Johnny vs. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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it wasn't enough to make the Wiimote a glorified compressing the Wii version of Twilight Princess I will say using the pointer for aiming your bow and arrow hook shot was pretty nifty the Nexus of the game released five years after Twilight Princess was created exclusively from the Nintendo Wii and that meant they were going to milk the hell out of what made the Wii unique but that wasn't the complete intention at first so doing some research on the development period of this game there was apparently a big back-and-forth between series creator Shigeru Miyamoto and producer Eiji Aonuma apparently al Numa felt more comfortable with a traditional control scheme but Miyamoto insisted on using the Wii mode to its fullest capabilities which wasn't panning out so well and it wasn't until the release of Wii Sports Resort and witnessing the possibilities firsthand when al Numa was finally convinced to stick with motion controls but to get this level of accuracy the Wii MotionPlus was required wiimotes nowadays have this feature already built into the controller but early adopters had to get this add-on that connected to the bottom of the controller just slowly making it closer and closer to the electronic breadstick to somewhat circumvent the sudden need for this accessory limited edition copies of Skyward Sword were bundled with Wii MotionPlus controllers and I always wanted this but they were always sold out the rest of us had to settle with this little clip on which were abundant but I loved God so I said at the end of the Twilight Princess video I did indeed get Skyward Sword at watch though not without some hesitation I remember when she gear Miyamoto attempted to demonstrate the game in a past III and how it didn't work he blamed electronic interference I just couldn't help but think the controls weren't ready it left me concerned but I wanted to see the new Zelda game in action and a Super Mario Galaxy were metroid prime 3 told me you can still have a great time even if you don't fully agree with the control scheme I recall not putting a whole lot of time in this when I got the game running again for this video I was shocked to see my old file had around 7 hearts and I thought oh wait [ __ ] maybe I played more than I thought I did but I completely forgot that Skyward Sword starts you off with 6 hearts instead of the traditional 3 so if I had 7 hearts that means I didn't go farther than the first dungeon yep sounds about right now why did I put it down simply put it was the controls and the changes they brought we're not talking about swapping the game left to right or right to left everything from how link handled his sword horizontally and vertically to how and amis required a certain finesse to even damage them to how link traveled across the world required liberal use of motion controls after my first encounter with Ghirahim I put the game down I wasn't ready for the changes Skyward Sword brought and I wasn't willing to adjust accordingly so back to Sonic Generations I went in a way I was sort of forcing myself to go back to this one it was only because of my history with Majora's Mask that I was willing to give it another shot even if the core issue was entirely different so I made sure I had plenty of space so I was directly in front of the TV at all times to reduce any kind of puckery and made damn sure the censor bar didn't move a single inch though way Motion Plus primarily uses built-in gyroscopic controls and not so much infrared sensor so you still need that to point the screen for [ __ ] but all right then let's see if I was missing out on anything this is the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword [Music] [Applause] up in the blue skies above the pillowy mounds of clouds lies Skyloft a town village residing on a collection of floating islands nights and training of the sky law tonight Academy are preparing for the winged ceremony a two-part event involving the racing contest that grants the winner advances the next level of the Academy and a playing part of the ceremony honoring the goddesses hero amongst the students is of course link and up-and-comer look in the window ceremony with his trusty bird and attend the ceremony with longtime childhood friend Zelda but as a rough start for the future hero as everyone feels the need to stop link every two [ __ ] feet to 100 climb a damn box and his bird ends up temporarily kidnapped by local schoolyard [ __ ] grooves and his gang of bullies this is resolved in no time thankfully and link wins the race lickety split with both he and Zelda taken to the skies in celebration but then suddenly a huge tornado emerges separating the two knocking like unconscious wood Zelda fallen below the clouds link wakes up back in Skyloft where a mysterious figure guy playing for the base of Skyloft statue of the goddess the character in question refers to herself as by a spirit sent from above to help link become the hero he's destined to become and help rescue Zelda link takes the sword nestled into the ground grab some appropriate attire and with five guidance heads to the world below the clouds this leads link to the sealed grounds home to an ancient time worn temple where he also makes this old woman who decided pitching a tent was too complicated and instead became a tent the old woman explains that Zelda is fine but currently on a personal journey a state would have in store for her and it's currently located in the Faron woods given Lincoln s in addition to travel to which ultimately sort of begins a wild goose chase before link reaches Zelda he's confronted by self-proclaimed Demon Lord gear him who once held it for himself to awaken his true master link is able to fend off this fly a little tongue lashing creep but just misses Zelda as he reaches the end of the destination so hot on her trail link then heads to Eldon volcano where he again misses Zelda but this time due to the interference of Zelda's very tall and very thin protector Impa who scolds Lee for taking so long to get there to which I say I'm sorry I was in the middle making sure this [ __ ] didn't do anything creepy but I digress Zelda heads off to continue her personal journey which leads link to lanayru desert where again he meets up with Zelda towards the end of the journey only forget him this trope an attempt to take them again link is able to fend off the demon granting doublin it the time to escape through this time gate what's all the giving linker magical harp and infant destroying the gate garyun from following Ghirahim flees from the scene and with no idea where to go now our hero returns to the old woman in the sealed temple she reveals that a second time get exist before link to activate it he needs to power up her soul with the three sacred flames each located within the three previously explored areas in the surface so link does just that using Zelda's harp and flies air state in finesse links slowly unlocks the power of the sacred flames transforming the goddess blade into the one and only master sword the blade that Wow took a while to get this time with blade in hand link returns to the sealed temple and activates the time gate travelling to the distant past there he finally reunite with Zelda but it's a short-lived reunion as Zelda explains that as a reincarnation of the goddess hylia she must remain here and use her power to prevent the reawakening of demise of being a pure hatred that wants to taint the world in utter darkness before sealing herself away does the tell point at the destroyed demise he must return to the present and locate the Triforce and boy were just bouncing all over the place today aren't we so Zelda encases herself in crystallized tang link traveled back to locate the Triforce and so finding the thing after a bit of flash flooding stopped killing and minecart rides and uses the Triforce to wish them eyes away in the present time and by that I mean she drops a big [ __ ] rock on him with the threat of demise gone Zelda is reawakened in the present time but then Ghirahim suddenly shows up again and kidnaps Zelda taking her back to the Past to awaken his master demise in that timeline oh my god this game is still going one final time link travels back to the past to stop gear him from using Zelda as a sacrifice but he's a little too late and demise is fully revived Zelda is only mostly dead however and Link uses what little time he has left to defeat the maies once and for all but before fading from existence demise places a curse on the hero in Zelda claiming that as long as the spirit of the hero and the one with royal blood continued to exist an incarnation of this hatred shall forever follow and bathe their destinies in blood during the creation of the future king of evil so what demise completely vanquished link until the would to make a new home not above the clouds but on the surface and I suppose they live happily ever after pity about that death curse though okay so from what I've given Skyward Sword storyline sounds pretty simple doesn't it yeah yeah it really is folks even though the story lines never complex so why is this one longer than Twilight Princess a lot of Zelda games can be summarizes when proving us worth in the first half getting the matches or at the halfway point and then saving the day in the second half but I was sore decided to make the process of getting the Master Sword an entire third of the game itself which I guess makes sense this is the game that chronologically marked the debut of the magical sword but nothing of any worse happens when powering up the sword besides meeting Aaron the dragon that lives in the forest at this [ __ ] giddy there is no development of anything or anyone barring groups here who slowly gets out with elementary school bully phase it becomes a more honorable fellow a change I appreciate but there needed to be way more of this to justify the story's length 5 the spirit residing the blade that eventually becomes a master sword is nothing more than a glorified tourist guide that sees no growth or emotional connection to anything Midna she ain't and honestly she's worse than Navi to me at least she had something of a personality her trait of being cold detached and super analytical giving you percentages of the likelihood of this and that wore thin in a short time not to the point of anger and remind you but I was like oh I guess that's your entire stack huh well that's disappointing I found geared him to be a great villain he's such a large hand that any encounter with him is an entertaining one even if I think he's too [ __ ] lenient on the whole letting the hero live another day thing because he has other things to do look if the man is repeatedly giving you [ __ ] you kill him that in there but he's grossly underutilized after the initial meeting he always / ethically pops up afterwards finally becoming the central focus again towards the end before demise is resurrected and uses him as a sword I don't know I thought he'd had more screen time given he's on the constant hunt for Zelda and he's really all we had other than demise who before become and completed the tail end of the game only makes a handful of appearances in his in prison form that doesn't speak and only serves a couple of boss battles Skyward Sword otherwise is comprised of link just looking for a [ __ ] Zelda's location the sacred flames all those location again and the Triforce a series of events that has no business being close to a 30-plus hour adventure when other games manage to tell the same plot in a much shorter timeframe there's no shortage of colorful characters to come across but except for only a handful they have no bearing on narrative progression though some will actively halt your progression and I [ __ ] despise them for that scrapper can kiss my ass with this goddamn volcano shenanigans and ferrant [ __ ] you I help nurse your ass back to health you see this [ __ ] Master Sword on my back you know I'm qualified to find the Triforce but you still insist on wasting my time finding these musical tad boys in this [ __ ] pool this is the kind of chain yanking that really makes me not give a [ __ ] this wasn't the only time I felt like this play in the game because goddamn did Skyward Sword not know when to [ __ ] end it's not only long but it unfortunately feels long and that bottles me out because there's one thing I deeply truly enjoy about the story and that's the relationship between Link and Zelda instead of one being a princess and the other being that designated hero meant to rescue said princess the two were childhood friends in this story and the romantic subtext is laid on super thick but it gives Link and therefore the player a deeply personal reason the one find Zelda to make sure she's alright to make sure nothing else happens to her she's such an adorable sweetheart that calls groose out on his immature bullying and nearly kills link when she playfully pushes him off a cliff I was just a beautiful but [ __ ] like that matters to me because more than ever it adds degree of personal stakes sowhat's otherwise the standard Zelda's story links always got to save Zelda but now it's not so much because it's destiny but because they're best friends and friends look out for each other but oh my god how many times do I have to go through this [ __ ] the surface world is where you spend most of the adventure your home town Skyloft is really nothing more than a central hub with the skies being more visually dull to travel through than the ocean in Wind Waker the surface is divided into separate areas most like how terminer was in majora's mask there's the Faron woods home to these loveable ball sacks the elven volcano will Lincoln stand perfectly fine a few inches above molten hot magma but God forbid he enters a hot room and then there's a linear desert a barren wasteland with an admittedly fascinating gimmick links journey will have them visiting and revisiting these areas a total of three times to collect a different thing if you think of them as owned in a Sonic game they all have three acts and I just had a feeling what I was getting into as soon as I was required to revisit the first temple to get a plot important item oh oh oh and sure enough my gut feeling was right and in all fairness to the game you're not revisiting the same exact areas at least not all the time I stress as later visits will have you enter a different part of that section of the world more often than not having to do a different thing but somatically they're very similar which is why I compared them to acts from Sonic the Hedgehog sure I'm writing my cards now but I'm still in desert world but sometimes plot progression will still require that you tread to the exact same areas anyway only with the different condition it could be this [ __ ] force you going to take a long way through elven volcano again because he has a raging hard-on for the mannequin here or it could be something like the silent realms they're essentially stealth sections that require you hunt down these relics it's like the like hunting in Twilight Princess only you can't use any weapons and if you're caught you gotta do the whole thing over listen I'm all for a little variety but I've been through these areas enough times at this point what am i proven when I recall how to get to the roof of the night Academy that the hero has good photographic memory not really important at the moment I hate how this game structure is laid out but that's not to say I didn't enjoy the things I did when I wasn't backtracking it's weird Skyward Sword leaves me very conflicted at times because for every element that I legitimately enjoy they're always used to be something that counters or just bugs the [ __ ] out of me and there are plenty of things I love about this game for the record this game is so beautiful and if there was ever a resulted game I wondered an HD remaster of its Skyward Sword Skyloft in the surface world are colorful they're vivid and certainly full of life the complete inverse of Twilight Princess in the darker atmosphere brought in fact it's almost as if Wind Waker and Twilight Princess used to make this gem the character design hits a great balance of realistic and cartoony without compromising basic human anatomy and this model of Link is not only solid but like Wind Waker is also plenty expressive not to imply linking Twilight Princess was a plank of wood he could smile and look intense when needed but this link does it so much better I just don't like its lips I blurred my eyes and it always looks like he's puckering for a kiss the boss fights are some of the best I've experienced in the series and I really mean that they're all great in a fashion with exception to the imprisoned I didn't find any account with him particularly difficult except the dam shoppers and later encounters but that's just that you'd like this thing three times and two encounters are so close to each other that it might as well been a two-phase encounter however I love the battle against the multi-armed calicoes the final encounter would Ghirahim and especially demise but this is such a good battle we'll look the butterfly that look at the butterfly net look look I don't seem too impressed well good because that means you're not dumb you can see past the [ __ ] ah the fully orchestrated pieces accompany needs further add to the sense of magnificence I feel so empowered when it's blaring in the background as I'm smacking the son-of-a-bitch of his own arm oh that feels great but a large part of what makes the boss fight so thrilling is when you understand the basic functions of the motion controls and this is what I was worried about the most given my initial experience yes Skyward Sword is heavily motion based one of the most motion based games are put in the Nintendo Wii and that plate Metroid Prime 3 and just like that game Skyward sir will not hesitate to remind you that you're playing on the Nintendo Wii with a set box key guys this beetle gets stuck make turn this style make the eyeballs dizzy right the specific gemstone ripoff that song again okay okay we're horizontally placed vertically and thrust what what honestly if you're not keen on motion controls I wouldn't bother given that the time of the day since they're so prevalent but after about an hour I was able to adjust accordingly now using the pointer to aim my slingshot or bow and arrow or hook shot I always thought that was fine because of the added precision it's the only way I can block an oncoming arrow with another arrow but now that same level of precision can be achieved with other tools if you know how to use them properly and this game expects you to learn how to achieve that precision in short time enemies will often only leave a specific area of their values exposed to attack so with the Wiimote you need to position links or correctly before making the swing if you get it wrong the enemy will most likely block or parry the attack and then follow up with a stretch of their own it's not do-or-die but you'll go nowhere very quickly if you keep messing up and I think I can understand what they were possibly going with this I mean besides adding motion controls with a nintendo wii sake but when you look back at combat from Twilight Princess all the way down to Ocarina of Time enemies could be destroyed in a relatively similar manner and I'd imagine the developers are growing weary of that with each passing installment with motion control based combat every encounter could be potentially unique and they certainly are so mission accomplished but they can also take longer to kill as a result adding the amount of enemies they like to throw at you at any given point and it starts to add up the best advice I can give you no matter the foe is to master that shield bash the nunchuck essentially represents your shield which helps defend against attacks as you expect it to however in Skyward Sword if you just sit there and let it take too much punishment that damn thing can end up breaking and it sucks when it happened previously you just had to worry about losing your wooden shields but caught on fire but now you got to perform maintenance on any shield you get unless it's the regenerating goddess shield or the Hylian Shield you get near the end of the game now more than ever you need good defense a long slash strategic offense and the shield bash is the key to that when you thrust a nunchuck for it like automatically whoops the shield out in front of him if you do this right as the enemy strikes you'll bounce the attack back leaving the enemy stunned and free for the picking big or small the shield bash gets done just about everything and if you don't feel like adjustment links on for a directional slash the shield bash will make that trivial so please feel a love of God mastered as soon as you can outside of battling linkers around the same previously bearing two major exceptions for reasons I'll never understand for this game Lynx inventory is pretty wishy-washy he can hold on to a sword and dungeon items in his person at all times no problem but items like bottles bomb bags arrow Quivers and his shield now all require these adventure pouches to be placed inside which you only have a couple of to start with and need to buy more of later down the road why is this suddenly a thing before one link got an upgrade to the number of arrows or bombs you can carry that was that it was just a number that went up it wasn't a separate item that linked it to physically carry you can't tell me we can carry all this junk with him no problem and then place a limit on these items you can't have your cake and eat it too with the needless limitation and because I never bothered with equipment these kind of items it also sort of undermined the process of collecting materials I could draw from enemies that could be used to upgrade your inventory now for dungeon items I found some use for this and the bugs that could catch with the net pay for some cool potions but around endgame I had way more materials than I could count because my than if you like carrying the quiver or the bomb bag and busts the materials needed to upgrade those were just left collecting dust you may have noticed that little slice online that appeared next to link on occasion well that's your new stamina meter since you're using the Wemo for everything sort related that means the a button is just sitting there all alone long for a purpose and here it is when you hold the button down link and now turn his middling jug into a full out sprint for a couple of seconds you can climb up higher than normal ledges you can climb vines faster you can climb ladders faster and initially this mechanic felt oddly constrictive I guess that was so used to rolling on the ground everywhere without worrying about catching my breath we're spending with my sword all willy-nilly without a care in the world but now that I had to worry about tiring link out it just felt off however there are ways to mitigate that with stamina potions which lasts a really long time if you have the potion badge equipped and I found stamina depletion to only be a downside when I needed to backtrack through previously visitor areas which yeah there's a lot of that and this came to be sure my god there's so much of that but I enjoy the added mobility and sprinting is considerably faster than just repeatedly rolling the world design is a double-edged sword for me I sincerely love skywars swords world and what's in it the dungeons aren't all the same length as Twilight Princess but a lot of them are just as interesting if you ask me and there's some really cool concepts implemented here like the time stones in the narrow desert this [ __ ] is just amazing and I love the type of puzzles it brings there's a lot of this sort of thing that Skyward Sword and I love it but one of our swords biggest issues is the size of its world I mean besides being sectioned off it's not very large you're not given much to explore but being the pathway as a consequence of that it won't take long to see everything every world has to offer even with the added areas in the second third of the adventure and despite the interesting gimmicks it loses its allure after some time and it's all because the story requires that you head to these areas large number of times that asks you to and traveling between the three major areas is so dull and there's no warps on to make it any faster an awfully Auto mission considering the previous games every time you want to travel to the next major area you got to take your giant red bird and soar across the skies and no amount of orchestrated pieces makes this flapping journey any more exciting besides a handful of islands there is nothing else up here barring a few judge HS it's kind of was really the major place of interest which is where you start off in so it's kind of sad to see the first thing you experience in the skies it's also the most interesting this game drained me it honest-to-god drained me given how many ideas are sincerely enjoyed in this I felt bad but this game considering the size of its world and how much your railroad adorned the main quest had no business being as long as it was if it were the same length to say Majora's Mask which had a similar bill but left a lot of should have put a player's discretion now this might have been a contender for my table Zelda game I truly believe that but unfortunately Skyward Sword is too bloated for its own good definitely a one-and-done Zelda for me I adore the presentation the motion controls aren't so bad after a bit of tinkering the combat damn satisfying when the shield bash something just right and later Smackdown immediately afterwards the world is truly fascinating filled with plenty of things to do and see but how its structured is the game's biggest downfall in my opinion the story wore me down I love these areas but after three revisits for increasingly arbitrary reasons no I'm sorry I want to move on and move on I shall for the last game of the Zelda revisit is easily the biggest one of them all so is it a good kind of long that's what I really want to know and I'm going to need some time for this one obviously I'll try not to have you wait too long next time is The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild thank you all for watching Harris has a fantastic night take care [Music]
Channel: SomecallmeJohnny
Views: 662,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Somecallmejohnny, Somecallmejohnny Video, Somecallmejohnny Review, Johnny vs, Video Game Review, Somecallmejohnny The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Somecallmejohnny Zelda Skyward Sword, Somecallmejohnny Zelda, Somecallmejohnny Skyward Sword, Johnny vs. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Johnny vs. Zelda Skyward Sword, Johnny vs. Zelda, Johnny vs. Skyward Sword, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Nintendo
Id: t-ypEHg0rKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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