Jonathan Cahn: Finding the Meaning Behind Fulfilled Prophecies | TBN

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here it is from ancient times God appointed this exact date this exact scripture it was appointed to be read throughout the world to come true on the very day that God actually planted them back in the land you know you know how many how many factors had to be exactly right for this ancient prophecy to come up on that day I mean everything in the world had to be working together God works all these things together [Music] welcome to the book of mysteries on this broadcast we're going to open up the book of mysteries to reveal something that will change the way you see the little town of Bethlehem then the amazing ha Torah mystery that marked the exact day that the nation of Israel would come back into the world we'll take a look at the beautiful and deep secret behind some of the most famous words in the gospel at the Wells of Yeshua and next you'll discover the amazing revelation of the the name is itself a mystery and finally we'll discover the secret of finding your calling and your appointed Destiny in the mystery of Aliyah but first we begin with the House of Bread in the book of mysteries the teacher gives the disciple a piece of bread and then opens up to him a mystery of a Hebrew word [Music] I'm going to teach you a Hebrew word the word is leim try it leim that's the Hebrew word for bread one of the most important words in any language really but in the Hebrew language it's all through the Bible why is bread so important because it's the staff of life it's a basic necessity it sustains us Keeps Us Alive it's what we need that's what bread is the bread of my existence so the Hebrew word for bread is but then there's another Hebrew word I'm going to teach you it's the word bait easy bait now you hear in the Bible bait L it mean bait means the house of or the place of so you have beel or bethl the house of God you have in the Bible betesda which is or Bethesda which is the House of Mercy so what happens if you take the word for bread and put it together with a word for house or place of bait you get bait leem or Bethlehem Bethlehem you know you've heard about Bethlehem your whole life you know the little town of Bethlehem nativity scenes Bethlehem but the real the mystery behind Bethlehem is it really is the House of Bread so what would you expect to find in the House of Bread well you'd expect to find bread of course the staff of Life The House of Bread Messiah said I am the bread of life he's the bread he said I'm the bread who comes down from heaven now think about this so where did the bread of Life come down when the bread of life came to Earth where did it come it came to Bethlehem why because Bethlehem is the House of Bread so the bread of life comes down to the House of Bread Bethlehem and where exactly he came to the manger you know what a Manger is you get the word mja well it means the place to eat so here you have the bread of life in the House of Bread in the place to eat so so what would you expect to find in Bethlehem the the bread of life and what does that tell you it tells you see if if if the bread of your life if the The Secret of your life was money then when you went to Bethlehem you'd find money if it was if it was success then when the Shepherds went there they'd find success if it was that marriage they'd find marriage there if it was whatever that thing that you go after if that was the real bread of your life was going to complete you you'd find that in Bethlehem because it's the House of Bread but we didn't find that we don't find money in Bethlehem the House of Bread we don't find success we don't find marriage we find him him and so what does that tell you it tells you stop seeking all those other things you think it's the bread of your life you think you think that Pursuit you think that goal is going to fill you up is going to give you sustenance it's not because it wasn't found in Bethlehem and so therefore seek today Come to Bethlehem come to bleem the house of your bread because it's not just the bread of the world it's the bread of your life it means that's what you need more than anything else you need Yeshua Jesus you need him more than anything you'll ever seek for in your life and that's what's going to fill you today so it says come he says I have bread for you to eat of partake of and you won't grow hungry again if you fill up with the true bread of life you will literally not be hungry if you are hungry if you are needy if you are wanting come and you will find it in him for he said I am the bread the I am the of the of life not just of life I am the leam the bread of your life in particular and because that is what you find in the House of Bread the bread of your life there's a mystery hidden in an ancient scroll that actually pinpointed a prophetic event that took place in the 20th century down to the day in the book of mysteries the teacher takes the disciple into a chamber called the Chamber of Scrolls and he leads him over to a scroll That's Unique from the rest it was on this wooden platform and he said that every week every week in the synagogue there's a scroll that is read from now there's actually a scroll you may know of called the Torah scroll and every week There's an appointed passage from the Torah scroll but also there's another scroll called the ha tocr and that has words from the prophets words that are speaking about things that are even yet to come well he opens up this scroll and shows him something amazing now here's here's the mystery for 2,000 years the Jewish people were scattered to the ends of the Earth they wandered the Earth separated from the land but the word of God prophesied that in the last days God would bring them back from the Nations to their Homeland they would come back in that day now that was said for years and years and for 2,000 years it looked impossible it looked like it was never going to happen the world said it's never going to happen even many in the church said it was never going to happen but God's word said it was going to happen the Jewish people were going to be brought back that had never happened in the history of the world but it happened the of Israel was resurrected it came true In Our Lifetime when what was the date the date was May 15th 1948 now it actually began May May 14th on that night and then it went into the day well well that night into that day was a Sabbath so Israel came into the world on a Sabbath day so what does that mean it means that there was an appointed word to be read on that day that Israel came back after 2,000 years years it was read from all over the world in every synagogue in the world they were proclaiming this verse it was ordained for thousands of years to happen on that day what was the Scripture it was from The Book of Amos it was there and it was a scroll just like this and in this scroll is an ancient prophecy and here's what it says it says this God says I will restore David's Fallen Tabernacle this is appointed for for the day of Israel's rebirth I will restore the Tabernacle of David I will repair its Broken Walls I will restore its runs I will rebuild it as it used to be and I will bring my People Israel back from Exile they will rebuild the rued cities and there they will live in them and I will plant them they will plant Vineyards they will drink their wine they will make Gardens they will eat the fruit I will plant Israel in their own land and they will never be uprooted again from the land I have given them this is awesome you understand that here it is from ancient times God appointed this exact date this exact scripture it was appointed to be read throughout the world to come true on the very day that God actually planted them back in the land you know you know how many how many factors had to be exactly right for this ancient prophecy to come up on that day I mean everything in the world had to be working together God works all these things together what does it tell you God appoints all these things and so it is for Israel and so it is for your life there are appointed moments for your life and if you're in him if you're in God the Bible says if you're born again you're a child of Israel You're grafted in your life is also appointed God has every moment planned he has a Destiny for you and the key thing is just walk in his will and you will end up there at the exact appointed moment and not only that what does it also tell you it tells you here God gave this promise 2 and a half thousand years ago and yet now it comes true and at the exact moment what it tells you is when the world says God will never do that even when many in the church said God will never do that when God makes a promise he will keep that promise whether it's 2 and a half thousand years or whether a day and if he kept his promise he didn't forget his promises to Israel he will fulfill his promises to your life in the exact appointed time in the book of mysteries the teacher takes the disciple to a well and there he opens up a revelation that can change the way you see something in the New Testament forever [Music] during the Feast of Tabernacles or suult there was a unique ritual that took place called the water drawing ceremony during this ceremony a solemn procession led by a priest would go down from the Temple mount to the pool of Siloam they would draw water into a golden pitcher and then Ascend back to the Temple Mount and theyd pour out that piter onto the altar while they read a scripture from Isaiah and the scripture was and injy you shall draw water from the wells of Salvation and they would pray when they did this Pray For Rain to come on the land and pray for the Holy Spirit to come the water drawing ceremony was a central part of the feast because it was so important it was a matter of life and death for a land like Israel in the Middle East you needed rain you needed water now this was performed every day in the Feast of Tabernacles and so one of the most famous words ever said by Messiah Jesus was said was this listen he said if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink remember that I mean every believer knows that but most Believers have no understanding of where this comes from he said those words during the Feast of Tabernacles most likely during or surrounding the water drawing ceremony so get this they're pouring out the water and they're reading from Isaiah the whole thing is and injy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation but in Hebrew it doesn't it says from the wells of Yeshua well Yeshua is basically the same as the name of Jesus so it's like it's like saying it's like they're saying and in joy you shall draw water from the wells of Jesus and it's during that Feast that he stood up and cried out if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink for as the scripture said out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of Living Water get that shall come to me and drink he's saying that at the feast where they say if you're thirsty come to the Wells of Yeshua and here is Yeshua Jesus salvation saying come to meat and drink and the Bible says he was speaking about the spirit of God at the same time and they're praying for the spirit to come so what's it saying it's saying that that here from the Hebrew scriptures from the Feast of Tabernacles we are dry without him and it's saying but there is a well there is a well for our life there's a well for your life if you are dry the Lord is saying come to me if anyone is thirsty that means hungry that means there's any emptiness that means there's any want in your life come to me and drink notice he doesn't say just come to the well or just come to the water he says come to me the the key thing is not to be focusing on other things and you not focusing even on what you think you need but focus on Yeshua focus on him you are to draw water from the wells of Yeshua salvation Jesus there's nothing else and the focus is on him because the more you focus on Drawing Near to him the more you'll be filled with the waters that come from him so here's the thing hear the voice of the Lord from this mystery and the Feast of Tabernacles is all about getting filled up getting getting joy in your life getting getting the prosperity of God in your life but the key is not to focus on all the the blessings or the prosperity or all those things it's to focus on the Yeshua Jesus and from him there is a well but you need to draw from the well it doesn't just happen you need to draw from it and it says and in joy you shall draw God wants you to draw from him in joy and from the fullness of him will come the joy of your life and how does it come he says it's through the Holy Spirit the spirit the waters represent the spirit now coming from Yeshua so the only thing that's going to fill up your life is the presence of Jesus and the spirit that comes from that presence so take this to account if you are thirsty come to him and drink and from your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water from the innermost being of Yeshua your salvation [Music] no one likes to talk about Sin but you're going to see a mystery in the ancient word for sin that's actually going to give you a revelation that will set you free in the book of mysteries the teacher reveals something to the disciple called the now let me tell you what that is there was an ancient sacrifice in the Bible called the sin offering it was the offering in that took away your sin on the day of atonement that's the sacrifice that takes away the sins of the people but in Hebrew that word means both the sin offering and the sin itself the sin itself yes now this is a foreshadowing of what Messiah did when he was sacrificed he was the offering but he was also the sins themselves he took all our sins on to himself he became the sin and that's how he takes the sins of all of us onto himself so he's both the offering and the sin itself so here is the mystery of the it it actually appears the New Testament remember that scripture it says he made him who knew no sin to become sin for us that's the and yet there's more to it the sacrifice the Bears the sin of your life upon itself and so what it means is not only not only does it have the same name the sacrifice is called sin but it means the word for sin also means the sacrifice that takes away the sin so get this messiah's name one of his names is it's a new name for messiah so that means the sin offering but it also means the sin it means also that your sin it means that every one of your sins your sins in Hebrew are that means that's also the name of the Savior that's also him he's the so what does it mean it means that every sin you have has the name of Jesus on it every sin you have it's the same thing has the name of Messiah the one who takes it away what does that mean it means that all of your sins if they have his name on it it means they belong to him it means you cannot keep what doesn't belong to you it means if you hold on to your sin if you hold on you stay in the sin or you keep you keep on living in the guilt of the sin you keep dwelling on the sin you keep living in the defeat of the sin you keep you keep beating yourself up over that sin you actually are doing that you are keeping in your possession what belongs to him you are in possession of stolen property because now he even claims your sin just remember that what ever it's not just the sin of the world it's every single one of your sins he's the of everything what you did today what you did yesterday what you've been continually doing it each one of those sins has the name of Jesus on it even your failures even your guilt even your your regrets and your mistakes of your life put each one take each one put his name on it you know whatever it is it's not yours anymore it's his guilt it's his shame it's his regret it's his failure because he took it he owned it he became it actually became it so therefore how can you hold on to what belongs to Yeshua Jesus you need to give it back to him because you don't want to be in possession of stolen property coming up have you ever climbed to the top of a mountain just wait until you hear the reward awaiting you on the top of this mountain when you take your Aliyah [Music] now we're going to open up a mystery that's going to answer the question how do you find God's will for your life how do you step into your appointed Destiny when I came to the Lord I came to the Lord on top of a mountain but i' had never been to that mountain before but I learned a secret that day that has everything to do with your life come on let's go where [Music] up wasn't this worth it to see how we're on the heights now we can see all these things do you know what it's called what we just did yeah torture no it's called Alia now Aliah is a word important in the Bible you may never have heard of it when you read in the scriptures the it says the songs or the Psalms of ascent it's the Psalms of Aliyah when Messiah when you read that Messiah Jesus when he went to Jerusalem it always will say that he went up to Jerusalem up why because in order to go to Jerusalem Jerusalem is on the hills on the mountain so to get to Jerusalem you have to go up no matter what so it's called the upward Journey the ascent it is the Aliyah it's called but it's not just a physical going up it's a spiritual going up to go to Jerusalem it's a spiritual Ascent so when the Jewish people came back to Israel in the 20th century as it fulfilled Bible prophecy their whole coming back was called an Aliyah the Aliyah and so when whenever a Jewish person comes to Israel or to Jerusalem it's called alah alyah now what does this have to do with you you might say well I'm not Jewish well first of all if you're born again you are Jewish you are spiritually Jewish so if you are spiritually Jewish you have to make an Aliyah yourself all the children of Israel have to make an Aliah and you if you're spiritual you have to make a spiritual Aliyah that means you have to make a journey going upward in the spirit you see Jerusalem is a place that you're heading to it's not just the Jewish people you are the Bible says we are all heading to Jerusalem there's a New Jerusalem your whole life your whole life is the Aliah and that means your whole life must be an upward Journey it's not so much whether you go east or west or through this door or this job or that place it's are you going up upward it's an Aliah how do you go up it's it's this every day you're going to be offered you're going to have a choice to take one step or another one step will be higher one will be lower or one will be staying where you are every day you have a choice to choose the higher or the lower or to stay where you are when you turn down that sin you're going higher when you give in you're going lower when you're being selfish you're going lower when you choose to sacrifice you're going higher when you could be spending hours in front of the television set or you could spend hours in prayer well one way is going to take you lower the other's going higher here's the thing every day you've got a choice and every day to go higher it's kind of harder but what happens is you end up going to High Ground you end up you end up being on the heights so if you want to go to the heights that God has for you every day choose the step it's not just one day I'll be there every day you have the path to be there every single day you're going to have that choice take the higher ground no matter what and the other thing is this as you go up every step you go up you're going to end up at the exact Mountaintop no matter no matter where you are no matter where you stop you don't have to know how to get up that mountain you don't have to know any of it but as you take the next step upward you're going to end up in the exact central point of God's perfect will for your life you're going to end up at the exact intersection of the destiny that God has for your life so you don't have to know some say well what's God's will for my life you don't have to know all that you simply already have the Bible follow it every day up every day upward whatever is going to take you up do it cuz as you do that even if you don't know that path you're going to end up standing on top of that mountain just like I was when I came to the Lord and you're going to be at the exact center point your Jerusalem of God's appointed Destiny for your life just do it make your Aliyah
Channel: TBN
Views: 43,312
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Keywords: tbn, jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn sermons, jonathan cahn the sign of the statue, jonathan cahn prophetic word, the book of mysteries, jonathan cahn the book of mysteries, cahn, jon cahn, jonathan cahn 2024, jonathan cahn book of mysteries, biblical prophecy, prophecies in the bible, prophetic word, israel prophecy, israel prophecy in the bible, bible symbols, jesus, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: XEl6ZW0KmjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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