Johnson's Brexit Plan for Lorry Drivers Goes Wrong
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Channel: A Different Bias
Views: 120,945
Rating: 4.9614801 out of 5
Keywords: brexit lorry driver shortage, brexit hgv driver shortage, lorry driver tests, boris johnson lorry driver shortage, brexit news, brexit explained, brexit latest, hgv examiners vote to strike, boris johnson, uk politics, a different bias
Id: ynYAobkroWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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This idea of ramming through new drivers by making tests easier reminds me of Top Gear... both when they took the mickey out of Egyptian driving tests being passed if you could back and fourth two feet... and that time they first got into a lorry each and despite all their driving experiences had a race where none could get the trucks moving, a trailer detached, one badly scraped one of the others and another caught fire... imagine someone of that level of experience being told to go to the middle of a city to deliver something in the first week behind the wheel...
Video description:
Length: 10m43s
So, more of the same...