Jordan Klepper on the D-List Turnout for Trump's Hush Money Trial | The Daily Show: Ears Edition

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earlier this week we were downtown it was interesting as always Jordan This was another Trump trial day for you how did this day compared to previous segments when we filmed on Monday it felt like deja vu we'd gone down to the uh earlier indictment hearing where Trump first appeared downtown we didn't know what we were going to get and frankly we got more of the same this was we joke this was the D listers who came on out to support Donald Trump and I fully will wear the hat of a d Lister who came out to see what was going on that day this it it seemed like it was a small crowd of boy numbers wise who people were really supportive of Donald Trump I'm talking maybe in the 20s low 20s you had hundreds of media there watching the spectacle around that and you had the people who were drawn to whatever the scene was there was some waves of anti-trump protesters as well but I think we saw a lot of familiar faces we saw some people we expected to be there and above all we saw people who wanted attention and realized this was the place to go get it I would like to point out we even interviewed the same guy that we interviewed before and we kind of forgot about this because we you do so many and we do so many so sometimes I'm like people seem familiar and then they're not but we actually a guy with the scarf is someone we actually interviewed previously down outside the courthouse so I don't know if he exists outside of that Park if he has a life outside of that but so far we're to for two with him I think people it it's the ecosystem around the Maga universe is a fascinating one and there's in many podcasts that we've spoken on and can speak too about the ones that exist in Rural America when we go out on the road but the ones that happen here in New York based around New York events specifically based around the trial is Super Hyper specific you have a handful of uh Long Island folks who are Long Island Republicans who tend to wear shirts that talk about the silent majority they were silent majority shirts we talked to one guy who makes uh Maga hammocks we've seen him multiple places including at CPAC you had Laura lumer who is a farri Maga celebrity maybe that's too strong a term but she's a personality in the far right she saw an opportunity last time we were here George Santos saw an opportunity marjerie Taylor green saw an opportunity to show up get all the cameras on them and make a big show of it for Donald Trump this time they didn't have the time or the frequent flyer miles to get here so Laura lommer decided to come on in get the pictures taken get the cameras pointed at her and get a retweet by Donald Trump so I think that was a big win for her but you start to see this you're like okay here are the people who see this as an opportunity less as an opportunity to show fty to Donald Trump and more an opportunity to get attention for showing falty to Donald Trump and or 10,000 more Twitter or X subscribers yeah exactly Zach so before the the today Trump had sent a message out about all hell breaking loose Trump said all hell is going to break loose are you going to go AP today I'm not going to go AP today are you ready to go ape today I want to see how it plays out but you're got to slow walk the ape right slow walk it Trump supporters are are calm peaceful protesters yes yes they would never rush into a federal building and try to disrupt hered Donald Trump would never advocate for that I'll say that January 6th can you tell the audience a little bit how we prepared for that what what you expected to see off of that message yeah so you know uh I think that was sent out in a um a fundraising email like three or 4 days before uh the trial was set to take place and you know for us it was an immediate sort of like you can get so used to Trump's dangerous rhetoric that you can sort of become numb to it but when it when it is uh coalescing around like specific events um you do need to take that more seriously uh so we wanted to approach this like it was going to be hell breaking loose right um and see if that was a reality or not a reality on the ground you know we prepped a whole bunch of jokes we have prepped a whole bunch of questions sort of and you can see some of them in the piece like you know where your pitchforks Etc um and then when we got there it was it just wasn't and the thing that I think is most striking is like Not only was it not but but the people that were there would never right they would never do anything like that except for the amount of people we met who were at January 6 I think we even cut someone out this guy had a little Santa Vibe going Jordan was like were you at January 6th and then he thought and thought and thought and didn't have an answer and then he was like I think I was home watching TV yeah like not airtite Al you can admit it now like they're not coming after you from from a from a piece on our show like you're not going to get indited I mean I don't know man these people have been caught in a lot of weird ways I think maybe they're learning their lesson I mean it is remarkable still the disconnect between Donald Trump and his rhetoric around January 6th and again Donald Trump has always always played in Hyperbole and and a Donald Trump speech is full of every point of view known to man which I think is a defense mechanism but it's uh he will he will ask you to be there it will be wild he will get up there on January 6 and talking about fighting like hell he will also spew stuff about peace he will also degrade people he will like he will say all the things you could possibly say therefore giving him if not a free pass something for his folks to point to to be like he was talking about a peaceful speech it was like Donald Trump was trying to incite a mob and he said all of these different words you're pointing to the words that said Peace but the actions of the day and the tone of the day pointed towards mob mentality And yet when we go to a place like we were at Monday people are not only divorcing themselves from the reality of what happened on January 6 but also of like the culpability of Donald Trump and his words and so yet again we're in the same conversation of be there be wild and now hell breaking loose like is he just fermenting anger and violence and frankly what should be clarified is they didn't show up if that was a call to the Maga faithful to come out and hell is breaking Lo because you're so upset like that might be happening on internet but in the but in the real world this is just a bunch of people trying to get air time it's not a bunch of people trying to fight for Donald Trump their fight is not your fight at least in lower Manhattan certainly not Lower Manhattan no certainly not there but you never know because uh he he's got a bunch of days he's kind of doing a residency at that courthouse so you know maybe maybe they're showing up uh in week two or three he's working material I get that let's see let's let's see what sticks what resonates and uh maybe the maybe the songs are cleaner and we some special guests to get the ticket sales up for later on I think I mean stormmy will be there there will be special guest Michael Cohen um yeah it's interesting they haven't been showing up to the New York events in terms of like how how that represents his you know support a few days ago we were just in Pennsylvania and it was like as fired up and crowded as ever and that was in rural Pennsylvania but I I wonder if some of his crowd think like the lies about New York being a hell hole kind of impact their uh you know the numbers showing up here they're like I can't go to New York I'll get mugged I think there was a joke that we cut that was that we couldn't get to that was like if all hell breaking if all hell is breaking loose in New York City how do you even know because it's already like full of Carnage right like how would you even tell the difference well the irony too you know the narrative is that he can't get a fair trial here that nobody in New York likes Donald Trump okay if that's your narrative stick with it Donald Trump after the trial went to Harlem and they reposted nothing but videos from their perspective of him being beloved people cheering they love Trump here the narrative is wrong he he is he is adored when he goes out in New York I think again take the clip you want make the narrative you want but if you're going to push the narrative that he can't get a fair trial because nobody likes him in New York and yet you then go to a place in New York and are bragging about how much people like you it's like this is pick a lane you guys
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 367,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics
Id: MTAh8IiSbN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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