Joseph Interprets Pharoahs Dream

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i prostrate quick I cannot you know that you're what truly the Pharaoh is greatness itself but sire my faith decrees I can kneel only before God himself even on pain of death come forward take heed magicians whatever else I know this man won't lie to me to save his life look upon my face but surely great Pharaoh this is forbidden only to people who know I'm God since you hold some primitive being in high regard I expect that you can look upon me without burning up try it I'm told you've learned the secret of reading messages of the night interpreting dreams is not a thing to be learned Pharaoh it is a gift from God careful one mentioned too many of this God and you'll be at his side with your head under your arm so you've been given this gift I imagine we shall soon see Pharaoh your life depends upon what we shall see now listen carefully in my dream there were seven cows but he's a very beautiful boy yes yes do you know what his grandma's he doesn't strike me as a fool and everyone knows that part of us wife to see you I've never seen such poor cows in all of Egypt but it was impossible to tell they'd eaten the fat cows for they looked as wretched as ever was there a second dream we have told him nothing son yes in the second dream there were seven ears of grain beautifully ripe then sprouting up behind them were seven withered ears of grain which devoured the ripe ones God has revealed to Farah what he intends to do yes Pharaoh's dreams are one in the same the seven fine cows and seven ripe ears of grain represents seven years of plenty the seven wretched cows and seven thrilled ears of crane my years of great want there will be seven years of famine my lord madness madness as if my brother the son and sister the move would send me messages only a slave could read but if I take him from my sight get him back to his dungeon and keep him there until I decide how best to deal with him
Channel: DiscountedAmerica Bible
Views: 538,134
Rating: 4.7464876 out of 5
Keywords: Joseph Son of Jacob, Joseph Egypts Governor, Joseph Bible Story, Joseph Son of Israel, Israel (Country), Joseph King of Dreams
Id: -IWEU4ag7xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2013
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