Johnny vs. DmC: Devil May Cry

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hahaha okay well I won't waste too much of your time you guess this is a re-upload of my DMC video because as you've seen the initial upload got age restricted and in the realm of YouTube that essentially means we're killing the video and not pushing it towards anybody's feeds they just have to know that it's there which is a death sentence for any YouTube video and uh certainly a different experience I don't think I've ever had a video of mine age restricted before and uh that's foreboding as hell because I want to do a Mortal Kombat video later but if you've seen the video already thank you so much for tuning in and watching if you haven't already well here you go this is an edited version of the original upload uh if it gets flagged again though I just could have to take the L on that one sponsor probably won't be too happy about it but I gotta do what I gotta do just as a quick reminder I do upload these videos early on the patreon ad free and uncut I guess now that's a selling point I anyway let's let's continue on with this show I'll catch you guys in the next video this video has been brought to you by hellofresh when you need dinner fast and you don't want to go out in this blazing heat that guy's on fire don't head to our restaurant try hello fresh instead save money by ditching a typical grocery store visit buying the same old things again and again instead Branch out and take your pick from 40 weekly recipes covering calorie and protein smart lunch and dinner options vegan meals hell there's more than just dinners too you can also choose from over 100 items to round out your orders like snacks and easy to prepare lunches so you can easily take some good eats with you on the go everything's delivered directly to your doorstep in a single box package and Portion just right so that nothing goes to waste even if you don't consider yourself a good cook hello fresh orders come complete with extremely easy to follow instructions and you can be certain their 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reboot DmC Devil May Cry announced way back in 2010 I want to say that was certainly an interesting time it was during the Tokyo game show of September of 2010 where Capcom would surprise audiences with a new look for this series but gone was basically everything that made this series there were demons but there were no snide quips no crazy energy it was gritty dirty and started a new Dante I didn't say much if anything was it actually a DMC 2 reboot he had a smoking habit and might have been suffering mental delusions where these demons actually there was this all happening in Dante's head it was different and to Jump Ahead here Ninja Theory would outright abandon this concept would go for something a little more grounded and in hindsight I think it would have been a better story if they stuck with this original idea but regardless this [ __ ] was polarizing this was not what fans were expecting when they would hear rumors of a new Devil May Cry game why go in this direction was the last game dmc4 not the success they were hoping it'd be despite that one going multi-platform I think about that but then also realize wait this was Capcom during a time where they well they weren't exactly in the best position with their audience assuming they were more than just fighting game fans in that area you know it was okay Street Fighter still had a healthy life and I think people liked Street Fighter cross Tekken and Marvel versus Capcom 3 but even then those games were marked with stupid decisions and clumsy DLC practices so no it turns out Devil May Cry 4 got a great reception sales were good it just wasn't good enough for Capcom so wondering how they can get similar numbers from more successful franchises at the time they would look to Western developers to take the helm on the next Devil May Cry game and if you're wondering well wait how the hell did they come to that conclusion you can thank this man Casey unifune dude around this time had a massive boner for Western developed gaming and didn't have the best things to say about the Japanese scene which he was finding more and more Antiquated now I'm not here to argue whether he had something going there or not you know getting into the gaming mindset of the 2000s and 2010s but I do kind of find it funny that after convincing Capcom to take it to the West for the next DMC game he would then almost immediately after leave Capcom and It just strikes me as ifuna has no idea what the [ __ ] he was doing with himself around that time and he likely directed A lot of people through the mud because you know they had faith in him and then he just up in skedaddle well and for a penny and for a pound as they say Capcom would hire Ninja Theory to make the new Devil May Cry that would appeal to Western markets Ninja Theory at this time didn't have the best track record I mean until doing research for this video I never even heard of Kung Fu Chaos or enslaved Odyssey to the West I did hear of heavenly sword an early title for the PlayStation 3. I didn't hear much but I did hear of it and I remember a couple of folks saying that it was all right nothing amazing but it was serviceable and I guess that was enough for Capcom and so this new Devil May Cry would soon begin development under Ninja Theory led by one to meme antionades who was already swimming with ideas on how to make a new flavor at DMC with Western appeal and originally that meant getting rid of everything that made Dante what he was in the previous games Mr Anthony didn't think that Dante fit the definition of cool anymore to paraphrase him a little bit he figured if old Dante were to walk into a bar he get laughed at during a rather Infamous panel at GDC one year they would claim that they didn't want Dante to be a gay cowboy boy anymore the use of Batman and Robin here I assume they meant there was no more room for Camp either they didn't want him in a hair metal band I think and he was going to be a special guest star in Fight Club here's the thing I don't think he's necessarily wrong with some of those assessments I I would agree that he looked like a gay cowboy in dmc4 he was full of Camp energy said woohoo a lot but that's exactly what fans loved about Dante if he got laughed at a bar who gives her [ __ ] Dante wouldn't the fans wouldn't it just felt like a silly ill begotten and homophobic reason to justify a new take on the character and one that fans weren't too happy to see kind of fruition to put that very [ __ ] lightly and to Mr Anthony he didn't care and while I would normally admire that kind of conviction if one was truly dedicated to their Vision no matter what others say I think it was clear that he was just being a dick about things antagonizing the very audience that would even consider buying the game in the first place because guess what those are the folks that were gonna buy the game again I don't mean to be mean when I say this but who is Ninja 3 around this time I'm sure Heavenly sword fans had some interest but it was a safe assumption that the ones likely to even buy this game at all was the very people that this dude was antagonizing so we had a game with a direction that sounded pretty misguided a bunch of unhappy fans in the writing on the wall Strangely I think one of the final Nails in the coffin was Believe It or Not PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale remember that the Sony Smash Brothers game whatever happened to that guy Capcom would decide to use the new Dante as the DMC representative to help push the new game that was due just a couple of months later and for some that was that and sure enough DmC Devil May Cry would go on to not do as well as Capcom hope it didn't bomb but it sold less than dmc4 and that game not doing well enough was the whole reason Capcom even considered this reboot in the first place so yeah oops given that Capcom would go back to the original continuity after this and considering there hasn't been a follow-up to this game since its original release over 10 years ago I think it's a safe bet that this is a one and done so is it even worth considering today even after learning the mindset of the game's development even after knowing this game was an even larger Black Sheep than DMC too I still went into this game with zero expectations I was always indifferent to this game's existence I wasn't going and expecting to like it but I also wasn't going and expecting to hate it I played all the other classic games up until this point but I'm still heading into this with nowhere near the amount of baggage a traditional long time fan likely had back in 2013. I know a lot of folks have long since written this game off have moved on but I still want to see the game completely in action for myself and yes the version I'm playing will be the definitive edition release for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One back in 2015. this has numerous quality of life updates that just make it well the definitive version and from what I've heard you shouldn't touch the original release of the 10-foot pole but just as a heads up this version is console exclusive the PC release is based on the original version so things are more Antiquated there and you got Virgil with a fedora after finally playing it I can say rather confidently I might add I really like this one in fact I'd say it's one of the best character action games I played in recent memory but we should start with the plot summary first before I delve into it any further in this new setting centering on limbo City we find our new Dante likely doing what he always does in his spare time here going to nightclubs and having sex with prostitutes oh this Dante [ __ ] gotta say that's a bold New Direction for this dude but the life of Dante is not an easy one for as long as he can remember he's been hunted and hounded by demons from the underworld or limbo as this game calls it the answer to their ruler Mundus yeah in this game it's Mundus and not Mundus yeah I guess that counts as different enough but whatever Dante often finds himself in the heat of battle fending off any demons sent his way and lately things have been escalating to a point where he can't even get a good [ __ ] in his raggedy ass trailer in this universe Mundus rules over limbo City through the power of consumerism propaganda control of the media and as long as mankind remains ignorant to the truth his power and reach is damn near all assuming but there exists a faction that is privy to mundus's true intentions known as the order which I found a little confusing at first because that was also the name of the religious group from dmc4 but in this game it's an underground Liberation Front led by a guy Fox a Virgil he wants to expose Mundus for what he is and overthrow him and assisting him in this is his girl named Kat a psychic that with the power of her ruins partially made by squirrel seam in her words not mine she can spiritually enter the world of limbo and see things for what they really are it's with this power and with the help of Virgil that she learns about Dante and believing he's perfect to Aid the cause of the order and stop Mundus for good she heads after him to try to recruit him to their cause but at first Dante kind of wants nothing to do with anybody typical loner attitude to a typical loner things but thanks to Virgil and Cat Dante will soon learn that he's destined for greater things in this continuity Dante is not only the son of the demon Sparta who in this game just seemed like an ordinary dude and was sentenced to an internal BDSM session after being captured by Mundus what his mother Eva was also an angel making both Dante and Virgil Nephilim half demon and half angel and this puts Dante on the number one spot in mundus's shitless for it said that Nephilim have the power to overthrow Mundus for good and obviously Mundus doesn't want any of that so not only did he kill dancing and Virgil's parents when they were still young but in the present day he sends everything in the kitchen sink towards Dante from his vast array of demons big and small at giant slug succubus thing the host of Fox News and Mundus is concubine that attacks you with her unborn child even the very City itself holds malicious intent and repeatedly tries to kill Dante by shape-shifting on a women [ __ ] talking him at the same time it's a great environmental effect seeing these random phrases pop on the screen letting you know the city is on to you and you got some company heading your way it's not at all subtle and not too far in it even drops the menacing one to two word statements and just straight up says things like [ __ ] you Dante like an online edgelord then it's just silly but still I like it oh my God but could you imagine if this game came out like 10 years later and Ninja Theory was trying to blend in with the Zoomer Crowd Oh Lord Limbaugh will probably be saying things like simp or woke skill issue no risk and that wasn't very progress Dante did I just say though Dante and the Gang can fend off every demon thrown their way for the time defeating Mundus is a whole other matter since he's practically Invincible as long as he's connected to the ginormous Hellgate that augments his powers but since Mundus is unaware there are two sons of Sparta Dante and Virgil have the element of surprise Dante fends off the demons while Virgil does his hacker man [ __ ] hacking into computers and trying to destroy the system from within but Virgil figures that they really want to hit Mundus where it hurts and distract him just long enough to seal the gate they're gonna have to kill his unborn child I mean there's no certain coconut that's exactly what happens and uh oh wait hmm [Music] foreign and now that Mundus is absolutely livid Dante and Virgil put their minds and Powers together to stop the Tyrant for good separating him from the Hell Gate and delivering the kude grout to mundus's Ambitions with Mundus defeated and killed the world of limbo is laid bare for all of mankind to see what was once hidden is now revealed the real world has been awakened and now since everything is in total chaos mankind free to take control of their own destiny Virgil Reveals His true intentions to rule the world himself though he claims that he'd be a far better ruler than Mundus than actually respect this subject Dante and Cat don't buy that and try to get him to stop but Virgil won't hear it leaving Dante no choice but to beat some sense into his misguided brother after a grueling battle Virgil Was Defeated and almost killed by Dante before cat stops her from doing something he regret left to lick his wounds Virgil makes his exit while Dante and Cat live onto uh I don't know get some pizza but this isn't the end of the story for Virgil since he gets a DLC campaign Auto himself Virgil's downfall and uh yeah that's exactly what it is Virgil didn't take losing the Dante well like at all and this thankfully short campaign is all about him going nuts and slowly convincing himself that he's worthy to be the next ruler of the underworld it's not good I didn't like this at all because it shows a side of Virgil that I don't think was ever so much as hinted at in the main game I think about who was Virgil in the main story a confident rich man that could hack computers deliver abortions with a sniper rifle and had nothing but respect for his brother yet his true Ambitions are deplorable but I never got the idea that he was mentally unstable just out of touch given his nature as a Nephilim and a rich pretty boy but in this story he fends off against these illusions of cat and Dante all while his inner demons slowly convince him they need more power to take what's rightfully his oh wait did I say more power or more cocaine because during these animated cutscenes I tell you man it looks like Virgil took all the drugs near the end of the story after breaking the heart of his uh ghost mom and killing his own inner demon he Powers up to look something like his classic luck I think that's what they were trying to do but he just looks like he's Martin Short from Santa Claus 3 powered by crack put some lotion on your face Virgil you look worse than Ashley Larry yeah this Virgil sucks he knows that upon a suit I'll give him that he looks damn good but he doesn't elicit the same kind of Cool vibe as the original you don't believe me put on his classic costume from his campaign foreign but that does it for DmC double May Cry and I gotta be real with you with the exception of Virgil's downfall which I thought was a complete waste of time I really enjoyed the story for this one my mindset going into this was okay it's a different continuity it's doing its own thing obviously it's taking a lot of established elements from the original timeline and altering it a bit but what ultimately matters to me now is if the story it tells and if the characters in it are enjoyable and I think DMC tells a solid story it's nothing special I mean the story itself is nothing you haven't seen already Devil May Cry or otherwise the political and social commentary is also laughable it's so unsubtle about its Jabs that again consumerism information control through media propaganda extreme conservative views it's mainly used to establish monus's villainy but it also just comes across as a very cheap kind of lazy way to express how evil Mundus is so I just ended up rolling my eyes a bunch I feel they're trying to say something while also saying absolutely nothing at the same time so I don't think the story needed that but the more grounded character-driven approach in the setting means time is taken to establish who these guys are their backstories and their chemistry is completely believable I'm just going to say this now this version of Mundus a lot better than the original one I mean his actual boss battle is lame and physically he isn't as imposing as the giant Burly statue fight at the end of the first game but the character himself well that's the thing there's an actual character here Mundus in the original game was just a generic villain imposing to be sure but a pretty crooked cutter for me this version of Mundus I admit can be viewed as generic in his own way it looks like a cross between Lex Luthor and Kingpin we get a shot of him [ __ ] his concubine who looks like a blow up doll it's not pleasant but he does have a physical presence that I don't think the original Moon just had and I enjoy it when my head villain is actively involved in the story to not only remind us who the threat is but to also potentially develop them obviously your mileage can greatly vary on the effectiveness of this but I didn't find Mundus boring in this I thought he was one of the better villains in the series so far though outside of classic Virgil there's nothing much to compare that to while not to a similar extent as Mundus I found the other villains entertaining in their own way too I love that this succubus Abomination is the secret ingredient to this drink that Mundus pushes on humans to make them fat and all that other [ __ ] Bob barbus the news anchor is about as subtle as a clown with his [ __ ] out but you know what his attempts at smearing Dante's name using his News Channel I thought that was legitimately funny and his boss battle is one of the game's best the same could be said for Lilith mundus's concubine she has a seriously great stage and her boss battle while gross as [ __ ] is still striking and memorable my favorite character I'm happy to say is Dante he starts as a foul-mouthed jackass in the beginning but his growth into a traditional anti-hero is clear-cut and I found it gratifying to see in action I didn't hate this guy nor did I find him insufferable he's not cool in fact he can come off as a real tryhard it doesn't happen all the time but some of his jokes are just seem to drag on forever church but he's got the confidence he can back up his mouth and over the course of the story he will begin to genuinely care about cat and Mankind he's not a totally selfish [ __ ] like I thought he was going to be but he isn't cool so in that regard I think he falters I think the opening with the carnival in him putting on his clothes in the trailer is the craziest it gets with this guy but after that it's more about his foul mouth tell me I'm with 1200 in Old you don't look a day over twelve thousand [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you know I also found him pretty emotionally layered too that's something I can't say for the original Dante if you're not including all the supplementary material from other media I'm sure but Dante's journey to learning what he really is processing it and becoming the hero that limbo City needs was not only captivating but also entertaining I also find it's Dynamic with Virgil to be great these two get good dialogue together in a way I find better than Dante and Virgil's Dynamic from the original continuity I know I know some of you probably didn't like me saying that but in this continuity I like how their brotherly chemistry is more emphasized here and it has some great payoffs that serve the bigger picture I'd be more than happy to see another story starring this version of Dante I don't think it's ever gonna happen but this Dante is all right I was rooting for him to succeed and now I'm wondering how many folks think I'm just straight up [ __ ] wrong about this whole thing right and to tell the truth it was a bit intimidating thinking about heading into this right for years friends and fans have painted this picture about DMC about oh this is the bad one and as I'm playing the game for myself realizing that hey I'm not hating this I'm even finding it enjoyable am I [ __ ] in the head or others just being too harsh on it I was a little nervous writing the script wondering if I could properly put my thoughts into words expressing what it was I liked about this game but do I do I risk alienating fans of the original timeline do I risk becoming this pariah and then I thought oh wait I'm a [ __ ] Sonic fan I go through that [ __ ] all the damn time this is nothing compared to that you know what I'm just gonna go say it yeah this is a good story and an even better game I'll say this though because I played the other games before this one muscle memory [ __ ] me in the ass pretty hard in the first couple of hours like fundamentally the game is still very similar to previous games it's still all about using your weapons and guns to hack and slash demons Ad nauseam but there's no style switching the combos are different you only get a handful of new guns and one is called the kablooey all right this Dante is closer to Nero if anything just like my praise I had for Nero I think this makes Dante more readily accessible than previously he can even use his weapons to either pull in enemies or pull himself towards things to close the gap keep the combo going and man like before that never got tiring but now there's also this new emphasis on demon and Angel Powers as a Nephilim Dante gets access to both demonic and Angelic Weaponry utilized by hitting the attack button while holding down the proper trigger button the left trigger being Angel Powers while the right side being demon powers outside of the classic Rebellion sword which handles similar enough to previous outings Dante will also get this large slow but extremely powerful ax blinding Scythe that shreds everything with its large range and aerial combos a pair of gauntlets that I know are supposed to be the equivalent of previous fist weapons but these don't strike me the same as effort or Beowulf they look more like hulkheads or if you're like me because your mind works weird at times the first thing I thought was those giant arms that ludicrous rocking this Get Back music video I'm sorry it's just what I immediately thought of a part of this game's combat is not only effectively utilizing each weapon to the best of their ability but also using the right weapon at the right time what I mean by this is that some enemies in this game have a stronger Affinity to one element over the other in this case angel and demon powers conveniently color coded too so you don't have to think that hard if you see a blue enemy use Angel weapons to knock them down if they're red you use demon weapons in Definitive Edition this isn't strictly necessary you can still damage these guys with any weapon and get the job done it's just when you properly use the right weapon these guys drop like flies they stagger easily they barely have any time they get a proper hit in it's something you should be doing anyway from what I was told by friends and in the Discord this was mandatory in the original release because if you didn't use the right weapon at all you were doing no damage to these [ __ ] and you'd stagger yourself breaking you out of your combo that sounds [ __ ] miserable glad I didn't have to go through that holy [ __ ] and sometimes the game will throw both types of enemies at you at once so I can only imagine how much of a dick sort that would have been to encounter that said I still wasn't the biggest fan of this mechanic Definitive Edition not the weapons are cool the combos are cool but considering how you have to hold one trigger to use one set of weapons and then the other trigger for the other set and you have to keep holding that trigger button down to use the weapon I have to stress that and they start throwing multiple goons at you with different affinities my hands felt like [ __ ] pretzels in the heat of combat making sure I was holding down the right buttons targeting the right enemies oh [ __ ] that that wasn't very fun but most of the time you don't have to worry about that most enemies can be taken down with whatever you want it's just a matter of how you do it and this game isn't lacking and giving you the means to dish out a ton of Combos and they change the ranking system in this too instead of rewarding variants it's just damage dealt so you can have an easier time reaching those elusive s double s route even Triple S ranks without having to scramble your brain trying to switch to different weapons to make it possible really this game is a cakewalk for most of the adventure the only time it wasn't for me was when I had to deal with specific enemies I had like super armor that made them harder to kill or made them incredibly hard to stagger like with the chainsaw dude I like getting hit by these guys as virtual because he screams like a [ __ ] I was didn't like these dudes at first with the katanas they seems they block almost everything you throw at them swords or guns otherwise it was the only time I found myself actively using the Dodge feature look for an opening which is really good in this game by the way but you can also Parry their attacks and stun them that way that requires a little more finesse so maybe for your first time stick with dodging but yeah these are the only enemies that I found respectively difficult to face literally everything else in this game can be tackled in the same way smack them on the ground or in the air and when they get too far away yank them with the chain and close the gap it could be brain dead oh God especially if you use double trigger which not only regenerates your health and makes you stronger in this game it stops every enemy in its place and makes an easy pickings it's frankly absurd but even though I like the visual look of this game's double trigger it doesn't beat just turning into a demon and going nuts with combo so in that way I find it a major downgrade still I found most of the combat stimulating The Only Exception was Virgil I didn't like him at all he doesn't have to worry about switching between Angel and Demon modes all the time as well at least as much as Dante did and he can still cause a lot of Mayhem with his summon swords but I just wasn't vibing with this ground and aerial combo I wasn't getting a similar sense of what I must have went dancing or [ __ ] even Virgil from the other games his campaign is also very short and ends extremely anticlimatically and he looks like an [ __ ] with that dmc3 outfit on take that [ __ ] off Virgil then again so does Dante to be fair if you really want this Dante to look like the old Dante you can have him Rock the DMC one in three outfits but it just looks like bad cosplay to me I'd rather just stick with the original look or one of the other costumes he gets doesn't put him in a bad wig when you're not fighting demons they're exploring the depths of limbo and with the city itself being a living entity that once Dante dead the environment will constantly shapeshift and become more hazardous this not only adds a degree of tension to the action but it also makes for honestly some of the best level design I've seen so far in Devil May Cry with utility and control that genuinely feels great to use for the ass little platforming challenges the game will throw at you you can use your chain to swing across large gaps or pull debris towards you to jump on you get this air Dash that reminds me of the best things about the trickster Style on dmc3 you have a double jump that doesn't feel like you got cement in your shoes seriously I think this is the best Dante has ever felt regarding basic movement and given the game's super linear structure there's rarely a dull moment between combat and I rarely ran into any glaring camera issues most of my flows were completely my fault not to mention this game just looks amazing combat is packed with a ton of cool looking particle effects and crunchy sound design I love the vibrant saturated color palette of limbo that still manages to keep the important things distinct enough without having them being lost in the busy environments enemies look great bosses look great the characters look great except for this sort of Grimace that dancing Virgil have even when they're sad they look like they're about to break into a smile God Dante gets it pretty bad in that scene with the succubus can make the Joker run for his money with that good God most of the soundtrack uses music from Combi Christ and I think it's noisia so it's heavy on Industrial Rock and dubstep it's fine but a lot of it came off as background noise to me so don't ask me to pick any favorites at all kind of sound the same to me exploration is rewarded well enough though I didn't feel very compelled to explore everything this game doesn't shower you in red orbs like other games which isn't the end of the world since upgrades in this game are earned by spending ability points you earn in combat I love that the game gives you the option to try new skills before making the purchase just so that you're sure you know what you want that's a great feature to have red orbs are just used for items like in dmc4 but I found myself not getting much of these because the payouts from these cocoon sex and these lost souls were pretty meager I ended up not upgrading my health and double trigger gate as much as I did in previous games but again that's not so bad because this game is much easier than previously secret missions are also still a thing in this game but not you gotta find these secret Keys first and then find the secret door to open them I hear the original game also had specific keys for specific doors and I'm like God why regardless I'd rather it just be like the other games where you just have to worry about finding a single location to be on your Merry way I still did these when I could I just didn't think they were ultimately necessary and didn't have the same value because of how easy the game already was you know I didn't feel like I absolutely needed that extra Health you would get from completing these you know but yeah I don't have much else to say other than I deeply enjoyed myself with this one I understand why a lot of veterans write this one off after looking into it myself this was a game made in this guided Direction it made fans of the other games feel insulted even with Capcom helping Ninja Theory ensuring that the combat was just as good as before and it is in my opinion even though creators like hideaki atsuno claim that this game is just as important to him as the other games are and I genuinely believe him when he says that to a lot of folks that doesn't matter because this Direction came at the expense of what fans liked before this Dante this world these characters are not the same as the ones they cherish from before and at some part I think that's unfair to this game but at the same time it is what it is and all I can say is if you're at all curious just play it for yourself I had a lot of fun with this and though I have one more game to look at after this this is easily top three in the DMC franchise for me so far I notice of that baby heresy but I had fun and that's really all that matters to me and I encourage those that like the game so you know talk about what it was they personally got a kick out of and or maybe the things that you didn't like about it even as someone who liked both the original series and this new game the way I see it it doesn't matter like we have the original continuity back this game is one and done it's 10 years ago it's long forgotten at this point I at least I assume I don't know although they'll make Pride discussions a whole bunch but so I think it's healthy to discuss uh the the the positives and negatives of the game especially for something as notorious as this one so yeah just leave a comment let me know what you think what did I forget to talk oh man don't do that because I get that all the damn time you forgot to talk about a your bigger C or D is like I'm not a [ __ ] companion God damn it but still as always thank you all for your time and uh your patience for this so we're almost done we've got one more game left to go Devil May Cry five do we end on a high note safe assumption yeah I have a little experience with this I did a spotlight of it years ago but that was back in the original release we got a special edition now probably comes with all the special edition bells and perks and whistles and [ __ ] but uh yeah I won't waste your I won't waste any more of your time let's uh let's end the video let's do some more Patron shout outs all right continue where we left off with the 10 Patron shout out so you can get your name on this list Yourself by subscribing to my patreon five dollars get you on the list you see over there ten dollars you get your name read by me because uh people really like when you do that kind of thing okay consider where we left off Jordan pregnant nacenda 20g low Rick allens33025 Julian review is Crimson I-64 Martini super Celeste Joel Tio tuico okay Heather McKnight Mario the Duke of NJ Pablo Vallejo Sonora K little drawing boy Reggie Reg Mr zarzas Jeremy scrungle big red mc716 toaster Jason Uncle razrul Orange Bowl HR theater a Joe schremmer a Xeno XX reborn Jack's brother Neo Cosmopolitan uh Dan Steinbeck Gian XG Sonic speeder Benny the panda Hermann Axel Port Pierre a lilim sink Weaver Lucifer is my [ __ ] Adam Christians Albert Logan kid Brandon uh Christensen A Christensen Roy is our boy Dapper Burger rvgf guy uh guylo Cardinal oh [ __ ] me no sujata dark uh Corbin Nora Shane at East temporary meme Mark Ferguson josten Colin Velez a pancake 13 wing wing Dingus the muffin man and finally for today hyper Legend Ultra thank you all so much for on putting my iPad on the chair here thank you all so much for coming by stopping and watching the video as always your support is greatly appreciated and I'll see you guys next time with dmc5 until then every Soul's a fantastic night dude take care of yourselves and each other uh I guess take care I forgot the [ __ ] outro then [Music]
Channel: SomecallmeJohnny
Views: 94,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Somecallmejohnny, Somecallmejohnny Video, Somecallmejohnny Review, Johnny vs, Video Game Review, SomecallmeJohnny DmC, SomecallmeJohnny Devil May Cry, Johnny vs. DmC, Johnny vs. Devil May Cry, SomecallmeJohnny Ninja Theory, Somecallmejohnny Capcom, Johnny vs. Ninja Theory, DmC: Devil May Cry, DmC
Id: vq0-jmPssbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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