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like and subscribe right now or you will find diamonds before iron europeans when their girlfriend smiles instead of skelometers nothing to see here just two 18 year olds home sensual enter curse was illegal in fascist italy the only crime he hadn't committed yet was murder the only crime he hadn't committed yet was murder caesar committed rin asked assault tax fraud and armed robbery he sold a hedgehog in colorado without a license you truly are the lowest scum in history me thinking about my future and career after master betting at 3am heyato unhealthy kid with no mental problems or traumas whatsoever [Music] jojo characters after fighting a guy whose power is to turn water into club soda when they tell a lie i like jojo i recently got into it yeah i really like jojo if you murder once i'm going to kill you don't lie to me you wanted to see diablo with short hair wearing this crimson suit didn't you just if you haven't noticed yet jojo's there's a logic six feet five inch joseph five feet nine inch speed weekend so i wondered how tough he was and waited for him blow my mind um golden wind was releasing for three and a half years and its story only takes nine days arrow key naming stands um it would interesting for a character to have incredible destructive power but limited to one hand if i write out the name of the former american rock group the band in katakana is abandoned then erase the dakita mark on the right hand side fufufu of it will be written as and pronounced as a hando or the hand translators naming stands zipper man average 52 year old mother of four in manga average 15 year old high school boy in manga now i do love my jojo jewelry but it stops with you what gives people feelings of power money status your favorite band being referenced to her overpowered stand my brother fell asleep [Music] dad how was i born jotero's flashback trust me mr kaju i'm a real dolphin you can only pick one choose wisely annie anime girl titties risottos people who don't know him people who know him tiny rabbit is obsessed with giant girlfriend who's four times his size i think he knows she'll protect him [Music] they got a bum deal not gonna lie di yavlon cars the other jojo villains getting quick relatively painless death when part 6 finally releases on netflix massive influx of stone ocean pawn me here it comes once a life is taken it cannot be brought back part nine mc will be organo part nine mc will be all chilean araki making all shizuka joster the true jojo lands protagonist training to beat goku be compassionate like jonathan train like joseph protect like jotero live life like joss kaye dream like jorno be free like jalen never give up like johnny nice based on real life events but all i said was jorno is an enjoyable character main character is named jonathan and there's a vampire main character is named jonathan and there's a vampire let's not forget that cars is the strongest hammond user ever existed until we meet again boss does my cook get bigger or smaller when you take over guys why is why is silver cherry of requiem at the met gala only true jojo fan understand this image one half three fourth one over one platinum diamond gold stone purple why black men and jojo were extremely fast smokey keep up with jojo without any training hey smokey aval moving faster than an bullet from emperor hey koichi do you know yuri no i don't who's yuri you're reliable iconic shields and their famous users hey are you sleeping yes now shut up there wasn't a single time where jutero was in a part and was the only jojo oh no kira is impossible to find how do we stop him i'm the reason no one could find jack the ripper my girlfriend who hates koichi and waiting for part five for no more koichi how do we tell her honey are you okay is part nine protagonist going to be a part nine journal or a part nine jolene oh duck judges and joe brothers interactions in a nutshell i'm markil my brother i like the way you kick me oh whoa let's do some ducking papers let's ducking do it let's kill some gay vampire yes we almost killed each other yesterday wanna be friends doug's bad i'm your mom now do you really hide your money on your babs yes can i touch your balls you should ask me sooner wanna touch my balls lead ducking yes most relevant jojo character he was the main villain all along this is where i watched my parents die rockham how awfully tragic though it would be great material for my manga fist of the north star home sensuality jojo brutality and rip berserk another day of thanking eriki for making me a stand user so i could see stans and jojo i loved my family very much but i was forced to abandon them due to the dangers of other stand users i could not be near them because that would attract enemy stand users the only way to keep them safe is to distance myself from them he left his family for dolphins he has a dolphin finish lmao koichi is his son lol no ducking way moria with a normal sky you speak in correct latin and have summoned a demon you now have a stand jojo fans about who's the strongest character jojo fans about who's the gayest guys please don't swear my dad is here happy valentine people who don't know people who know everybody talks about this anime onlys manga readers but no one talks about this colored manga readers black and white manga readers ozone baby you mean missed opportunity to call a stand under pressure jojo or any main character really having a random heart attack and seizure at the same time out of nowhere the enemy stand jews are singing and dancing on a dance dance revolution to barbie girl in order to activate his stan's power how to prevent diablo from seeing the future step one no one eight-year-old me taking a bath by myself for the first time why is this shampoo damn it my eyes my brother fell asleep with the pillow men there will be an annie may only julian invasion scene source my dad is eriky if your height starts with a five don't text me people whose height start where the four people who measure their height in centimeters people who measure their height in inches [Music] hint time traveler accidentally sneezes the timeline time traveler moves a chair slightly timeline who would win mr president or mr president dio i know this might be frustrating but there's no need to lose your mind yo how did we miss this easter egg in infinity war i will avenge wham and acdc and celebrate my rebirth santana am i a joke to you what is ishika geeker a secret identity people who don't know people who know [Music] there are four jos k's in jojo this really snacks one of them is the protagonist of part four one of them has four balls the other one is a father of four the other one of them has four legs when do jojo characters wake up see yoko latta says when september ends the moo says before you go go average stan fan average sit enjoyer jojo part 1 jojo part 2 jojo part 3 this choice will decide your fate jojo's bizarre wiki adventure jojo's bizarre encyclopedia i love when jojoba lanes mess with the opening technical leaking crimson just raises memories stop welcome to the gang kid we've got steel and steve murder in mike and you slash nation boy's brother what did you slash an asian boy's brother do sleep showing the real identity what's your favorite stand kid it's got king in the name do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down of course netflix will drop the entire part six at once those who wanted a weekly release are just a bunch of ungrateful crybabies source insert some unreliable source here jojo's bizarre adventure season 5 releasing in the united states in december 2021 releasing monthly releasing monthly yo mr white someone's at the door who is it jesse hello heisenberg dark bad yes indeed mr giorno [Music] jojo fandom how can't they recognize the villains in jojo just look how they are dressed random civilian in jojo joseph joster born 1920 dead 1939 people who don't know people who know oh god oh duck hey you going to sleep yes now shut up just because jotero said there is no stand capable of reviving people doesn't mean that there isn't one out there it just means he never saw one that's it that was the jojo that was just men having gay slacks yeah yerry days there i said it now get the duck out of my office i'm working on jojo lands scroheim had over double ultimate cars grip strength skeletor will return next week with more disturbing facts you know what duck you enjoys jorno as a favorite jojo without 1984 layers of irony when someone makes a small but valid criticism about jojo's bizarre adventure well first of all duck you smart ace but also yes you're right jotero is the coolest jojo [Music] power of christ turns blood into more blood leave her body right now come take me out this girl like jotero more than kakiowin likes cherry since stone ocean is getting animated this girl should voice jotero's wife [Music] people who don't know people who know speedwagon going from being a street thug to watching his dead best friend's grandson fight the aztec gods of fitness me who has a love for eight is rock my whole life has been nothing but a jojo's reference my brother fell asleep so i made him one of the gang [Music] highlight the subordinating conjunction swabi in the sentence after dio completed a three-day movie marathon he decided to go outside and see the sunlight [Music] hair off air battle who will win he turned himself into a beatle coichi wackiest shot i've ever seen you are going to a hospital for circumcision and you see this guy as your doctor blow my mind hum jatero is the only person who pissed off josque about his hair but still got away unhurt the three villa men of appearing in random pictures they are known as the big three anime girls sitting on a throne are just so damn cute no kira got pierced by the arrow while already having a stand that means his stand evolved it's a requiem stand bites the dust isn't a new ability of killer queen it should be called killer queen requiem ger you mean gold experience bites the dust naming a stand after a song and calling it a day araki formatting the fight around the lyrics of the song the stand is named after ericky jottero lost to the rat because eric nerfed him lol no no no no jotero could have easily won but he let the rat win so josque could learn to rely on himself and not him yes yes yes yes jojo fans where the stan's ability is to give you diarrhea when you don't give the stand user an awesome in the next two hours oh brilliant brilliant how justice fight when they see an enemy wins with pure heart runs away pure power heals you just to beat you up wins with a frog awesome shut other jojo villains wearing the same outfit in their entire part then there is yeshika geekera raymond the complete man jojo fans on their way to harris david productions for steel ball run anime pov you type type jojo in google search instead of jojo's bizarre adventure this is where i watched my father die mr zeppely ayo check out this cool frog 1. look up your favorite jojo character on google or youtube 2. george joster2 was a previous joster before joseph which mean i've skipped part 1.5 5 year old me telling my parents that i will never kiss a girl 22 year old me realizing that i was probably right interestingly shaped rock we got here people who don't know people who know jotaro if theo sent all the stand users to attack him at once [Music] me watching part 5 so when do i see you again that's a neat part you don't a rocky the amount of fan service i expected jaleen to have when reading stone ocean the amount there is in the manga 21 you stupid what a displeasing inconvenience this is where i'd put my stand arrow if only i had one [Music] can you imagine a world without d.o time traveler moves a chair the timeline literally every jojo fan but you didn't do anything corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture they are the same picture pretty disgusting to be honest people who don't know people who know soft and wet take away their dominancy and infertility brain know you have to do your almost do school projects and overdue homework home i feel like re-watching jojo for the 42nd time this week and that's why erina married jojo what are you doing jojo araki didn't forget by sensuals most days by sensuals on september 23rd if abdul is a fortune teller why the duck didn't he use his fortune telling abilities to predict stand abilities or encounters with stand users or anything but no oh he's got to name every stand after a card in the tarot deck until he realized he ran out of cards i'm yes very professional i'm gonna ducking throw this dog just kidding we are friend now so you're a jojo fan what does jajalian mean [Music] dio's the world i don't know what these stands everyone keeps talking about are and at this point i'm too traumatized to ask what's happening the internet jojo's bizarre adventure me after three episodes me and the boys before jojo me and the boys after jojo zipper man he'll never be a music reference zipper man another influential character ruined by whitewashing you lost jotero this is my escape route manhole taken you have freed us oh i wouldn't say freed more like under new management araki must really not like short people five feet eight inches five feet two inches six feet five inches five feet two inches hammond hammer my friend so what country does jojo take place in me jono giovanna crafter jojo's bizarre adventure part five golden wind is also a son of d.o but then why was he not drawn to the priest as well this is a mystery but perhaps he is already somewhere in florida don't do that don't give us hope poochie made in heaven the flow of time accelerating kakyoin stone ocean gang you're gonna stab jotero in the head with that pen and kill him instantly jotero oh i see you've returned my pen thank you josque hey you're kind of hot you what the hell you're literally my great-great-grand uncle it could be worse my two dads were brothers and my mother technically committed necrophilia [Music] i i'm very uncomfortable with these two jojo fans be like no ducking way i think jorno is the best giovanna my mom running up the stairs to yell at me about cleaning my room me who already cleaned it [Music] bye
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 106,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of memes, jojo memes, jojo meme, jojo's bizarre adventure, jojo on crack, anime memes, jojos bizarre adventure, jojo no kimyou na bouken, jojo, stardust crusaders, giorno giovanna, golden wind, dio brando, muda muda muda, cursed jojo memes, jojokes, diavolo, jojoke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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