Jordan Love Preseason Week 1 Analysis

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hi everybody Welcome to the QB school I am jto Sullivan today Jordan love preseason week one overreaction time fired up for this one let's get it going welcome to the QB School so before we dive into the video a quick reminder about the quarterback School patreon Community if you enjoyed the YouTube channel you like the way that I talk and teach ball you will love the quarterback School patreon Community really trying to create the environment of what it's like in an NFL quarterback room so all sorts of detail Nuance about the quarterback position offensive ball how to beat defenses and different defensive structures if you dig that you will love the quarterbacks go patreon Community jump over there join become a member I appreciate the support as for this video let's get into it alright Jordan love preseason week one overreaction time first one we're going to show here is a nice little alert at the line of scrimmage middle code close naked to the left love the fact that he gets downhill takes what the defense gives him gives him a strike I know people say that throwing to the left is a little bit easier for quarterbacks and throwing to the right now hard for me to think that's true but sure enough people I respect say it really nice job from Jordan love getting downhill here so a few things here just the operational element of it see him at the line of scrimmage they're getting the look they want alert alert communicated at the line of scrimmage love to see it we're going to fake this thing and then the thing that I love to see here as far as just kind of the operational element of it we're gonna fake and then we are coming out of this thing with depth and carving this downhill as opposed to coming back here faking it and then coming flat okay so it's that depth part of it that I really like to start from there we're going to have the slide flat we're gonna have the something usually to the corner some sort of over to get the three levels then we're going to get that secure that late flat but this isn't in my opinion is not an easy throw especially the further away it gets so just technique wise here that I love to see from Jordan love again is hitting it getting depth and then watch him carve that thing down towards his Target that's a really nice job again polished kind of wide Zone keeper World carve it so see how he hits the 15 he goes past the 15 to the 14 then comes back to the 16. that's just really nice job he does a nice job they probably over keep her naked him in my opinion early in this game I think they do three I'm gonna show two I like this one to the left though carving it downhill again you can kind of see his eyes it looks like he goes one to the flat two to the over three back to the flat that's a really nice job getting through that one two three read next one here's that go ball he takes a shot to the bottom I don't have a problem with it Middlefield closed bump press I think we'll talk potentially about things that could maybe make this a little bit easier I think the safety just makes a nice play I think the route potentially could be a little bit better as far as the space he creates but watch the helmet stripe he holds this saying gun three step to the right hold flip your hips back to it and really drops it kind of down his line or Watson now the corner the free safety makes a good play he tracks that thing could probably make a better play on it if he was world class but this idea being pre-snap here it's easy and don't be the cat that screenshots me because of this but it's easy after the fact to say oh he loses here you know this is an L the Corner's running with him he's hip to hip well we gotta trust our guy to win this one-on-one bump burst Middlefield closed here okay but we don't know the fact that they are going to looks like bring the safety green dog the backer which is then going to leave a huge hole for the over now I will say potentially you know you'd maybe love to see if Jordan love hit the back and he could just see that this wasn't a winner at this point they're essentially running hip to hip here well then you say no all right then let's come off and work this that potentially could grow there but again I really don't think it's a bad decision if you look out here bump closed Let's Take a Shot Let's Take a Shot we trust him to win the other thing here about it that I should mention is that this route gets pushed to the sideline here we don't have the sideline on the video but you you would love to be able in a perfect world you want to beat this corner quickly so you Gap them at the line of scrimmage then you get on top of them and stack him so that he's running essentially behind you so he's kind of in this Trail position and you're on top of them with space to be able to drop this thing in oftentimes you all will hear me say you know drop it down the red line and that's a black line but you would love to be able to have a lot more space here to be able to drop this thing as opposed to push to the sideline got to drop it right on his line so just little things not perfect anywhere but I think for Jordan love here you can't be that mad at the decision you can just say maybe when he goes to throw it so he goes to throw it right there maybe you say nah you know I don't love that but I mean he's hip to hip you're trusting you're gotta run by him he does run by him he just gets a pushed a little to the sideline and the free safety makes a nice play let's just play it out though like he doesn't throw it so say he says no right there then you can see that cross are coming across right I mean those are the ones that you see the pictures in the video and you're just like damn that's a big hit but you got to take the shot that you like when you like it and it comes up first here next one third and seven now this is a tough one for me we're gonna miss the number three up top on the over this about as wide ass open as you can get and this is one of the ones where you really want to start staying away from to me this is missing a Leia third and seven is going to be a tough down in distance in the league to catch someone this wide open on what I would say is about as simple as a on a of a Crosser as you can get here so who knows exactly how they sort this thing out if this is what they want to do defensively I can't imagine that's what it is but you got all sorts of time just hit the back here stay nice and level this is the one thing I will say from watching Jordan love a little bit in this game he's got a CH he's really changing his levels meaning to me he's he's popping up as opposed to being you know rotational and staying having his hips and shoulders kind of staying the same path his eyes you'll hear me say eyes level those types of things if you just watch the top of his drop here to me he's bouncing all over the place makes things hard so right there see how he kind of like jumps up so he hits his back foot on the 25 up you know a full yard hitch he's super wide and then we're missing that thing with a big misradius you know there's nothing about the Patriots aim small Miss small right here I think he could help himself with his feet if his feet were a little bit more lined up he's lined up to throw to the right there again just you know what you should know exactly what I'm going to do here when you take a pen and you draw this thing toes to toes where's it going it's going this way well where the hell does he end up throwing this thing he ends up throwing this thing this way that's unnecessarily difficult just at the back of your drop be lined up where you want to go we're going to let this thing develop over here we're not going to track him like like recess I just think his his feet and then watch his shoulders he just bounces all over the place here whoop that's a lot of eye movement whoop I mean oh she's that's a tough Miss so stay just stay level stay a little bit more consistent half time 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I appreciate it as for this video let's get back to it next one I put this one on here just because I thought this is one of those ones that quarterbacks can learn from because this is a screen and in my world and in most quarterback rooms in the league they will say that the throw of a backfield screen even though this is to a tight end this is from the pocket a backfield screen that's on the quarterback to deliver it to the screen catcher so you gotta navigate that with either touch or arm angle right here he goes arm angle low and the DN makes a planet now the part that's really sickening so what I mean by that is this throw you're going to have a free runner you've got this guy right in your face you got to navigate this with the throw I think most quarterbacks here would go hand grenade up and over if you want to get cute and do the arm angle thing you got a higher percentage chance that this happens and it gets batted now the part that is sickening here is the fact that we're going to get two guys out and they're going to cover up both the linebacker types and this thing would have been a massive hit so really the first guy who's gonna make this tackle is probably in the middle of the field back here and these are the ones that just these really hurt and and it's one of those things that will be lost unless you watch the all 22. I mean look at this hit so just Retreat a little show some touch but look at that I mean there's the guy who's gonna make the tackles on the 15. if he makes the tackle really tough and again just a little bit easier to see the angle here but this is a split second decision I just I don't know man I get why you want to do these arm angles it's cool it looks cool everybody's doing it but just if you just you could throw that thing hand grenade left-handed and that's a big hit look at look at the line the linemen are out there doing their thing I mean that's going to be a massive hit right up the numbers damn next one here third and five nice little quick out to the Watson up top on the shift the number one or the motion right on him first down just take what the defense gives you you know a little miscommunication defensively I see across the league a lot of guys are going to this kind of what I'm used to calling two-step footwork for gun quick game I do like the Rhythm that it brings them in and I think Jordan loved does a really nice job of being lined up here so one two so the footwork I'm talking about is left foot you're in left foot up stance Left Foot Right Foot all those cleats in the ground his ankle is lined up to his Target he puts that thing exactly where he wants now he gets about as wide as anybody who plays consistently in the league with his base but Left Foot Right Foot nice Rhythm you know I think there's a lot to like here this is not my favorite throw in the world just because it's unnecessarily difficult you can see the DBS look at 24 and 27 chirping at each other he's thinking 27 needs to come down and take that flat away regardless Jordan love nice decision nice vision this is making a layup this is making a free throw and I love the Rhythm one two Boop see all his cleats in the ground here Left Foot Right Foot locked in ready to go right on him first down let's go next one here another naked to the left this time they do a nice job protecting the edge for Jordan love he's gonna get out going to his left flip his hips finally over really nice job there's a lot to like here specifically from love getting out on the edge flipping his hips driving the ball down the field this thing really catches Dobbs nice play fake again out there flip your hips drive it right on the eight and the Seven boom fastball love it so this is already the second naked or keeper that we're gonna show in this video it's the third one I think that the Packers did it's actually not a great drawing he's even gonna get even more depth come downhill so the routes here are really corner and over where the ball ends up going okay that's great now the part that I like the subtle part here is the wide Edge okay so if this is the tackle the worst case scenario for a quarterback usually is a free runner right at the quarterback as you come out of this fake this way with your back turn and you got to make somebody move get vertical and just throw it away so the way you can kind of protect that is by having an inline tight end a wing and then a close wide receiver so really an iteration a bunch of it even if it isn't true bunch more Wing super check mark but and what we do here is we check and then we're late into the flat kind of like that late flat the next part of this is kind of the bang flat where you're going to secure the edge with the wing and then he's kind of the first one in the flat so we've got the initial one in the flat and we've got the late and they both secure the edge to allow Jordan love not to have to worry about anything when he comes out here so you'll notice how open this is as opposed to oh no there's someone right in our lap so again subtle little things that offensive Architects can do to protect their quarterback now what that does is it only allows you two people out on the route but they win they find they get one of them open and it's a really nice play so I just love to see the protection of the Young quarterback to be able to have him have success not have to worry about a hot Edge but then get out on the edge and do him drive the ball down the field love it last one here touchdown pass double crossers here like the motion or the shift here usually to be able to tell if it's man or Zone you get man we're gonna play action have two crossers usually trying to throw it to the guy running underneath good enough throw nice job going up to get it again nice play fake watch that mesh over the ball whoop the landmarks are usually those back pylons it's just again nice clean easy read play action give your Young quarterback a shot to throw a touchdown feel good so the first part here is just the shift so when we shift here we're gonna see if we can get a man or Zone read oftentimes this play will be with a man's own check so if you don't see the corner run like he did here and you had you caught Zone you just come out and run whatever run wide zone out of this formation it doesn't really matter run inside Zone run Duo but they do catch what they want so now we've got man-to-man right so man Middlefield closed okay don't let playing Middlefield close inside the 10 but whatever from here we're going to run the double crossers so here's the guy over the top and then you can see the back here Dobbs on the other side is able to kind of slow this thing and then he's trying to use that mesh and explode away from it so trying to get like a little rub a little pick depending on what side of the ball you're at and you're really just trying to find the one-on-one and aim to that back pylon should get a great opportunity for a touchdown a lot of teams are on this I actually like this play called at around the five as opposed to around the ten but right here works perfectly and you can see the wide receiver up top dops be able to kind of slow accelerate trying to use that pick going underneath nice read good enough touch nice touchdown again I just really like the design the aggressiveness going at it good Vision nice touch body them up let's go so that is a wrap Jordan love preseason week one I thought there was a lot to like I thought that it certainly wasn't perfect I think that I appreciated the play design maybe giving some scaffolding to have some plays be a little bit more assured to be successful or easier but overall I thought he made some nice throws really like the touchdown the ability to show some touch was it perfect no I think you know just some of the misses scare me a little bit just as far as the spray radius and kind of the decision making on the screens maybe trying to do a little bit too much want to make sure that we can make our layups and our free throws to be able to then give us the opportunities for those wow throws down the field that we can potentially see from Jordan 11 company this year either way let me know what you thought of the video please don't overreact either Packer fans I appreciate the engagement and all of that but we got a long way to go excited to see more from Jordan love let me know what you think what you thought of the video I appreciate it I will see you next time have a good one
Channel: The QB School
Views: 69,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The QB School, QB School, Quarterback, All-22, NFL
Id: KNg85zTY7aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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