Jordan Peele’s Most Powerful Tips on Creativity

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today we're diving into the mind of Jordan PE looking at 10 of his most unique and Powerful tips on creativity he showed us his transition from Comedy to directing and producing horror films so whether you're looking to transform your creative approach or just looking to hear from one of the most influential producers of our ERA this video is for you so let's Jump Right In with the first creative tip which is follow the fun it worked Works Fun Works and that's what I that's kind of my advice to anybody dealing any writer or artist dealing with writers block which we all deal with and I you know follow the fun follow if if if you can't if you're not having fun writing you're doing it wrong shift up your tactic having fun should be the main indicator of whether or not you're on the right path creatively being able to enjoy the creative process not only makes for a more fun experience but it also resonates within your work because when you're having fun enjoying what you're doing that translates to the audience so if you ever get to the point where creating feels like work then change things up a little because having fun is the best part of the process so moving on to tip number two which is tell your truth over time you begin to realize that truth is what works it it's it's not about going for anything specifically except something that Rings true to an audience and is something that you haven't seen before cuz of course if you do the same old joke the the audience doesn't laugh either but time and time again you realize the more truth you're hitting on that people haven't seen put in this way the more successful it is many times reaching an audience really comes down to telling a truth in a way that hasn't really been said before when it comes to Comedy for example a lot of the funniness comes in presenting a truth in an unexpected way whether it's with timing or just the way that it's said it somehow hits a nerve inside of us and it makes us react so tell your own truth but learn to do it in a way that's fresh and unique tip number three think outside the box so I think from an early on you know you see this pattern in my work it is about um digging into to digging into those boxes so I can shed them and break break break out of them and so you know ever you ever since I kind of started on that mission I got into this pattern of just like look if I see a box I'm going to break it if I see something I'm not supposed to do I'm going to do it and I'm going to figure out how to make it work you have to have this mindset to see challenges as a way to learn and grow from them rather than just barriers that you have to face so when you're able to to face these challenges head on and learn to adapt to them and innovate you're thinking outside the box to get something done which is exactly the lesson that Jordan is trying to get across to us think outside the box break these barriers if you're willing to take risks to achieve your goals then you're putting yourself in a head space that everything could always be overcome you just have to figure out a way to do it so moving on to creative tip number four go beyond the surface whether it's with music music writing or just Art In general the whole purpose of it is to be able to convey an emotion to an audience so when you're able to find that core Insight or that core emotion beneath your work you're able to present it to the audience in a way that you truly Envision and so you know part of my journey sort of crafting a film is finding the the real Essentials of a story both from a a plot standpoint but also from the the the feeling and mood of it so next we have use your intuition my creative process is this conversation between my gut and my mind so at at in the beginning usually what needs to happen is I need to start with something that uh just I I'm feeling whether it's a dream that leaves me with some you know just condensed feeling or uh a fear that's just there and then I take that and and I you know I I I think about it I try and analyze it that Intuition or gut feeling that we get is what really Sparks our inspiration that gut feeling is all about listening to your emotions and our feelings behind our work if we don't have that then our work is just blank it's like lifeless so if something feels right then go for it if something feels like it shouldn't be there then maybe it shouldn't be there use your intuition to analyze and figure out what should and shouldn't be there your intuition comes from your life experience so trust it to make good decisions for you so moving on to number six mirror your reality my creative engine It's a combination of my um my my my friends and family and people around me it's it's a combination of all the films I've watched and it's also this other weird thing that happens when uh you know I have a a weird dream or a weird idea and to me it's all kind of it's all important at this point in my my career I really I'm I'm focusing on this idea of trying to be a mirror in some ways your creative process is really fueled by your life experience whether it's your friends your family something that you saw at work something that you saw in your day-to-day all these things that make up your life these are the things that you write about these are the things that you draw these are things that you make videos about things that you experience on The Daily that's why a lot of these big-time comedians talk about how difficult it gets to create content when they get to this certain level of Fame because they can't relate to other people in the same way that they used to be able to they're either on the road all day traveling back and forth from stages or just living life on a tour bus and not really experiencing life as the rest of us do which leads me back to mirror your reality in a way that's compelling and if it's not compelling then change your reality to make it more interesting so use all those influences that you get from a day-to-day to create good art and then be able to mirror that to Showcase it to the rest of the world number seven find a connection and every piece I ever do is has to be an autobiography you have to start with the imagery that means something to you and you have to feel the emotion of the character um by the way if you're ever working on on writing something or creating something and you're not feeling that connection finding that connection could help you break through and and solve a lot of problems for yourself finding a connection to your own experiences to put behind your work it adds that Personal Touch that makes it unique and makes it identify with you which kind of relates to the last topic which is be a mirror to yourself but also find that personal connection that Personal Touch that goes behind it if you watching my last creative tip video with Kanye then you might have heard about him talking about Grandma's cake and how Grandma's cake will always have that Personal Touch that can never be replicated well in a way that relates to being able to get that connection behind your work because once you get that personal connection then it can never be replicated by anybody else because it has your own personal touch that makes it yours number eight make art for you get out was was create you know sort of hit hit that uh you know was so out of the box because I I was making it for me I I didn't several years in that script I I thought was writing a script for me to read and to get better as a writer and to entertain myself with oh this would be the best movie if someone would ever make it when you're making art for yourself you cut away all these unnecessary expectations that you might feel when creating work for an audience many times the artists who make the best work make art for themselves when Rick ruin is talking about how he intuitively knows whether or not a song is good or not it's because because it comes from his own taste he's making music for himself if other people get to enjoy it awesome that's the whole point but make it for you make stuff that you like and then hope that other people like it too number nine make your imagination into reality you try to take a big idea a big bite a big crazy thing that you imagine if this felt real it would be the coolest thing ever and then from there you try and make it real any great idea is tangible so if you ever get a great idea use that as the spark of motivation and use that Vision as a catalyst to propel you forward and making those things happen and last but not least we have number 10 which is take chances I just want to say thank you and everyone in this room uh that that is a writer um keep Taking Chances take big risks put your love into it um it does pay off and it's the hardest [ __ ] thing and it can take a long time but our voices really do matter thank you very much so in order for us to innovate and reach those next levels we have to be able to take those chances because if we're always in our comfort zones then we won't strive for bigger and better change Jordan Peele led the way and doing something that people didn't think was possible he moved from Comedy to horror which people thought were drastic opposites and he did it in a way that won him the Academy Award so anything is possible as long as you're able to put your mind to it so there you have it 10 of my favorite creative tips from Jordan Peele I hope you found some inspiration or that you found some kind of value within this and if you like this kind of thing hit a like And subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one and
Channel: Top Floor Theory
Views: 2,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan peele interview, Jordan peele interviews, Jordan peele, Jordan peele creativity, Jordan peele creative tips, Jordan peele creative process, Jordan peele advice, creative inspiration, creativity, creative advice
Id: pKC9kaeNfGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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