Johnson's Lorry Driver Visa Scheme Seems to be a Sham
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Channel: A Different Bias
Views: 99,693
Rating: 4.9632411 out of 5
Keywords: uk petrol shortage 2021, brexit petrol shortage, brexit shortages, brexit lorry driver shortage, brexit lorry shortage, brexit news, brexit latest, brexit explained, brexit christmas, boris johnson, brexit deal, united kingdom, uk news, uk politics, a different bias
Id: Q9O2LSSfyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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'As the petrol crisis worsens, due to a brexit shortage of lorry drivers and subsequent panic buying, Boris Johnson announced that he will, after months of inaction, allow some visas for foreign lorry drivers. But not only is this capped at an inadequate five thousand drivers, but it only lasts for three months. This just seems to be a cynical ploy to pretend he is saving Christmas.'
What do you expect from the lying cunt?
What did people expect? He's stuck. He can't afford to acknowledge the problem is his hard Brexit so he can't solve it. He can't even blame it on the implementation of Brexit because he struck those deals. Hence, he can't structurally solve this by restoring freedom of movement, firstly because it would be too late to mitigate the short term effects and secondly because it would open him up to attack from his own radical anti-EU MP's who would spin this as a betrayal of Brexit. At the same time, he can't do nothing, because he is prime minister.
So the solution is to do what he always does: a glorified P.R. exercise. Announce insufficient measures that can be revoked the moment they generate the wrong tabloid headlines and don't really solve the problem but could potentially be spun as such. Looking busy with plausible deniability if it proves to be unpopular. Optics and campaigning as a substitute for leadership and competent management.
3 month visa for 5000 drivers! Be lucky to get 500 drivers signing up for this!!!
In fairness to BoJo its a more substantial effort to solve a problem than normal.
i also wear my jumpers to the extreme right