Jordan Peterson's Speech Will Make You Wake Up In Life And Take Action | Motivation

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[Music] one of the things i've noticed time and time again is that whenever i talk about the relationship between responsibility and meaning the crowds that i'm talking to go silent say look you need a meaning to sustain you through the vicissitudes of life okay well try to debate that it's like is life painful yes is it anxiety provoking yes is it uncertain yes is it painful beyond bearing sometimes yes it's difficult everyone agrees about that now they might disagree about how difficult but that doesn't matter that the central point holds okay what if you think that's all pointless well that doesn't seem very helpful okay so you need a sustaining meaning well where do you find that well you generally find it in responsibility to yourself and other people and people ask themselves those questions when when i'm talking because i ask them to ask themselves those questions and that's the answer well what's meaningful well i have a meaningful relationship with my father i have a meaningful relationship with my wife i have a meaningful relationship with my pet you know because i take care of that pet um when i commit to something and make sacrifices that sacrifice is something i also talk about a lot in both of the last two books you know if something's valuable you'll make sacrifices to attain it that that discovery of sacrifice i think that's what separates human it's one of the primary factors separating human beings from animals because we discovered that we could let go of something we value in the present and we would gain something we value even more in the future we acted that out dramatically in all sorts of strange ways over thousands and thousands of years before it was formalizable psychologically but it's a massive discovery i can forego gratification in a particular way and benefit in the future so i can share the proceeds of my hunt and i store up future food in the form of reputation and the favors i've owed i'm owed now by other people it's a massive discovery it took me a long time to understand that belief regulated emotion so what happens is that if you act out your identity if you act out your beliefs in the world and what you want doesn't happen what happens is that your body defaults into emergency preparation for action and the reason for that is you've wandered too far away from the campfire and now you're in the forest and maybe you're naked and so what do you do then and the answer is well you don't know what to do so what do you do when you don't want know what to do and the answer is you prepare to do everything and the problem with that is that it's unbelievably draining psychophysiologically like it hurts you and there's there's an immense physiological literature detailing the the cost of of of exactly that kind of response people stay where what they do has the results they want that's partly why you want to be around people who share your cultural presuppositions is because you know that for example even in small ways let's say you're a country music aficionado and you're hanging around with your cowboy hatted buddies and you throw on a tape and everyone says great tunes man and you you know you're happy about that but you know you throw on a piece by chakowski and you're you're in a different subculture and who the hell are you and people who the people in your group will say man who listens to music like that and like that's a trivial example in some sense but i believe it's one that everyone can resonate to we like we it's very hard on us not to be where we know what we know that what we want is going to happen we hate that we hate that and no wonder so and then you know there are there are varying degrees of that obviously you can really be where you don't know what's going to happen or you can only be there to some degree but by and large by and large we're conservative creatures even if we're liberal and temperament there's not we can't tolerate that much uncertainty and you might ask well why and the answer is well because you can be hurt pain you can be damaged you can become intolerably anxious and you can die so it's no wonder you're sensitive we're very sensitive to negative emotion and so our identities rate functional identity regulates your emotion but you do that in concert with other people in the first chapter of the new book beyond order the rule is uh don't casually denigrate social institutions or creative achievement that's that balance again i make the case that most of your sanity is socially distributed and what i mean by that is well let's say that you know how to behave you're well socialized you can play with others now i said already in this conversation if you didn't learn to play with others between the time you were two and four you will never learn and psychologists have beat their heads against the wall trying to rehabilitate antisocial children they can't do it after the age of four well it seems to be partly because the kids fall farther and farther behind so let's say you make the leap from egocentric dependence on your mother at two and three to immersion in a peer group well then then you you pick peers that are at your same development level and you chase each other up the developmental ladder and the longer you're out of that the farther you fall behind and so you know kids five-year-old kids might come across another five-year-old kid who tends to cry too much if they don't get their way and they'll say we don't want to play with the baby and what they're saying is we have to find someone who's at our developmental level shares our developmental horizons so that we can mutually scaffold our further development now they're not going to say that obviously but that's the situation and kids test each other out when they first meet so do adults game game game game can you play are you playing at the same level as me i'm playing my game at the level that will further my development can you play along with me if not well maybe you're lowering status and i can pull you up as a mentor maybe you're higher in status and i can learn from you but if you're a peer we can play together anyways if you're acceptable to your peers and you behave well they'll accept you and then they tell you all the time if you're acting appropriately you know if your jokes are funny if you're dominating the conversation if you're bringing something of value to the table and all you have to do is pay attention to the social cues and you'll keep yourself regulated do not allow yourself to become arrogant deceitful or resentful i might have the order wrong there but that's the chapter yeah it opens with a discussion of why you would get resentful it's like well cultures are raid against you so you're the target of tyrannical forces that are beyond your control they're arbitrary they don't work in your interest at least not entirely and the more eccentric you are let's say the more tyrannical culture will be to you and so you're stuck with that and then nature conspires to destroy you constantly and is going to do that with pain and anxiety and aging and then there's the uncontrollability and darkness of your own psyche and everyone faces those now we face the positive elements of those two the beneficence of culture the beauty of nature the glory of the human spirit that's there as well you have reasons to be deceitful resentful and arrogant but [Music] it's not a good game unless you want to produce hell you know i took the idea that we were supposed to learn something from the horrors of the second world war seriously never forget okay you can't remember what you don't understand so what are we supposed to remember what are we remembering the fact that all these people were murdered no we're supposed to remember that that was a revelation of the genocidal nature of the human psyche that's partly why i'm so impressed let's say with the story of cain and abel i dealt with that in my biblical lecture series and in my writings you know the first two human beings according to the book upon which our culture is predicated for better or worse the first two human beings brothers the adversary and the hero the the archetypal adversary in the hero put right at the beginning of that amazing book it's the beginning of history cain's sacrifices are rejected by god okay well how do we understand that that's easy once you know the key you make sacrifices to make the future better well what if that doesn't pay off well you know think about that you know what that's like you endeavor to do something and it doesn't work you're not appreciated for who you are you fail maybe you failed despite your best efforts well are you rejected by god well it's as if you're rejected by god does it make you resentful does it make you bitter does it make you want to pull down the successful does it want does it make you want to pull down the successful out of spite does it make you want to pull down the successful out of cosmic spite the answer to that happens to be yes you shake your fist at god [Music] you say i'm gonna harm those whom you blessed and no wonder it's no wonder you know it's a it's harsh that the rewards of life are indiscriminately distributed it's hard on everyone but it doesn't help doesn't help to become bitter and it's not like i don't understand the temptation i mean i think part of the reason i get away with being so bloody preachy is because i'm talking to myself you know it's not like i don't put myself in the boat of the damned and lost we have to strive not to be wretched there's something that doesn't seem fair about that why couldn't we just be happy being who and what we are why is it that we're punished if we don't strive well i don't know we're negan tropic organisms right i mean we have to maintain this incredible complexity in the face of a dissipating universe it requires effort it's the it's this it's the second law of thermodynamics i believe that's why we have to strive well why is the world constituted that way couldn't i guess it's an infantile paradise wish in some regard couldn't we just be rewarded for who we are i can understand that but i don't think that it works i don't think that's how things i don't think things function like that and i don't think probably in the final analysis we really want them to i don't know if anyone enjoys undeserved reward you know it feels kind of creepy doesn't it to be rewarded for something you didn't do the positive emotion that we find sustaining is experienced in relationship to an unachieved goal it's hope that drives us forward we want something and if we see ourselves moving towards that then we're we're in the grip of the positive emotion that we find sustaining it isn't the attainment attainment is satiating attainment shuts down the system that has been striving for that particular object of attainment if you're hungry and you eat you stop being hungry now that's good because the hunger is gone but that whole frame disappears you can no longer strive within that frame and you need a new frame to strive towards and so technically and this is well established as far as i'm concerned we even know the drugs that people abuse cocaine let's say amphetamines the ones that are potent sources of positive emotion activate the system that regulates our emotional response to evidence that we're moving towards a desired goal so cocaine for example is an exhilarating drug it makes you feel that things are worthwhile because it hijacks the system that does make indicate that things are worthwhile so this is deeply this this striving aspect is deeply rooted in in our in our biology for obvious reasons pick something aim at it as you move toward it you'll get wiser then maybe your aim will change that's okay but at least it'll change in an informed way it's like discipline yourself in one dimension see what happens the best we have might not always work but it's still the best we have and the fact that it might not work doesn't mean we should throw it away [Music] you
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 1,407,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, speech, motivational, success, inspirational video, motivational speeches, motivational speech for success, be inspired, motivation madness, 2021 motivation, motivation for 2021, 2021 motivational speech, 2021, jordan peterson, jordan peterson motivation, jordan peterson 2021, jordan peterson debate, jordan peterson lecture, jordan peterson motivational speech, jordan peterson speech, jordan peterson 12 rules, jordan, peterson
Id: 05wUtGMlDDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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