Journeyman Demonstration: End Mill Grinding

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hi everybody Jeff and cutter masters in this video we're going to show you how to set up the journeyman to do the flutes and the ends on the district court agenda let's set the motor to ten degrees have a three quarter inch collar in place put the tool in the Collin then we're going to bring the tool rest over and put it underneath the edge of the tool so it's just in from the edge of the tool so the grinding wheel grinds a tool not the rest now we want to make sure that the tool rest is lined up with the the edge of the wheel this guarantees that you get the angle that you're that you're trying to grind make sure that you've got your full stroke and that the air spindle is turned freely so we're just going to touch the prime area where it's set up in secondary nice eeep and I to make sure you're picking up the grind pitch your ankles on point should pick up the bedroom for the air off that keeps here for the moon no we're set up to the secondary in this case secondary is about 20 degrees whenever you're grinding you always wanted a couple of degrees more than is recommended on the table if you're doing something now we're going to set up we're just going to touch up the ends to do that you bring the colors together this is two flutes so you set the number two up here you lock your indexing pin and tighten your collar don't need the air we're gonna go all the way down to minus 90 degrees we'll do the secondary first this make sure we are lots of clearance then we'll touch up the burger should the trolls nice a squirt of machine in this case you want to move the tools business of courage to degree ditch you to work or Joe motor two degrees will give you center clearance we're going to bring the motor to level four grading the primary this produces about a seven degree angle there you have it you
Channel: Cuttermasters
Views: 57,058
Rating: 4.819355 out of 5
Id: WWIwH6vk5fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 11 2014
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