even i also never used i've always done today this is a joke god you know yeah but um what i'd say is after after after you proved me wrong with the youtube i promised myself i'll never doubt it again oh so everything that's why everything i do you just support yeah because i was like i was full i i was wrong once and maybe i was wrong because i was short-sighted so i just need to believe big plus you see there's something we've been learning in church about when two people agree unity is a very important element of success i agree if it's you with your team if it's your production team if it's in your relationship whenever two of you agree to be on a journey the chances of you succeeding are are almost 100 percent it might just take a while but whenever just two people who are in agreement agree yeah it will succeed yeah so it's just a matter of time so i was proven wrong once you are not ready oh it's just that i have to double read so it looks like it will wow okay um how did you deal with your partner's dreams coming true and papa's being fulfilled before yours came to life i was actually inspired and challenged because i remember when you started doing these youtube videos so there were some people was chasing in the industry uh for them to play my music and also ask them for brand advice i've always been that guy asking for brand advice since i joined the industry and i used to go for like the top shots by the way i learned so much from those big shots so there's one big shot i remember sending your video and i soon i later on realized they were part of this team when i sent him a video at first and he liked what you had done i i started getting like okay so what is this space and what is this blowing up because you remember those were the first youtubers to actually blow up from kenya so i was like what is this thing and i became more curious about it uh because i also love growing brands and i love conversations about brands so to me it was more of an inspiration i wasn't jealous or something i wasn't in jail i was just like we're going to catch up anyway so scott what about you how do i deal with my partner's dreams coming true and purpose being fulfilled before i think the same way was it before that's a good question let's let's go back in your past relationships where did you ever get to a point where you succeeded more than your your your partner then yes oh how did they take it they were threatened it felt that way and it wasn't outright but i think whenever somebody comes and tries to curtail you in certain ways it speaks volumes about how they they feel about your success your your career mostly has been in in in with regards to talking you know i remember i took you to an emceeing gig once at ku you were trying to handle me here yeah definitely i mean a brother gotta try all those you know you're moving as a promoter you're moving as a manager you try all means so like how would he be filtered [Music] no it wasn't like that but you could see the undertones like you know i think even when from where i sit again i think i have to give that disclaimer is that when you when somebody else's dream [Music] you are like okay you will not i want to do this and you decide how you fit in this yeah i think that's already indicative of how you feel about if i succeed okay okay okay so i don't really consider what you want yeah crazy number six uh how important is your individual how important is your individual purpose to you how important is your individual purpose oh it means everything to me i think it's why i wake up every morning it's why i am passionate about these things that i do in every sphere of my life it's why like i'm trying to do my work because i feel like women should always feel confident in what they wear it's why i feel we should do this joyride podcast because i feel like there should be a space where people get to hear about certain conversations with regards to life and relationships yeah so i think it's really my driving force yeah what about you as well i feel like a life without purpose is really not worth living i don't think if whether you're getting money or not if you're just making money and you don't have a clear purpose or a reason why you you you live a reason that's beyond you it has to be of the benefit of other people yeah i don't think that's a life worth living yeah and i think you start living when you start uh living out your purpose it also when you leave out your purpose you sometimes don't even notice how long you're taking to hustle like you know when it's seven years that you've been doing something but you're like ah that looks like a short time because you've been enjoying what you're supposed to what you're created to do yeah um let me throw another question back at you you can't and there's a part b but anyway wait what's the party if at the end of your life you haven't achieved your purpose because of your relationship would you regret it i think so i would oh definitely it comes the purpose is really really important to both of us so i know and i think that's why it's really important that's why i was saying things like music i felt so i would feel so terrible about myself if i would have been the one to tell you okay now you need to quit this thing it's not making sense yet it's what look at what allah has done you know what i mean yeah yeah um yet it was only a thing of time yeah but because i wasn't patient enough or i didn't see it the way you saw it i was quick to cut it yeah i would feel terrible and i think that's why i keep telling you that for you even when i don't 100 agree with it i will support it because i don't want to be the one to stand between between me and my partner yeah i think it's very important for for your partner to support you in your purpose if they don't you might actually have what it takes for you to for you to make it but if they don't i feel like it will it's a heavy what's that thing that was it's a heavy anchor and to delay you achieving your purpose ask ask us or was it your turn i've sacrificed seventies what has this pursuit of purpose taught you as an individual and as a couple i think you've touched on it is that it really has to be about it can't be about me yeah it has to be about the greater yeah that it has just been about the [Music] yeah yeah money should be secondary i know that's very controversial but money should be secondary yeah once you start achieving your purpose for example when we came together i started changing also my perspective of music you know you remember at that time the way the way like in the industry we always used to be little minions for somebody else and you never used to like that you were like what used to tell me why would you be um why would you be why would why would you be kym for somebody just for them to play you on tv yet it's digital but that was like standard like even the big acts would do the same thing you know i didn't understand when you go like okay um yeah so so when we came together i started looking at things from a different perspective okay and that's really worked for us yeah i think me okay sorry but anyway footage how do you pursue your purpose as a couple i think a is what we're doing here with the joyride yeah yeah there's that okay you want to give oh you're just gonna give that one yeah you give one how you pursue a purpose as a couple um of course i think with the joyride but also being into each other's support support support system i'm in malwa yeah when you see people steal your designs and you're like a partner to see mongolia say like what any designer maybe a dress but you know you know um being in each other's purpose is also really fascinating it just it pushes it fast and it accelerates it so i think that's one of the ways yeah each other's purposes i'm really excited about the joyride and maybe that's why people are relating to it as much as yes just sharing our stories yeah have you ever felt purposeless [Music] yes at the start mm-hmm when things are just going south you start feeling you start doubting yours you even doubt you are your own you're mad you never ben you used to be smart in school what is this nonsense you're doing you know yeah but eventually when it start when it started to open up and it started to to pay off it started making now all that started making sense yeah i think for me i think i did purposeless yes especially after that to my graduate uni i've quit my job i did that three months stint i quit now to do youtube full-time there are no gigs nobody understands what it is you remember that time i was like okay i have no money i can't ask my parents for money because um it's enough they're giving me food and shelter um and i'm the one who chose to quit this job i've refused to go for that connection that they've given me yeah i remember it was a big company yeah and then now we were like um i need money to move around to be able to shoot these videos then we started selling my clothes we set up an instagram store yeah um we did that yeah and then we i put i modeled my clothes i was trying to have like a thrift store yeah type of thing nobody bought nobody followed that page thanks very much by the way i know but i think what this part be of the question what did your partner do about it i think ben you became hands on deck like ben was the one taking those pictures of those he had no money to support my my dreams of being yeah doing youtube but you came you were like okay you need us to sell a few clothes [Music] so i think that's just constantly supporting but people don't know you've been through a lot as well you remember there was a time you used to work as a was it customer care and you would work overnight those ring back tones that you guys put what were you doing we used to edit them you see those string turn thank you for calling stella stella is a name that means so you did you used to do those videos no i i thought i was going to do the videos yeah i ended up editing them oh wow yeah can you do one for me thank you for calling ben psycho and psycho means success those are the ones those are the ones who used to edit okay 3m in your definition and experience with relationships have you ever been in a relationship with someone who doubted your purpose doubted i think the word would be curtailed so like they're trying to yeah yeah you yeah i've been in relationships with some of my girlfriends didn't even know i was an artist [Laughter] keep pushing if the closest people you don't know you're a musician you're not [ __ ] your own girlfriend doesn't know that you you just dropped writing song last week then you need to push more you push it it was white man it was weird what would you do if you doubted your partner's purpose me here because i've spoken about it with music and you i think i used to feel really really bad about myself yeah i used to feel like did you have you forgiven yourself you know by the time i'm releasing bomber but let me tell you i've tried almost all generals i even did reggae bro like that's so used to be played at gatorade you guys would love that job then he went through okay we should [Music] i we were like i don't know what this guy is doing i don't know this song oh man i saw his trash but we'll keep supporting everything nobody played that german what are you learning but do you understand how how how that would put me difficult position i did everything i tried all genres but like it was a matter of time by the time i'm doing this kinase 3 new song i have given up on blowing up i just want the scene to go i just want to use my challenge for the glory of god that's what i told the producer the tawala producer he asked me so what do you want to achieve i was like mini choker what is the purpose of your relationship or marriage why are you married priest of the home do you want to answer maybe we start with a uh exactly we don't have no title at home what's the question why are we married ah that seems like it just seemed like the right thing to do at this point in time i mean i'd say i was i'm sure about this person about doing life with this person okay i think what i left out is what is the purpose of our marriage it looks simple okay you know what what is the purpose of your marriage if you're married or if you're in a relationship what is the purpose of a relationship i'd say so that we can now do life together uh in a in a confidential way that is accepted by god and human humans one out of four i tried anyway if that's what your understanding of what our marriage purpose is you why are we married i think based on what the joyride has become and i think i didn't understand until we are here and we've done it is to i think is to inspire people yeah and there's a way that our chemistry does that yeah there's a way even like when we were doing just simple something as simple as makeup on each other that made people happy yeah and i think that's why that's why you're married for youtube dabufunga is your camera sponsor for youtube nothing organic okay sweetie um [Music] you're married now but do you feel like with every relationship you may have had always dated with a purpose and you're not funny you're married now but do you feel like with every relationship that you may have had you always dated with purpose ben you i don't care for [Music] all of them when why did i used to do that to myself man i think and then it's not talked about a lot but sometimes you just date just to dates to find yourself so character development part of it to get stories that make others laugh yeah i don't know like not all relationships have to end up in marriage yeah it's just the fact that this is the reality yeah we put that pressure on a lot of people kiss many frogs christians you can find your friends yeah yeah the last question before we go oh you yeah with every relationship where you we you were in did you used to date with papas no what is this i think i think they're those that it looks like it could be materialized um until you get a bit of character development you're like maybe you know and then we get in too deep you think it's going to and then uh so it used to be up and down so you enter not looking for anything substantial and then it becomes something substantial so it was that constant but you you at least used to try meaning your head head stroke broken this is for life i'm saying that two weeks i found question one how crazy is it that it's the last one yeah it's the last one um do you have a purpose as a couple we do we've answered yes we do have a purpose too fulfill the convention [Laughter] i think our purpose as a couple is to inspire uh you're doing it for youtube people i don't know no not even on youtube but even in real life irl to be a blessing to people amen is your purpose as individuals different from your purpose as a couple or is it complementary i don't is our purpose is your purpose has been different from karaoke or is it complementary it's complementary for sure yeah so this is the special question it's a bonus question you have to be honest you have to promise that i100 will be honest just ask your question you have to promise i asked manju i'll be honest yes you don't like what is callable answer on a scale of one to ten ah just to just ask sorry i just realized i just say we just answered on a scale of one to ten how difficult is it to answer these questions and talk about purpose honestly a purpose is not hard because i think we've had time you remember that period i told you ben told me we're working on our relationship i think we are ripping off those benefits so i think we solidified a lot of that yeah so right now it just feels like we are a hundred percent aligned what about you on a scale of one to ten you know how how easy is it to talk about it nine nine ten i also think it's i also think i would i'd also give it a ten because i i see the way people sometimes admire the success of let's see our joint ventures and and it's a beautiful thing but the thing that makes it easier for me to talk about this is because i have been there when it was a real struggle the ghetto not remember you come visit me in in satellite now and i'd have to give you a push all the way to casa nama so if it's rashawa when the tower is off-peak so the car is going empty we get to tahoe to go to where you guys used to stay you have to queue and sometimes you'd have to fight to get into the matrix so i fight i get inside and then i book the seat and then collect excuse me you know yeah so when when you see life through all this um um yeah yeah but you see like when you look at life from all these angles you start to realize that it's it's it's it might inspire somebody out there yeah and it's most probably common across the board i assume yeah that was a good one that was a good one the purpose yeah or baby thank you so much for watching make sure you subscribe for those guys who are listening to us on the audios podcast platforms thank you thank you so much leave a comment follow us on the joyride podcast on instagram follow us individual pages yes where one june june ben cycle b-n-c-y-c-o i have a new song this is what did you have to say because every time people some people would spell ben psycho with b e n p s or like psycho or like cycling yes cycling cyclers like we have been called names like i'm okay at this point so make sure you follow us subscribe share this video we love you guys have a blessed week you episode you
Channel: The Joy Ride
Views: 83,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T_MJIJbe56w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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