Johnny Depp-Amber Heard: More explosive audio recordings | LiveNOW from FOX

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next question ma'am thank you um mr depp i'd like to show you another audio recording that is plaintiff's exhibit 397. um and for the record we intend to play the portion that is one hour four seconds to one hour two minutes and 50 seconds all right so there's no objection to 397 coming into evidence its entirety okay audios are coming in 397 in evidence and then you want to play that part that's fine well those wishes don't come true you want to say to me a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] those will show you what else do you want to [ __ ] say what else you know what i mean cool i wish you the best hey why don't you [ __ ] yourself go suck your own dick if you're used to it um i'll write you a check for the extra sip i took is that okay stingy old [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] the other one looked better though you did you said don't drink my wine that's mine i didn't say that oh you didn't i said i didn't think you were looking for anymore three one um probably definitely be pretty good in front of your rocky and your pop and your mom oh i've tried so [ __ ] hard with you i've tried so hard hey if you have a mission 50 [ __ ] something years you're never going oh god how did god jack's stepfather teaches him more about the man they mean you're [ __ ] in your [ __ ] lap hey that's good you gave me some [ __ ] about my kids just like in london that you desired never again stay away you don't exist you will not be getting my words mr deb could you please describe to the jury what they just heard in that audio recording i don't i don't know when i don't know when that if there's a date on that but um clearly there was some animosity and uh another clash and um misheard once again felt it necessary to bring my bring my kids my my my son into the into that argument and say that she hopes that my son's stepfather can teach him how to be a man since i couldn't um and i believe she says something about the more man and the stepfather then would be existing in my i believe the term was left nut how often did miss heard bring your children into your arguments too often and at the end of your relationship how was ms hurd's relationship with your children non-existent they my children my kids are far um more intelligent than i am and they they broke [Music] they they wouldn't be around miss herrera denis they refused to be around her anymore they didn't like the way she treated me which was written in a [Music] a a very elegant letter by my daughter actually to uh to miss her i don't know if that's in evidence but i remember the uh my daughter sent a text to miss her objection your honor just hearsay it's one thing for the witness to tell his story it's another thing for him to tell other move on okay i'm sorry i read the i read the email yeah i understand next question um when did you learn that ms heard had filed for divorce while it was let's see betty sue was the 20th that night i spoke to her about the divorce 21st was the um kicker i believe it was on the 23rd and i had already left town for new york to prepare for the tour did miss heard know that you were out of town at that time i don't know when did you learn that miss heard had made domestic abuse allegations against you um the 27th of may which is in fact my daughter's birthday um i saw that she had gone to a court it was i don't know some court and there were paparazzi everywhere and her and a brown mark on her face and it also happened to be the day that charlie and the no alice in wonderland too um so the looking glass was opening and that's the day that she chose to uh get the uh go go to the courthouse and get a tiara a temporary restraining order against me but i was in europe already at that point mr depp i'd like to show you what's been marked as plaintiff's exhibit 487 and just for the record this is a very long document and we will be showing pages 470 or excuse me uh 492 through 494. there's no objection to the document 487. okay i assume are you entering this in evidence now are you just showing it i can i can give them an opportunity and go through it with mr deb if that's okay um mr depp do you recognize any of these text messages that are on the screen in front of you um vague memory of these and who were these communications between looks like myself in the it's me um in the in the green and miss heard's words in the blue and do your communications reflect that misheard understands that you're in new york i'm just i'm sorry what is the date of your text messages here on this page um that's the 23rd of may 2016 and hers are the 24th of may 2000 and based off of these communications does this refresh your recollection that miss heard knew that you were in new york on this date um in her text you know when do you leave um it was clear that i was leaving um right away but uh i i i'm not sure that i wasn't already because i wasn't in new york city we weren't playing new york city we were we were playing uh we were rehearsing in a um like a casino a big casino and that was where we did our first uh show um to pro you know first show to practice for the the tour the european tour so i don't know if i was either leaving for new york but i don't i think i was already there because new york city uh [Music] we weren't [Music] i don't recall that we were playing new york city so maybe i was suggesting going going there i don't know could we please turn to page 940 excuse me 4.94 and mr depp do you see the text message um from miss heard on may 24th 2016 at 6 33 yes i do yes i do okay and do you understand what miss hurt is referring to in this text message um is it alright if i just take a quick glance please do thank you thank you that's better wow so i remember yes i recall this and what do you recall about this that it made no sense to me it just didn't make any sense to me especially about well as long as you don't file nobody will know again i'm not all that familiar with these types of things but [Music] if uh i mean if it's two people in a relationship and the relationship is ending um in any case the outcome is divorce so i i didn't understand these explanations of this can happen or it cannot happen or and i only did this because my lawyers said to and um [Music] did just didn't make any sense to me and and uh it looked like uh she was kind of grabbing at straws trying to figure out what in fact to do mr depp i'd like to just ask you about a couple statements miss heard makes in this text message she first says just confirm that the cover letter is completely private and has nothing to do with any public record do you see that it's the first sentence in the text message yes i do do you know what cover letter ms heard is referring to no i don't okay and then she says and only included the domestic violence restraining order stuff because i called the lawyer when the cops were here and i didn't know what to do or why that happened and was scared do you see that yes do you know what miss hurt is referring to when she said that no and then dropping down to the bottom it says two lines up i thought you filed do you see that yes and do you have any understanding as to why misheard thought you had already filed no i had i had on the the night of the 20th was was when i told her on the phone that i was going to file um for divorce and in the way that i had explained it to keep everything nice and calm and even um [Music] but on the 23rd chief filed and um so i i hadn't had a chance to file um your honor i would move plaintiff's exhibit 487 specifically the portions from page 492 to 494 into evidence so you just want page 492 to 494. yes your honor it's a it's a 700 page document so just page 40. well are you going to ever put more of 487 in i guess is the question i believe so yeah so this is 487a certainly that would make sense okay so 487 a page 492 to 494 any objection to those two pages all right those two pages are incidents two pages or three pages that would be three pages if that's correct that's correct okay 492-494 okay and could that please be published to the jury [Music] mr deb miss heard did end up seeking a temporary restraining order against you correct yes she did and and what did i believe you already said this but could you just remind the jury what date was that the 27th of may and where were you when you learned that miss heard had actually filed a temporary restraining order against you i don't [Music] i don't recall if we had left for europe as yet um that is the hollywood vampires for the tour so i was either in new york state rehearsing and preparing to go to europe or i was already in europe i'd have to check the the tour dates did you find out on the 27th or a time shortly thereafter no i found out on the 27th it was everywhere and what do you mean when you say it was everywhere it was um it was multiplying and multiplying and multiplying throughout media throughout um social media throughout um so-called sort of straight media or whatever um and i was taken aback a bit um if we could take this down and please pull up plaintiff's exhibit 411 mr depp is this some of the media coverage that you were referring to many things of this of this nature yes many and do you recall actually seeing the specific article i don't remember seeing this specific article um but there were already plenty um and certainly more than i was happy to go through i i think once you read one or two of them um the general idea is is uh i mean the point had been made um clearly your honor i'd move um plaintiff's exhibit 411 into evidence the objection all right 411. um could we please take this down and pull up plaintiff's exhibit 414 mr depp yes do you recognize this article at all um i i remember yeah i don't know if it was this one in particular but i do remember seeing all the various uh reasons behind the or re her reasons behind her needing to to get a temporaries training order uh a tro against me um which they just started to metastasize into these there were abuse allegations then there was alcohol and there was drugs and violence and it just uh it was uh already right then and there before my eyes spinning out of control and there was not a word that i could uh say your honor i would move plaintiff's exhibit 414 into evidence any objection all right and if we could take this down now please and put up plaintiffs exhibit 409. and your honor um if i could move plaintiff's exhibit 409 into evidence as well any objection with 409 no objection all right 409 in evidence thank you mr depp do you recall seeing this people magazine article yes you do and when did you see it right when it was released right when it came out did you speak to anyone about this article yes i did who did you speak to mostly friends and my sister christy mostly friends um and certainly the the band um and my and my kids i had to alert them that there might be some ugly ugly ugly things coming out um that that were most assuredly going to put me in the position of some violent drug-addled alcoholic you know just reprobate and i wanted to warn them before they were approached with the people magazine cover in school
Channel: LiveNOW from FOX
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Keywords: johnny depp, amber heard, johnny depp amber heard, johnny depp net worth, pirates of the caribbean, johnny depp trial, amber heard johnny depp, amber heard elon musk, johnny depp kids, defamation, depp vs heard, johnny depp trial live, depp trial livestream, depp trial live, shannon curry, shannon curry johnny depp, dr shannon curry, shannon curry psychologist, alejandro romero, christian carino, johnny depp and amber heard case summary
Id: -v-hdo-JIoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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