Jordan's Story: Spinal Cord Injury Recovery

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i don't know when it bit me but it was a spider bite from brown work loops about a week later i ended up getting a bump under my left arm went to the doctor they said just a spider bite to be fine give me antibiotics i started having back problems turned into staph infection and then went into my bloodstream formed in my back and became mrsa because it was all over the spinal cord bacteria was a t3 spinal cord injury top of the ribs and down i couldn't feel anything doctor comes in tells me i have a 20 chance to ever walk again at that point i put my head down for about a day then i picked it up knowing i'll be fine i got this my doctor back home he was looking around he researched this place he looked at other places the resources that were here really showed more beneficial to my spinal cord so that's why we came here i didn't have movement when i first came here brought my spirits up knowing how fun they are how much they're willing to work with me and help me achieve my goals and ever since then we've been working on regaining all that muscle back and they've been really focusing on helping me get better with my movement focusing on you know home care how to transfer just prepare me for life outside of here at first i was only holding like 20 pounds when i first did it of my own weight by the third day i was squatting 50 of my own weight and then with the loco map really focuses on getting that movement jolting and bringing all that feeling back to because i used to run a lot and they actually put a soccer ball in front of my feet and then i ended up kicking it and then with the exo it focuses on being upright so i'm not sloshed over when i'm walking you got this the staff they really keep you going they're they're really motivational they're willing to work with me for anything if i want to run they're going to help me run if i want to walk by myself they're going to do their best to help me walk with myself so i've really jumped a big leap in two weeks just by the help of them i keep them smiling and they keep me to where i'm i'm really knowing that i'm gonna get better definitely brings a smile to my face knowing that i have a somewhat normal again i'm walking normal doing it almost by myself just getting back on my feet [Music]
Channel: Sheltering Arms Institute
Views: 18,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZLMbi028Npc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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