Believe Right And Live Right (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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The new covenant is not about right doing. It's about right believing. Right believing will always produce right living. If you want to see the miraculous, you got to believe that your sins are forgiven. The new covenant is not like the old covenant. God himself is the active one. "I'll be their God, they shall be my people." "If they are poor and they're lacking," "I'll be their supply and they shall be truly enriched." "If they're sick, I'll be their God." "That means I'll be their healing God and they shall be a healed people." And then finally, what's your part? Your part is to believe all His "I wills." Good morning, church. Are you ready to hear some good news? Praise Lord. Good. Start a Sunday morning with some good news. Some praise reports from our brothers and sisters in church and around the world. Right? The first testimony, I have two testimonies to share with you. The first testimony comes to us from a sister from South Korea and she writes that I have been suffering from atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. For a long time, almost my entire life. I couldn't sleep well at night because of the itch. My skin would get swollen and red, and as a result, I often avoided new social networks as I didn't have confidence to go out. That means you didn't have confidence to make friends. On one day, God led me to learn about  the holy communion through Pastor Princess ministry. So I started to partake of the holy communion regularly for a period of more than three years. After some time I got frustrated and angry at God. I complained to him asking, why is my healing not coming? And why do you heal everyone except me? It reached a point where I was disappointed and  decided to give up hope all together and stop partaking of the holy communion. However, the Sunday that followed, pastor Prince preached about Neiman the leper and said, what if Neiman had stopped dipping to the pool at the fourth or fifth time? Instead of completing it seven times as instructed by Isha, he might not see the result. So don't give up. I knew God was speaking to me through Pastor Prince and it restored my faith. I started to partake of the holy communion again. About a year later, I felt the Lord telling me that my healing was coming. Then one day miraculously, all the symptoms of atopic dermatitis is a breakout, but it's not that serious. Atopic dermatitis, including redness, itchiness, burning, sauna, crusting, and oozing on my skin were gone. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Let's give Jesus a praise. And she ends all by saying, praise the Lord Jesus. He never gave up on me. Now even people are amazed and they compliment me that and saying that my skin looks like a baby skin. God has made my skin even better. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Right. Church, before I share the second testimony, for those of us who have been regularly attending church for some time, you would know that Pastor Prince has often mentioned, therefore, certain conditions, we need to go back to the doctor to get it checked and for the doctor to verify the healing. And then after the doctor has verified the healing, you can write into us and share reverse your testimony. So this is one such testimony from a brother from Singapore. He writes that one Saturday, a few months ago, I had arranged to meet my wife after her seminar while waiting, I worshiped and prayed in the Holy Spirit and then suddenly my mind went blank. So just to clarify, it's not because yours worshiping and praying the Holy Spirit, his mind went blank. It's just suddenly went blank. All right. The next thing I knew, I was at a bus interchange with no recollection of how I got there. Somehow I had managed to call my wife and tell her my location. When she arrived, I was still in a daze. Jesus brought to mind my wife's name and face so that I could recognize her. Imagine you can't recognize your wife. So he was able to recognize the wife and her name as well. But I couldn't recall anyone else, not even my children. When we got home, my wife and daughter prayed for restoration and healing of my memory. I started to recall things bit by bit. During this time, only the Lord Jesus remained clear in my mind and I continued praying the Holy Spirit. That evening I visited the doctor. By then my memory had returned to normal. Although the doctor suspected a mild stroke or early dementia by God's grace, the initial diagnosis was inconclusive and there were no more incidents During the week. The following week, some church leaders also prayed for me and as Sunday service, the following week, pastor Prince called out for memory loss conditions. During a time of ministering, he prayed and declared healing, which my family and I claimed in Jesus' name. Subsequently, I underwent a series of medical tests. The initial result showed high blood pressure And an electrocardiogram suggested a heart attack. The doctor couldn't give a conclusive diagnosis about the memory loss. We rejected the negative reports, prayed and believed that Jesus had already healed me. I sought a second opinion from a cardiologist. By Jesus grace, he found the cardiologist found no problems with my heart. Hallelujah. What could have been a devastating diagnosis turned into a testimony of Jesus protection and healing. Throughout this journey, two things remain constant. Putting Jesus first and the importance of praying the Holy Spirit through his grace, his hand guided and protected me every step of the way. Praise Lord for these wonderful testimonies. Hallelujah. Just yesterday when I came across this verse, during my time of preparation, the Lord gave me this verse. A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Now, we are familiar with the old King James because we are always sing the song Mary High Do of good, like a mad, like a mad is a merry heart, a broken spirit, dry of the bones. But a mer high is the joy of the Lord. So the Bible says clearly, a merry heart is good medicine. I look at the word medicine in Hebrew is the word for heal is healing. It is medicine that brings a heal. Okay, so when you look at that verse, I was looking at the verse yesterday, and the Lord said to me, many people take this verse as a psychological soothing idea of a mery heart, but it doesn't do anything for you physically in terms  of healing your body and all that. But that's not what the verse is. The verse says, A merry heart does good like medicine. So keep yourself always. And that's the reason why the Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians says, keep yourself filled with the spirit by speaking to yourself in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Keep a happy heart, keep attuned. Amen. Wherever you go, sing to yourself. And that's what I did also when I would be on my holiday or whatever here and there. When I'm alone, I would just be singing in the spirit and I find myself just in a higher realm than before I started singing. When you are joyful, you find yourself rising up like an eagle with wings like an eagle. Amen. And you're not so prone to the precious and the enticements and temptations to be angry, to be shot fuse and to be impatient, just that. But when the song stops, it's not just the song stops. The spirit in filling starts to cease. That's when you get into all these earthy. Do you find that true when you're singing and you are just keeping a mery heart? And not only that, but what God is saying to me was this, that a lot of people think it's a soothing thing like a soothing ointment, emotional therapy. But it's more than that. If you have heart disease or you have a condition, I know of a man who actually, I forgot his name now, but actually he was diagnosed with a physical condition and it is verifiable medically and it just can get worse and worse. So what happened is that the doctor says, not here, and I think it's a heart condition as well. One of them, he took a bunch of funny videos back then. They watched VHS and he locked himself up and just watch it all day. When he went back to the doctor, the doctor says the condition that used to be there is no longer there. So a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. That's osteoporosis, right? Your bones become brittle and dry. Amen. So it is because of aging or because not enough calcium or things like that. But the Bible says is a broken spirit. And the same book of wisdom tells us what causes a broken spirit that dries up the bones. It says by sorrow of the heart. In another verse, by sorrow of the heart, the bones or your spirit is dried up by sorrow of the heart is the spirit dried. So don't have sorrow of heart. It's the opposite of being happy, being joyful. Amen. And when you're happy in your heart, you must notify your face because joy is a flag flown high in the castle of my heart when Jesus, the king is in residence there, amen. Smile neighbor and smile big and tell your neighbor, I've got joy. Amen. You're married to one. You can even say louder. I've got joy. Praise the Lord. There is a verse in the New Testament that actually says the sorrow of the world works. Death. Have you read that before? The sorrow of the world works death. It works death in your emotions, it works death in your mind. That's when you are more prone to forgetfulness and diseases of such nature. Death in your body of course can manifest in disease and all that, but it's the worldly sorrow. Godly sorrow is okay. Godly sorrow is when you realize that, oh, I miss God on that and I'm so sad that I miss God. Right? And then you endeavor by the grace of God not to do that again. That's okay. In fact, the verse is Godly sorrow is working out a repentance, but the worldly sorrow works death. So endeavor, by the grace of God to be joyful, have a song in your heart, have a tune in your heart. Amen. Simple tune. Praise the Lord. Alright, so last week we talk about how living in the upper room, Jesus actually in the upper room the last night before he was arrested and brought to trial and then was crucified the next day. You know that some of the statements that a person would make before he knows that he's going to die the next day will be the most important statements, right? And unfortunately, the church world has emphasized more on the Sermon on the Mount. It was also on a mount than the Sermon on Mount Zion, which is the upper room. And we saw them here about the sermon in the upper room. Now, by all means we should study and read on the sermon on the mound. But what I'm saying is that there's a lot of teaching on the sermon on the mound instead of the sermon on Mount Zion, which is actually the highest pinnacle of the mountain in the mountains of Jerusalem, right? Jesus brought them up to Mount Zion where the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, right? Mount Zion in the same room. It was dead that Jesus unveiled to them. New creation realities, church truths. Amen. The new covenant, how we are no longer under the old Covenant, but under the new covenant, the sermon, a lot of it is preached to also Jewish people where Jewish context is a new edition of the commandments and the law. So actually when Jesus touched Onnon Mount, there are some things we extract that into Christianity, into a Christian life also. We find that in the episodes and all that. But the whole thing is actually the Constitution of the kingdom of heaven that he's supposed to bring when the Jewish people would accept him as the mask Messiah. But unfortunately they didn't. They rejected him. But as many as receive him, that's all of you. The damn gave He power to become sons of God. So we can leave the life of the upper room, praise the Lord. And we've come to the place where in the upper room, he's such teaching on the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit is not a foreign subject. It is not something that the Jewish people did not know about. In the Old Testament, they experience even their heroes of faith, the power of the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit only came on three groups of people, the prophet, the priest, and the king. But in the New Testament, it comes on all of us. Hallelujah and indwells us. In fact, in the upper room, Jesus says, he will be with you. No, he's with you. He was with them all the time doing all the miracles that the disciples even did with Jesus. Amen. Casting out demons, healing the sick. And they went two by two commissioned by Jesus and they did all kinds of miracles. But the Holy Spirit at that time was only on them, not in them. So Jesus says He who is with you will be in you. That's a first. That is a new altogether, a new thing. He was never in them. Why? That tells us that the blood of Jesus has washed us all so clean that God's holy Spirit can indwell you. And how long does he indwell you? If you read that verse, he says He's with you and he will be in you for now until your next sin, until your next stumble, until your next whatever. No, he's with you forever. So that tells us when the disciples, the 12 apostles were with Jesus by the shores of Galilee in Jerusalem, as they were doing the miracles of Jesus through them, through the power of the Holy Spirit, there was only the Holy Spirit on them. Just like the Holy Spirit came on. Sorry, I was going to say Samson and on David and all the rest, alright? And on the prophet, priest and king in the Old Testament, he was only on them. It's not in them. Amen? So the insight is not dealt with and the real man is not dealt with. So that tells us that during the three and a half years ministry of Jesus on earth, the disciples were followers of Jesus. But they were not new creation people. They were not believers. Do you understand? They believe on Jesus, but not the believers in the sense that you and I today we are born again. If any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. All things that passed away, all things have become new. And the Holy Spirit indwells you. Do you know the Holy Spirit in you? Do you know how clean you are? Not for God's Holy Spirit will indwell you. You are the temple of God. Amen. And the temple of God is always clean, is always glorious, is always healthy. Amen? Always. It's only when they start worshiping idols and worshiping out the God and all that, that God calls the temple to come into ruin. Amen. That tells us when our bodies, no, you're not. Your bodies at the temple of the Holy Spirit comes in the ruin is because we have lost our focus. We have lost our centrality of Christ in our lives. We are probably worshiping something else in our hearts and minds. So that tells us, and by the way, everything the temple is also prosperous and healthy stuff. No cheap stuff. Amen. So God says, your temple of the Holy Spirit, don't think for one moment, oh my goodness, can I contain God or not? No. That means you're going to live the best life. There's a verse in the Old Testament, which is a reality for all of us. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Amen. It's God's the prophet dream of that. They dream to become like one of you. Do you know that even David, the Bible says like this, I'm quoting from Romans chapter four. David described the blessedness of the man in the future. David is the king and the prophet, and he has the Holy Spirit on him and by the Holy Spirit on him. He wrote many, many Psalms, many songs, but he looked into the future and he saw a group of people that he describes. I'm recording now from Romans four, even as David describes the blessedness, and it's plural by the way, the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputes righteousness without works. All of you saying Ade, whose sins are forgiven? Whose iniquity is covered. And then blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. So he's describing the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works. And now he's saying God will never, ever impute sin to you. Does that mean that there's no sin in your life? No. This side of heaven, there's no such thing sinless perfection. Amen. But God will not impute your sin to you. Amen. Now, straight away the flesh response is this. And that's where a lot of people misunderstand the  gospel and they misunderstand me as well because the flesh always wants to steady the arc of God. Do you want to put up the arm of flesh to study the arc? God does not need your arm of flesh to study the arc. Amen. The gospel itself is foolproof, which I'm going to show you right now presently I'm going to show you. But the thing is this, you need to know that God will never give you something that will cause harm to you or cause his name to be tarnished or blaspheme. No way. But the first thing God wants you to know is this, that all your sins are forgiven. David described, you see David, his sin was forgiven, but his sin was forgiven on a piecemeal basis. When he's sin, he has to bring an offering and then he has to wait on the Lord to accept the offering, which is a picture of Jesus, the lamb without blemish. And then God pronounce the forgiveness. And not only that, under all covenant, their sins were covered, not taken away. But when Jesus came, John the Baptist saw Jesus by the banks of the river Jordan and he said, behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. So in other words, all the forgiveness of sins in the Old Testament is like your visa card payment. Amen. It's not the real payment by the way. It's not the real payment. I just let you know it's actually like those sins in the past. It is pushed forward to the payment day. You still have to pay. Amen. So Jesus came and he's the lamb of God, the true lamb of which all the other lambs are only shadows and pictures of figures of He's the true lamb that takes away the sin of the world. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. So when you look at this perspective, you realize that it's so much better to live where we are now after the cross because we are the fulfillment. The reality of David's dream, when he prophesied, he saw all of us. I see a bunch of people, God gives them righteousness without their efforts, without their works. Wow. Their sins are all forgiven. You know something, even when they blow it, God will never impute sin to them. And now God does not treat them as if they're sinners. God doesn't deal with them based on their sin. God deals with them based on his son's righteousness. Jesus righteousness. God does not deal with them based on sin, but on the sun. Wow, I wish I was that kind of person because when I sin I have to bring a lamb. Every time I sing I got to bring a lamb. And sometimes God still punish me, but is tempered with mercy because Old Testament is not a fool. It's not a completeness like what we have today. When David's sin, God dealt with him. Amen. He lost one son. So some people say, look, God can forgive your sins, but you might lose something. You ever had that thought? I had that thought when I was growing up and it caused fear in my heart. They forget that David wasn't describing himself when he says that God impeded righteousness without works. David was still under the law. And under the law. David was under two death sentence. He committed adultery. There was a death sentence under the law and nothing he committed murder. So there were two death sentence over his head. But one thing about David is David is I described him like this. He's an old covenant man with a new covenant mindset. He saw the future. So he reached out to God and said, God have mercy upon me. Oh God, according to the multitude of your loving kindness, have mercy upon me. Psalms 51, the prayer he prayed after he commit those sins and God was mercyful, God says in the sense that God said through the prophet Nathan to him, you will not die, but this will happen. This will happen to your family, this will happen to your family. So people think when they read that story that that is true for all of us. Also, no, listen carefully. That is how God deals with sin under the old covenant. He forgives, but there are consequences. Now today there are some things that are a consequence. For example, you got to bat lung because of your constant smoking down to the years. Once you're safe, God forgives you all your sins, your lungs still have the problem. That's only what consequence. But punishment direct from God, never again. You understand David? Even David's you call it, some people call it chastisement. Actually it's punishment, but it was tampered with mercy. This part of heaven, yes we have chastises men, but is the way a father would chastise a child. A father doesn't go to a child and say, sit out there in the driveway. Okay, I'm going to teach you how dangerous it is to play by the roadside. I told you many times don't play by the roadside right now. Lie down there. Then he reversed in his driveway over his son's legs. You hear the sound or something breaking and the child is crying. No, come here, come here. I was chastising you to teach you a lesson not to play by the roadside. What do you think about such fathers? We'll put them in prison. And yet some Christians say their bones were broken because God was teaching them a lesson. Nobody wants your God. No my friend. But is the word chastisement there? Yes. In Hebrews 12, but the word there is pa deal is the word pa. Deal pail is where you get the English word pediatrician. It's got a word child there. It's the word child training. Amen. And how do you train your child? Most of the time with words. But then there's correction going on. Why? Because you love the person. So is that correction in new covenant? Yes there is, but all our sins are forgiven. And when that is weak we find that we get into problems. And that's where I want to  call your attention because many of you know what I'm preaching. Many of you have heard me share all this before. But the problem is that we believe it. We know it well. When push comes to shove in our heart of hearts, we don't really believe it. Plus there are also voices from outside that don't believe the gospel of grace in his purity that are saying things that no way God is that good. No way are you forgiven of all your sins. Lemme tell you this, your sins are all forgiven, past, present, and future until the day you see Jesus face to face or you passed on whichever comes first. Amen. All your lifetime of sins has been forgiven. When the Bible says in home we have say we have not trying to get it, not hoping for it in the future that will possess it. No, we have it. And the word there is a present tense in the great we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, plural according to the riches of his grace. We have it, but we don't believe it lasted. Last week, my son, a few weeks ago, he came down with a viral fever that lasted for eight days. And in the initial part of the first part, when he was having the problem, I prayed with him. I did all kinds of, but he turned to me, I think it was the second day or first day, he said to me, Abba, did this happen to me because I broke the lamb. So earlier that week before he fell sick, he was kicking the ball in his room and he hit the ball too high and he hit the lamb. The lamb broke into smothering. He was referring to that. Did this happen? Now he's brought up in a house full of grace. We don't anyhow, just go around saying, God will get you for that or your sin will find you out something. But yet there's something in him. What is it? The flesh. It's either the flesh or the enemy. The flesh is from within. Right? From your flesh. Deep down is the Holy Spirit always The flesh is still you. They're part of you. Lemme explain about the flesh. Okay? When I say the flesh, I don't mean the body, the flesh in the book of Romans and also impulse writings usually refer to the part of you that wants to sin. Do you realize that after you're born again you are a new creation in Christ, you are the righteousness of God in Christ created in righteousness and true holiness. But your flesh is still there. You still want to do wrong. You want to think wrong. You want to feel wrong. I know I don't. I should not be angry at this person, but I just to It cannot. Alright? Never. Yeah, yeah. Never. Okay, but you are not the flesh. Please understand you have the flesh. For example, if I have a piece of splinter in my finger, it's in my finger. It's literally in my flesh. But I'm not Mr. Wooden. I'm not a block of wood. Amen. Alright. But I do have a piece of wood in my flesh. So when Adam's sin, that flesh has that sin has stained our flesh. But Jesus made provision for that as well at the cross. Not only he bo our sins, that means what we do. The sinful actions and deeds plural, he bo our sins. The Bible says he also died to our sin in the flesh. And that's found in Romans chapter eight verse four and five. If you read that, it says that God standing his own son in the lightness of sinful flesh, he never had sinful flesh, but he came in the lightness of you and I in the lightness of sinful flesh and for sin that sin in the flesh, that splinter, that sin in the flesh for sin. God condemned sin in the flesh at the cross in his body. He dealt not just with sins, what are the products of our sinful nature, but he also dealt with a factory. The source sin itself. Now when he God condemned something, listen, when he God condemned something, it doesn't exist anymore in his eyes. But the problem is that to our sense, experience our senses to our experience, it's so real. But in God's eyes it has been condemned. It's normal in existence. Are you listening to what I'm saying? On we are to walk by faith. Amen. In agreement with God. So whenever sinful natures arise in us, we just have to agree with God, there's not me. I'm actually dead to it. Are you with me so far? And that can only come when you have an understanding of your sins are all completely forgiven because Christian still deal with this. They're so sin conscious, they end up singing. Amen. And you don't have to teach a child to be seen conscious. They are naturally sin conscious. No one is naturally righteousness conscious. Amen. Look at Jesus how he lived his life. He never had sin. Consciousness. Of course you can see he'd never sin. Yeah, correct. But look at the way he walked. There's a sureness in everything that he does. There is a definiteness in all his steps. He never have to recall a word. He never have to apologize, never have to. There's no sin, there's no fault. He never have to retrace a step. When he stood before Lazarus tomb, there is no hesitancy. There is no one dream if God will answer or not. Amen. When he prayed, he says like this, father, I thank you that you'll hear me always and it's for the sake of the people around that I say out loud that I say out that they may know you have sent me Lazarus in Hebrew kumi and the date came forth like that elevated. Because in those days they bind the date body, the cops, they wrap him up completely like a mommy right in the linen cloth. There's no way if he just fainted after that, he should die on after being kept there for four days. Sure. Alright. Down there, no movement. So when Jesus come forth, literally his body was elevated. That's what's going to happen. The rapture, when Jesus calls on us, come here, we'll be elevated. After all, he put the law of gravity and the force of gravity in place, he can reverse it. A miracle is nothing more than a reversal of natural laws and God can do it because he put the loss in there in the first place. Amen are with me so far. But where all the crux of the whole thing is forgiveness of sin. You say, pastor, I'm struggling. Don't understand. I'm struggling with fear, pastor, I'm struggling with worry, I'm struggling with stress. Don't you read the papers? Have you not seen what they're putting out there in social media? It's cost me a lot of stress. What's going to happen? You see, stress, fear, and worry has got to do with the future. What if this happens? What if I fall sick? What if this pain I feel is worse than what I really think? What if then regret and guilt is always got to do with the past. If only if only this happened, if only I didn't do that. If only I invested in this battle. If only I don't do that. If I only only it's gone. Hello, it's gone. Let it go. You are now here and God is never known as the God of the future or the God of the past. He says I am that I am. So those who say that God doesn't do miracles today anymore, alright? Healing is all in the past. They do not know the I am that I am when tomorrow comes he's going to be I am that I am. And you know what his son told all of us on the sermon amount. He told all of us leave one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about tomorrow. Well Pastor Prince, don't you know those who failed to plan, plan to fail? God did not say don't plan. Right? He did not say don't plan. You go for holidays. Some of you're going for holidays soon and you probably finished planning your planning. Now, nothing wrong with planning, but the anxiety and the fear and the busyness and the hurry. I think it was Hal Young, the famous psychiatrist who said that Harry is not of the devil. Harry is the devil. If Harry is the devil and Harry and dizzy is of the devil, then slow is of Jesus rhythm of grace. Jesus move in the rhythm of grace. It takes someone that God is working with in the area of fear, worry and care to teach you something like this. Amen. I don't have it all together. I'm telling you I have to learn this from the Lord. I'm still learning this from the Lord. One of the worst things about writing a book called Live the Let Go Life is that your family members remind you. My son tells me live the let go life. Man. My wife tells me time to read your book again and we are not just Superman, none of the pastors are. We have to learn and sometimes we also lose the revelation. That's why I'm teaching you all this. I'm not asking you whether you heard me preach on this, whether you know this, but whether you still believe it today, perhaps you have heard other voices and this is crucial because if you tell me things like Pastor, I don't really know God, then I can just tell you straight away that you don't really believe your sins are all forgiven, past, present, and future. If you tell me that pastor God speaks to people, I see them being led by the Lord, but God never speaks to me. I don't feel the intuition in me. Well it's not because you don't have the capacity here, but because you don't believe your sins are forgiven. That's where your problems start. That's the root problem. You say that I don't see God doing miracles in my life. God said I'll be your God and you shall be my people. It's because you don't believe your sins are forgiven. So we come back again to the new covenant. We don't understand the new covenant. We understand the old covenant people understand the 10 Commandments very well. Plus we have a movie on  the 10 Commandments but no movie on the new covenant. So maybe new creation. Check be the first one to have a movie on the new covenant. Amen. We are already actors, right? So let's go back to the new covenant and let's do a scroll again. We end off with this last week. Behold the days are coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, God says a new covenant. Then in the book of Hebrews, you find this new covenant mentioned first in Jeremiah 31 by prophet Jeremiah and then in Hebrews chapter eight, the book of Hebrews. So you have it both in Hebrew and in Greek. So in the book of Hebrews he says, whenever God says something is new, that means the previous has become old. If your husband brings back a lady and tells you, this is my new wife, you have become old. It's a bad illustration, but he gets the point home. He wakes people up. When you say something is new, that means the previous has become old. So the Bible says that which is decaying is becoming old God. When God says new covenant, the old covenant is now decaying and becoming old. That's in the, I'm using the phrase that's found in the book of Hebrews in talking about new covenant, nothing Bible says about new covenant. It goes on to say, I'll make a new covenant right with the house of Israel, house jail. Not according say, not according up there. Say not according. According those watching online say not according. It's not according yet. We act like it is an addendum to the old covenant of the law. It is an addition. It is. We act like they're both are supposed to going together. No God, this new covenant is not according to the covenant that I made with Moses, with Charles Heston when I brought them out of Egypt on Mount Sinai and the fire came on Mount Sinai and God's voice was heard, do shall not kill. Remember that I feel like acting also right. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not bear false witness. Amen. And by the way, you cannot keep just one and then say that you've kept the best. No, you must keep all you fill in one. James says you fill in one commandment, you fill in all and he says, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. It's part of the tan moments. Okay? So anyway, what we are saying is not we go break the tan moment. That's what the flesh is saying. They're so afraid. If you teach people forgiveness of sins, their sins are all forgiven, past, present, and future. Right? Then you are saying essentially you're saying we can go and sin go ahead and sin. But the thing is this, who wants to say that? Who wants even to do that? When you know that God has forgiven you of all your sins, you fall in love with Jesus, you fall in love, the one that has forgiven you soul. And when you fall in love with him, you fall out of love with sin. If your wife tells you before you go on a trip, your wife says, listen, I will always love you when I miss you. You always, I love you when you come back. I love you. I'll always love you. Do you turn around and say, yip, I can commit adultery. You are sick and honestly this is the rarity. Amen. That's the rarity to even suggest that. But the fact remains, your sins are all forgiven. Hey, your sins better be forgiven past, present, and future. Because you know something else people talk about Christians, pastors, teachers, our future sins are forgiven. That's heresy. That's not, Hey, your entire life, if you are born after Jesus died and rose again, all your sins were future when Jesus died, think about it. Unless you are 2000 years old. Because when Jesus died on the cross, listen, the cross like God himself is outside time. God took all the sins of the people in the Old Testament all the way from Adam, his entire life of sins, God through all their sins that they used the lamb as a picture of Jesus sacrifice only to cover like your visa card under the PA came and then when Jesus came, God put all their sins on Jesus Christ and then God reached out into the future because God is outside time. We cannot understand because we are time bound. We are focused on time and space, but God is not is a lot of time and space. He goes beyond it. Amen. He created time, his outside time, God looked into the future of people not born yet. When Jesus was on the cross, you were not even an idea. You better thank God your future sins are all forgiven. So you God, reach out to all those who were born after Jesus died and rose again. There's all of us all the way until our time, 2000 years. So when God looks at you, God doesn't say from the time you accept Jesus, when you are 17 years old until you are 45, now all your past sins are forgiven. From now on, you are forgiven as you go. There's no such God forgave you. One sin for all God put your life of sins just like he took entire lifetime of sin. And God put your entire life of sins on Jesus Christ and every last one of them is judge paid for. That means you know have been forgiven much. Does that produce holiness? It does. Amen. Those who are forgiven much, we love him much. Who said this? Not Carl Young. Not any famous person today. Not any famous person in your historical books. Jesus himself. Jesus doesn't believe all these anti grace preachers who come against this teaching and say, yeah, they're just helping people to steady the arc. God does not need your arm of flesh. God wants to preach the truth. Our flesh wants to study it. You preach like that and people say, I can go and sing just like a sick man after the wife says, I love you, I can commit adultery. No, but if the wife comes to him like that with restrictions and loss, listen, I tell you, don't think I'm not watching. I'm not there, but I'm watching. I got my saucers. Okay, all right. Okay. I'll watch you in every move you make, every breath you take just to let you know I'll be watching you. Right? How does a husband feel? Not that he wants to commit adultery, not that, but which one do you think has a chance of making him more faithful? You don't have the answer when you think about it. All your sins are forgiven, past, present, and future. Look that bad thought you had when I came up here just now, right? It's forgiven. Praise God. Yes. Now you can love me because when you know you're forgiven, you love, it's just a response. Amen. So in the new covenant, watch this, God gives three clauses before he tells you the final costs. That produces the effects. So the three C clauses are this. First of all, I'll put my laws in their hearts and write them on their minds. Am I right? Correct. After not according to the covenant of the law because they did not continue my covenant and I disregarded them. Notice they are cont contingent on God's response and in the old covenant law because they did not continue. I did not regard notice that they were the determinant upon God's response. Okay, now watch, this is not according, the new covenant is not according to the covenant. It's like this. God says, I will say I will. This is the covenant I'll make with them. God says, I'll put my loss in their mind and write them on their hearts. Can you say that I'll put my loss in their minds and write them in their hearts. So who will write? Who will put God right? Am I right? So where is it going to put it? Your most intimate part where your heart and mind. Your heart is the core of you, your heart and mind. You'll know what God wants. You know how God leads you. So if you don't find that happening to you that God doesn't lead you and he does it every day, you find that's not strong, don't worry, hold your horses. There's a reason for it. So the next thing, next clause is this. After he says, I'll put my laws in their he and write them on their minds. God says, the next one is that I'll be the God and they shall be my people. Notice again the people God and say they'll be my people. That means they must behave and act like my people then I'll be their God. It is not like the old covenant. Come on people. I'll be their God and they shall be my people. If they are sick, I'll be the God. That means I'll be the healing God and they shall be a healed people, a healthy people, a strong people, young people. Amen. Vigorous people see that this term is used frequently in the Old Testament and the context is always something miraculous. I'll be their God and they shall be my people God. God say, I'll do this, I'll do this, I'll do this for them, not they do it and then I'll be their God and they shall be my people. If they are poor and they're lacking, amen. And they're dispossessed of their inheritance, I'll be their God, I'll be their God redeemer, I'll be their God and they shall be my people. I'll be their supply and they shall be truly and rich. Amen. I'll be their God and they shall be a peaceful people. That means I'm the Jehovah Shalom, I'm the God of peace. Amen. You see that? So the second clause, right? So the first one is that he'll put his guidance, his teaching, his instruction, his loss in your heart and mind. Number two, he will be your God. That's a supernatural element. Number three, none shall teach his neighbor and none his brother saying, know the Lord for all shall know me from the list of them to the creators of them. When I was young, I remember that there were seminars and teachings on knowing God. So I want to know God. Right? When I went down there I realized that the person teaching doesn't really know God. So this knowing God is by books and by hearing other people share about God and no, no, no. This one is telling you there are two words. Know the Lord for all shall know me. The first one is that you don't have to teach people to know the Lord. The Greek word here because from Hebrews in Greek New Testament it says gen say genal. Now geno is knowing someone by effort, by taking time to go for coffee with them, getting to know them by effort and by experience by the way it says because it says in the Sep gen Old Testament that Adam knew his wife in an intimate way and in the Greek there he says, Adam Genco his wife. Then people say this is a very intimate knowledge on the inside. It's not you study all the Greek scholars on geno school. It's always geno. School is outside. It's about effort, it's about experience, it's about learning from books even. And anyway, that marriage act can be done by anyone. Doesn't mean they have to be intimate, but in marriage God wants it to be a reflection of the intimacy. But what is the true word in the Greek for no, which is very intimate is this one. So in that words, nacho teach his neighbor, none will teach his brother no God by experience. No God by reading books. No God, by your own experiments, even your own experience. No, no, no, no, no. Now we teach neighbor that you know why all will know me from the least of the greatest all will Oda. Now we come to the word so pronounced this right? But oda is another word for knowledge. The Greek has different words for knowledge. This order is a knowledge of just knowing on the inside. The Bible says from the least, if you think I'm just the least in the church where God says I'll start with you, you're the first one that will know me from the least to the greatest. It isn't like you have to start from the lost. Last and least all will know me intuitively, all will know me intuitively on the inside. See, many of you may come to this church, listen and you hear me preach and share about grace. That's not the first time you heard grace. No, you heard it inside you already. What I did was put into words what you already knew in your spirit and then you say that this resonates with me. I knew God was like that and now I find someone who is able to put words that I cannot put words to, but I know this is the God I see on the inside of me. I do not preach to you because you know not the truth. I preach to you because you know the truth. Wow. What a statement to say this is from one John, I write to you not because not the truth. I write to you because you know the truth. In other words, I'm speaking something that resonates with something in your spirit. Your spirit on the inside is faster than your mind. You ladies, many of you God make you intuitive. I believe more intuitive than most men. That's why God had to make Eve because Adam, God says E from the tree of life. Now God did forbid the tree of the knowledge good in evil, but God did not forbid the tree of life. But for some reason he never ate from the tree of life. So God created a woman to point him the right way, but she listened to snake talk instead of God talk and point him to the wrong tree. But he's one to be blamed because he heard what God said and didn't tell her what God said. Amen. Women was created because they're more intuitive. So women can look at a person just met only for a while, the husband, well I met this guy the other day in a convention and he has this great business plan and all that, and your wife bring you one. Say, I am sorry darling, I just don't feel good about this person. What do you mean you don't feel good? What's wrong with you woman? You have just forgotten a very important rule. If you've been in new creation church, you have forgotten the teachings that came from the appropriate a few Sundays ago. When you are wrong and your wife is right, you are wrong and she's right. Okay. Amen. I don't feel good. And she has no evidence. She has no proof. She just, children are very alive, wily children. They don't like you. They don't like you. Stop telling them, Hey, be good to uncle. Smile to uncle. No. You don't want him to smile to every uncle. Not every uncle that comes to them is an uncle. Uncle, okay? It is good that they have this concern about they can smell a rat. You see someone coming, oozing charm. Ladies can war music playing in the background, sponsors flashing everywhere. Amen. His name is park and it overwhelms you. And after you fall in love, it's easy to get anything from you. Borrow money also can anything. Alright? But deep down in your heart, if you are honest, deep down there's something was scratchy, something was telling you red light you, you know that if you are born again, you are a child of the new covenant, you have this on the inside. Amen. Right guys, what we would give if we had just listened to our wive's advice, we pay $200 to attend a seminar by a famous person to hear the very same advice we can get at home for free. But because we pay $200 more valuable. You understand? Then the wife says, actually what he said is nothing new. I told you before, hush woman, this is Mr. So-and-so professor, so-and-so in it and all PhD, whatever and all the what God was trying to save you, man, I dunno how many times that's true. You find that's true, but we don't like it because it's true when they say something right, they tell us. Right? It's true, right? We don't like it because it's true. I know, I know, I know. We are lost. We are driving the foreign land, we are lost. And the last thing we want to do is ask for the I know, I know. Know one of the programs that my family and I like to watch is amazing race. Alright? I think they couple that from Amazing Grace anyway. Yeah, you see the same thing, they're lost. They could have a head start but don't to us. Amen. You see how much God has loved you by giving you your wife, Pastor, keep on preaching. Okay? So it all will know me. Why is it that God is able to lead you from within the most inner most part of you, your inner sanctum? Why is it God is able to lead you from the inside out where the devil cannot wire trip the devil's voice, his visions, his giving you feelings, his sign in the sky. I remember one lady who wrote a very set letter I read many years ago. She fell in love with a guy and no, a guy was pursuing her and before she fell in love and then the guy was trying his best to winan her over and finally she asked God for a sign. Never do that. She asked God for a sign. Then one day when she was asking God for a sign, she was walking at night, she saw a shooting star then decide to marry the guy. Her marriage was like a shooting star. Alright? Please understand God will guide you in the new covenant from within. But Pastor God did that. What? Gides flee. Gideon was not in the new covenant. God was outside them. Today, God is inside you. Alright? Listen. The devil can imitate visions. Even you have an angel appear before you and an angel tells you things. That's not according to the Bible, okay? It's not an angel. So you foul spirit, Tiana go from me in Jesus' name or nowadays it is zombie  you foul spirit zombie, go from me in Jesus' name. Now, the Korean zombies that you can fall in love with, no, no anything outside is subject to the devils, right? He can do a lot of the razzle, even arranging circumstances, even that's why your first primary thing is inside here. You know what's right. If it's not strong, that's why I'm teaching this today. Are you with me? Sofa? So if that is not strong and then your knowing God, you find that I don't even know him intimately and God is saying, this is the reason all these three clauses happen. Even the miraculous, I'll be their God. All this happen because four, Four means because I'm going to do this, I will do this, I will do this, I will do this. Notice I will, I will, I will. It's all God. In the old covenant of law, you shall, you shall God command man. If man is contingent, man is the main player in the covenant, you will not do this. You will not do that. You will not. Then I will bless you, then I you will will. But the new covenant is not like the old covenant. God himself is the active one. I will do this. I will put my Lord. I'll do this, I'll do that. I'll be there, God. And then finally, what's your part? You'd be hard pressed to find your part here. Your part is to believe all his eye wills. So if you find that the leading is not strong, I don't care how many times you hear Pastor Prince sermon, I don't care how much or even you may have taught on it, God is saying, your problem is that you don't believe the last clause because the last clause is because all this will happen. I will do this, I will do that. I will do this. All will know me because I'll be merciful to the unrighteousness and there are sins and the lawless. This I remember no more and the no more. There is a double negative. Not always used in the New Testament or May in the Greek, all itself is powerful enough. May is also very powerful. Negative. Put them together is a strong negative. No, never, ever, ever be. God is saying, I will never ever, ever remember your sins. Hallelujah. And it's not just remember, you know what he's saying in the new covenant, God is saying that, listen carefully. In the Hebrew Jeremiah's prophecy, where this first appears is the word kar. Kar means like your name is zacharia. Zacharia. It means ya is God's name. Y remembers that's what your name means. Zachary is from Zacharia. So zakar means not just remember also to be mindful of God is saying, I'll no longer ever be mindful of your sins. Can you imagine walking with a friend who is never mindful of your sins? I'm telling you, even the best husband and wife in this house doesn't come close to them. Even your best. Imagine we have someone who will never be mindful of your shortcomings, of when you filled him the last time or your sins. And this is what God is saying, I'll never remember your sins. I'll never be mindful of your sins. So in other words, I'm no more dealing with you based on sins. I'm now dealing with you based on the son and what he has done for you. Because Jesus threw all your sins at the cross. And God who is righteous and holy to punish his son because he was carrying your sins, cannot punish you today for the same sins twice because it'll be a miscarriage of his righteousness, his justice, it's a travesty of justice. And the course of law is called the law double jeopardy. That's the reason why we  have this promise. It's not because God has gone soft. Oh pastor, you mean today God is not of sins because you don't care about sins anymore. No, no, no, no, no. He's righteous to what his son did. That if he's mindful of your sins, he's saying his son didn't carry it. God cannot see two places righteously at one time. If he sees your sins on Jesus, God cannot see the sin on you. The problem is that you see your sins on you. The devil tells you your sins are on. You cast the final toss of the dice. You decide. So I tell you this, I submit to you, and this is what God said to me to tell you if the effect what makes it happen is because I'll be merciful Did the unrighteous your sins are. Remember normal. If you are conscious of that every day of your life, you don't have to try to make the rest happen. You will know God none. Know him so well as a sinner who has just been forgiven of all his sins. Just like the man whose eyes was open by Jesus. Remember he went to the pool of salam and washed his eyes. He realized he's been forgiven of all his sins. Not just healed, but forgiven. Jesus is the Messiah and the Pharisees who knows the Bible so well. The Pharisees saw him and tell us who opened your eyes? He says Jesus and said, he's a sinner. He said, whether he's a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I know once I was blind. Now I see. Then he says, you try to teach us. You're trying to teach us to kick him out of the synagogue and outside the synagogue. Jesus was waiting for him. Sometimes get out of this religious people and all that to get the true gospel. Man, Jesus outside, not in the synagogue. Jesus says, okay, this fight is added by me. Jesus says, who do you reckon they're worshiping inside the guy that I dunno, but between you and me, you've got the real sanctuary here. Amen. Would you like to know? Would you to see the Messiah? He ask him, are these in the Bible now? He says, yes, I am He. All those in the synagogue with all the a realite learning, all the advancement of all the rabbinic hole literature that they have advanced in, and they're the who is who in the Jerusalem, who this man knew more of Jesus. None. Of them knew. He's the Messiah and they've been waiting for him, but this blind man knew from the least. It's because we don't believe that our sins are forgiven, that we don't love him much. And people say, well, you tell people their sins are forgiven, forgiven, forgiven. They all want a sin. You don't tell them they're still sin. Some of them, they're still sin. Just you. Not telling them. Don't give them the power. But I'll tell you something. I'll tell you this. Don't forget, holiness is found also in, I'll put my loss in their hearts and on their minds. It's from the inside out, not outside in. It is not behavior modification. God is not one thing. Your behavior modification. He's looking for inward transformation, heart transformation. So what is it that gives us a true holiness from inside? Your problem is not pornography. Your problem is loneliness. Even you are married, you still carry the spirit of loneliness from your teenage years. Your father never treat you well. Your father had a better example. You're suffer for loneliness. I'm not saying this for everybody. I'm just speaking prophetically right here. So God is saying your problem, so that he write the law in this person's heart different. That person's heart's different. That person's heart different. He's going to write, someone's viewing right now. He's going to lead you differently. But the same problem, pornographic addiction, Your problem is not this hypertension you're dealing with. Your problem is this thing that's causing stress. No, I'm not stressed by this. It's this thing. How do you know this? He will lead you from with him. Amen. Everything that I do, even today, why do I preach this? He wrote this on my heart. I got a lot of things I tell my pastors and I got a lot of things to preach. I got something from the book of judges for I'm waiting to preach it, but everyth time, I want to preach it. God says, no, preach on this. Please God, I preach on this before. Preach on this. Where do I get it here where I cannot miss it when God writes, you know? Amen. So you want to see the miraculous? You got to believe your sins are forgiven somehow when you come to God in prayer, wow. It's just like whether it's from your flesh, There's always accusing and condemning or from the voice of the accuser of the Bren, the devil himself. When you come to God, your flooded with, yeah. This morning I did. Was it was that sin? Maybe I looked at that man for too long. Maybe I looked at the lady for too long. Maybe I did. Was that sin that I crossed my line, I think jam on his heartlight, pastor Lawrence, but was thinking, have I really got angry? So something you do, you can't even tell. But if you have the right believing matter, whether it's sin or not, your sins are forgiven. Can you bully to God? You can. But the thing is this, a lot of people try to stop you. No, no, no, no. You can't believe your sins are forgiven. No, no, no. From the day you are born again, until the day you accept Jesus. From the day you accept Jesus, you are forgiven of all your past sins. From now on, you are forgiven, piecemeal, and this nearly killed me when I was about 16, 17 years old. I was very zealous about the Lord. I got baptized in the Holy Spirit at 17 years old. On the day I got baptized, I wrote a beautiful song. Maybe one day I'll sing to you. I complete song and then I read books. I devoured rather devoured Christian books. And then I read one book that says that you are not forgiven until you confess every sin. Because one sin will keep you out of fellowship. So I did my best. I can confess as much as I can all the way into national service. I remember my BMT and I'll be running, running, running, and the physical instructor be yelling all kinds of, you all know, right? And then I get angry with him. Then I stopped. I had to think, well, how can I hit him? I'm a child of God. Hate what cause me to be cut off from God and I kind of thought to be cut off from God as P in national service, doing training and all that. You need God's intervention. You need God's favor. You need God's protection. I need God to help me not to get confined in camp. I need God, but did I get angry? Did I cross the line? I hate him. Yes, I do hate him, but I don't want to hate him, but I do hate him. I got to stop for a while and I got to pray. Lord, whatcha doing? I played football with my friends. I'll be the goalkeeper. I shouted someone. Then I shouted something that after. Was that really a bad thing I said, or was it maybe border line? I'm not too sure I need to confess my sin. I confessed my sin. Then I heard a sound. What are you doing? The ball went in. I was confessing my sin honestly before God. I'll tell you, I can be talking to you and I also, I do this because I dunno if these people will say right, that unless you confess your sins, you're not forgiven of that sin. I can't imagine them because they don't do this. If you really believe that all baby, even fear and unbelief, you'll be because fear and unbelief is sin. Whatever is of not of faith is sin our the whole day. Now laugh. It was no laughing method at that time. I remember asking for deliverance and someone told me, it's your problem. I said, what's my problem? You have demons. There are demons in you, right? So I say, okay, how do I get rid of these demons? I say, that's we guy down there. He's preaching somewhere. His name is go to him and he'll pray for you. He pray for people with demon Jesus. That's why carry my big Bible. He was bigger than this. He was so big and choke a donkey. It was a black Bible. I remember then I was looking for the, it was a landed property. So I walk around trying to find a place where this guy was to cast the devil out of me, and now I can't find the room. I can't find the number. And I was walking, walking. I can't find the number. Then the cloud started getting very dark and all of a sudden I hear the rumbling of the tender and then all of a sudden the heavens opened and it rained on me. I remember looking up, okay, even God has given up on me. I'm looking for help. It's like you open up and say that's it. You have committed the unpardonable sin. Oh, by the way, I really believe I committed the unpardonable sin. So I went down to Orchard Road, orchard Road where I had tracks in my hand passing it to everyone that passed by and all the while telling them about Jesus. For those who are willing to listen, some just throw it in the floor and all that, and they just walk away. But I did my best all the while believing that I'll help send them to heaven, get them safe, and then I'm going to hell anyway because I have committed the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit, but I'll get them safe so that when God sees them in heaven, right, and I'm in hell, right, God, it's how do you get safe? And then they say, oh, Joseph Prince was in Orchard Road passing around for a while. God would look down and God remember me in hell. I really believe that. I believe I lost it. That was later on. But I did my best. You tell me He's the devil inside me. Cast it out. Cast it out, man. Then the more I didn't believe my sins were forgiven, the more I didn't believe, the more my thoughts became depressed, the more I had bad thoughts about God. I had hard thoughts about God. I had famous thoughts about God. That's when finally I thought I blessed him, the Holy Spirit. It was like at night I cannot sleep. I feel like the demons crawling on me, my skin, I felt it. I felt like the darkness was all. I cannot dunno how many nights I didn't sleep. 17 years old believing I had lost my salvation. I wasn't able to keep up my confession. I was wondering how come people don't confess their sins more? I say people around me in church, the church I was in, and they'll say something and then I never see them confess. There's the mercy of God. I opened the Bible one day and I saw this verse. David says, God, if you mock iniquities, who can stand? But the next verse is, but there is forgiveness with  you that you may be feared. I thought it's more logical for my flesh to hear. There is judgment with you that you may be feared, but instead there is forgiveness with you that you may be feared and we know that fear. There is not like you fierce snake. It's the worship of God. I'm bringing this to a close, but can I ask you all, are you getting what I'm saying so far? Yes. So maybe some of our diseases that we have in our body that refuses to be healed, it's a reflection of the belief we have that we refuse to believe in a certain area in our life because the new covenant is not about right doing. It's about right. Believing, right believing will always produce right? Living. Now the old covenant of law is right doing, producing right, living, but new covenant is right. Believing the righteous by faith shall lift that produces right living. So maybe you don't see the results because there's an area in your life you believe, but you believe wrong in this area and it's showing up because David said forget not how many benefits. All his benefits. Let's list them. The first two, who forgives all your sins, all your inequities. The next one who forgives, who heals all how many, all your diseases? Notice the two all back to back. If you don't believe he forgives all your sins, maybe all your diseases may not be healed, some will be healed. Some I'm forgiven, some I got to go. As I go, then I get forgiven piecemeal basis. It reflects in your healing. Maybe that's the reason why Jesus, when they lowered the man from the rooftop and the Son of God, look at the man regardless of the Pharisees all around. The easiest thing to do is not to say at that time in front of the Pharisees because they're looking to him whether he forgive sins or not saying that he's God. But there's a very thing Jesus did first, he looked at the man who was paralyzed, and Jesus' son, your sins are forgiven. You. The Pharisees say, who is this man who speaks blasphemous? Who can forgive sins but God only it was easier. They believe Jesus can heal. They have seen that, but it was that part that got them. And yet there's a very thing Jesus started with why? And he's not addressing them. He's addressing the poor victim. The poor man in a stretcher. Son, your sins have forgiven you. Then he said, rise, take up your bed and walk. Maybe the physical healing can only come when you believe your sins are forgiven. We do not know about this guy's story, but maybe for years and years he's a flat on his back because he said, I wish I didn't do that. That's the reason why I'm like this. That's the reason why my sins, I cannot be forgiven or even the things be forgiven in their heart. They don't feel forgiven and they need a voice. They'll tell them, your son, your sins are forgiven you. And he knew what Jesus was referring to when he heard that and believe it. Healing flow. That's why we have the communion, not just the bread. We have the blood, the cup, and it's not trying to be forgiven. Then if you do it that way, you are making the Lords supper into something that something close to heresy. Nope. The blood there is not to forgive you of your sins. The blood there is to remind you, you have been forgiven. You're not forgiven, then you're forgiven. Jesus. This hub is the new covenant in my blood. Father remission of sins. Amen. You don't get forgiveness by drinking the blood. You drink the blood because you are forgiven and you demonstrate that I buy flowers for my wife. I bring her and give her a treat for something because I love her not to create love in me. She asked me, why are you doing this? I got no love for you. I'm trying to create it, and then all these clauses will happen. You need healing. I'll be their God and they shall be my people. You need strength, you need peace. I'll be their God and all the names of God. Now come into play Jehovah Rafa, Jehovah Shalom, I'll be their God. They have peace. I'll be their God. They're strong. They shall still bring forth fruit in all age. They shall be full of fat and green, always green. Amen. Last week I had a visitor come all the way from Brazil. He's a pastor, a well-known pastor in Brazil and he pastors 1,300 churches, not just in most of them in Brazil, but also all over the world. In fact, he wanted to see me because he was just fresh from a church. He started over in Japan. No exaggeration, 1,300 churches, not people, but he said that his ministry grew and grew, but then there was something lacking. He knew it. He felt that he could not go on to the next phrase of his life and cry out to God. God brought into his hand my book, destined to Rain. He said he read the book and just cried and cried. His ministry was growing already and he just cried and he said, pastor Prince last week, he said, do you remember the illustration you used of the parade? Are those of you who read my book, those of you who have my book, But also read my book? There is an illustration there. There's an illustration there of the parade. How God man will see the parade step by step, right? Amen. Hey, we need the pool. We see one by one, right? The parade goes by, but God sees from the helicopter point of view, God sees the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning. God says the beginning, everything right? So when God took your sins, I shared God took your sins. What I'm sharing even today, God took your entire life of sins because God says the whole parade, we think that God forgives us. When we sin, we go to God and then God forgives us, then we go to God. No, God sees your entire life of sin and God put on Jesus. He said, that changed my life because he said that my ministry grew, but there was still this perpetual sense of sin consciousness. Now he's a minister, he's a pastor, a successful pastor, but he says that this pastor years after knowing the truth, his ministry grew even more and his ministry attracting a lot of young people, a lot of young. He showed me some videos that the young people, they're amazed. They come to the front and they're all full of Jesus loving him. You tell me that this produces life consciousness. You ain't seeing nothing. Yet the old covenant had glory. The new covenant were seat in glory all over the world. Amen. And my son came in and he want to talk about football, Brazilian footballers, and he said, you know there the pastor say a lot of Brazilian footballers and they all love Jesus. Amen. So there is a movement all over the world, a rediscovery of the gospel and me. He's not the only pastor. He came last week. So he's fresh in my mind. But many pastors around the world whose lives are transformed. Amen? So I'm here to tell you, if you don't feel at home deep down here, this is not my church. There's a good church out there for you there. There are many good churches in Singapore, many good churches, but there's one heaven hood of a church. I'm telling you, There's one heaven of a church. I come here every week, found a girl here also, and got married. My son also attends the church. So I'm here to tell you, alright, it starts here. How do you know you feel at home in the church? Deep down, you feel it. This is home truly. Amen. Praise the Lord. Alright, every head bow, every eye closed, all across this place. Now you tell the Lord, God, what do I really believe on the inside? Lord, please, Lord, lemme not fool myself. Do I really enjoy your love? Am I conscious of your closeness without fear? Can I see you so close, loving me, embracing me, and yet all my sins are forgiven? Or do I see you far away? And for the rest of you who have never put your trust in Jesus, pray this, pray with me. Christ died for our sins on the cross. And when God laid your sins on him and punish him, he cried, finish, which means everything needed to forgive you of your sins and to remit them from your life has been accomplished. And then he died. They buried him, and the Bible says on the third day, God raised him from the date. But the reason the Bible says God raised him from the date is to declare that what he did for you on the cross is accepted by God. That means you have been justified. God will never hold your sins against you. If you fail, you stumble. There will be a family correction, but it will not be with sickness, accidents, tragedies harm, but God will correct because he loves you, but not to worry about that. Today's Rema word to you is deep down. I didn't ask you whether you know this teaching, but do you believe it still? Are you right now present tense, believing this truth that your sins are forgiven? What are you conscious of? Your failures task file today or Jesus, God's love for you and the wonder of his person if that is you, pray this prayer with me right now. If you want to be safe to be a child of God, say, heavenly Father, I thank you for Jesus Christ, your son. I thank you. He died on the cross for all my sins, and you raised him from the dead as a testimony that all my sins are paid for, paid in full, and that I've been justified, made righteous by blood. Thank you, father Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and fill me now with your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, A thank you Father. Amen. Praise the Lord. Stand to your feet and lift your hands all across this place. I don't believe for one moment that when I pronounce a blessing or any pastor pronounce a blessing that it doesn't go into effect. Throughout the week, God will make all the enemies devices to fail. Amen. God will make the crooked places straight. I really believe that. Amen. The Lord bless you and your loved ones throughout this week. The Lord bless you with the blessings of Father Abraham, the blessings of Deuteronomy 28. Even as you are blessed in heavenly places with every spiritual blessing, the Lord make his face to shine on you. Even because of Jesus work at the cross. His favor is all upon. You may encounter the favor of God in a fresh way throughout this week, you and your loved ones and the Lord grant you that peace that he has already given you for you to experience it all over again throughout this week. The peace of knowing you are right with God and translating that to the cares and troubles of life and the trials of life as the peace of God that protects your heart and mind from anxieties and fears in Jesus' name, it will be a great week for you. God bless you. I'll see you again. God bless. Introducing the new Joseph Prince app! We've designed the new app with one thought in mind: To make connecting with the Lord daily simple and easy for you. Through the guided daily experience, spend time in His presence and build a habit of starting your day right with the word of God. Let's pray this short prayer together. Heavenly Father, thank you for your deep love and detailed care for me. I'm grateful that you value me so much and that you know even before I ask what I really need. Help me to remember that no problem or need is too small for you to handle. I bring all my cares to you, knowing that you are attentive to every little detail of my life. In Jesus' name, amen. Today, everyone is looking to amuse themselves. They are engaged in social media because there's a constant craving to be amused. Musing is opposite from amusement. To amuse means you are silently contemplating, meditating, so shut down everything else that will distract you. Spend time, bring up the Word of Scripture. Meditate on it and the Word of God will release health, life, prosperity into your life. Thanks to the support of our Gospel Partners, the daily experience is now free for everyone! Try it now on the brand-new Joseph Prince App. Download the new app today! I hope you enjoyed today's episode! But don't go just yet. If you'd like to receive prayer, share your testimony, or find out more about Gospel Partner, just click the link on this screen. If not, I'll see you in the next episode!
Channel: Joseph Prince
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Keywords: joseph prince, Joseph prince full sermons, Pastor prince, Pastor joseph prince, Joseph prince live, Joseph prince sermons, new creation church, new creation church service, joseph prince 2024, 2024 new creation church, sermon 2024, full sermon 2024
Id: 9HlRLi7g4pg
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Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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