Joscha Bach on Jordan Peterson

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what do you disagree about with peterson you mentioned peterson's conception of the high school shooters is saying they are objecting to god and you said well that's correct in some sense there are many many aspects where i don't uh really agree with peterson it's i just referred to him because he uh is one of the few public intellectuals we have left for better or verse right i'm curious what ways do you defer we talked about dennett and you you said you disagree with him in some sense because he's incomplete what about peterson that's more commission right that's more old mission rather than combination uh i refer to peterson because he is a common point of reference we all know about him right now no that's fine that's fine but i'm curious where you disagree so um and where you agree yes so uh yeah the interesting thing is for for me when i have to talk about disagreement because disagreement is the default state between minds isn't it it's only where we can establish agreement when we are independent thinkers where we see that we uh understand things in the same way so uh peterson thinks that the best way to interact with a cult that tries to be state religion with some kind of aggregor is to make a stand and to expose yourself and uh i am not sure if i agree with that so basically he is fighting a culture war in an ineffectual way i think there is also a deeper level um peterson thinks that growing up consists in making a sacrifice and the sacrifice is self-actualization he would like to be happy but he cannot afford to be happy but it was incompatible with being an adult and doing the things that adult has to do and his sacrifice is incomplete he has not sacrificed his need for self-actualization and that's why he appears to be so bitter right if he had made the sacrifice he wouldn't be bitter would sacrifice of self-actualization yes so uh he would become a priest he would have that serene state of somebody who has not lost anything because he doesn't need anything what he doesn't have right this if you look at the archetypal priest it's a person that is serene that is smiling because they are at peace with themselves and the world and they might be suffering momentarily because the unbelievers crucify him but apart from the moments of uh acute pain or the moments of compassion for their flock when they are involved in their dealings with the world and try to help them and fail at doing so because not all things can be helped right the priest is supposed to be okay with what he does and peterson is not okay with what he does he is suffering because he uh has retained his identity that the one that he thinks he has uh sacrificed he hasn't yes basically trying to understand i'm trying to understand this so you're saying that he has an identity and because he's holding on to it it's like a want and you should get rid of your wants and then you'll be placid and serene and tranquil yes so he basically is doing something that he has not fully internalized himself he is expressing the tension between what he thinks he needs to be doing and what he does what he feels would reward him for doing that right he he feels pain and doing what he does and uh there is of course this other thing that he is acting on certain incentives in this game and the question is are these incentives completely pure so he is a publicist that is filling a certain niche a certain vacuum he is trying to give people values uh he's trying to a projectile authority in a time that needs authority and he might not be projecting exactly the right authority or fitting authority but he's interacting with the fact that the millennials are the first generation since the post-war generation that are authoritarian again right every generation after world war ii was liberal
Channel: TOE Clippings
Views: 8,797
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Id: g9isUAQFYo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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