Jonathan Shuttlesworth // FLFC Sunday AM

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i want to show you some stuff we have on our back table because if we sell enough books my wife won't have to donate plasma to keep our ministry gone she's getting very weak and we need things to turn around this is a this is a book that she wrote this is the fourth one that she did for kids because my daughter is eight years old and when we started buying christian children's books they were very uh i don't know how you'd say it awful because they like stripped the testosterone out of all the stories like i remember we read her the story of david and goliath and it said david goliath ran at david and david was very afraid that's not in the bible both parts aren't in the bible number one he wasn't afraid people were trying to make him afraid and he wouldn't get afraid and then secondly the bible says that he ran at goliath it was goliath that wouldn't stop talking and finally dave went listen let's get the show on the road and and so my wife made basically stories for kids that they won't sell in the kids section on amazon because she left the blood in she's got david holding goliath's head up like a louis vuitton purse the whole thing it's all in the bible so this is her newest one oh you guys are happy even in the morning i wonder people like this state this is uh the new one it's called loyal and i i would recommend if you're only going to get one i would get this one of course we don't have security at our back table so if you're fast enough you can just take whatever you want the bible says the bible sort of she wrote this the mighty series is a compilation of children's books taken directly from the word of god without the side of political correctness there is not a junior holy spirit for kids they can walk in the fullness of their calling and destiny right now the bible says in joel 2 28 your sons and daughters will prophesy the bible is filled with promises for our children as you read these books to them know that you're ministering to their spirits and building them up to be everything god has called them to be then she wrote a letter to parents 2020 has been a crazy year this year has been full of uncertainty and fear but the one thing that's remained is god in his word the bible says in isaiah 40 verse 8 the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our god stands forever we must teach our children the word of god our children will see what it was like for shadrach meshach and abednego how being loyal to god in his word is the most important thing a person can do in a world full of people bowing will you stand up for truth and so the reason i normally don't mention my wife's books because i'm deeply insecure and it bothers me if people buy her books instead of mine but this book you know when you saw the churches close down for covet and basically just do whatever the government told them the reason i didn't it's not because i made the decision last year not to i basically made the decision when i was six not to the kind of the kind of children's church services they had in the 80s would probably be considered child abuse today because they'd say there's going to be an antichrist day is going to come they're going to cut your head off if you're a christian are you okay with that and i'd say well whatever it takes to get those nilla wafers and grape juice amen and they'd have they'd have you realizing that at six and seven eight years old this will cost you your life at some point are you willing to be a christian and i feel like if you'll start pumping these stories into your kids like shadrach meshach and abednego and daniel in the lion's den which that one's out there too it instills something in you that i'm going to do what god says and i'm going to be loyal to to the bible like she wrote in there no matter what so if you have kids it's great for them if you have grandchildren or nieces or nephews that have parents that are mad at god for some reason you can sneak this into the house and and help them out so that's back there and then i'll just give you the three more while i'm at it i wrote this one came out december just before the pandemic dominion over sickness and disease because i felt to get it out quick and so it's only 50 pages because uh plus i have a short attention span so i got tired of writing it after like 50 pages so if you can't get healed by page 50 you're on your own go get somebody else's book but there's a weakness in people's faith uh in the body of christ by and large in the area of sickness and disease you know even if you have people that won't preach on healing or don't believe in it and then of the people that believe in it you don't hear much word it's just like how many know god's in the healing business well that's not doctrine that's just like a nice thing to say to get people to shout in kentucky amen but the the word puts a strength in you and and so i wrote the middle i broke it into three sections first section is christ's dominion over all four categories of sickness and disease every sickness and disease can be broken into four categories and in matthew chapter 8 verses 1 through 17 jesus healed somebody in all four categories so that'll show you because people what about the thing i'm going through everything can get broken down into and i'm not trying to sell the book and not tell you so i'll tell you leprosy diseases of the flesh disease that you're that attack the structural makeup of the body organ decay disc decay in the back skin problems whatever then you have uh the servant that lied in bed with a paralyzed and in terrible pain diseases of the central nervous system so alzheimer's uh cerebral palsy on down the line jesus healed him then you had peter's mother-in-law in bed with a high fever fevers reside in the blood so diseases of the blood jesus healed that and then the fourth the bible says in mark chapter 8 16 and 17 and that evening or in the king james one evening had come they brought unto him many who were sick and who were possessed by evil spirits one out of every three people that jesus healed there was an evil spirit that had to be dealt with our spirit of deafness and muteness i command you to leave this boy thou spirit of infirmity so many of people in your family they'll never know it because a demon doesn't show up on an mri but there's a reason they've been sick like since they were 16 and there's just one thing after another i mean you know i could play a video of a meeting i did outside in camden new jersey there was a woman i knew it was a devil i cast the devil out of her because she was she looked like just a regular lady in the in the hood where we were preaching you know big hoop earrings 25 years old on a walker had it been an accident had no sickness and she she's on a walker and i mean not like milking like barely moving with a walker and then when i got closer i went to pray and i said i command you to never have another seizure again. and then she said that she didn't know how she had had three seizures the day before she came to me that's the devil 20 it's not normal to be 25 and just and people accept that you have to see from the word of god how it was in the beginning in the beginning it was not that way with man god created man to be healthy there was no cvs pharmacy that's why i can't introduce my books because it's impo i can't do it i start preaching the thing again so i'll just move on so those are the four types of sickness and disease and i did 13 pillars of divine healing which any one of them would stand alone word of god if you understand what the bible says about healing that's enough to stay healed but i gave 12 more the blood of jesus the the efficacy of the anointing of the holy ghost uh and on down the line and then the last section of the book which i felt was very important it was six reasons you can expect god to heal you today because once people do understand a doctrine basically the next place they get tripped up is i know one day and then you go to churches and they reinforce it keep holding on you know you just gotta how many know late in the midnight hour god come through paul was in prison and laid in the mid yeah because he got thrown in jail at 11. he wasn't in there for no 13 years waiting on his lawyer and stuff he got thrown in prayed and sang a song and was out so a lot of preaching and i think it's because it takes the the pressure off the preacher for example if i get up here today go one day god's gonna heal you i can go to lunch and one day god will heal you but if you start if you start telling people you can expect god to touch you right now well now you've created a problem for yourself as the speaker because now they're gonna have faith for god to touch them right now there's a simple verse in the bible in the book of proverbs chapter 3 i think i think it might be verse 23 if it's not 23 it's 28 it says if your neighbor needs help today don't tell him to come back tomorrow if it's in your power to help him help him now is god a hypocrite no he's not so when the bible tells you how to act it's getting you to behave like god god won't it tell us if it's in our power to help someone don't tell them to come back tomorrow and then tell you well now's not your time and i have a will and i actually want the cancer to eat your body away a little more that's not god you're not going to find that anywhere in the bible the bible says in hebrews 1 3 that christ is the will of god made manifest in flesh so if you can't find jesus doing it you can't build a doctrine off of it now if you can find me a story where jesus told a blind person i'm actually going to come back to capernaum in another 18 months and i'll heal you then then i'll shut up but you're not going to find that anybody that came to christ he asked them what do you want me to do for you sir i want to receive my sight and instantly and immediately and straight away jesus helped people then so you have to understand you're looking at like god wants to do it someday god's had these gifts waiting for you for 2000 years do you know how frustrating that must be do you know how many gifts i give my wife on christmas zero you know why because i can't wait i give them to her the second i come back from the store unwrapped in my hand here i can't wait i've tried to wait one time i wrapped one i unwrapped it myself and gave it to her and those those are just temporary gifts that'll pass away and the lord paid and i paid for him with cash jesus paid for this with his blood god sent his son to die to shed his blood that man wouldn't have to struggle with the oppression of the devil in the beginning it wasn't so people weren't beating people in the garden of eden adam and eve weren't weren't breaking stuff and punching each other that all came with sin there were no children's cancer wards in the garden of eden there won't be any in heaven what teaches christians that god has some kind of stupid will to keep you sick and struggling when all you see in the bible is jesus came and by the power of god began to alleviate the suffering of mankind has jesus changed no hebrews 13 8 jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever what he does for one he'll do for anyone if you'll simply believe so anyway no need to really buy the book because i just preached the whole thing to you and this was the first book i ever wrote financial overflow ten bible principles to unlock heaven's unending supply because we used to have a negative bank balance i remember one time uh the bank gave me the wrong amount that i had in my account and so i ended up over overdrafting which i didn't know you know it was like we stopped at a convenience store and got a couple of red bulls for the drive my wife and i and then so it was the four dollars for the red bull plus a 37 charge for each red bull so by the time it was done you know i was like 400 in the hole preaching at this church in near in bethel vermont that had probably 21 people and i'm there i got no money my my car smashed in in the back i used to park my car in the weeds and they in the washers would go we have a spot up here for you i said yeah i know i'm not parking there my car's a disgrace to the blood of jesus if i saw a preacher driving when i was driving i'd say listen don't tell me how to get to heaven you don't even know how to get to autozone you people are very cruel i'm pouring my heart out here you're just laughing at me and then i shared some stories last night things changed and when it went from a negative account to a a robust account and there was more it was all there ahead of time all the time and overflowing i basically just sat down one day and took a note of what 10 things i discovered from the word of god that i didn't used to know and then wrote them down because steps are repeatable that's what that's the power of the word of god there's no special people if you want to get into that then you're into like hindu mysticism and it where i'm i've met with certain spirits and i have things you don't have and if you come to me that's not the bible the bible is that god has a word that is if you want to work it if you want to get in line with it it'll work for anybody in any nation you could have no education in singapore or bangladesh and start obeying the bible and pass somebody up that has two earned phds that won't obey the word because god's laws work for everybody can you say amen that's why and i don't mean to get off course but this this new kind of stuff that's creeping into church at a seminary where you basically teach certain classes of people and ethnicities of people that they're victims you can't believe the bible there's no way you can believe the word of god the and teach people that they're victims of something that happened in history it it's impossible because the bible's a word that no matter who you are first samuel chapter 2 he takes the beggar from the dunghill and sets him among princes god doesn't need anybody's help to bless you i said god doesn't need anybody's help to bless you the bible actually says if god is for you who can be against you if everybody on this planet's for you and god's against you you're a dead man and if everybody on this planet is against you and god is for you you're going straight to the top while they watch i prophesy on this sunday morning no matter what's gone wrong from today you're going forward ever and the last backward step you ever took will be the last backward step you ever take if you believe it can you say amen i know today's pentecost sunday but i have 52 of those a year so i'm going to preach out of deuteronomy 11. go to deuteronomy chapter 11. tell that baby i'll be done soon deuteronomy 11. verse eight the subtitle in my bible is the blessings of obedience everybody say blessings of obedience how many know when you serve the lord it'll cost you everything the bible doesn't tell you that when you serve god you lose whatever it costs you up front to serve the lord the rewards are priceless first timothy chapter 4 verse 8 paul told his son in the faith timothy timothy godliness is profitable say that with me say godliness is profitable unto all things he said holding value in the life that now is and in the life that is to come i'm glad my dad never taught me that if you go in the ministry you're going to be poor and you know but one day it'll be worth it when you get to heaven he didn't say that my dad always told me son if you obey what god said in his word and what the lord spoke to you to do the lord will bless you there's a curse for of course you can learn deuteronomy 28 you don't have to but verse 15 the sub heading is curses for disobedience verse 1 to 14 blessings for obedience curse for disobedience blessing for disobedience so wouldn't it be like that sucker the devil to get you to actually think that he's going to bless you if you serve him we used to have youth ministers come to youth camps i would go to when i was 16. they'd tell this it was like the same speaker with different face every year i had two division one sports scholarships i had girlfriends and cars and fancy automobiles then i got saved now i have nothing amen i don't think i think you need to look the word saved up in the dictionary because it sounds like you actually jumped the good ship and joined the sinking ship find me yeah you know like you're doing god a favor i could have i could have been present i was actually topping my class at harvard and then the lord called me into ministry oh what do you freaking do i'm sure jesus prays every day thanking god that you're in his life my grandfather preached for 62 years and his family was were all coal miners there were no no christians in the family nobody ever went to church so he didn't know what you were like how you were supposed to act you can see some of that's rubbed off on me we were sitting at a minister's conference one time he's in heaven now he was 80. you know when you're 80 you say what you want so i've noticed you start doing that when you're 80. i figured i'll just start 40 years early so he's sitting at this table and this one ministers going on and on about how many nations he's preached in how many people he's led to the lord how many miracles he's seen when he took a breath my grandfather went i'm sure jesus is thrilled that you're in his life [Laughter] well you didn't care for that but i liked it no i'm not doing god a favor serving him i'm doing me a favor serving him all of these commands that god put in his word aren't to help him you think he needs help man i hope people tie this on this i can keep the church going another week that's why you'll never you'll never see me on television telling people without your giving we wouldn't be able to do what we do that's ridiculous i was eight years old with no ministry partners minding my own business and i bent over to pick my pajamas up in my upstairs bedroom and when i looked up there was an angel on the other side of the bed and the angel said jonathan i used to never tell this story never never mentioned it till i was about 27 because i wanted to be like an accepted preacher that people didn't think was weird and anybody i ever heard talk about seeing angels they look like they saw lots of things they looked nuts so i never told anybody except my parents when i was little kept it to myself but now if you believe the bible they think you're nuts they might as well tell the angel story so i looked up and the angel said jonathan god has reserved you for this last period of time to be an evangelist to call men and women that are now in darkness into the light for soon it will be eternally too late do you understand and i said yes with a speech impediment i had to miss recess twice a week to go get speech therapy and they never corrected one of the eight sounds i couldn't say chuck e cheese i said cuckey keys i had to say sally sells seashells by the seashore for like 15 minutes of the shot it was like a north korean concentration camp all my friends were playing dodgeball and when when the angel came into that room and i said yes now you think of that the lord called me to preach you can't even speak right i'm going to be able to speak for a living publicly when you can't speak privately for free and then that cleared up actually it was after my speech therapist quit fifth grade called my parent my mom in for a conference we've been working with him for five years nothing's cleared up probably be better if he just played with his friends that's a fancy way of saying i quit and then it left and god gave me a strength where i had a weakness in fact when i went to bible college i said father whatever it is it was it was like the second week of bible college i was 17. i said father whatever you gave my mom and dad that when they preach it like grips you i'll listen to my dad preaching and i'd just start like welling up with tears in my eyes listening it was anointed whatever you gave him give it to me i don't want to travel around and bore people to death like i got bored to death in a bunch of services sitting in the back telling the lord i'll be a missionary to india if you just get this guy to be quiet i don't want to do that and i go to his freshman chapel the next morning and this student his name was jesse norwood he was 25 i was 17. so to me it was very old he gave a message in tongues and then right in the middle of the worship service and then turned around and pointed at me and i was trying to think like what did i do wrong i think i've lived pretty clean i thought you know the lord was going to rebuke me or something and he said thus saith the lord you've asked me for the gift to preach and this morning i give you the gift to preach that you asked for and when he said it it felt like somebody slapped my chest and from that point on if i even thought about preaching you could literally wake me up out of a nap and put me on a stage and hand me a microphone and if i crack that bible open it'll just start gushing out of my spirit by a supernatural gift that must have been what hit peter because if you read if you ever feel like you have low self-esteem and the lord can't use you just read about peter in matthew mark luke and john you'll feel like you're ready for sainthood by about halfway through the gospels that guy said like one intelligent thing in four books jesus said to keep pulling them aside hey peter you know jesus gets arrested to go get crucified peter comes in with a sword takes the guy's ear off jesus hey you're gonna mess everything up puts the guy's ear back on sorry about my friend here he's a little slow so uh then he gets baptized in the holy ghost which this is pentecost sunday where peter that didn't have the boldness or courage to confess christ before three girls at a campfire and cursed at them now there's thousands of men outside mocking them speaking in tongues which you notice from day one the devil's never had an answer to the move of the holy ghost all he can do is mock it and try to get you to be ashamed of it but when i see what people are proud of in this country i've made up my mind i'm not ashamed to be filled with the holy ghost i'm not ashamed to speak with other tongues i'm not ashamed to believe in a god who will heal me and keep me well i'm i'm i'm proud of the spirit i have not a rebellious wicked spirit i have the same spirit that raised christ from the dead and the bible says if he dwells in you there'll be a result he'll quicken your mortal body everybody say quicken the anointing is a quickening force make you young keep you young keep you strong keep your mind sharp the spirit of god quickens bodies so peter gets baptized in the holy ghost the bible says men stood outside mocking fact forget deuteronomy 11 i'm going to preach on the gifts of the spirit i just switched messages i just did a peyton manning and called an audible at the line of scrimmage i saw the defense and didn't like my play peter gets filled with the holy ghost the bible says the men stood outside mocking and we know there were thousands because 3 000 responded to receive christ it doesn't say everybody responded so there was you know more than 3 000 men and these men are drunk peter steps forward the guy that couldn't tell a little girl about christ steps forward and says you listen to me no mike now you think of that because i think of it now that i do this i'm using a mic to speak to this room you imagine speaking of four thousand five thousand people know mike do you think he was sitting on a stool with a latte hey bro just gonna share some truths with you today no the bible says peter stepped forward and shouted to the crowd listen to me you men of jerusalem some of you are saying these men are drunk but it isn't true people don't get drunk by nine o'clock in the morning peter never been to atlanta i was hoping atlanta was just far enough away that you'd laugh instead of throw hymnals at me people don't get drunk but as it is but the third hour of the day or nine in the morning no what you're seeing today was spoken by the prophet joel in the last days saith god i will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters everybody say my children yeah quit confessing anti-scriptural things over your children i know they're going to be rebellious and they have no my children will prophesy my children will be filled with the holy ghost god's going to use my son god's going to use my daughter they're not like everybody else they're not going to live like everybody else they're set apart to god your sons and your daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams i have old guys fall asleep in my meetings all the time i never wake them up because if you're going to dream a dream you've got to be asleep so i just give them the benefit of the doubt amen your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions in that day i will pour out my spirit on all my servants men and women alike everybody say all my servants everybody say men and women alike so how can somebody not believe in women preachers i will pour out the same spirit on men and women alike what do you think amy simple mcpherson operated by the power of the devil kathryn kuhlman 60 of the missionaries on foreign fields are women do you think we should send them all home that's dumb that's a devil the devil hates women for some reason go to some church down the street the power wash your makeup and earrings off let me tell you something some people need makeup i don't say all people some people need makeup it's not bad there's nothing holy about looking ugly obviously nothing god created is ugly but some people are close now god's not looking the change god does will show up on the outside but the change he does happens first on the inside can you say amen can you say better amen i will pour my spirit on all my servants men and women alike and then they what does it say they'll prophesy i mean i would love i would love to sit down with somebody from a denomination that thinks women cannot preach and explain what do you think prophecy is because most of those denominations don't believe in tongues so they define prophecy as supernaturally inspired speech okay so the bible says i'll pour out my spirit even on women and they'll prophesy they'll speak under the supernatural power of god to who in the bathroom by themselves no the bible says that philip the evangelist had four unmarried daughters who were prophets we think they were silent prophets think they prophesied to each other i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh your women will prophesy and there'll be signs in the heavens above signs on the earth beneath that's the next thing there's going to be signs the only signs that haven't happened yet are the ones in the heavens the bible speaks about and those are the ones that are happening that's why the devil's preparing people with that space force and the department of defense releasing ufo footage they're getting people ready so they can talk about that stuff rather than people say oh shoot jesus is coming soon because he said the the sun will be turned dark the moon will be turned blood red i'll just tell you right now you can use all the paper straws you want this earth is going to get burned up by fire somebody hand me a paper straw i lose like seven fruit of the spirit immediately drinking out of paper you know i'm only 40 years old and i've already lived through using plastic to conserve paper and now it's paper for whatever listen if a family of baby seals has to die so that i can use a plastic straw i'm okay with that survival of the fittest amen so you notice that people that don't know the lord are always focused on saving this earth because it's the only one they have but when you get saved the bible says we're looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where everybody's right with god second peter chapter three knowing all these things are going to happen what holy godly lies you should be living looking looking forward to these things and hurrying the day of the lord alone for the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the earth and everything on it will be burned in fire a fire so intense that the bible says the very elements will melt away in flames you read ezekiel 30 37 can these dry bones live again the dry bones live again they become an army the end of the prophecy is that it's israel being reborn you go to ezekiel 38 it tells you the specific nations that are going to line up against israel to wipe it off the face of the map and you're there right now i'll tell you man if you didn't live for the lord before today i'd make a point to get saved today and live for the lord the rest of your life because it doesn't matter how you were living in 2011. it matters how you finish your race and the holy ghost was given to us to give us power to finish our race can i tell you something whatever obstacle the devil's putting your path to keep you from finishing your race and winning the prize you will blow through that obstacle not by your own might and determination but by the same spirit that raised christ from the dead but say the holy ghost peter keeps going signs in the heavens above signs on the earth beneath blood fire and clouds of smoke the earth the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon will be turned blood red before that great and glorious day of the lord arrives and anyone who calls on the name of the lord shall be saved then it says around verse 37 and 38 that that same crowd that was mocking peter then called out to him the bible says they were pricked in their hearts and they said brothers what should we do the anointing turned them around if peter was an american preacher he said well you know just keep doing your best i mean it's not about what we do it's about what he's done amen but he said each of you because that let me just tell you you listen to that crap you'll go to hell let me know god's already forgiven all our sins past present and future nope you're smoking hunter biden's crack pipe there's only one sin god forgives repented of sin unless you repent you shall all likewise perish if you want to go see billy graham do you ever notice all the ministries god blesses have something in common the people who pack stadiums the people who get 1.8 million people on a field in nigeria they're not going up there and comforting everybody on their way to hell hey how many know you've messed up i mess up it's all sin amen sin sin we all don't judge me because i sin differently than you bro you're listening to a demon talking all sins the same no it's not i've watched forensic files chopping people up in your basement is worse than taking a lollipop from the bank the only thing i want to miss about kovitz wearing masks to the bank i actually enjoyed that in my mind i was robbing them i'm from olden days in olden days if you were master the bank you're in trouble never thought i'd live long enough to hear somebody say sir put a mask on in this bank okay however you want it the last days the devil has an agenda for the last days god has an agenda for the last days and as long as the church is here the devil's agenda does not get to override god's agenda my sister pastors in canada with her husband the cops showed up last sunday everyone the second sunday in a row everybody had the show id before they got in the building they wrote down their name their license plate their id to send every member of the family a fifteen hundred dollar fine for going to church during a pandemic it's the same pandemic here it's not a different virus in canada it didn't mutate differently didn't get a hold of maple syrup and turn into something different the same junk they're doing there they wanted to do here thank god george has sniffed it out thank god south dakota sniffed it out thank god florida my my father and the lord rodney howard brown got arrested for having church on sunday in america took him to jail to make an example of him who they arrest over a misdemeanor have the consul show with helicopters over his house like he's david koresh goes to jail and the governor of florida found out that a preacher went to jail and was irritated and then rescinded that none of this stuff can apply to churches and then people started bucking it and the plan the devil had to shut this nation down i'll tell you another thing while i'm at it i'm only here one sunday so if you don't like me might as well just get you to really not like me stock market goes from 28 000 down to 19 000. all the experts say it's going to go down to 9 000. unemployment was supposed to go to 40 percent did you know i don't know how much you follow the economy i started to invest a little bit of money and so i followed a little it actually doesn't make sense why the economy didn't go to 40 how do you close all small businesses and it's like everything just kept trucking of course you guys are like selling stuff out of the back of your barn and stuff that the sheriff doesn't know but i'm saying for like other people how did it work because they shut all kind they shut down everything they could shut down and you heard dummies conservative dummies on the news like well how can they be doing this don't they know it's going to hurt small businesses did you ever think that because the bible says that no man will be able to buy or sell unless they receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead that maybe there are powers at work that want every strong sovereign nation to be dissolved and their economy to go under what were they talking about hey yeah we're shutting you down but we'll start sending you a universal basic income that's the plan of revelation the reason why i never stopped preaching during this time and got threatened we had to take our phone off the hook for four days in our ministry for death threats which does not bother me because if you watch godfather one and two you learn a lesson the people who actually kill you don't call first hi i'm sammy the bull gravano i'll be by to kill you shortly we had people leave death threats on our facebook page i promise you they're not going to kill you most hitmen don't have facebook pages well i'm going to kill a guy tonight then i'm going to post a photo of my new cat the devil's just a big talker can you say amen press comes trying to paint me like i'm an idiot that's what they do they mock and try to get you to play more so you feel bad but the holy ghost put something in you where you realize this world is not my home and if they don't like what i'm doing it's a sign that i'm following my master jesus christ how come unemployment couldn't go to 40 how come you could shut off small businesses down and not collapse the economy because i'm going to tell you this there are so many tithing giving christians in this country and god said if you obey me in the tithing offering see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing so great you won't have room enough to take it all in and i got news for you janet yellen doesn't get a vote on the windows of heaven jerome powell doesn't get a vote on the windows of heaven that's the guy that runs the federal treasury all the people that are on board with bringing everything under a global currency there's one system they can't control and that's why they hate the church because when you follow this book it actually puts you in a different track and it's a track the devil can try to intimidate you to step off of the devil can try to discourage you to step off of but the devil doesn't have the capacity to make you step off that path and keep you from going forward i tell you in the name of jesus you're going to finish your race you're going to stay on that path and every plan the devil has for your destruction it comes to an end now in jesus name the end no further prayer required i believe that can you keep me in prayer for what it's done devil's not going to mess with your money the devil can touch my money on the 15th of never because the bible says god doesn't just bless you he protects your blessing i'll rebuke the devourer for your sake not you pray about it i'll do it i'll do it without your permission though your enemy and i just need prayer i'm really being attacked by the enemy no i don't believe you either you're lying about being saved or god's line because god said if your enemy attacks from one direction i not you not your prayers i'll do it myself without your help i'll make him run from you in seven directions bishop david oyadepo that has the largest church in lagos outside of lagos nigeria built a 50 000 cedar they're they're in five services a sunday now he did the same thing amazing how everybody has the holy ghost reacted to this garbage the same way i watched him online he agreed to shut down like a lot of people they thought it was going to be you know 15 days to slow the spread and then when they didn't he got up all five foot five of them in front of those 50 000 people and he said church will resume is normal beginning now and the next time this church closes will be for the rapture of the church of the lord jesus christ yeah that's what the holy ghost does for you you can see through the bull crap and i should say in church the horse crap apologize can see through it i heard him say the other day don't let me catch anybody in here with a mask on that's what he said you got tricked last year that's why you're still walking around a mask is like trying to keep mosquitoes off your property with a chain-link fence it's not even close i guarantee you you believe me or not believe me i know i know these people i guarantee you when everybody's walking around masters they thought no one's taking this seriously because they weren't april march of last year no one in america it's america americans don't do what you tell them to do if you passed along georgia it was illegal to hit yourself in the head with a hammer there'd be 30 000 people at the state capitol next day that's true that's america the whole country was formed on rebellion they shot soldiers over a three cent increase in tea british soldiers coming in which way to atlanta straight back the way you came american people woke up saw through it so to speak now they get it you know i'm going to tell you everything the devil planned against your life has already backfired everything the devil planned against this country has already backfired i'm just going to tell you a few things since it's holy ghost sunday i'm going to tell you some things by the holy ghost if they don't come true you can write my office and tell me i'm a false prophet and i'll write you back and tell you i'm not even a true prophet i'm an evangelist it says so right on the website they've been trying to find a way to shut it is the bible true or false if it's true revelation 13 says five guaranteed political agendas that the antichrist spirit is pushing for there's an antichrist capital a and the bible says in first john there are many antichrists smalley an antichrist spirit and they all the antichrist spirit has five political agendas one world ruler antichrist who runs a one world government one world economy no man will be able to buy or sell without a mark in their hand or in their forehead so with this vaccine i actually don't have any thoughts on the vaccine but i'll tell you why i'm opposed to what they were trying to do with it because for the first time if the bible says the antichrist is going to require you to get a mark in your hand or in your forehead and now for the first time there's public discussion about whether you're going to have to have something injected in you to be able to go to stores that's a bridge that the enemy has to cross and he got his butt handed to him on that one people said um we'll give you free french fries you can have your french rice well give the krispy kreme we'll give you a free donut if you get both vaccines well thank you 80 cents wow thanks a lot they must think you're very intelligent new life church is giving out free groceries today to anybody that'll get the vaccine did you know it's illegal to coerce people to get a vaccine you're not allowed to offer incentives to take drugs unless it's like crack or heroin but i'm talking like legal stuff it's it's unethical it's the height it's the height of unethicalness if that's a word before i go speaking that law school i better brush up on my vocabulary it's the highest form of of being unethical as a minister to take the credibility you've earned by the anointing and use it to hawk a drug for a company you find me any minister that's telling their people they need to get a vaccine you're looking at a sell out bomb and i'm editing for church because it's wrong you don't have any business giving medical advice as a preacher sellouts they get paid they called in leaders from inner city churches and told them that if you can if you can get people your people to take the vaccine you know you watch you're going to be real surprised when these churches that push the vaccine all of a sudden they have a new basketball court i wonder where that came from people would do good you're not going to hear preacher tell you this much that's why i'm only here one week you people would do good to watch godfather one and two because it'll actually show you how the world works and backroom deals cut that's exactly how stuff goes down why do you think all these preachers all of a sudden i wrote on twitter i wish the cdc would mandate soul winning so pastors would start encouraging their people to do it all these people that haven't given two pools about a bible verse i'm talking about christian leaders all of a sudden pushing vaccines i haven't heard him push soul winning i haven't heard him push divine healing i haven't heard him push any of the things that jesus said to go into all the world and teach people then all of a sudden they got a new god fouchy little five foot three and again i'm not against fouchy it's got to be hard in life buying dress shirts with a 12-inch collar i don't even know where you find them he's a good guy i bumped into him at the junior section of jc penney's i told him i know you're doing your best dr fauci tell people stuff if you think i'm just mouthing off i want you to hear because everybody say i'm in the last days you better know the devil has an agenda in the last days to destroy your children to destroy your family and to destroy this nation but i've got news for the devil every plan he has against the united states of america as long as the church is here as long as i'm here he's not going to prevail because the wickedness that's in this world can never be greater than the christ who lives in you say it out loud greater is he who lives in me than he that's in the world that's the secret otherwise that's why you meet so many christians they're the most depressing people you'd ever be around looked like they were baptized in lemonade we just need to pray your prayers aren't going to do anything frowny it's the prayer of faith that does something yeah it doesn't follow half your christian friends on instagram the last 14 months every walmart's going to become a concentration camp there no it's not you know why because i said so because i read in my bible that when elisha was surrounded by the armies of israel he stood outside and gave the word and god came to his defense the devil doesn't get to write the playbook god's church has dominion over all the power of the devil come on if you receive that go ahead and clap those hands and give god a mighty shout out somebody shout hallelujah let me get my camden new jersey video cued up so you can see why i'm this insane you fight this stuff anything you do the devil what do you think the devil's just going to give you souls look at jonathan in this tan suit there he has a good heart let's give him some people no he's worked hard he's worked hard to bind and enslave families mental illness drug addiction anger prison he curses people and when you make up your mind to set them free he does everything he can to shut it down political devils actual witches go pre go preach how do they even know i'm preaching somewhere there's three witches outside cur how did they know i was going to be there i don't advertise on there's a spirit world my friends that are here from alabama we had witches the one time i preached in alabama a witch came in and my associate talked to her he said why are you here we were doing what we normally do and nothing was working and we traced the disturbance to this building boy did i feel happy after that day because i realized they can't disturb me but i can disturb them hallelujah greater is he that lives in me darkness doesn't drive out light light dries out darkness and that light lives in you say it so the devil can hear you say i cannot be defeated i will not give up and quit i'm going to tell you the one aspect of this thing they tried to control get everybody on universal basic income i mean you talk about wicked people shut your business down for a year and float you 1400 that's criminal better watch if they ever have me pray to open up the state legislature it'll be viral i guarantee you that wicked people they don't have a right to shut churches now cdc said who cares about the cdc cdc is not a government organization they're a private organization got no business where we're following cdc who are they world health organization oh yeah chinese world health organization helping china and i'm not against chinese people or china everybody needs the gospel chinese people are great anybody doesn't think so has never had mushu pork i mean just that alone won me over there's two super powers in the world right now america and china and the globalists need one to carry out the antichrist agenda and they gave up on america because america is flighty every once while you elect an orange president who doesn't do what he's told and it messes everything up so they've switched to china because china actually has a mode of world domination that excludes religion and globalists hate the church you want to know why globalists hate the church the bible messes everything up the bible has to get banned from any totalitarian government ussr china california any place that's looking to be communist there's one book they have to set their sights on even under slavery they had to give the slaves a slave bible that was changed because if you read it as written it tells you you're a king it tells you that man doesn't have dominion over you god has dominion over you it tells you that you're free can you say amen so they've switched from america and that's why i see the u.s dollar dropping it's all by design how can they print all this money don't they know it's going to cause inflation yes they do there's people in the highest offices in america and above america that want to see this nation collapse you can spot them because they all follow the antichrist agenda one world government we need in this global society to start talking about having a world community that's a devil talking god created nations i mean we're all the same no we're not all the same go to bangladesh it's different than going to columbus georgia nations are different and god made it that way god likes variety god's not a vanilla god if god had an ice cream shop you wouldn't come in and say how many flavors one i don't like that flavor you have to learn that's what cults do cults everybody dresses the same call t churches everybody dresses the same we ask our preachers to only wear white dress shirts and dark ties yeah you're weird it's not in the bible we ask our women to only wear dark dresses okay you're nuts just for all the angry preachers that'll watch this later if you spend 20 minutes of sunday talking about what women are wearing you're the one with the problem these women with their short skirts you have the problem look elsewhere watch golf can you say amen there are earrings short hair take it easy it sounds like you just have high blood pressure then you start going to an actual holy ghost church like this one i think that place is a cult you don't know how you know places to call they don't let you leave leave right now see if anybody stops you they'll hand you like candy on the way out and you say amen one world government one world economy one world religion the antichrist will demand allegiance to him so you can't have people teaching the bible the devil is going to get people to worship the government and that's what you're having right now there's churches that have given away to the antichrist spirit they want an open for worship but they'll allow hundreds of people because it's unsafe but then they'll have hundreds of people in to get the vaccine so how come it was dangerous to gather the one group of people not dangerous to gather the others for all the churches that shut down on sunday but still ran their food program why was it dangerous to gather people to worship but okay to have a big crowd in the parking lot getting food you got castrated somewhere down the line and didn't realize it probably in seminary you don't have you don't have what it takes because we're not we're not teaching philosophy this is a battle know ye not you wrestle not against flesh and blood but against demonic power you can spot a devil anybody that tells the church they have to close is a devil we're waiting on the lord to see when to open our church back up when did the lord tell you to close genius the bible says as you see the coming of the lord approaching you should be meeting together more often not less often it's amazing when you obey god how he'll bless you till i had an angel come to my room and tell me to preach i told him i would this one comes back and tells me not to which even if that happened i tell him he's a liar because angels aren't allowed to contradict the bible paul said if an angel comes and tells you anything different than what well then what's in the word that angel is cursed can you say amen fountain can't close the church it's not even legal first amendment two of the five things in the first amendment is there's to be no infringement on worship their plan failed do you ever notice everybody that's pro-palestine anti-israel is also pro-lgbt and pro-one world government because it's a spirit that runs together do you ever notice you never find lgbt activists that are pro-israel you ever you ever noticed that the gay rights movement marches with the plo to make israel give up their land it's one devil that manifests several ways and how you can be in the lgbt movement be pro-palestine unless you let getting thrown off roofs it's a devil can you say amen and people can't see it if you're on instagram when you put a picture up you can swipe filters there's a filter you need to look through life in and that's the filter of bible prophecy because the bible different from every other religious book doesn't just tell you about things that happened or teach you life principles i will show you things that are to come can you say amen the bible tells you where this world is headed and then you can spot people that are in league with the devil or in league with god they can't trick you as a voter vote like an idiot he has a golden retriever i actually have a gold retriever so i'm going to vote for him you're very intelligent they can't just have a candidate show up in church the sunday before the election i saw he was in church who cares devil goes to church you see what they line up with are they pro abraham's children keeping the land that god said i will give you this land as your inheritance forever how come every demon possess dictators obsessed with a piece of land the size of new hampshire and anybody that touches it dies the sun used to never set on the british empire the british empire was so wide it was always daytime somewhere in the british empire until one of their leaders marched into jerusalem and started jerking with it now they're down to one island now and that one's in trouble getting taken over with islamic immigration the churches that sent the gospel all over the world in england have eight no nobody in them today not allowed to meet they they listen not allowed to sing i was listening to a church in england these people should hope i never meet them and you'll know if i do because they have a red hand print on their face there will be one singer at our church this sunday but we ask you to not join in lost your freaking mind the bible tells you let everything praise is so important to god that he said if people stop the very rocks will cry out you get a catholic catechism book or a presbyterian catechism book they'll tell you the same thing why was man created first question man was created to give praise and adoration unto god vocal praise how can you not tell it's a devil talk and i never heard any instructions for buddhist temples i never heard any instructions from the cdc for hindu temples or mosques i just heard christian instructions we ask you not to sing i actually wrote down everything they said to do it more anything the devil tells you not to do once do it twice don't sing oh yeah because you know what you you realize when you start reading that is what actually bothers the devil we ask you not to sing oh why because praise god said i inhabit psalm 22 7. i inhabit the praises of my people like a fish can't survive outside of water the devil can't operate in an atmosphere of praise remember i told you about that witch in alabama saying we felt a disturbance do you think it was an accident 97 percent of churches obey the the demands to close and within 90 days how did america look on fire people shooting people outside in the streets over tvs the devil has to have why do you think the tribulation happens after the rapture because as long as the church is here the devil's not over our head the devil's not eye to eye the devil is under your feet but if you shut up you should bolt the door shut do temperature checks temperature checks you should turn in your credentials and become a greeter at a casino if you're a preacher that does that do something useful just ask you to stay home if you're sick oh is that what the bible says i thought the bible says call for the elders of the church i preached the whole pandemic just you know flew the whole pandemic when they started messing with the flights i got my own jet i'm not stopping if you're going to arrest people for preaching start with me why do you think i grew this mullet out i didn't used to have this i grew it out because i thought if they're going to arrest preachers i want to look like i got transferred into prison i don't need to be coming in there with my hair parted on the side hello where's my cell that's called foresight tell you another thing i did i held meetings in the prison they would have sent me to several of them i got friends in there i'd be the first inmate that they had a fantasy draft over what gang gets me ms-13 friends friends blood friends all friends and if you threw me in jail preachers are ashamed to be to go to jail it's actually if you read the bible kind of a shame to never have gone half the book was written by felons in prison prison epistles paul paul was a result of that hey how does someone give me a pen and paper i got some writing to do if you sent me in there you think i hey dallas um can you get a lawyer and just let me know when they're gonna let oh you think i care don't care i mean no no obviously i'd prefer there to be some type of lid on a toilet other than that i could get use i know they feed i've been to prison i told you i preached there quite a bit the food they serve them is awful but and she's not here my wife can't cook so it's fine my wife made race one time we used it to spackle busted sheetrock sanded it down and then painted over it it's okay she'll see later online but it's you have to tell the truth to go to heaven it's fine i didn't marry her for a cooking if you threw me in jail if you threw me in jail i would carry on doing exactly what i'm doing right now in fact the warden at the jail data sent me to got baptized in the holy ghost in one of my meetings that's how i got invited into that prison she had already petitioned for funding to build a chapel for me to preach and i guarantee you i just go there and i'd carry on doing what i'm doing right now and instead of wearing a tan suit i'd wear an orange suit i don't care i'm on a mission my mission is not to survive you could die let me tell you something champ you can wear eight masks dip yourself in perel every 15 minutes you're gonna die it is appointed unto every man wants to die and after that the judgment and the framers of the constitution wrote something that's very interesting life everybody say life say liberty say the pursuit of happiness it's not just life liberty and the pursuit of happiness if you're not allowed to hug your parents for a year what's the point of being alive you've got to shut your family in their rooms so somebody doesn't get to get sick you know i know people who died of covet i know two people who died so i got you beat wanna know something else people will die this winter people die next winter people die jesus how many of you know bible says to be a good neighbor right now being a good neighbor means closing your church until your lesbian director of health tells you it's okay to open up again amazing how all the people that were in charge of telling the church weren't open hate the church hate it planned parenthood funded politicians you're going to take orders from them about your church sorry sorry i know this is sunday morning i'm supposed to have a nice service on not you know like not lying or whatever but people need to wake up because what's going to happen this plan failed the vaccine passport failed all that stuff failed but they're going to regroup and they're going to push it again because 2 000 years ago on this sunday almost 2000 years ago it'll be 2 000 years somewhere around 2033. and there's an agenda from the u.n called agenda 2030 that the devil's grouping up to have a one world system in place i mean leave it now we ask you not to eat beef i've been eating beef every day anything they tell me not to do i want to do it more even if i don't like it they tell me not to eat green beans i'll eat them every day bible says in first timothy chapter four in the last days they'll say it's wrong to eat meat first timothy chapter four verse one so what do you have right now bill gates telling you not to eat meat first of all who are you congratulations on inventing computers or whatever you did leave me alone you nerd don't tell me how to eat you're not my god apparently i'm not the only person who's had enough of him his wife's taken off who could blame her seems a little bit controlling buying up all the farmland now what beef beef through the roof corns through the roof it's demonic so let me finish what i started this plan of the devil in the last days to jerk with people's money for the children of god a it's already failed b it will continue to fail there's no um what are you going to do if there's no food on the shelves in walmart they're manipulating prices let me tell you something the best thing that could happen to most people would be if walmart and target ran out of food what would we eat you live in georgia fire a gun in any direction and you'll hit three deer and a rabbit true or false i went outside to go to church there's a rabbit outside my door smoking are you doing reverend rabbits everywhere there's plenty of fish plenty of food you listen to these antichrist people talk they're going to run out of food no you're not no we're not if there actually was a run out of food profits eat twice a day with or without any grocery stores the ravens brought elijah bread and meat twice a day i picture a raven coming with his beautiful black and purple wing with a white linen napkin over it how would you like your meat today mr elijah everybody said god will take care of me the same way they couldn't get unemployment to go to 40 i'll tell you when we kept preaching and i'll be honest march and april last year i thought what in the world are we going to do they're not letting people meet more than 10 at a time that's what i do and i felt the lord speak to me son if you do what i tell you to do you'll have the best year you've ever had and i did what he told me to do and he blew me away and then this year it's been greater but i'll tell you this once things started to pick up for me and were actually better than before the pandemic i started calling other preachers because i thought well certainly there must be people that need help so now that i've got plenty let me look for who to help i start calling people in amsterdam that i know that pastor that are in an actual hard lockdown because once you give your guns up it's over what do people need an ar-15 for you don't need that to go deer hunting the second amendment was not written in case white-tailed deer rise up against the people can you say amen canada amsterdam and you give up your guns you got police out beating people with batons why to help keep you healthy you need to be healthy yeah you're breaking my spine but thank you so i started calling around called my friend in amsterdam i said i don't mean to pry in your business but i know you guys aren't allowed to have any any jobs nothing was open the military was in the streets how's it going financially at the church oh i'm blown away he said like for example we have one guy that just opened up an ice cream shop and then he had to close it down he came in he's got a wife and four kids i met him the last time i was over there giant dutchman those guys i don't know that came from like the sons of anac i was checking them for six fingers huge guys he said he came in he came in at the verge of tears i just opened this ice cream shop government made it shut down i don't know what i'm gonna do and he said i was gonna pray with him but before i could pray the lord gave me what to do i said start an ice cream delivery business put it online and put on whatever app they have in the netherlands and he came in two weeks later he said he said you're not going to believe it he said the first month we did that idea you said was the best month we ever had with the shop then this month doubled it he said and then he said i don't have any overhead because all the employees are on me he said we're like rolling so he brought in money that god in canada in amsterdam trying to think all the places i got i couldn't find anybody that needed help except unsaved people you know what i realized last year god's actually not a liar when he said i'll take care of you he doesn't care what's going on in the world if you listen to me see if i won't pour out open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that's so great you'll never have enough room to take it all in that church in amsterdam pastor ben krosky do you know what they did during the pandemic they were one of two churches in the country that stayed open you be men then that gives god two options who to bless one church lost their property and contacted him about buying it sold it to him for a deal it was an old guy from the church said i like what you're doing they acquired a brand new building do you know what real estate's like in european cities i mean it's it's it's like you can't buy it brand new church right in amsterdam proper with parking which is non-existent in europe and moved into it no loans no nothing by the blessing of god that was during the pandemic i'm telling you right now this thing is lifting of course in georgia you guys never cared anyway never seen people wear their masks here sir you have to have a mask on all right there it is like a bow tie but it's lifting all over the country this plan failed you don't know how joyful despite what my face looks like you don't know how joyful i am on the inside to watch this whole plan fail and now the devil's going to pay for what he tried to do governor newsom in california who i don't like at all who ordered all the churches to close who actually sent police in to shut down online services because they had too many musicians on the platform i'm going to keep talking or i'm going to get angry it makes me i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like people touching the church it's not right it's illegal it's illegal you touch the church you're dead if you're watching from the nsa that's not a threat for me that god i'm not doing it i'm going to have lunch after this the lord will take you out if you are watching from the nsa you should tell your superiors to repent that they have a little time ain't gonna bother me i got a lawyer and a suit and a microphone and a plane good luck catching me hallelujah if i need it i got one of those plastic glasses plastic nose and a mustache amen i'll go by jonathan juddlesworth governor newsome goes to close the churches down in california and now the retribution started they passed a law in california that for the rest of time they're never allowed to put any restriction of any kind on churches that's in the law now in state law and governor newsom was ordered to pay 1.4 million dollars personally to those two churches couldn't be happier governor newsom i'd pray for you but you said prayer doesn't work so our thoughts are with you as you guys say andrew cuomo up in new york that said if we catch any churches or synagogues meeting we'll find notice how they always went after christians and jews you almost think the devil doesn't like christians and jews if we catch any churches or synagogues open we will find you and if you continue to meet we'll permanently shut you down first of all even if you don't believe the bible all you have to be is about a c minus history student to know how that works out you go take a read through history and find out what when the key to khrushchev in the ussr i've made it my business to personally bury the church of the lord jesus christ in russia but they buried him and the church in russia is the third fastest growing on planet earth what is the church the what of christ the bride in body the bride of christ you take the nicest most southern gentlemanly man in this room and slap his wife and you're going to see another side of that man i mean it's georgia they'll never see you again there'll be some fat pig somewhere with a dress shoe hanging out of its mouth you can't touch jesus's bride jesus said i will build my church and the gates of hell will not the mafia had enough sense to not touch the church they would extort money from everybody in town and tell them don't you don't you do anything they'd help build the church they gave donations al capone built all kinds they had respect for god and what happens is when the church lays down the power of the holy ghost people lose their fear of god but the power of the holy ghost is here and the world's going to see once again that this is not a 501c3 this is not a community organization to give our kids a place to go after school this is the church of the lord jesus christ commissioned to preach the gospel heal the sick cast out devils and save a lost and dying world if you know you're part of that church clap your hands on ye people and shout come on give jesus the head of that church the highest praise say out loud i didn't join the church i got born into the church born by the blood borne by the water borne by the fire of the holy ghost stay on your feet it'll remind me to be quiet and we can go to lunch i got moves when i was a little kid they used to read his stories i don't know what kind of psychos were teaching sunday school back then they read me that story in russia because i was born in the 80s back when russia was the iron curtain how they put a bible on the floor of a public school in russia and told all the kids to walk by and spit on it on their way into class the soldiers and one girl bent down wiped the spit off and kissed it and they shot her in the head i learned that when i was nine and i'm still talking about at 40. i thought that's that's how i want to be i don't want to be one of the used wisdom christians well god you mean god expects us to use common sense that's what a loser is talking i mean no god expects us to use wisdom the highest form of wisdom there is is doing what the bible says does the bible say in the book of revelation that martyrs get a reprimand from christ hey you know you didn't have to get your head cut off you know you know the whole story of daniel they weren't asking him not to pray they're asking him not to pray for 90 days 90 days well you know how many you know it's not persecution they're not asking us not to pray just for 90 days how many no prayers silent it can be silent god knows their thoughts now he prayed and he prayed outside did god bless him or curse him did god bless david or curse him for going up against goliath don't you ever i think it's why a lot of guys like enjoy in a state like georgia don't want to come to church they all send their wives with the kids and the guys don't come because they think it's like like you lose your spine at the door you got like i used to be a fighter i'm a man but then i guess you know now to be a christian and i'll just if you read the bible i mean jesus let me know where to act like christ that does leave in the realm of possibility braiding a whip and tanning people's hides true or false you think it's holy somebody breaks in your house to make them chips and dip will they harass your children shoot them with an anointing i mean i don't need to tell you you guys are having killing class next saturday or whatever i'm out of here what they they teach you a form of christianity that the government's cool with because it doesn't trouble anybody what do they tell you don't talk about money don't talk about politics sounds like the devil have your little classes about being good and stuff but don't speak about anything that would actually trouble the power systems of the globe that's what elijah did right he went down to where the prophets of baal and estero were who were employed by jezebel and said now i would call fire down and stuff but we're not to talk about politics no you have made trouble for israel today this nation will see that the lord there is god there's to be you know you talk about and i won't keep you standing i don't want to have to pray for people tonight with varicose veins because i gave it to him do you know everybody thinks about like nice billy graham do you know how billy graham's ministry started he went to go do a meeting in birmingham alabama and made the pastors agree that there would be no segregated seating and when he got up the first night they had a black seating section and a whites only seating section you know what he did he came down off the platform all 129 pounds of him back then he made he was skinny made olive oil look fat came down off the platform and with his bare hands tore all the barriers down and told the people to sit together or leave and he got death threats from the klu klux klan for the rest of the two weeks he was there and went anyway because real preachers don't put up with the devil's crap yeah they could kill you if you yeah then get killed it's a cooler way to die than freaking emphysema or whatever go out a hero go out standing up for god say what shadrach meshach and abednego said o king our god is able to deliver us out of the fire but even if he does it o king we will never bow to your god my friend kofi from ghana in west africa they have a saying in the churches they're off of that scripture and off of esther scripture because what did they say our god's able to deliver us but even if he doesn't well that wasn't unbelief or they'd have roasted what they were saying was our god's able to deliver us but i would be happy to burn in that furnace before i bow to your god what did esther say if i perish i perish what did they basically say if i did i die i'm standing for god so the saying they have in west africa is the man who says if i perish i perish never perishes once you cross the bridge that i can't be manipulated you know we had our insurance company because we may have to pull your insurance because we heard you're going to be preaching work didn't pull it you think i need you i said it just like that on speakerphone i don't think there used to be you know they think you're like a cbs mini series reverend okay you think i i told them before i had an insurance company i had a ministry got two strikes on youtube then i got banned before i had a youtube i had a ministry before youtube i'll have a ministry when youtube is myspace need to keep my youtube page facebook page warning where i have to warn you about what i'm going to speak freely whatever it costs take it because the same anointing that gave me my blessing see when your blessing comes from god man thinks they can take it like let's let's say at lunch time and i'm not i'm not joking let's say at lunchtime what i preached this afternoon got back to somebody from the nsa and they said oh we're going to show this guy let's say they froze on my bank accounts cause that's what they do in america north korea you disappear china you disappear america they just ruin your life and let you live so let's say they froze all my bank accounts which would be what they do or i can't touch any of my ministry money they have it all right what happened in genesis 26 when they seized isaac's land they thought if they took his wells they could have his wealth but when they took it the wells quit working and they stopped him up and isaac went somewhere else dug another well and was living exactly the same as he was before they took that one he did it again when the lord anoints you they can't mess with you hallelujah when they when saul turned against david david went and lived in a cave to hide and 600 men came and joined him when the lord makes you a king nobody can take it from you i'm so glad i haven't hallelujah thank god for the holy ghost hallelujah when the lord blesses you who can curse you no weapon formed against you shall prosper every tongue that rises up against you thou shalt condemn are there real problems you're facing sure can they prevail no if god is for you and that's why the enemy works overtime trying to unsettle that you well you know man no i'm not a sinner i'm righteous i'm redeemed the lord is with me his hand is upon me his spirit lives in me and i can do all things because he gives me strength lift your hands all over this place and i'm going to bless you and i mean bless you my blessings work there's a few ways you get the blessing of god in the bible one is from god directly god blessed abraham i swear by myself two is pro parental blessing honor your father and mother that your days will be long on the earth your parents can decree things are you and then but there's a third one priestly or prophetic blessing aaron you're to say this over the children of israel there's things that unless a man says it god won't do it because he gets behind the words it has to be done in the earth realm so part of the job of a minister is to bless people verbally and then god confirms it now i know that that's why ladies sneezed three times next to me on a plane and then said aren't you even going to say god bless you i said lady if do more than sneeze to get a blessing out of me some people the only time they ever blessed anybody is if they sneeze i don't read that in the bible and isaac sneezed and abraham blessed him it's not there but you come listen to me shout at you for an hour and a half been here all weekend made up your mind you're gonna serve the lord made up your mind you're gonna be in church not on line join us online or in prayer no join in person i need you watching me on the computer screen with cheeto crumbs in your chest hair get to the house of god if you're in hospice or something i'll cut you a break i'm going to bless you and i'm going to tell you from today things are going to work differently for you i tell you in jesus name doors that you couldn't have opened in 20 years if you wouldn't got two more advanced degrees that still want to come open the lord opens them for you today i tell you today is the poorest you'll ever be from this day forward right now i anoint your head with oil your cup runs over you shall not lack i said you shall not lack your children won't lack poverty loses your address today you'll never be broke another day in your life you're blessed in fact i'll pass along a blessing to you i received from this day forward you'll never play from behind before any need arises the provision will be there ahead of time you'll never have to play from behind you'll never have to get an auto car title loan to pay last month's bills you're going to be ahead in jesus name you'll never lack food i don't care if they get on cnbc and tell you there's no food left there'll be plenty of food for you you'll eat like a king if you only let me help you you will eat the good of the land says the lord isaiah 1 18. this lady in the in the navy blue dress come right up to this aisle lift both hands close both eyes power gods all over you'll never play from behind everything will increase god's not a liar the god that took care of my dad when people were giving him a can of green beans and a honey glazed ham for a week of preaching the god that took care of us will take care of you he is should die i started to tell you that's why the government hates meetings like this in the bible because the bible gets you to realize you don't need help from the government when you don't know god you look for government to be your god look at all the people are on facebook all year governor we need you to stop this virus governors can't stop viruses they're just people in poorly tailored suits but god is a healer god is your provider god is your protector and he loves you anybody say he loves me put your hands down look up at me i'll leave you alone in a second you know one thing i love from the book of job is when god said to satan have you seen my servant job that he's a perfect and upright man blameless in all his dealings that was before christ and that was before the levitical law two covenants ago and every covenant improved on the one before so job was under like a windows 95 covenant and even under that covenant what did god say in heaven you see job down there he displeases me every day i don't like him always sinning no god was bragging about him you see my servant joe a perfect man upright in all his dealings a man that hates what is evil and loves what's good if god could talk like that about somebody two covenants ago what does he talk about somewhere that's washed by the blood of jesus you know that old angry church you're a sinner you just i mean you know we displease god every day i mean no we serve the idols of this world not the not god but yeah maybe you and your family do i don't mr angry preacher that needs more fiber in his diet and takes it out on the whole congregation say out loud i please god see i live for the lord say i live according to his word yeah but i didn't used to i you who cares what you used to be your sins are buried in the sea of forgetfulness never to be remembered again and the lord's not looking down from heaven saying what a rotten sinner lord saying i love her i love you so much i gave my son so that i could have you that's how you go to heaven so he can have you i love you man if i pray for you come right out power god's all over you god's gonna do a miracle for you right now put your hands on your sides lord gives you two brand new kidneys brand new pancreas when you wake up in the morning it'll be like you're 15 years younger and you won't have to watch what you eat or anything now obviously you know you can enjoy life god i know you're not supposed to say stuff like this but i like black people a lot you're supposed to like all people i do but i like black people they've been super nice to me my whole ministry i don't know why people have it in their heart to keep black people poor in government but the lord's going to mess all their plans up blessing of the lord is going to make you rich whether republicans or democrats like it or not so tough luck to the devil i just want to say if there's any demons here get ready for the worst seven months you've ever had the church of the lord jesus christ is going to explode this year if i were you i would tie myself in with church i'd be a pillar i'd be somebody that i would ask the holy ghost what my instructions are to help advance the kingdom of god in my local assembly and i would throw myself head long into that task and this is a classy church your pastor and his wife are not cheapskates they're they're generous people but don't do it whatever and i'm sure they'll do something to thank you for whatever work you do but do it for the heavenly reward that not only you get in heaven you get now you know the suit i'm wearing now which if you don't like it i don't really like it either it's actually like a racist looking suit to be honest with you but anyway i already had it on a headed iron so you know i ran out of suits where i was preaching because i was only supposed to be there one week and it went four weeks and a guy came up to me and said i noticed you've been wearing the same suits which was only like 10 days you know i had it wasn't i was wearing the same suit every night trying to get people to feel sorry for me he brought me a thousand he said the lord spoke to me about you five new suits and gave me five thousand cash i went to this store feeling like scrooge mcduck i feel like buying a black dog hat and a monitor walking in like the planter's peanut guy with a cane i've never done that in my life just pick suits off i'll take this one and this one and this one how would you be paying for that with this and smash it down on the thing and i did it feels good to slap cash on the counter hallelujah god will take care of you my father's preaching in spring hill florida right now he's been preaching 45 years i'd say for the last 20 years every time his birthday is on a sunday somebody comes and brings him a gift worth several thousand dollars and i'm talking i said 20 years before facebook he's not on instagram you know he's not on instagram today's my birthday week i hope people remember no nothing my dad's not on social media really someone would come and say i know this sounds crazy but i felt the lord speak to me to buy you a canali suit or cowboy boots he likes alligator skin ostrich skin on his birthday there is a god that sees you there is nothing you do for the lord that he doesn't notice so you don't do it for a hundred dollar applebee's gift certificate do it is under the lord and the lord will repay if you can testify to that can you say amen shout it out loud i am blessed
Channel: Faith Life Family Church
Views: 1,401
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: VDIIXrxU9us
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Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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