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hey what's up welcome back to the channel today we're making some progress on this garage apartment guest house and I got these windows trimmed out all four of them these two right here and then these two right here and they're all leveled off and everything I went ahead and checked them with my new level this is a Dewalt level you can see right there the bubble is right in the middle so we're good to go on that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got some stuff I'm working on in here I got all of this bass done got this door trim down really basic stuff but we're making progress bass in here got this door trimmed out and then in this dark room this guy actually has his own 3000 gallon water tower so this is all his it's on a wheel system and that's a lot of water reserve pretty cool we'll keep walking along here I got some weird not weird that time different transitions I got a view on the stairs we'll be going over that today I got that window trimmed out but here's gonna be kind of a tricky part and I'm kind of gonna take this angle by angle because these things are not 90 degrees and start here with this April go up every tread you just check every angles this is the piece I got it's gonna go right here left over I put a little piece in there because it wasn't gonna cover all the way and you can see if that piece wasn't there it would look like this so it would be like really nasty gap copy that has that little piece I just cut that piece right there and just pry barred it in there snap - thankfully so I'll have that right there and then I have this piece made and I'm really happy that I did recent videos on how to make this baseboard stuff because these baseball transitions I mean because I know the question will come up but I just turned that one down twenty-two and a half degrees or I've used a 22 and a half transition and then here I just did a return a 45 minored return so this will go right here like that and that's a clean transition so that's there and then this I got this piece already coked out and this was just flying into here like that and then when this piece comes it'll be the piece okay this is a sample piece and this will kind of be right in the middle of that transition where it goes up so right there it's kind of how it planned it but now I've got to install this and then start marking in measuring all these I'll have a pretty kind of fun and transition to do here yeah right here and that would be interesting so Oh get on it get started let's see if I can do this kick this one was actually the only one that's so far that I check yeah this one is 45 I'm gonna go ahead and install this piece - you're installing this one on these little riser parts [Music] are you I put this one in earlier but I then I noticed that piece of flooring right here so I took it out and we're looking for that little piece of flooring I was talking about earlier awesome so now that we have all that good on a long piece like this I think this piece is about a hundred inches long I cut it a little bit longer so you can see right there how it's just past the door casing maybe like let me see probably like a sixteenth of an inch right there so the reason for that is so I can really flex it out and compress that comb over there to make it look really tight you don't want to get too carried away with this because if you do it too much you'll push that door casing out and it might actually even affect how the door closes so I'll go ahead and get this one installed and show you what I'm talking about there so I'm going to pull this and push right there now it's against there you see this boat and what I'll do is I'll start from here and shoot and as I shoot what I'm doing is I'm getting really tight compression over there and it's just really hugging that other piece over there so that comb is just I mean it just becomes super tight door casing did not notice if you're doing this as you get closer to the Flex in this the bow in it it'll start to get maybe like some tension on it just keep going [Applause] alright alright I apologize for the echo I'll show you what happened so this is a microphone right here that I use just when I'm kind of on the go that's the one that I just had on picks up everything this is what I usually use for videos so I'm gonna switch to this now we shouldn't go anymore so we got our sound figured out shouldn't be at going too bad now so we'll get a little quick view of this got that baseboard with the return transition up minor came out tight with the or not miter cope came out tight with the pinched fit and then you can see over here as well I hope against the door it works both ways so this got compressed against the door so again I'm using this if you've seen some of my have more recent videos I talked about this this is a stair at mitre saw protractor oh it's pronouncing its star right that's how I've always pronounced it but someone corrected me so thanks for that so this thing is awesome it's not an angle finder it'll just tell you what the mitre is so we know this is 45 I'll throw it on here get my pencil and then this one says 46 right here we've got another 46 so basically what I do is I just wrap this around here and it gives me a reading and you can see right there maybe you can see it it's on 46 it's good to be a little closer right there when they're both flat it's reading 46 I had wrote 45 foot I made it into a six because I actually didn't have it all the way it was like that but I pushed it down and we got serious I'm gonna go ahead and cut these measure these cut these all the way up till this one and then I've got a weird transition to do here then I'm going to work all the way up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah I'm gonna be on it for a while yeah you can see like if you're standing there you can see how this like as it goes out like that right yeah it's gonna be weird yeah the base is gonna be the same thing yeah it's just gonna be one of those things that I'm just gonna have to hit them with the extra expense at the end you know no kidding no I would never do that I'm just gonna bring these pieces in long from now on hold them in position and just mark them in place now I know someone's probably gonna ask about this I honestly don't know what's going on here I did not install this this piece of trim here this is kind of like a do-it-yourself kind of project here but I don't know maybe they're gonna sand it and paint it so your guess is as good as mine all right so we're making our way up here get you all look at some of these miners up close and those are 46 degree miners there's some glue squeeze-out on there I need to clean up on some of them so now we're getting into this transition here first thing I'm gonna do is check this inside angle here I'm not gonna do any coke here because I have a plan for how I'm gonna make this work and we'll see if I can do it so I'm gonna start on that we're gonna learn this right now together I've never done this transition but I don't even know what I'm gonna do up here either we'll figure it out though it's not gonna be too crazy I hope so we're coming from this area then we got to turn and go up so how are we gonna do this all right I'm gonna check this 45 so we're gonna do 45 there and then I need to alright I know what I'm gonna do the first thing I need to do with this is measure from this wall to the outside tip of this outside toe of this mitre so we'll do let's do 11 plus okay so what I need to do is take a piece of this base right here more casing actually and I'm going to cut this one up right so I got to make that that turn and then I'm gonna make a turn like this and then that one was 45 so we'll swing the saw over from laying it flat like a casing to bringing it up like a bass it's pretty much the best way I can explain it now before I show you my idea I'm gonna take this inside make sure it fits and then I'll be right back good thing I checked it's a little long just a little bit I'm gonna shave it all right so why I just shaved that piece that was long shaped it too short remade it it happens I'll see if I can get it now got it it happens so now I'm going to cut my small transition piece and I just measured for that well it's actually not even a measurement it's it's just going to be a tip to tip cut is what I call it and I'm doing it at 46 degrees I found that miter this is gonna be another piece cut up right in position like a baseboard 45 degrees now I'm gonna lay it down like Casey I'm gonna cut all the way at the back the back at the very toll of that miter I'm gonna cut a 46 because that's what I was reading in there now I'm gonna glue these together this piece that I just cut I had to cut it again in this piece because I've haven't done this before so it's kind of a little tricky but now I know what I'm doing so this needs to be glued right there and I'm gonna go ahead and glue that and then you'll see right here there's a big knot sticking out I'm gonna have to cut that out as well using the handsaw probably my coping saw over here but I'm gonna go ahead and glue these and the reason I had to cut this twice is because I tried to glue it like just holding it in place like this but there's so much movement there I had to break it off and redo it so I think if I just lay it here and lay here it's gonna be hard for you to see but I'll show you up close here in a second so I think if I fold this like a book should be really good hopefully um yes I'm happy with that I hope this works but this is like this is how it is when you're learning like this is a good example because usually in these videos you know you're seeing me do stuff I've done a thousand times but when you do new stuff like this it's gonna take multiple tries and that's just how it is and then you'll figure it out you know all the little tricks so this is what I end up with we ended up with an upright miter like base here and then laying down my you're like casing here now yeah you can see where I put that pencil line I gotta cut all that out and then it should accept the next miter alright so the idea with this is that I can take this coping saw cut straight across here and I should be able to do that right there just it's such a small span I can cut that straight just by eyeballing it and then I can use this miter right here as a guide to cut this so here we go [Laughter] that's so bad maybe some chisel work and I should be able to make that work but I had to notch that out because whenever this next casing comes up you should accept it now but this is what I end up with you can see down in there there's a there's a gap right there it's not letting me push it over so that's going to be the work of the chisel and then once I get that I'll glue this together and that is a pretty cool transition right there so it allows me to turn horizontally and then vertically and look clean at the same time I'm pretty happy with that one so I'm gonna get the chisel clean it up a little bit and see what I can do to make that tighter and I'm gonna call that good alright so I got this chisel here you know what they say Snoop Dogg's favorite tool is right a chisel just kidding I hate Snoop Dogg I think gangster rap has been a big part of the downfall of the American culture I'm not even kidding with that I joke around a lot but those guys are freaking wicked all right with this chisel I'm just gonna kind of clean it up hopefully I can make that tighter [Music] so with the work of the chisel I was able to get that a lot tighter and I'm pretty happy with that I took out a little a little slot right there with the chisel - and that when I did that I got pretty good pretty good and tight there so I'm happy with that we're going to keep moving along with this so now we can put it in position and then now that it's there it makes that turn and then here's a sample piece and it should fit right in there so that's what we end up with and I'm really happy with the way that that looks this is the only solution that I could come up with for this so let's go ahead and do the fun part I'm gonna install this and I think for that for this side over here I'm gonna probably use the CA glue because I want that thing to hold and I want it to hold immediately because of that little notch I had to cut out in it it's always questionable to shoot these small pieces what I'm gonna do it alright I gotta cut that and then CA glue it yeah come on please hey I hope I get this first try I do not want to rip this stuff out well let that sit for an extra eight seconds I'm really happy with that yes [Applause] that's gonna work I'm really happy with this for first try I mean there's really nothing I would change about it alright with that we were looking super good with this trim down here I'm really pleased with the progress on these stairs so we go up up and then here's that piece turns turns right and turns straight up and that little piece right there i chiseled it out so it can kind of like pull it more this way because I noticed like it was making a bigger gap right here but that just came out awesome now from here on up you're gonna be climbing this mountain piece by piece but then it's just back to normal so I'll put that there and then all the way up there so that's cool got it done alright so that's a pretty good looking view right there for me at the end of the day we're gonna go ahead and wrap up we've made a lot of progress I got a lot of this base in today and John got a lot of basin upstairs and door casings up there but this is looking really good all right so that's gonna do it for this video hopefully you learned something about making those transitions on those casings on the stairs I definitely did that was my first time to mess around with that but all in the video on this door this this ceiling right here is vaulted you could see this this door right here this trim had to be cut a certain way and time had to be spent just to make this look good and the reason I bring that up is because you know this work was done by John and we has finished carpenters you know are a lot of our job is to make take something crazy like this and hide it and deceive the human eye by making it look like it's straight so that looks really tight right there that looks like good looking work to me so yeah as long as you you know you can be a good finished carpenter as long as you are deceiving people's eyes into thinking things are straight and plumb and level and all that but just don't let that deception carry over into your personal life you know there's been a few times I deceived people into thinking I was standing up by a door when really I was kneeling down by a small door so will in the video on that thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next one take care that you guys thought I was standing up see what I mean so what it's all about [Music]
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 1,316,451
Rating: 4.77244 out of 5
Keywords: trim, finish, carpentry, stairs, baseboard, trimwork, angles, angle finder, apron, stair, skirting
Id: WOjum0SoLrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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