Joining a Fairy Hunt - Jon O'Sullivan - Irish Pagan School

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is it possible to join a fairy hunt if you don't own a horse well dag Eve Aus vulture hi hello and welcome John O from new Pagan school and I am I'm studying at the moment I am on ducas doie that is du. in the National folklore collection section down in the schools collection exploring the ideas about fairy magic and I came across a lovely story I thought I'd share with you in brief and it is about exactly that can you join air hunt if you don't own a horse so this was actually collected by Josephine Regan and the school's collection if any doesn't know it was done in I think it was the late 70s 80s and children were sent home with copy books to talk to Elders in their area in their communities and collect old stories it's not just about folklore it's about additions about like celebrations about kind of Customs there's a whole load of very amazing information there that gives an Insight not into just the St stories of old times but also the culture as well as it was recorded So this one was recorded by Josephine rigan and the person who told Josephine the story was a gentleman called Michael Carr from County goway and so the story goes once upon a time there lived a man in tevan whose name was dashing this man had a forge and all the people used to bring their horses to him to get them shot one day as he was sitting down by the fire a little man with a red Cod came to the door and said I want to get my horse sha sir dashing went out from the forge and put a shoe on the horse when he had it done the little man said that he was going on a hunt and asked dashing if he would like to go along he said dashing that he had no horse and that he couldn't go the little man was very powerful and he brought him around the side of the house to where dashing had an old plow using his power he changed the old plow into a horse and gave her to dashing when he was giving her to him he told him not to say one word to her otherwise she would become a plow once again and he wouldn't be able to go on the hunt at all then the two started off until they came to the Liss of Ru where they were joined by other men that were on the hunt also they all started off until they came to a big train and they did not know what would they do the dogs got across safely and dashing horse was out first and jumped the drain when he saw he was first he hit the horse and said Glory there Old Stock and immediately he found himself sitting on an old plow again it was 5:00 in the morning and he had to walk home when he reached home the roof was gone off the forge so that is a a story that comes from gallway place called tier Nan and it is about um a man interacting with the other crowd with people of the other world specifically on the hunt now there is mentioned in many other stories about the other people the people the good neighbors the shei the T the the deim mo they're also called hunting across the island of Ireland and there are different times of year when the hunt goes by and there are often warnings of not being out and about after dark when those happen sometimes a person might be asked to join the hunt as in the case here with dashing but at times a person might be pursued by the hunt uh which is never a really good experience to be having at all um in my own past I have actually heard the noise of what I presume to be the hunt I've been out and about I used to live out in naven and I would run run around the hill of Tara that was where I would do my exercise and I remember distinctly there are people who ride horses out and around there during the day more so but this was an evening nighttime I was out with the dog running around the hills of Tara and I heard not just one horse but a collection of horses and they weren't just walking or trotting they were Galloping it was quite dark and there was no lights there was no kind of people no kind of cars around at all because it's the hill of Tara in the middle of me of County meat and so I remember hearing hunt myself feeling very cold remembering like the old stories I hustled myself and the dog back to the car into it and drove home and then lit pretty much all the lights in the house and I think I watched a movie that would make me smile and laugh because it was scary um now whether that was specifically the a particular hunt or not that is the experience that I share I've had that experience myself on the island I've never been invited to join a hunt I've never kind of seen the other crowd because there's a risk in seeing or even acknowledging them even if you do see them you don't acknowledge them or say that you've not seen them and because that can cause offense to the other crowd as well so I thought I would share that interesting story it is possible to join the hunt with the other crowd even if you don't have a horse so thank you very much for stopping by if you'd like to know more do make sure you're following along with the Irish Pagan school go to Irish Pagan do schoolfree if you'd like a use with the free resources or if you want to know more specifically about the fairies the she the other crowd we have a multitude of classes available at the orangish Pagan School itself so until next time look after yourself take care aasan goodbye
Channel: The Irish Pagan School
Views: 408
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Keywords: irish pagan school, druid, celtic pagan, irish pagan, paganism, witchcraft, pagan religion, tuatha de danann, celts in ireland, druid religion, druid magic, irish religion, modern druids, lora o'brien, jon o'sullivan, morrigan, dagda, irish language pronunciation, ogham, druidry, the morrigan goddess, gods and goddesses, celtic mythology, irish folklore, fairy faith, pagan priesthood, irish witchcraft, sidhe, irish author, fairy, hunt, Fairy hunt, Othercrowd, Sidhe, magic
Id: H0UPhD21MY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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