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alright joven so you remember last year's prank rights where we did the cool thing with the Star Wars cast that's two years ago that was two years now geez new movies coming out so we have another prank setup it's gonna be awesome Harrison Ford right yeah I don't know if he loves me why would he talk to me again is he an 8 be cool wait who are they coming when do they start coming in like ok ok wait why am i blindfold when do I take the blindfold off are they in here now am i doing Legos with them joven we know you love Star Wars so we're not letting you out until you finish building this xoxo what am I supposed to do this with the cast hey guys it's locked on this side matt mari is this a hey this is a joke right hey guys what is this why is there a camera here it's just a bunch of random pieces why does it say people there's a bowl that says people what do I do with the people why did you blindfold me this isn't real right do I just wait hello what hi Matt Rob I hope you listen to your voicemails because you aren't answering my text messages I don't know you kind of just put me in a room here and it's it's a funny joke but I think we're done now if you're expecting me to do like a video on this uh-uh-uh hey Mari it's me yeah a small question uh when are you getting to the studio today what do you mean you're a are you serious I hate Legos though I there's so many of them you didn't even give me the box what how am I supposed to know what this okay this sucks awesome can you at least turn off the air conditioner cuz that's just mean why do I do this well look who it is mr. Matt Rob no I haven't done anything yet I need to pee first of all I'm not using the pee bucket you want to get serious that's good serious you get me out of here and stop this whole stupid thing and I'll do another wax job video just let me out and we can go over details when we shoot it what do you mean Oh get me out of here Don until it's done what is it though I got bags of Legos hello hello I hate you oh are you kidding me it's a Millennium Falcon there's 1,300 pieces no that's not it's not what it is oh my god that's what it is there's no instructions what you gave me the Millennium Falcon would know you gave me the Millennium Falcon with no instructions hey frills can I keep this out there there we go uh hi world let me get you up to speed I've been locked in a room here at the Smosh games studio and I thought I was doing another Star Wars cast prank interview kind of like when I did it with the force awakens no one needs a party it was pretty cool and awesome and I got all excited I've been looking forward to this day for for about two weeks now and I get into this room and what I find is a little no everything's okay because I got a pay ball when I walked into this room I just had these bags of LEGO pieces I did find this Millennium Falcon box part of me still thinks maybe they're joking I don't know I guess I gotta film a video I hope my misery is your entertainment your sort so I can sort them out what does Bear Grylls say adapt improvise ask for help great this sucks I gotta admit though this is a little funny hey if I admit that this is funny can we stop because you got me this is funny cool well this is just a random mess I don't know what I'm feeling here these are all tiny pieces I'm not opening that up this is probably the most sadistic and and best prank that we've ever done here before I wish we had maybe talked about it with me first so we can throw in someone else into the mix like I love Star Wars obviously I'm not a big fan of Legos though and like reading search I don't have the patience for this kind of stuff my little brother's into Bionicle those were weird I hate my life it's a piece of tape what the instructions are taped to the bottom of it you gotta be kidding me the instructions were taped to the bottom of the table you guys okay I think I can do this it's so thick there's so many instructions I've been in here for a while just kind of farting around I don't think they're gonna come and get me I think I actually need to finish this Lego set so you're coming with me on this adventure and we're gonna we're gonna put together some Legos here we go man damn good video no one else video like there's a hundred and sixty pages who plays with Legos like this like it starts off looking something like this and then halfway through there's there's an entire inside of the Millennium Falcon that I'm gonna have to do you know it's like this great I have so much work ahead of me I'm already confused with step one okay what kind of what kind of lego pieces of these I think it's all about having a strategy and so what I've done was I opened up the first bag and I've separated each one by shape now I at least know what I'm dealing with so I think that we're on to a good start here yeah we're in a decent start Who am I kidding I don't know what I'm doing this is stupid there's pieces with pieces attached to them I don't know what that means why get me out of here take all the blue oh that's from the other bag one oh no where did I put that oh wait there's gray ones too oh there's two steps vlog entry two three I don't I don't know what I'm on this is not Legos these aren't Legos like this is like some connects something like I don't these aren't piece oh wait there's a dude in here hold on oh here's his head oh yeah put him together put him together all right come on buddy this is my new friend I've made him he will not leave me I will name you Bert actually who is this this is a kanji club you know lots of kanji kanji blue gang member he's no bb-8 he's a reformed gang member he's got a shady past he's looking to do good we love Bert Bert is my friend hi Bert I'm not progressing well I've been in some crazy situations before in my life i watch survival shows like I I know I can get through this the trick is if I'm gonna survive this day and I'm gonna get this done in a timely fashion there's only one thing that I really need to accomplish and that is to stay calm and stay focused I think I'm gonna be okay I don't wanna do it anymore I give up I'm sorry for whatever I did I'm sorry for calling you Matt Roux but the streamys I don't know what to do what if this breaks my love for Star Wars why is it so cold Weiss the air conditioning on I thought I was gonna meet the cast of Star Wars they got me they got me good supposed to be doing something staying focused all right bracket I gotta get back here's the thing I'm not using that pee bucket so if I want to get out of here and use a normal restroom I got to finish this so back to work no I'm afraid this is stupid step one completed now just a lot more steps to go people do this for fun I am NOT one of these people that's kind of fun all right this is the start of my Millennium Falcon oh this is different this has a knob on it what the okay none of these have knobs good Oh God then this goes on the other end oh so I just made the same thing twice why couldn't you go wait no this this was a longer one looks like a Millenium Falcon to me all right page eight 160 oh no no no no no no no no no no so what I'm seeing here are different color blocks so those are a darker color and those are a lighter color I only have lighter color blocks I don't have darker color like it that's I don't have whatever those are am I in the wrong bag are there the same thing I have these smaller pieces these are clearly darker clearly this is a misprinted set it's a manufacturer's error I don't have the proper LEGO pieces and sometimes that happens sometimes they just don't give you the right Legos so there is only one thing that we can really do right now they gave me the wrong size that gave me the wrong pace heads they're not all in there it's not real it's not real it's not real okay I think I'm starting to understand the real puzzle here this isn't real they went into the Lego set first and they took some of the pieces out oh and then they sealed the bags back up yeah I'm not crazy they're crazy this isn't a bit I'm frustrated the picture in the book isn't matching up to what I have physically this this is looking pretty good right now in my opinion because I I there's that I've wait a second is that longer this one was lined up pretty much exactly to that that one going across the middle but when we look at this one is not lined up with the Block in the center it's not lined up it doesn't line up it doesn't line up it doesn't line up to a single conclusion I can't do this on an empty stomach I've been in here for a while now I didn't eat breakfast I need some food I need some brain power this is a production day I'm filming a video I demand a lunch I'm gonna get some food they can't deny me food like it's still a company right so hey guys it's lunchtime and I'm hungry what do you mean now in here what no she didn't wait is Mari here cuz I swear to God if she lied to me all that once mmm empanadas why is it called this is vegetarian a spicy vegetarian [Music] so halfway through my meal break I'm realizing that not everything is as it seems this Lego set did not have the right pieces and I'm not I'm not saying that like like like an Ikea thing or it's like I don't have all the screws why not give me all the screws like legit it's actually affecting me now [Laughter] ah so I think I figured out the problem I looked back in the instructions and I did the instructions specifically say empty up the contents of bag one there's a bag symbol and then a number one and I did that I took the two bags with a number one symbol this bag this bag has no number on it it has no number there's no number on it but these are the bricks that I need why was there no number why was there the legos of Our Lives why are they doing this to me I need to start from the beginning from the beginning this life or the next have a different man now all right there's only one way to win this game I've learned my mistakes now I'm going to finish this stupid Lego set and I'm gonna shove it right up Matt Rob it's not built yet but we've also established by we I mean me and Bert that I cannot do this because on the box it specifically says that this is only doable from ages 9 to 14 it is not nine and up it is nine and fourteen nine to fourteen he's dead to me [Music] Burtt I hate you and your people you were what's wrong with childhoods this is why people started playing Minecraft and no more Legos you know I think I'm learning a real valuable lesson today about like the building blocks of life and like the pun is intended because I think there's something we could really learn from Legos man like I need to take this piece right this tiny weird miniscule piece and you're like how is this gonna go onto the bottom of this just a bunch of circles man you know when you're a kid and you try to put the square into the circle hole and it doesn't work it does work that's just those are two circles and those are a bunch of circles and somehow the circles still interconnect with each other see like a bunch of circles made a square and then the one circle wasn't able to fit in between the other circles and not just be able to fit in there but lock in there I think that's what like atoms are they're just a bunch of circles locked in to plate like what if we're all just a bunch of circles what if that is the meaning of life my history repeats and and you know we kind of just go in circles again it's like poetry so if they rhyme I'm talking about circles and squares Who am I Flitz come on just keep it together man just keep it together keep it together hey I don't think you're gonna you're gonna do it you're gonna do just gotta keep it together so I may have lost my cool a little bit but I'm good now I think it's time to get back to the Legos [Music] all right I know this sounds a little stereotypical in this situation but I'm pretty sure they gave me an extra piece am I supposed to have an extra piece I'm sure it's gonna be fine right [Music] so this is kind of fun Legos aren't that bad you know that piece of crap it's taking me so long to do I've got a pee oh no Mara I'm not actually using the pee bucket people live in a bucket it's a bowl Rob I got pee ah so I never thought I'd find myself in life in this place I'm doing the potty dance I kind of go I had the food and luckily I don't need to make a twosie yet but um yeah and the people's just sitting there I'm not using it I'm not using it nope do you hear me mad Rob I'm not doing it I hate you oh I still have dignity though yeah there we go some good news skipping ahead I skipped most of bag - I'm now on bag three I'm just working on the outer side here and but in in the process of going through bag three I found a little a little Chewbacca and a han Solo body so they're hiding in here somewhere here's the but what if I put the body of Chewbacca onto Han Solo nope can't do it all right I've got Han Solo here now and I've got Chewbacca they're my new friends and they've been friends forever Oh Chewie so good to see you again mm-hmm space can get so lonely and cold come here snuggle wiggle with me be the big spoon oh how I love you Chewie here we are again with another situation where two pieces make what should have been one piece and I'll be honest I'm being I'm getting a little sick and tired here's a crazy idea what if you open the box and the Millennium Falcon is already there why do kids like to put these together this isn't for kids this is for adults there's too many pieces these are choking hazards this isn't for ages 9 to 14 this is more like you're to spend 9 to 14 years try to put this together [Music] maybe you just have to be like a certain kind of smart to be able to do Legos because this had me so confused I had to get these things here I thought they wanted them on top of there then I saw these two here then I realized oh those two just go on the other side i saddled that problem for so long yeah so the smallest details matter who he knew these ones are supposed to be these ones so I need to undo this section to replace this on all the sides here we are I don't know it's been it's been six hours or so yeah and I just don't understand how I'm only this far in I try to skip one of the steps I skipped the interior step and it saved me a little bit of time utilize the pee corner ate my lunch I don't think I'm getting out of here today but now like the gun part is expert there's just there's so much there's so much I might have to go back and do step two I don't think I can actually just do the shell of it I don't have to be smarter than the Legos I just need to be smarter than Matt Rob oh man one would be great if I go like all Tony Stark on it so I'm locked in here and I'm told to make this device right and then like it looks like that I'm doing it but then what you wind up seeing is is me making a giant piece of Lego armor right and then lay I just like flamethrower my way out of here I'm really tired oh I gotta stretch my back a little bit so my wardens were nice enough to bring me a little energy bar I got a got a coffee drink I want to tell y'all it's not looking good one bag at a time and they'll give you characters I made it all the way up to Poe Dameron they're trying to ease your mind like hey don't worry don't go crazy we know that you're hating life right now but like here's another little figure I might need to start looking for a way out of here that's not the Legos oh man I think they've bumped up the air conditioning - let this be a life lesson we're gonna make friends don't I did it I am the king of Lego I got one small piece to attach to another small piece so much time I spent so much time on this one spot this one section cuz it loops around you know it's the side of the Millennium Falcon and I couldn't get it to attach so I had to go back right I had to go back to like the second step that I skimmed remember I said I was gonna skip a step and I'll uh I'll cheat and I'll skip a step I had to go back to that step and do a little bit more from that stuff look at it that's what it's supposed to look like that that is the weird shape of the Millennium felt it's supposed to look like that I'm doing it pee break six hours later I don't have much to show I said this is the base and it's because I'm not following my own life rules my own things that I've learned in my life lessons apply directly here Here I am taking so long because I'm trying to follow the rules what I need to learn to follow my instincts of a goddamn Star Wars fan I've seen the Star Wars so many times I know the Millennium Falcon like the back of my hand I don't need these complicated steps I'm a visual learner what the hell am I trying to do someone else's rules and play someone else's game I can do this on my own ah I'm gonna take the rest of these goddamn pieces now I'm just gonna make the Millennium Falcon because that's what Legos are about Leo's are about imagination and feeling accomplished and making something with your own hands and your own mind so it's time to unlock my mind and make myself a goddamn Millennium Falcon let's do this damn don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't [Music] huh bb-8 is in bag 658 all right guys so excited I just made bb-8 no I didn't work people people I realized on TV tell people people [Music] all right so we are locking these wings down so they can't pop off because you know sometimes the million Falcons see some crazy action and he's gonna make some evasive maneuvers just like Han Solo says hear me girl hold together he says now for these the wrists this these aunts we got this guy you know this is uh like a pivotal part of the Millennium Falcon so we're just gonna figure out how to get it to stay in that section [Music] I want to be done with this alright let's put our characters on here we've got a you know words right we got to put rate here's raised body the legs got to be here somewhere right yep don't need rain we got Han Solo and Chewbacca and bb-8 and fins here too but we're on we're gonna rescue ray guys we don't know who were raised that bb-8 on top as the antenna this is the Millennium Falcon look at all these extra pieces that I didn't need like these were stupid like this is my Millennium Falcon like there's the Moot there's the one in the movie but this is this is mine this is what my imagination made this is all unique like come on he's at the end of the day like Legos are for imagination like this this is the Millennium Falcon and this is the lesson that Matt Rob was trying to teach me sometimes you have to like think outside of the box in order to be successful this is what we got I did it I did it alright I'm gonna I'm gonna call Matt Rob now I'm gonna tell him to come unlock the door because I made the landing falcon hold on god there's so much like trash all around my feet and legs dude I did it I completed the Millennium Falcon come on over and you can see and I learned I understand the lesson that you taught me and I'm ready I'm ready to show off the Millennium Falcon I did it I did it I did [Music] it's over there [Music] adios love well that was interesting to my friends I gotta say you caught me good job that was pretty funny if you want to see a video where I actually got to talk to the cast of Star Wars Episode 7 click here on the left or we've got a video that YouTube thinks you're gonna like right here on the right click on that
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 889,135
Rating: 4.8654747 out of 5
Keywords: joven, millennial falcon, LEGO, millennium falcon lego build, millennium falcon lego, lego challenge, millennium falcon, star wars lego, star wars lego build, millennium falcon lego challenge, joven snaps, snaps, finally snaps, smosh games, smosh, smoshventure, smoshventures, smosh games lego, smosh lego, smosh lego challenge, lego build challenge, building a millennium falcon, jovenshire, locked in a room
Id: IBVykjz8Kos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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