JOURNAL FLIP THROUGH ✧ 2020 reading bullet journal

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[Music] okay hey everyone so this is going to be my full journal flip through for my 2020 reading journal so this is an a5 bullet journal from archer and olive i'll have it linked below i just love the outro and i love bullet journals they're just such high quality and i just love like the texture on the front cover i love the silver edges and yeah i just really really love this channel so i've been using this journal for a lot of my journals so i do have my whole video setting this channel up if you don't know these stickers are from redbubble and yeah i just love this journal a lot so i'm super excited for the flip through and this is where i track all of my reading and if you don't know i have my other channel books with chloe where i talk about my reading and everything so anyway let's get into it so this is the first page i just have my business card and obviously just a really simple page to say it belongs to chloe then this page i kind of hate and i did mention that in my setup video and i didn't end up fixing it because i just wasn't bothered but yeah this just says 2020 reading journal started 14th of december finished 9th of january so this spread is my books read and 2020 spread so basically i just set up a bookshelf and i have my key at the bottom so i have physical book audio book and ebook so whenever i finished a book i would write it down in the bookshelf and then color it in according to the key so obviously you can't really see a huge difference in the colors but it's enough for me to see so obviously i can see like how many audio books i've read and how many physical books i've read i don't read ebooks that often so i think there's like one but that is honestly not very different to that color so that's probably not the best decision but i just really love the neutral color scheme so that's why i went with grays and also these are the tombow dual brush pens these are the color codes for them but yeah this was definitely one of my favorite spreads to fill out and every time i finished a book it was so satisfying to write it in the bookshelf and yeah this is definitely one of my favorite spreads so of course i had to do it again in my 2021 journal which if i haven't mentioned already i've already filmed my setup video for that so i'll leave that linked above and below so these spreads are another one of my favorites basically this is just my books read in 2020 but it's the book cover version so basically every time i finish a book i would print out the book cover and stick it in these pages with my reading underneath and actually i get a lot of questions about how i do this and it's literally so simple basically you just go to google find the book cover copy and paste the book cover into a pages document or a word document or whatever and then you can just size the book cover to whatever size you want so for this the book covers are like 2.3 by three and a half a lot of people ask me what the dimensions are so that's what it is basically i just have it in a document and i save that document so whenever i have to print out new book covers i can just make it the same size as the other book images and print it out and my printer is the epson xb8600 if you're wondering i'll also link that below but yeah so this is definitely one of my favorites it's just so satisfying and it's a really nice way to visually see all the books that i've read in 2020 so here are all the books that i read and here i want to print out like my favorite book of the year and my least favorite book of the year the reason i haven't done it yet is because i haven't decided i haven't made my list for my top favorite books of the year so i need to do that and once i do then i'll fill this page out okay so this spread is my 2020 reading goals spread so my goals were to read 100 books read more manga graphic novels the last horror and non-fiction so every month i did read one of those i would color the books in and i read exactly 100 books in 2020 so it's super satisfying to see all the boxes colored in and early in 2020 after i already set up this page i added this other goal which is for every book read from a white author read at least one book from an author of color so i just stuck that in because i didn't have anywhere else to put it so that's just stuck in there but anyway so yeah love this page once again it was super satisfying to color in the box once i finished a book and then this is my 2020 review but i feel like it should be like overview anyway basically i just have every month of the year and then i write down how many physical books i read in that month how many audiobooks i read how many ebooks how much money i read how many graphic novels and if i read any arcs so at the end of every month i would fill in the table and then i just recently filled in how many pages i read for the total year which is 33 144 which is so insane to think about and then total books around 100 and the way that i get these stats is i use a spreadsheet that was created by ali from hardback quarter i'll link the 2021 in my description she's amazing she puts so much time and work into creating those spreadsheets and it's just so easy to put in you know the books you've read and then it automatically calculates you know pages red and everything so it's just so good to get your monthly and yearly stats super easily then this was my top 20 books straight in 2020 so basically i wanted to get to all these books in 2020 and obviously i only got to three but i'm actually fine with that because a lot of these are actually not that high priority for me anymore so that's fine but yeah basically when i read the book i would color it in and put the star in like the cloud this is my most anticipated releases of 2020 so i have each month and you know the date that the book was releasing and obviously i didn't get to all of them but when i did get to one of them i would color it in and put the reading underneath so some of these i don't really care about anymore but a lot of these i actually do still really want to read so definitely need to get to these then this is just a random tbr spread for graphic novels and manga because i realized that a lot of the graphic novels and manga that i own can have like really thin spines so when i'm looking at my shelf i don't always remember i have a book because like i said they can be really thin so i wanted to have this spread to you know write down all the graphic novels and manga that i owned even though i don't own these so i don't know why i put that there but anyway so i have this sticker which is from lillian lyon on etsy so i write down some of the books here and then i obviously just wrote down some as well so then this is another tbr spread which by the way if you're like not a bookish person a tbr means to be read so yeah this is just a random tbr for physical books i own this definitely isn't all the physical unread books that i own but i just wrote like random ones that i wanted to get to which clearly didn't read that many of them because once again my priorities kind of changed but in this envelope i have like random books so if i wanted to just randomly choose a book from this envelope to read i could do that which to be honest i don't think i even did that once but it was a cool idea oh my gosh i forgot that i had that little sticker so this is my arc spread so once again if you are a non-bookish person ark stand for advanced reading copies so sometimes i get sent books early to read before its release so every time i received one i would write it down i might write down the release date the publisher and if i requested it or if it was unsolicited meaning i didn't request it most of the time i don't request arcs so there's only like two oh i ended up not writing it here but yeah two books that i did request but the others were unsolicited and then this is my spread for gifted finished copies so i actually get sent finished copies more than i get sent arcs so this can be books sent from publishers or just any book gift that i get so i'd write down the book and the publisher or who it's from and obviously i have the red column once again and then this is books from subscription boxes so if you don't know i am a rep for both fairly and owlcrate so i get their book boxes every month and there's always a book in there obviously so i write down the book that comes in every month's box and the month that the boxes and obviously that is december but that is because i received it in january 2020. anyway yeah so here are all the books then i have books unhauled in 2020. now iron holds a lot of books in 2020 and if you don't know book unhauling does not mean just throwing it in the bin it means either giving it to friends giving it away to subscribers donating them selling them so yeah i definitely don't just put them in the bin that is so wasteful but yeah so anyway i got rid of a lot of books in 2020 especially because i was moving in 2020 so i wanted to unhaul books that i was no longer interested in or you know other reasons so i wrote them here but to be honest there were more i just couldn't be bothered to keep writing all the books that i unhold so i ended up not doing this spread in 2021 because i don't want to have to write it down i don't even know why i thought this was a cool idea like i guess kind of but i don't feel the need to do this anymore okay so then this is my spread for my patreon book club so if you don't know i have a patreon and every month we do a monthly buddy read so i started my patreon in february that's why there's no january so for every month i just wrote the book that we were reading and my rating okay so now on to the monthly spreads so every month i do the same format so basically i have the title page in january i did a little prince theme this is one of my favorite themes that i did i just love the simplicity and just the vibes i just love it also i will leave my monthly plan with me playlist linked below because i do film me setting up these spreads every month so if you're curious check that out but anyway yes so january little prince theme then i always do my tbr spread i do my days red spreads so for january i did oh my gosh i really love this actually so yeah i did days read physical data audio which is what i always do i like to track every day that i physically read and every day that i listen to an audio book and then i just put in some quotes from little prints down here yeah i just love this thing it's just so simple and then every month i write down all the books that i read so these are my books that i read in january and i forgot that i used to do this actually i used to write like if it was an audiobook or whatever but i ended up getting over that so maybe i'll get back into that maybe not then i have my favorite quotes of the month so these are favorite quotes from books that i read in that month so these all quotes from books that i read in january and then i have my favorite book of the month which obviously i decide at the end of the month and then i put in the book cover i have the title author rating genre which once again i kind of stopped doing this but i feel like i should get back into this then i have my monthly stats so how many pages i read in the month and how many books i read in the month so once again this is one of my favorite themes okay i'm gonna stop saying that actually because a lot of my themes i am really happy with some not so much but anyway so this is my february theme i went with like a spooky valentine's theme so these amazing art pieces are by lil miss morose on instagram and then i drew these myself in procreate and i have obviously my 2b red my day's red spreads i also created that in progress my book's red spread what did i write any reminder if you're not entering a book tina i don't even need that reminder but i guess i just wanted to write something random in there favorite quotes once again created this and procreate i do share my monthly like little illustrations on my patreon too i know they're not like you know amazing or anything but i just like to do simple illustrations so i share them there and then i have much and i did an awesome wonderland theme super simple so of course tbr days read books read and for this month i decided to use my for memo printer which is this thing which is a thermal sticker printer so printed black and white it doesn't need ink it's so good i'll have it linked below because i love it and yeah i use that printer to print out the book covers and i love doing this when i'm not reading like heaps in a month because obviously if i read like 20 books i wouldn't be able to fit it on this spread yeah so that's what i did and then my favorite quotes obviously fair book of the month monthly stats honestly hate how i put this here actually i wanted to use this post-it note because i love it but it just didn't suit the vibe of these spreads so regrets but anyway okay so then in april i participated in the owls read-a-thon and this was hosted by book rice book rose is no longer doing a harry potter themed readathon which i think is the right decision because we all know jk rowling is a really harmful human being so anyway i'm really excited for what she does next with the magical readathon because she's going to be creating like her own world or something but anyway yeah so i participated in that in april and she creates like amazing printouts and stuff for the readathon so that's what i printed out for a lot of these spreads so yeah for example she created this because you could choose which path you wanted to take like which career you wanted to go with so i chose astronomer so lots of cool printouts she's just amazing and like i said i can't wait to see what she does next anyway so then here is my tbr obviously i did this slightly differently because there were so many amazing printouts so usually my tbr would be here but now then i have books read i ended up having to put this in because i read more books and i was doing this like book cover thing so i had to put this in to be able to fit more books and then this is my day's read which yeah this was supposed to be before books read but i remember i stuffed that up so whatever then i have favorite quotes of the month favorite book of the month oh starfish good times and monthly stats and then this was just like the certificate at the end so printed that out and just did this random quote which once again i want to reiterate i'm no longer going to be talking about harry potter and stuff on my channels but this is obviously in april before i made that decision so yeah so may was the asian read-a-thon so that was hosted by reader cindy and it was a month-long readathon so i had these spreads inspired by that read-a-thon so this was similar to the logo of the read-a-thon so i just kind of copied the logo have my tbr as always red sneaky little tatter books red honestly hate that i used this color that is just not matching anything so i don't know why i did that favorite quotes of the month for book of the month monthly stats okay so for june i did a pride theme so i stuck in this black piece of paper and did obviously a lot of like rainbow hearts and once again i created that in procreate so obviously have my tbr days red i don't know why this is here let me just put that back here books read very interesting layout i decided to go with don't love that to be honest favorite quotes of the month for book of the month i do love the way that these look or when monthly starts of course and then in july i did an avatar the last airbender theme this is probably one of my least favorite themes not because avatar obviously i love avatar last airbender but i just feel like i could have done better with the way it looks so tbr literally one book i think that's because i was moving in july so i just had one book on my tbr oh and then i also participated in the read-a-thon which i co-hosted with monica kim so i did this spread for it because it was a week-long readathon so i have the week that it was held and i tracked every day that i read like how many pages i read these were the reading challenges oh my gosh yeah because this was the week that i was moving so it was really a stressful time so i could only read one book but then there were the live challenges which was really fun then i have my days read see it's just so simple but like not in a good way in my opinion like why did i not put anything there okay so for my book thread spread i once again used my for memo printer to print out the covers because obviously i didn't read as much in july since like i said i was moving so favorite quotes of the month i was clearly too lazy to add quotes this month favorite book of the month and monthly stats okay so this is my august theme which was bratz and i really love how this turned out because i just love bratz and this took ages to create and procreate because i was trying to mimic the bratz logo and obviously write august instead so it took a while but i am happy with how it turned out and yeah like i said i just love brats so i just really loved this tbr clearly i sucked at this i literally read one book of my tbr here's my days read absolutely hate this thick ass texture that i used because it was easier for me to just use this texture and like quickly do it but i definitely prefer the look of like you know using my thinner texture you know it just looks much better in my opinion but this one takes longer because i use the ruler and stuff but anyway oh by the way this is my new tattoo this is the first time you're saying this so hello this is my korean name sormang which also means hope in korean but anyway you're obviously gonna see that in my videos from now on so hello anyway yes so gross regrets but apart from that i like it then this is my books red spread we've got jade my fave and then of course my favorite quotes of the month favorite book of the month this time i decided to you know write a bit about why i love the book but i didn't do that every month obviously monthly starts and september once again i did a bratz theme but i actually wasn't intending to do a bratz theme two months in a row i just decided to do a bratz scene in august and then the bratz readathon was announced for september and of course i had to participate so i did a bright scene again so i was team jade because you could choose out of the four girls like which team you wanted to be on so yeah of course i've seen jade so yeah the bratz read-a-thon it was hosted by heaps of different people and it was so fun so for jade these were the prompts so that was like read a book featuring a cat so yeah these are my prompts and the books that i want to trade for each prompt my september day is read this is actually like crepe paper that comes with like orders you know these my books read favorite quotes of the month great book of month and monthly stats and this amazing sticker is from a bratz journal that i had actually it was penny sprouts journal and i found the journal during september so i stuck this in after i set up the spreads actually but anyway now we have october so for october i did like a horror movie theme so we have ghostface the other mother the tbr was quite long so i had to continue it in this little thing but honestly i did really well with my tbr like that's pretty good in my opinion because a lot of the time i don't like obviously i set up my tbr because i want to read the books but a lot of the time i don't read a lot of them i don't know why but i was pretty happy with my progress with my october tbr honestly october was probably my favorite reading month so obviously days read we have books read favorite quotes of the month favorite book of the month and monthly starts and of course i had to put this little peach fuzz peach fuzz is from um creep the movie horror movie it's amazing such a good movie and this always makes me laugh and this is one of the songs that paigeville sings but i'm as friendly as a rabbit so i just write that there even though that's obviously not a quote from a book i read them up okay so november was a powerpuff girls theme literally love this because i love the powerpuff girls obviously we've got the powerpuff girls here sugar spice and everything nice him which is the villain day's red and buttercup is my fave that's why i bought a cup is there books rent favorite quotes of the month favorite book of the month and i didn't do monthly starts this month because i forgot to create the stats in procreate like the title so i ended up just not doing it and i just did this book review instead fall out okay so the final month december i did like a gothamus theme a lot of these stars actually like fallen off they were supposed to be here but whatever so yeah obviously a really short tbr because i was going to be really busy in december even though i read the most books in december yeah anyway days read books read which like i said i read a lot so i ended up having to put in this to continue my list of books read so yeah how many did i read 21. obviously a lot of it was manga anyway and then favorite quotes of the month favorite book of the month monthly stats so now this is like my final spread this is my top 10 books of 2020. obviously i haven't filled it out because like i said before i haven't decided on my top books of the year and also i didn't want to give spoilers because i will film a separate video on books with chloe but yeah so once i do decide obviously in my top books i'll write them here i am thinking of putting like another word that's exactly like this here so i can separate manga and graphic novels with my novels so i think i will do that and i'll probably post like a photo on instagram or something my instagram is general w chloe so yeah sorry i can't show you now i just haven't decided like i need to sit down and take my time and decide what my favorites of the year are so yeah these are all the pages that i have left in this journal i'm happy it's not too many because that would just feel wasteful i don't think i'm gonna add any other spreads i feel like this will be the last spread in this channel but yeah this is my 2020 reading journal i really love this and it's just so nice to look back and you know remember all the good times in my reading for 2020. um but yeah let me know what your favorite theme is i actually let me decide right now which one is my favorite i feel like january is an option feb um actually not february i do love february but that's probably not actually maybe june actually no maybe august okay at the moment it's a tie between january and august or maybe october okay so i think it's a tie between january and august for me if i had to choose probably january actually because i just really love like the color scheme and you know just the simple stickers and yeah i actually think january is my favorite so i really hope you enjoyed it this video don't forget i have my other channels books of chloe and asmr with chloe and i already mentioned my patreon if you want to join that that is always linked below so i hope you're having a good day at night i hope you all have amazing reading in 2021 thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Journal with Chloe
Views: 50,393
Rating: 4.9590864 out of 5
Keywords: journalwithchloe, bookswithchloe, stationery, journal, journaling, bulletjournal, bujo, journalspread, bujospread, journalflipthrough, readingjournal, readingbulletjournal, readingbujo, readingjournalflipthrough, 2020readingjournal, readingbulletjournalflipthrough, readingbujoflipthrough, bulletjournalflipthrough, bujoflipthrough, tbr, toberead, reading, books, bookjournal, booktracker, readingtracker
Id: CyB9bGJG_mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.