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[Music] hi this is joe from joe's country junction and i'm here today to give you a tour of my sewing room yahoo i'm so excited it's been so long awaited and i've just been anticipating anticipating the day that i could finally show you all my sewing room um it's hard to get the camera just the right way so that you can see everything um so you're gonna have to kind of bear with me a little bit first off i'm showing you around the room uh kind of doing a 360. this is a dresser i bought for forty dollars at the thrift store it was brown i repainted it gray i used a rust-oleum paint and a rust-oleum age to make the product look aged after i painted it this is my cutting station here well first off let me tell you the top of this this is just a plywood board and i put some ironing board covering over it so i can use the entire thing as an ironing board and then over the top i put fabric and i used red because i'm kind of going for a red gray dark wood look to the room and so i don't usually use the whole thing as an ironing station i usually just iron here at the wool ironing mat i love my wool ironing mat it's my very very favorite and over here is my cutting station with my mat um in the center i have this little step stool i have this little basket here this is my quick garbage can for when i'm trimming stuff up uh connie gave that to me or made that with me i've got scissors i've got my rotary cutters i have a nice stand that a blog reader gave to me i can't remember for sure who maybe connie these are the rulers i use mostly but then down here in a dresser drawer here's more rulers and cutting things that i would use at the cutting mat i like to one of the reasons why it took me so long to do all this was because i wanted to really think through and make sure things were in the spots where they would be most convenient and more conducive to me using them some of the things i have here on the wall this is a little hanging i did a long time ago from um oh from my heart to your hands in the center i got to back up a little bit at the center i bought that shelf at the thrift store for two dollars and i have some of the things that i've made on there this is a country threads punch needle project some other things i've picked up along the way a lot of thrift store finds my little dolls up there thrift store fine my little chicken pink cushion is a thrift store find so is that cross stitch pink cushion i'm always on the lookout for things at the thrift store and these buttons came from a blog reader thanks so much they made it into my way of my regular decorating and this is a piece i did um it's fusible applique you can see a close-up i just love it it's a country threads um pattern and i have all four seasons done i really probably should change and get the winter one out now because we're into december okay going this way i have some old sad irons on top of this cabinet these are some projects that um might be out for future publication i don't know yet we're just working on getting things done and in this corner is my giant red cabinet if you've been reading the blog this is the one that we had to hoist up through the door in order to get it upstairs my curtains were a thrift store find we don't have wood trim yet up in this room it's one of the things that didn't get done before my husband passed away now i'm moving back okay this is the south wall of my sewing room my son was here and hung the tv um i have the picnic basket that has like my embroidery supplies in i have some baby fabric in the suitcase because i don't have very much of that and in the basket at the top here these are just some scraps of fabric that i'm planning to trim down this is the dresser i recently bought at the vintage sale i paid fifty dollars for that and remember i said carl um whoops it's getting shadowed um carl said that he would buff out those handles and get the paint off them and they are looking so awesome okay then you can see um all of my batiks are housed in this dresser and that's what is to entirely in that dresser okay then coming this direction you can see my african violets i'm a big lover of african violets they all need some attention right now and i have kind of set them aside for all the work i've been doing in my sewing room trying to get my sewing room ready um this is a big cabinet my husband and i bought that at an auction and he refinished it it used to be taller i'm not sure where it originally came from um but we bought at a local auction here in our town you can see some of the things i have on here um i have like a little toy singer sewing machine um i have the candy jars up at the top iola gave those to me my little gnome guy blog reader sent that to me you can see the that's a tool box on the top and there's all baby quilts inside there i rolled them up and when i rolled them up then i put them inside the toolbox so eight baby quilts are in there i have a button collection oh a doll with an old red dress a sock monkey a red suitcase and way at the top is a mickey mouse hat that a blogger or a blog reader gave me there's lots of stuff here um i bought a set of cards like a teacher would have had and one day kayla was um here's one that says bow wow one day kayla said i think you should display it like this mother said um so that was really cute to me um this cabinet below on the bottom where you see miss rosie she is protecting all of the ufos because i keep ufos and projects i'm working on in the bottom of that cupboard in the center of the room um this is the island that we created this is a dresser on the bottom here that i got at the thrift store and if you look at this end you can see that there's a table leg here and so there's two table legs that anchor the island on this end you can't see i'm very good because i have my other stuff there this is my faf that i sew at so this is my workstation here here is a little cabinet with drawers that i also painted that same gray color i'll put a link to that gray color down in the bottom in the description and here's my faff i do a lot of sewing on this one this is a little foldable coffee table i kind of like to have little tables around the side of me that hold some of the things that i'm sewing so that's why i keep the two um stations kind of right there this is my singer 50 uh 1591 she's a real workhorse i just love her if you've been following my videos that i did about um string piecing lately she's the girl i've been working on these are my lights that i love but i always recommend you can see the difference quickly how much light that they bring and i absolutely love them so my island top you can see there came from menards and the island top um i think it's like 53 by 56 something like that i made it so that you can see i wanted to keep the cabinet of the 1591 and i wanted to be part of that to be part of the island i created so i made the island top be the length of the 1591 when it was extended when i was trying to figure out the size i kind of mapped it out and i put tape on the floor to make sure that my room would be big enough for it and again there's the dresser on this end of it okay this end of the room this is my long arm i have an apqs millennium underneath here these are my civil war fabrics the three drawered cabinets or whatever are the plastic cabinets those are my civil war and over to this side on the left is my civil war scrap user system on the right is um my bright colored scrap user system and then this little stack is just some other stuff i have that is bigger cuts of fabric okay over to this wall the cabinet with the cans here i bought that at the same vintage place that i bought the dresser from at the top i've been working on that frame that's black that nothing's in it i've been working on that piece to go in there the one with the sheep that says she worketh willingly with her hands with the lady with the sheep down here there's a magazine rack i got that at the thrift store for two dollars and i've been looking for a place for it and that houses some books with quilting designs in it i've got a little little applique piece that i did a long time ago this is a little red chair you can see it and on there i pulled a stack of quilts from the quilts that the cresco ladies gave me and i hope to finish those up for charity on the bottom underneath the chair there's an egg basket that's another project that i'm working on for a wedding present in the back you can see the little rabbit quilt you can see another wool applique piece i did um a basket with some scraps that are particular to something there's my little red cabinet in the corner um you can see hopefully i can get around there so that you can see my red cabinet okay here there's my red cabinet um you can see that it fits exactly the size that i needed it to it was just perfect for that spot i'm so thrilled i bought that i bought that at that vintage sale as well um maybe i'll turn the lights on for my machine okay maybe we'll get some more light maybe that will help i don't know if that helps or not on the back wall those are two country threads quilts i love them both over in the corner here this is so hard sometimes i feel like i want my camera to go horizontal and sometimes i feel like it needs to go vertical so this is the big yellow bucket that's my button box then that's my franklin treadle sewing machine i've got a stack of quilts here on top and over here i have one of my most treasured pieces ever it's a big cross stitch piece that my niece jody did for me she did that before she passed away it's super special to me over okay now i gotta shut this door okay so now we're all the way inside and i'm backing up so you can see what my the east wall looks like the wall with the the door with the white board is my door that goes out down into the hall you can see that i bought a little red three-tier rack from amazon i'll put a link to that in the bottom and then i found this cute little dresser um a while back at a garage sale and it just fits perfectly in between the two doors and again it's red my favorite color here's a little piece i did a long time ago and this is a piece that um a blog reader did for me maxine did and it is a cross stitch piece and it's in loving memory of my dog ruby that passed away so the other door that you saw you saw the one with a dry erase board that goes outside and down into the hall the other door you see that goes into a closet that's attached to my sewing room my sewing room closet that has my stash in it so you can see i have shelving units in there and i sort my fabric by color my bright fabric is sorted by color most of it's sorted by color so this bucket is all pink fabrics this bucket is all black fabrics i do keep my civil war and my bright colored prints separate from each other this is a bucket that has some 30s prints in it here's a bucket with gray here's a bucket that has my batik scraps in it this is a bucket that has um small scraps of cafe prints in it um this is a red and white bucket that i've been saving scraps for to make a quilt for my granddaughter lucy across the top here that is my scrap user system that just has batiks in it this is where i house my batting i have a lot more batting right now than i normally have because i hit a sale and bought some on a sale i've got another rack on this side of the closet i have two big totes of scraps to use for scrappy quilts most of those are strings i've got a bucket of white strings only there's the cutest thing in the whole video miss rosie um i keep the containers up here those are for projects when i'm working on a project this is a bucket i keep if i go to a retreat or go somewhere i just grab that bucket to take it with here's my featherweight um and my bernina this is then i have another shelf here this shelf is of um backing fabrics that i have i just love it because it's really neat and organized now and it's so easy to get to whatever i want to get to on the back side of my quilting machine i forgot to show you that i have i have um buckets and totes back here too way way at the end i have all my wool scraps and wool pieces if i want to do wool applique then i have a set of totes that keeps my scrap user system for shirts then and these three totes all along the bottom here those are all my shirt fabrics and so i think now you can kind of see a ro a view of what my room looks like from this end or what my sewing room looks like from this end of the room and then i'll walk i'll try to do a to pan the room it's really hard because there's not a lot of room to move around i have it's all the perfect amount of space i need it really is but when you're filming a video and you have to be so far back from everything in order for it to film in the video it's hard to see it because i have more trouble getting farther away from it so for oh i forgot to put my broom away it's still sitting there and that's a ufo on the little stool that i have there now there's rosie's bed and i have a big door that goes outside to nowhere so i think that gives you an idea of what the sewing room looks like there and here's another view of my island and i've got a few totes stored underneath there one they're all for different projects that i'm working on or that i have on the list that i'm starting to collect things for i make a lot of projects that i end up collecting things for and so when i have to collect things for it then it kind of makes for storage nightmares here's my little cup that connie gave me it's so cute i use it all the time i just can't tell you how super excited i am about my sewing room it's really um been a life goal of me to have for me to have a place that is my own place a place that looks a little bit more organized and neat um i seriously if you ask me right now and you said can you find whatever it is i don't know ask me if i had a red piece of wool i can walk directly to that spot and i can tell you if i have a red piece of wool i just love it it was so worth the time i would say all in all i probably put a thousand dollars into the redo um my the countertop for my island that took up most of the money um and then i've got the couple dressers i bought the wall things over there that i bought and the shelving and storage in the closet that was the things that took up most of the money but i would say overall it was so worth it i just can't tell you how happy i am to have everything neat and organized and just the way i kind of always dreamed it would be if you have any questions please just ask the questions and i'll do my best to answer them about how i store anything about what i used for this or that um it's just such a nice place to be now i can't tell you how much i just love coming up to the sewing room especially now that it's all clean and the door got shut and now rosie's upset because she wants to go in the hallway so with that i will leave you and rosie and i are going to go down and make some supper have a good night bye from joe's sewing room [Music] you
Channel: JosCountryJunction
Views: 9,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yGlNi1s8SXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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