2020 Reading Journal Flip Through!

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hi guys my name is maddie or books with maddie and today i'm showing you a flip through of my 2020 reading journal okay so before i get into the actual flip through a couple things so i made a video a couple months ago i think in september of a little reading journal tour so that was when i just started my reading journal and i decided with that journal that i would do multiple years in one notebook so this is my reading journal notebook where i keep all of the years tabbed so i started in 2020 obviously so i don't have it's just one year right now so it's going to be kind of like a short flip through because i only have one year in here yeah so that's how my reading journal works but also i wanted to talk a little bit about the idea of reading journals and how mine functions for me so basically a reading journal is a journal in which you can track your reading you can keep stats in there you can write down all the books you read you can write reviews people use reading journals for literally anything be whatever you need it to be it's kind of like a bullet journal but just specifically focuses on reading the idea that i wanted to run with for this reading journal is that there was like no pressure behind it so i used a bullet journal i bullet journaled i did an art journal i had a junk journal i had a commonplace journal i had all these journals and the thing the reason that i could never keep up with them is because i was so stressed about the aesthetic of them and how they looked and it was something that was really relaxing to do but there were some really stressful weeks where i didn't have time to plan out a week and stuff like that so with this reading journal the idea is that i am allowed to mess up i it is allowed to look however i want it to look and there is no pressure there is no anything like that so i'm warning you this reading journal is not perfect it is probably not the most aesthetically pleasing reading journal you will ever see but the point for me is that this is a place where i can literally do whatever i want in this reading journal and it's okay and i'm allowed to mess up i don't have to worry about fixing the mistake i can just leave the mistake there and it'll be fine which is something that i never did previously in my bullet journals and my art journals and stuff like that i would you know spend hours working out how i fix this mistake that's not the energy we're coming at this reading journal with it is imperfect and that is the fun of it so that's the energy that i'm coming at this reading journal with and that is the energy that will be embodied when you see the overview wrap up flip through thing i do not have 20 21 planned out yet in this but it will be soon i will video for that it'll probably won't come until february though so yeah before we get into the flip through the only other thing is my nails are literally breaking as we speak they're incredibly brittle for some reason all of a sudden probably because of stress and they're they're actively breaking so bear with my hands which will look terrible in the video but that is just how it's gonna be this week sorry i have to do this on my bed because my desk is not near a lighting source so yeah this is my reading journal it is just a little collection of like books on the front and i believe i got it at barnes noble so to open it up it just says like reading journal here i'm thinking of like decorating this more and once i fill out the years i'll put like the years it goes to so like 2020 through whatever year it fits up until after that i just have my intro page to 2020 so these are just like pieces of scrapbook paper that i put in here and i just have my reading goal which was 65 books and the total number of books that i ended up reading which was 113 and then i just have this page says 2020 which i'll probably decorate more in the future but not sure yet and then after that i just have the overview of all the books that i read so i just would fill this out throughout the year as i went and these are just like the books that i read in 2020 i split it into three columns so the title the date and the rating and i just ended up doing that for the whole year i tried to figure out so like the end of like june and then beginning of july i had like 44-ish books so i tried to calculate and do like 88. it didn't end up working out that way i only filled out these two pages so i had to end up adding another page at the end i just ripped out from the back of the book and then put in so that didn't really end up working out i will know now for next year to add more space in then i think i'll actually need i ended up going out to 113 and then on this page since i have a lot of room um i just wrote a quote i think it's from george rr martin and it says i've lived a thousand lives and i've loved a thousand loves i've walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time because i read and i really liked that quote it was really fun to hand letter because i haven't had leonard in a really long time so this is really fun to do after that i just have my monthly overview so for each month i just put the number of books that i read and then the number of pages that i read and at the bottom i just have the total books that i read throughout the year and the total number of pages and i'll go more into this in my stats video which will come out tomorrow but if you are looking for this information for yourself you can find it all on goodreads if you use goodreads to track your reading everything is there under your like book stats or whatever it's called next i have genre tracker which is a bit of a mess right now i'm currently trying to figure out what book i'm missing because i added up all of these and it only came to 112. so i don't know which book i'm missing there's some misplaced tallies here or something that's the same for age demographic so i'm figuring that out right now but i did mess up with age demographic a little bit i put five categories and i'm really only using three for the end of the year stats i tried to differentiate new adult but i realized i don't really know how to do that i'm not sure which six books i classified as new adult because in my end of the year stats i only had three when i looked at my reading log so i'm really not sure what six books these are and then for other i kind of did that for like plays or classics non-fiction stuff like that but i realized that i would probably just categorize those in adult and so in my stats video where i wrap up everything i just ended up putting other into adults and then combining why a and new adult to make up all of the the categories after that i have the alphabet challenge which is basically just a challenge where you try to read a book for every letter of the alphabet i didn't end up finishing actually this year i had two books planned the poet x and the young elites but the poet x ended up coming in a little too late and i didn't end up getting having time to finish and also i was just like super busy at the end of the year i didn't really have time but i don't know if i'm doing this next year it was like a little bit tricky but it might have also been because i started it like halfway through the year so i didn't have a ton of time to actually like work on planning it out and completing it so i actually don't know if i'm gonna do it next year just because it was a little bit stressful but we'll see okay so on the next page i have star ratings on the left which is just every time i read a book i would just put a tally under what star category it was under and then i put the average rating at the bottom i think in next year i'm going to be transferring over into a 10 uh a 10 star system so i'm going to be taking into account half stars i'm not going to go like one through ten it's still gonna be one through five but i am going to include like 1.5 2.5 stuff like that and then at the end of the year i'll be able to calculate a more accurate average rating and the only thing that'll be messed up is like my goodreads it won't really be super accurate but it'll be fine and on this page this page i didn't really know what to do with but i ended up filling out with more stats at the end of the year which meant i couldn't do it like throughout the year really but it was like okay like i didn't really i wasn't really missing anything on this page i left it blank just because i didn't know what i wanted to do with it and i ended up being able to make this really cool stats page which i'm really happy with so up here i have publishing year so i grouped it into six categories and calculated how many books i read from each category my biggest was 2016 through 2020 which is kind of what i was looking for and then i had the top three years over here so 2020 2019 2017 were the top three years that i read from over here i just made these two pie charts which were have i read from this author before 64.5 percent of the authors that i read from i hadn't read from before and 35.4 of them i had down here i just had the format that i read the book in so physical both which meant reading the physical book and listening to audio at the same time reading an ebook or listening to it on audio over here i just have the number of five stars i read per month so i only at tops read five five star books a month so i just did a little chart using a one-to-five scale and then these are the months at the bottom and the row below that is the total number of books that i read that month and then i had the percentage of books in each month that were five stars so while i read the most in like july the best reading month for me was actually january because 57 of the books that i read were five stars after that i just had my wrap up for every month and i planned these out ahead of time so it was really easy to just add them in but i just did a little like art piece on the left or that's how i started it i just like with a little theme and the number of books that i read and the number of pages that i read and then on the right side i did the total number of books that i read um with the titles and authors and then a little like superlative for each month which were like the the best book i read the month in the month the most disappointing book i read and then i added some more in later and then under that i just did my favorite quotes from the month and i just continued that throughout the year for the most part it does change up a little bit because i very quickly ran out of ideas as you can see mars is just like a rectangle i really wanted the ideas that i used to be like super simple i don't want to put a lot of time into it because i knew i wouldn't have a lot of time so i just kind of tried to keep it really simple for each month added in some more throughout the year so my favorite my least favorite my most disappointing book of the month yeah here i added in like surprising i just did whichever superlative kind of fit best for the month june is actually the last month that i had a theme so in july i realized that i didn't have any room to put quotes and i really love keeping track of the quotes that i love so i started putting on the left side which also kind of solved my theme problem where i didn't really have to come up with the theme for july and i just ended up really liking that idea and keeping it for the rest of the year this did leave like a space at the bottom but i realized i could just do some like doodles down there or even more quotes or whatever i wasn't really super worried about it but it worked out really well because you know in this month again i wouldn't have had room to put the quotes so i really liked having them on the left side and that was it for the year i really liked having these all planned out it was super easy to do i'm hoping to do something really similar with it next year but after that i had something on this page that was for deck of tbr which i didn't end up liking so i just put this piece of scrapbook paper over it and i don't know i might do something with this page at some point i'm not really sure but on the right side i had my top books of 2020 and i did mess up here but i'm keeping it to show that i'm okay with making mistakes in here um if you want to see my favorite books of 2020 i do have a video for that which you can check out if you're interested in knowing a little bit more about these books but then after that i just have my 20 20 reading reflections which i'm going to like cover a bit just because of like you know reflections but um yeah and then after that i will just have my 2021 pages right after this and so yeah i was really happy with how this turned out and everything it was super easy to use i'm hoping to use a similar format next year so that was the flip through of my reading journal i really hope you enjoyed let me know down below if you have a reading journal or a bullet journal and some spreads that i can add into 2021 there is one more video this week which will come out tomorrow and then there will be a week-long break and then the next video will be out on saturday so keep an eye out for that but i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please leave a like and subscribe and with that i hope you have a great day i hope you have a great week and i hope you have a great life and i will see you very soon [Music] bye
Channel: bookswithmaddi
Views: 4,829
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, booktube, booktuber, new to booktube, book recommendations, book recommendation, read, reader, reads, maddi, bookswithmaddi, books with maddi, bookstagram, bookstagrammer, reading, genre, new booktuber, reading check in, wrap up, currently reading, tbr, tbr pile, want to read, recommendation, recommendations, booktube newbie, bookswithmaddie, books with maddie
Id: sjsm6t48IG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.