Johnny Carey's Thailand Diaries | Good Enough Podcast - Ep.13

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[Music] yes guys welcome back it has been a long old month without being here few obviously it's only been a week but uh we've been away for the month yeah I ain't seen it for a whole month literally been in Thailand living it up I've been in Thailand and let me tell you now it is the best thing I ever done in my entire life now let's let's just take a minute look at the boy look how clean he looks I'm looking at I look fresh I I'm looking at the screen right now behind you look the bar coming through yeah yeah [ __ ] I've lost that 4 kilos looking CLE [ __ ] hell no more comments about [ __ ] Bros put on some weight bit Timber do can't do that no more told you I was going to lose it and I lost it so what what what was you doing commenting from your Tik Tok account you puss no man oh mate n genuinely we had we we they had a good month but you know what stop from the beginning tell me tell me about Thailand so where I went I say where I went first so I went Bangkok Bangkok is nutty Bangkok is ABS oh I need to bur see when I was in Thailand I weren't burping in that either I'm straight back I'm burping now saturated Foods in that [ __ ] I got B FL in my throat good [ __ ] pollution I just had a salad BR get it out yeah legit I shouldn't be burp him yeah I yeah Bangkok then I went down to uh uh um kuk National Park which is like the jungle let me go for them all So Bangkok yeah Bangkok is [ __ ] naughty it is it is mad can't do no more than two days there like I've never been Asia before in it yeah and Thailand is just it's open my whole eyes I thought I'd come back depressed but it's it's motivated me I feel so focused and I feel like I've been reborn even my mom's and my brother said to me the my mom's my mom and my brother said to me the other day was that you you changed the person in a in a good way way yeah like I've been sober not that I was bad in a drink or anything but I've been sobern now for however long it's been like I just I've been in the gym I've been eating clean I don't even feel like tempted to break this I feel focused bro bare focused like it's proper done me well I need I needed that holiday like um but yeah Bangkok naughty Gaff like they don't care you see see in Thailand yeah you know the traffic system means nothing well they just fly through the streets be waiting at the lights here on on on on a ped waiting for for for the green light to come the red lights going they just they're checking if anyone's there bom they're just going going boming it literally it's like the most chilled out country I've ever been to my entire life it's sick it's so cheap as well but you can rent a ped for2 p a day what the two quid two n you're renting a pen that's great I can't lie bro I was getting a bro I was getting a Ty uh green curry a Tom Young gu soup wow beautiful uh and and a chang by the way I I didn't really drink Chang before beard oh yeah had a beard a beard be what a beer what a [ __ ] beer that is a that is I was drinking that mate that's a beer you could get a free course meal for like depending on where you are but like 300 B which is like £450 something that joking it is stupid living life stupidly cheap is he could just could just splash out there could be right it stupid like it was it was it's ridiculous how how little the the the currency is out there and like they're they're so humble to tie people like I I didn't wear my watch out there cuz I thought it was going to be a bit seedy i' never been bro I can't lie I could have worn a [ __ ] Richard Millie on my wrist and no one would have touched me maybe if they're English or somewhere else but people wouldn't I can't like they're the most humble nice people ever I remember one time I don't know where to start yeah I know cuz there's so much so much to talk about I've been there month stick to Bangkok we move forward like why was it the nuttiest like Bangkok was nutty bro you step out your hotel I didn't really do the hosts in that I I I like somewhere nice to rest my you may say I'm not really traveling but like I like nice Villas and hotels and I've got the money to do that and it's still cheap five star hotel result is like 80 good a night that's less than Prem literally Premier in we got a villa for five nights and it was like for three of us 100 K night each that's good and it was a [ __ ] off M yeah exctly you know what I mean landed in Bangkok yeah um and there was a cab driver there's be Tuk Tok out there is it yeah be Tuk Tok it's sick it's just sick life sty but it's like rapid bangkok's just like it's like London on [ __ ] Speedo that's what it's like it's like nonstop like everything's going on like it's it's nutty you couldn't do one or two days there I think um but we landed there Shang some cash up me my boy Mo and um we basically hopped in a cab and we like ah can you take us to the gun range we wanted to go gun range yeah just to fire some RS sick so my man's gone to us oh your first time Thailand like I'll give you a tour of the whole of Bangkok in it yeah so this is at 11:00 in the morning he's taking us to the gun range he's taking us to floating markets floating markets basically you sit on this little can I I think I've seen you snap it yeah you're yeah if you had me on snap you would have known what I done but you sit on this little boat and there's canals well they're not canals is it they're like little rivers that like that's how they get from place to place and there's houses on the rivers and [ __ ] I've seen I've seen you it's so humbling that's nice like you're getting floating about you pulling you pulling up to the side of like the river each time you can buy little ornaments buy drinks buy [ __ ] buy puff there there was there was there was some drink that you had a was it a COC was it coconut oh the coconut ice cream that's it that coconut ice cream that looked banging that was bang that was 80P nothing there's absolutely nothing that look so when I saw that I was like oh that looks nice shining got a little coconut it's 30° at night there it's 30° at night and the air is so clear my I went out there with be fling that clear and it's starting to come back again because winter in this country is [ __ ] yeah but yeah we got this cab driver yeah to take us to the gun range was firing the guns I've never fired a gun before bit nervous before you know the American clip went [ __ ] viral all Americans oh my God here's the guy you know I got the I got DM from that no listen people people were violating us I know saying here I got a DM saying so here's the kid scared of a little gun yeah mate [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] machine she L nuts um but no when I was in the gun range did make me a bit nervous when like someone beside me who I didn't know had a [ __ ] bur yeah legit you know what I mean you never know you never know like whatever I fired I fired I Desert Eagle and boom the kick back crazy kick back's crazy uh Magnum f shotgun and when you find a shotgun yeah it left a bruise on my shoulder yeah crazy M BR it's it's kind of like when you have that in your hand the power you feel yeah you feel mad is nuts bro no wonder why people no it's nuts if you ain't all there you can't hold one like I fed MP 40 as well old school thing yeah old school thing it was like I was it was six we went gun Ranger is a prop army military Place cost us like can't remember must have been like 8 crit each that's so nothing nothing um and it's all old school money like they don't really accept card out there that much it's all B like a 100 bar is like23 right so yeah it's it's just Dirt Cheap went to the gun range went floating markets bearing in mind our cab drivers waiting outside for us at all these things floting Market was there for about an hour and a half you go on floting Market they drop you at a temple go on a temple you come back in a little canal boat you're just drinking Chang in the sun just floating through going through the jungle and that even though you're in Bangkok the floating markets there's half like jungle around you um then we went to get a banging massage and no it's not what you thought uh no but mate there's a massage Gaff on not just in Bangkok on every corner every single corner you can get an hour massage for 200 B is it it's 5 pound for an hour full body massage oil a lot like it is pucka an hour you think mate you are not ear enough yeah you're not enough of that so he took us to the get a traditional tire massage um what else do we do I think he dropped us off at a restaurant either way he was driving us around for a good I'd say four hours waiting outside for us good four hours we're now getting dropped back to our hotel we're saying to each other he's probably going to ask for I know it's cheaper out here but like we didn't know how cheap it was is it and we was like okay Co in England that would be nearly a bag yeah yeah facts but like because he's waiting outside for us in that yeah um but like yeah we thought he's maybe going to ask 150 pound sterling like like that g ask for 22 pound no you're 22 to drive me around and wait outside for us all day we ended up busting we asked him how much brother and he said like whatever that is I can't work out made I think th B and we was like just give 2K and he was like astonished same thing happened when we went down when we finished Bangkok we went down to the jungle and cook the cabet took us no no we got a flight there sorry but when we is in kuk is National Park it's like proper in the jungle like you're in this little village an hour into like a load of jungle like we waking up early like going to the gym going on walks renting out I rent out a p every day yeah cuz it's to qu the max I was paying for a p was six pound a day that's so good and to fill up the tank is 150 bar so it's that3 pound less than a 10 to rent for is is is it's nuts we's in this like little village in the middle of the Jungle be humbling like just nothing going on like apart from it's just prob old school like the hotel that we was in had like a rope swing and a slide going into the just the river just a random River in the jungle like was waking up going in the river going for a swim it's just different world different world and then um yeah the jungle sick was going for the jungle walking make the spiders out there that big on like constantly cuz you're actually in the jungle in it you don't deep it until you get there like you're actually in you ain't in [ __ ] black Park no you're in a jungle for real we see a massive snake hanging from the tree oh no I would have been done like it was yeah we we we went off the path in it and just went let's have a little prob explore and we got a bit lost and we like no F actual danger here can't all there's not no Fox you know what I mean there rattle snakes and that [ __ ] probably tigers and that I don't know you saw you saw prop a snake just hang sake hang on the tree snake bare spiders like he's walking through he's walking through like this just trying not to hit anything so there a cob would hit us we stop [ __ ] our bro cuz the SPID is a wh bro no I can't I can't anyway this how like and I keep going on about the money thing but it blows my mind how how cheap it is how cheap it is so we've done our we done like two days in the jungle um then we had to drive down to Al Nang uh cuz we wanted to go R Beach R is beautiful prob the best place I've ever been in the world it's beautiful like when you go down south of Thailand and you go see the islands like jungle and B Co obviously you got to see and stuff cuz it's part of the culture part of the part of the their it's their country isn't it yeah when you go down south is when it becomes like Caribbean on roids okay like it is like you're in you're looking at the scene it's like you see Avatar yeah they must have filmed it there they must have filmed it in Thailand I don't know if they kind of look but it's like the mountains coming out the water and and floating mountains and [ __ ] like it's F and like you look up and the birds in the sky look like [ __ ] pterodactyl and that life whole different like so of bar in the skylet mom's life it's [ __ ] we was uh we got we woke up at 7:30 in the jungle yeah and CU we deep in the jungle our receptionist for the hotel was like can we get a taxi to Al n it's a 3-hour cab journey and she was like oh none of the taxis come here until 12 I'm not really trying to wait we I had a couple my mate and his girlfriend were in Rae already and they was like let's get some food we are woke up at 7:30 yeah we get some lunch yeah well not waiting until 12: long I hate waiting I'm patient as it is I hear so they're like oh you have to just wait until a mini bus fills up a personal mini bus 10 SE mini bus was like how much is it per seat she said 200 bar you just rent out the entire mini bus and she was in shock like he was like yeah we R out mini bu R out Mini Bus 3our Journey costed us like must have been about 30 quid we've then given the cab driver because he was letting us play all our music everything given the C driver it must have been the equivalent to19 UK I don't know what that is it was like B something like that he facetimed his wife and his daughter and was nearly crying saying to us thank you go go like oh my like he's in shock of a night of a score no you're you're joking that's a double drink in in in in a bar yeah yeah facts he's mad like he it's proper humbling man is it yeah I find that Lit you not read out the whole thing whole thing they must have thought we was bowling but like just it's what 30 quid is it it's mad whole entire mini boss usually people have to wait wait there and cuz the cabs won't leave until it's full wow cuz they want to get as much money as they can yeah of course um yeah know when at uh R Beach ra Beach is basically like his own little island um off of Krabby and you have to get like a f minute tail booat there you can't get there's no cars on the island there's no old bill there's no bikes you can walk from one side to the other in about 8 minutes it's tiny it's just two hotels and then like like little bars but there's no clubs or nothing it's like a like a relaxing one yeah yeah yeah but it's beautiful went R then from R we uh went to puket for cir Loco that was lit I was sick it like it's just different world like it's just yeah sick um stayed in puket for a bit Pet's all right but I think where's Mainland is very saturated okay it's very saturated then from puket we went to PE PE is like a mini I Bea is it Mom's laugh so you must have TR that there a mini I Bea like in the daytime there's there's a lot going on but there's not much going on but at night time we found this little bar on the beach and they was using SoundCloud as the speaker and I said I got friendly with aizu who own the bar I said can I put my tunes on so I'm now playing all my Tunes like all house music obviously got my own R you know I was banging just my SoundCloud play the thing was booting bro and I like the go CU I was like you boo tunes no one knows I'm playing this but I'm playing these Tunes it was booting like PB is like a party island went there in between Circle then went back to puket and then after puket went Co and in Coal I personally didn't rate coal cuz I was so yes so you know you know if you look what are following on Snap he felt ill and I don't know about this yet but I'm thinking it was like a dodgy dodgy do food or something it was either dodgy food or I got a bug or something but bra it it I was [ __ ] waking up in the middle of the night going like actually feeling like I'm like Agony Agony i' then run to the toilet soon as I hit the toilet water water coming out my ass yeah and then like that I got to grab a B going being sick in a thing oh [ __ ] like Shing and sweating like that like shivering on my days like [ __ ] hell like I'm B ill going back to the bed I think I must have been [ __ ] myself and being sick 15 times a day maybe four times a night it was horrible I was exhausted and on top of that I was like you know and you got the flu yeah yeah you get you touch it you feel bruised yeah I know exactly what I didn't eat or even drink nothing really to start taking these um uh hydration tablets cuz even if I drink water I just go and sick it up I was really ill for like three days so I hated kotel because of that reason I think everyone everyone really rates kotel me personally I don't know I think it was a bit too would have been the illness though n that I don't know cuz my my two other boys at the time weren't that ill and they didn't really rate I think it's a bit too not derel but like it it smells a bit of sewage like obviously Thailand is Thailand you're going for traveling like you got I still appreciate the thing but like I think where I was ill I wanted someone nice to chill yeah facts you know what I mean and I was just bare ill uh I didn't eat or drink for like 3 days I generally thought I was going to tick over I went from 86 kilos to like just under 80 um I'm like 83 now so I put it back on a bit but I look still look healthy yeah um but yeah I was in a hospital on a drip yeah I saw I saw and it's like some third world Hospital like yeah I saw the room in that I was thinking oh my days struggling it was horrible your mate was in there as well your boy was in there yeah I'm glad my boy was there I was glad he was here but like you're like glad there was someone there yeah prob it was horrible was in there and I had a drip in my arm and this like this this Bando Hospital like shout out all the tired nurses and that cuz I really looked after us but like obviously compared to what we got what you what you used to it was like gel yeah like it was horrible around the we stayed there overnight um midnight 2:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. the nurse will coming put the light on take a blood test I hate blood tests as well yeah yeah you do it was just it was it was half hell it was horrible and bear in mind while I'm in the hospital I'm still getting up throughout the night to be sick and [ __ ] myself yeah so you know what I mean I couldn't keep nothing down then come back the hospital they give us some antibiotics sorted me out um did it work it didn't it didn't the anti bi I think the the bug just just left me a similar time as when cuz you were just getting it all out really it was just passing through you but it lasted 4 days that's a lot though have a bug like that is just it it wasen just I'm being sick it was shooting pains in my stomach like like I thought I had a tape worm at one point or some sort of something like that yeah or some sort of like um parasite mom's life I was I was in a bad bad that's the most ill I think I've ever been in my entire life ever I was it it was horrible and we're so hot as well it's like 30° at night finger W top twice out there when I went Zumo when I went Beno cuz they're branded oh yeah you can't you can't other than that you can walk into a restaurant topless [ __ ] like literally doing what you want they do not give a [ __ ] it's it's literally just Freedom out there then obviously after cotel went copeny for full moon party I didn't really rate it cuz um it's just bad drama base and EDM I don't think house music's really reached there yet so it's a lot of uh like I know a lot of like people that are like yeah yeah basically people like knee sliding in the sand and rolling about in the sand and like yeah it's not a bit of me like bit bit bit bit too much still yeah bit greish you know what I mean yeah it was a bit Yeah you get a lot of [ __ ] weirdos out there yeah you do get a lot of weirdos out there you get a lot of Australians out there as well cuz for Australia it's only like five hours it's not that fast it's not that fast not that five hours um but I don't kenyang was beautiful but I didn't know the full moon I probably people wise and like music wise Dr B crowd DM Crow is very different to people yeah whole different whole different very different um and then finished off in kosami and kosami was probably one of my favorites beautiful place we had a s bang in Villa um like right at the top of the mountains and yeah it was just the best thing I've ever done ever we was literally waking up first week when we got there obviously we was using like a party holiday we just getting pierced doing what we blah blah blah eating [ __ ] like Bangkok there's not a lot of healthy places to it's a city it obviously when we went to the islands and you see how beautiful it is it's actually the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life and we was waking up jumping in a pool going gym having a little boxing Spar of each other and when you're out there you meet loads of people B people from Manchester I met people from [ __ ] near my way that I didn't even know but they somehow like are from my way like like near my way like Sor and that and then they get close to them and like where you're island hopping and you're you're going to all these different places it's like you're always meeting new people new people yeah it's sick different crowd yeah that sounds good still I can't lie sick it's it's it's motivated me and made me want to made me realize I I I hate this country and I want to get out of this country I hate this country so much that it's just I didn't yeah I didn't have no like negative thoughts when I was out there or no like you're not watching the news you're not you're not like it's just you have complete freedom freedom that's what I think I think it's just the freedom cuz the way you're talking is like you didn't you weren't constrainted but like here I can't lie it's just strict rules it's all tight you know what I mean there it just sounds like yeah you're just and that's just everyday living that's not just holiday living that's just every day every day living yeah that's what it is when you go for a month you're not worried about if we're not doing anything in a day it's cool it's cool it's completely vad whereas on a holiday and for let's do something let's do something yeah especially you you were there for a good period of time so didn't I get it first week you look on the party holiday thing it's fresh it's new and then after that it's like cool we're settled now like let's just do everyday [ __ ] and yeah literally and if you can get to that point of just doing everyday stuff and enjoying it then yeah you actually probably genuinely like it and the ti food is unbelievable and you love Thai food already I love Thai food I'm not just your typical oh yeah I get green curry like I anything Tha I like all the [ __ ] you know I mean it was only up until I got ill now I can't even go near it something my brain is making me like at the moment I I re I probably could eat in England because I know it's safe clean but like it is obviously a bit rural out there in it you know ain't the same as here obviously we got got street cleaning standards to look up toight but I think the food is cleaner right there cuz like I said I haven't been burping or fighting or i' lost bare weight true like you know what I mean I I was eating very clean and healthy and whoever said yeah cuz I had be people say to me before I went I think even you said to me before I went be careful of the lady boys you can't tell yes you can definitely tell 100% is it million percent bro like straight off the bat straight off the bat bro unless they just big women they say like they say they're the best of the best to do it they're not they're not like they're like six foot with big feet like you can see yeah if that's thee look at the hands hands and the feet and they're taller than me like you can tell when one's one one's a Giza like you can really tell about voices yeah they're deeper BR they're deeper bro you can really tell cuz I've seen some videos on the net there where I'm like like some serious lady looking yeah but I didn't see that when you go down csan Road orless it's like a party trip yeah or like anywhere like like that's a bit like partyish it's like brass Central brass on every corner every single corner and you will see like some old white man who like like have a brass with him nonstop for the whole time like you know you know people will go out there like lonely old [ __ ] men will go out there and just have like a tie bird as his girlfriend for however long he's out there just paint her it's crazy it's mad crazy it's it's mad like I remember we was on a w up once when we was going down car Road and I was on a proper jolly up and I went up to a blatant lady boy in it me and my boy and I was like free some free some she was like yes baby and then grab my [ __ ] whoa none of that none of that wait you're ling you're Yeah so basically I had a g touch had G touch yeah I did yeah she said yeah yeah straight on it yes baby and grabbed you yeah grabbed it straight turn away grab my [ __ ] straight away I whoa I was on a Pur one day but no you had brother grab your C but no I did not do a lady boy I didn't a hey did you see have you ever seen that video Yeah quick sign up have you seen that video there's a brother that went in Thailand didn't it um with his mates and whatever not and he said [ __ ] it like boys I'll be honest if I ain't finding no no nothing I'm going to grab a lady boy [ __ ] that look genuinely the video is online now I can find it for you the brother has taken he's found the lady knew it was one he's like yeah come went back to the hotel and yeah got it crack like J the video is of them cracking on but he's laughing like he's filming it but thing is if you're bisexual you're gay cool if you're a straight man like how how does that appeal to you he said he don't care how does that appeal to you it's a Giza with fake tits no but he the Giza still had his his his course don't get rid of it they get rid probably some do but no they they don't like for me I could tell straight away you know I like as well yeah when because they're such nice people like you see when you go to any other country and you're walking past the strip you know they really try and get you in their bar you've been Napper you yeah yeah they try and grab you they proper try to sell it sell it sell it they don't try to sell it to you it's just if you're coming in you're coming in you're coming in they might say like you want a [ __ ] you go no they leave you alone straight away straight it's nice they leave you alone they let you do like if you got a bit of do you can live like a king out there like it's it's it's [ __ ] sick Ray Beach though that's somewhere you got to go is that like one of your what's your highlight like I'd say in order I'd say ra at the top um people often do day chips there but we just stayed there for like three nights then underneath that probably Ki cuz K is quite I want to say modernized but it's it's still an island but it's a bit like puket in a way but it's like obviously you're on an island so you're surrounded by beaches and and and [ __ ] like that but like the roads are nice there's like American roads anyway okay okay where that in cot you riding the P pothole like like bare like mosquito and and that's another thing I noticed when I was out there sorry if I'm just changing topic just there's so much there so much yeah when I was out there the first two weeks getting bit to [ __ ] all of us were getting bit bare mosquito spray daily like be of it yeah get two weeks in it must be because the food you're eating and you climatize and you must start smelling like Tai people yeah I don't have to come across saying but like smelling like a a local that they must stop biting stop getting bit stop wearing mosquito spray stop getting bit all of us did after about 2 weeks in just barely got bit it's like your your your blood mus or your skin or something your smell your older must get I don't know maybe they just don't like foreigners and they're just biting us don't know but like two weeks in after two weeks in we weren't really getting bit at all fair I went to um Yona Beach Club Yona Beach Club is basically um the only one in the entire world it's a floating Beach Club in the middle of the sea it's [ __ ] sick a floating Beach Club it's sick how does it float bro look at this bro show me show me look at this how does it float in the seed a club so there's a club in the seed that I thought it was a boat and it comes and gets you from the harbor yeah it's not you have to get a speed boat to it it's in the middle of the ocean like in the middle of the ocean Rob look I need to see this it's sick look oh yeah my 4G is not going to work is it yeah the the connection is a bit bit dry hold on wait how wait is it on an island or something look no no look it's part look look at that oh my days I get it I get it you're actually in the sea oh that is cold no that's cold that's cold all around you see that is cold all around you see look up you're Beach Club I'm plugging them I'm plugging them but it's thinking in my head Howes I say now better than ocean beach is it better than ocean beach I think because where it was so new bro you're it's like it's this is the beach club yeah it's like a boat it's like a yacht but it's not a yacht it's just a floating yeah it's just a floating floating thing there's a pool in there there's [ __ ] beds there's a little bar there's a restaurant I was been wondering just now how does that work a floating Beach like that it's just anchored to the bottom of the SE is it and just floating there you look all the way around it's just SE Sun I'll be honest now that hey I'll be honest that is something I got to go it was sick that is something I got to go to it was sick bro that's different and there was and there was like like I said obviously these places a bit more expensive but still we had a bottle of uh Don Julio yeah par yeah got a bottle of Don Hulu we had two bottles of Gray Goose all mixes we getting bare shots and that between four of us I think it's 300 crit each is it here hulio one [ __ ] about near three quid well two about two quid like probably more yeah more probably more so it's just it's bare cheap out there man I had the best time of my life and I think it's motivated me and focused me and I feel so focused and it's just yeah I can't lie from that video that's good living like that's just mad you know what I mean open and free that's that looks good bro I can't lie it can't lie some people I know I know people go traveling and they stay in hosts and and [ __ ] and I get it yeah yeah cuz they want to experience the backpacking life yeah backpacking life I get it I get it I get it but like you most likely have more money than the tire person yeah yeah we was on this uh so basically a lot of the cabs are like like a Ford Ranger and you'll sit on the back of the cab like outdoor you know what I mean you're sit on trck yeah on the thing yeah yeah yeah so he's on there now and like I said they cram it until there's no more space they'll stop at the side of the road even when it's you're in your journey and they say taxi because they would just want to they just want to just pile people in and they drop people off yeah anyway this this Canadian lot got on our [ __ ] um uh cab and this G was such a niak oh my God yeah he the biggest niak ever was was all just cing cringing G must have been at 28 yeah and the man's tell him to sit down he's standing up going I can feel it in my hair I feel it in my hair I feel free [ __ ] like that and what cringed me out even more yeah is that it was 200 bar each for to go of like a 20 minute Journey which out there is actually quite expensive but 200 B4 pound yeah he I see him give the Geer a monkey 500 yeah 500 bar I see him we' all give him 200 see him get to give 500 it's a it's a TI GE TI local he obviously got no bread didn't it yeah he's counting it whatever he's then give him change and missed out 10 B which is 23 keep in mind 23p this Canadian did not let us leave until he got his change he's no I'm not leaving my 10 bar no I'm not leaving I was going brother it's 10 bar I was like I'll give you 10 bar he was like no it's the principal it's the principal I'm not leaving about my 10 bar whatever and there was girls that we didn't know that was on the um taxi as well and he was half T of like brag he was like I gave him a th bar I drew him right out said brother you give him 500 I see I know but if I say that he might get confused you know what they're like out here bro you're moaning over 23p [ __ ] like that like that's just tight that's just tight yeah that's just [ __ ] tight I don't care if you're doing backpack and want to be cheap and whatever that is just give the man 23p yeah please just yeah the G didn't have 10 B change so he couldn't give to him that's 10 bar did he sort out in the end everyone told him shut up and we just started driving is it yeah yeah good bro 10 Mar 10 203 that's a joke that's that's just being tight for real and then when we was driving his mate called him me go no look who it is sup mom's he said we still doing this we're all kicking each other like oh my God this his said look no don't Telly actually did that my mom's my mom's life he was creasing he literally I I can't remember the G's name it was that Marcus no way Marcus he s my mom's and he was the only one standing up on his cab everyone else was sitting down yeah he thought he was the guy in it he was a nerd and he had a [ __ ] gamy old [ __ ] cut on his leg and kept brushing into me I was about to [ __ ] say to I was going to say brother I bet you [ __ ] move away from me oh mate he was jarring was jarring his scabby leg kept touching me mom's laugh got skin to skin yeah I was going to say something look who it is had a plaster hanging off of it like hanging off it was Jank I was about to Chuck him off all all the normal people on the back of the cab looking each other like now that's disgusting like three people offered him the 10 Mar and he didn't want it he said no no the principal the principal this Giza puty ears [ __ ] 200 bar today brother let the Giza have the bar let him have the 10 bar man I mean when we was rounding it up anything R up would say keep the change keep the change we're talking two we're talking a couple quids yeah you know what I mean f he was a neak b yeah it's a bit wrong still he a neak b but yeah it's l relaxing life out there man massage Gaff every corner like I said our massage like4 pound I must when I was I must have had about 20 massages I would I would have rinsed it L especially if I got a couple hours to kill go get M oh that is you know what like I feel like just talking about now you gassed me CU I think so hot I need a rela yeah that's the thing as well weather so hot but 30° every day 30° at night it's like 36 34 is it humid no it's just it's just fresh heat like you're sweating yeah we was on The Kayaks and we ended up getting [ __ ] me and my boy Max his girlfriend and my boy Mo um we we one of these kayaks out you rent a kayak for like an hour two quid yeah rent these k out we're going like exploring in these caves and that and then it got stuck on this Coral you know Coral's sharp it we couldn't move it it got jammed anyway I've now [ __ ] stood up on the boat to try and dig the thing my [ __ ] sliders come off my foot my Louis slider better mind that's a [ __ ] monkey like it's not 500 bar it's I'm like [ __ ] but it's like this shallow I'm like B I need to get my side I need to get my slider so I've just F heat in a moment got out the thing stood on a coal cut my foot to Pieces that's what I was thinking cut my pie I'm it's floating away in the waves in the middle of the ocean like on his by some Cave thing we went bare far out my boy Max is after [ __ ] he's trying to do his canoe is it canoe is that what it's called it's canoe yeah no kayak kak kayak trying to do the b in mind kayaking is [ __ ] oddd don't get nowhere above um trying to he's getting caught uh he's now then jumped That's my boy he's now jumped out cut his feet to pieces to grab my slider well what and then we're just pushing like holding on to the kayak like it was it was half scary cuz cuz they go every year my my mate Max and his girlfriend Ella and they said there's bare sea urchins on that c bit once I gets caught in your foot you're [ __ ] I cut my foot to Absolute Pieces Just steing on that but I could see it floating away and I was my I was going [ __ ] no how that happened and it was just such a like it was so hot as well we was literally dripping with sweat that that that exact moment that day when I was doing that straight after done it I spewed up everywhere I was being bare sick and that it I wasn't ill it was just I it took so much effort to get that slide it was so hot that I was just going being sick all in the seeing that is it out of the kayak I was like bro it was where it was like a panic we're in trouble here I'm in trouble you're cutting your feet every arm I'm in trouble it all around us is just coral and we're really stuck we were bang in trouble um the fact that you put your feet in Coral yeah got to do it for the LV got to do it for the wait so so was all B of your feet car my right foot was [ __ ] and it got to the point where we to like we was holding on to the car for a bit of balance and there's some bit there's Mossy bits yeah so you can kind of but you really don't know steeping softly kind of got the hang of it move to shore as soon as we got to the shore bit the shore weren't by the beach the shore was just like a little bit of floating island in in the sea in it like not nothing yeah um and we just chilling there for a bit and we just sat there sat why we come far yeah why did we come this so long now we got somehow get back out and we just diging we was out on the boats we run it for an hour he gone like 4 hours we got stuck but we just run by man some peas yeah yeah of course it's all good but [ __ ] now you got stories there's definitely stuff right now in your head that you yeah I can't think of 100% it's the best place in the world no you've actually gassed I'm definitely back there every January 100% million trillion January my my it's motivated me so much to think my goal now is to become financially free that I can just never to live in this country and I just and just do whatever that's what I want to do in my life that is my goal in life now is to live abroad and Asia is just it's a different world like before I went yeah you know you can kind of imagine what South America going to be like cuz they're all Spanish yeah [ __ ] like that not all Spanish but Portugues Spanish you know as that whatever I had in my head about Thailand it was so different it blew my mind it blew my mind so many people love it bro I see I see how many people go bro it's mad you need to go it's unbelievable and you need to do a month because the traveling from one location to another is minimum like 3 hours each time on a speed booat or a plane or something that like and yeah so how so what was the what was the method used did you you only took one plane one plane from north to south so we how long was that uh it was an hour and a half um but the speed boats from the islands they're like 2 hours maybe 3 hours hour and a half just cutting across water yeah cutting across water and it's choppy as well yeah it's choppy as well and obviously all my days bro I went snoring bro we were swimming with a shark we sh big old shark bro we we went to went to Maya Bay on some little tour thing yeah and the g is saying yeah there's sharks in here he said but they're reef sharks they're small he said but this big but this big we like minor minor yeah we snorkling now he was like over there there's more sharks by this little wave bit and it was so choppy like we was off like drowning but notz we life jackets but you know it's still splashing you in the face every two seconds um so we've gone swimming met these boys out there they're mad call um swimming now a bit far try and find his Reef Shar we've now spotted it it's SP that big we're like oh look shark not even that deep puty as deep as his ceiling yeah shot looked up but like under waterer looking up yeah bra I'd say a good armspan shark that big but that thick yeah swimming right near it as his mother we all [ __ ] ourself we all turn around paddling away going [ __ ] Shar Shar [ __ ] our the GID is going don't cu you look like a seal you panic you look like a seal and you start he's going to come well [ __ ] that we was gone and the waves are pushing us back into where he is now oh God our big bo shark like a big and it was close I'd say it was here to probably just that table fck it was close it was [ __ ] close it was horrible bro it was horrible that's hor it's [ __ ] you just go into survival mode trying to get the hell out of there get the [ __ ] out and the waves are fighting against you yeah the waves were pushing us this way and the boat was there and the shark was there it was [ __ ] scary bro that them little ones they like might want do damage won do that te up yeah that could have take if that grabs your leg it's gone it's just a quick yeah man [ __ ] we went to um there's a place called monkey Beach there's there's monkeys all over there like all over just just Roaming In in Ray Beach yeah because it's said tropical island like yeah there just you're you're half in you're on an island so it's it's their Island the monkey isn't it they're just walking about you leave your phone out a monkey would take it and run off like all about all little monkeys just running about what you did you get did you get close to any of them no no because they say don't don't don't I was laughing at one and smiling and they like going out to me and they said to me don't smile at the monkeys cuz they think they're showing your teeth being aggressive and they can get aggressive is it oh [ __ ] yeah so you shouldn't really look you shouldn't look them in the eye that's what they say don't look at the monkeys in the eye [ __ ] cuz they attack you it's [ __ ] so proper like it's different world it's not like that is not like a fox how close are you to these so these monkeys say for example you're on a beach they they get close they get close just just that as close as that yeah they get close on monkey Beach especially they get close yeah there's a beach that's full of monkey monkeys yeah [ __ ] it's [ __ ] but the water's so clear you can see and one hiss at you yeah one hiss at me and his [ __ ] a this [ __ ] was like to me she was like I was laughing it cuz I was having a good time yeah I was like smiling at that monkey she was like don't show your teeth to the monkey I was oh I said sorry she's like you're still sing your teeth toe oh shut up man [ __ ] off you know one of them people she was be like Posh yeah and obviously I'm from West London yeah and she was like um obviously I live F right now I was like where you look from and uh she was like uh what I think she said shortage you know what type of cat is you know what type of girl I know exactly you know what type of girl about rich mommy daddy busted Air Forces that's have a girl and our mat like that as well and she so J yeah she said she said where are you from I said where I'm from obvious I'm basically great at London yeah and the boy that was went oh not proper London then shut up you shut the [ __ ] up mate like you're not a Londoner you are but you're not you're not though you're a tofy is that what probably Posh like had like like eight wristbands on our wrist you know them ones them ones like oh I just you know we just done the survival guy I actually went into the jungle and a you know them ones isn't it she got about 20,000 pictures on her camera roll from all from the last two days hasn't watched for six days part of Thailand just a life I don't like living luxury you know I drink R river water oh you stayed in a nice hotel no that's not traveling no [ __ ] off BR it's about the vibe it's about the vibe you know I don't want to sit in a hostel no offense people go host i h with eight men in a room smaller than this all sharing the same Cari and shower no I'm all right thank you and people actually say yeah it's it's it's part of the life sick and I get I guess I guess so in it but I want someone nice to lay my yeah n to be fair same same I don't want cockroaches and [ __ ] name not and you might call me whatever you want to call me but I can't I can't do that somewhere that put me off going on the whole thing yeah cuz I just be like well I need to sleep in the are [ __ ] in a I can't do it though and it makes sense why they're too B like I get it if you're doing traveling hosts you want to meet new people especially if you're doing solo traveling yeah sick you're meeting new people but imagine you're trying to go to bed yeah and like one of my boys stayed in a hostel um he was on a different holiday to us but he was still out there but he was doing he's done other stuff like hotels he wanted to do the host and stuff like the proper traveling and he was sending us videos it's at 3 in the morning he's trying to sleep there's like two geers from leads like having a play fight on the floor everyone's all drunking at like all shouting like mate I think I having a r I'll go mad yeah I'll go mad especially if I want to sleep exactly what about you want a [ __ ] there's eight toilet one room in that no like some hosts are quite nice but just [ __ ] that I couldn't do it no I'm going to probably a bit of hate for that but like bro I couldn't like if like it's not that dear to stay in an okay place you don't have to go five star or Villa yeah you can set a three star hotel for literally like2 a night yeah that's calm come on now come on now everywhere look nice that you stayed as well everywhere looked nice I saw I saw a couple of the pictures the hotels what was that one I saw one I going to say it was that blue sea on it right as soon as you got outside like oh bro that look that was sick and a touch as well you know that room we had was the only one which was like a villa and like right on a CV I didn't mean to book it you know how nice it was touch when I looked at that I was like that Johnny's [ __ ] living I felt like I how nice that is bro just water I'm real you look out the window there water and it's clear that beautiful clear oh just so relaxed you see when you got and there was a jet scheme we wanted to go on a jet skis in it we just literally chilling our room on a big bean bag and the sun was coming through here and he like she got some jet skis I was riding up and down and [ __ ] it looked like GTA the way the sun was setting all Jess's going about and you know usually in Spain or Cyprus or wherever you go if you rent a Jet Ski you got to follow the path yeah you got done it before you got to go be on the boys yeah but they just let you free roam free roam as long as you come back within an hour was Cal that's so good you can go wherever you want it's so much better you can just stop in for a minute in the ocean just chill out chill whatever just you know I mean I was laying down on the jet ski sunbathing like that and just looking about I was so far out my boy was bottling my boy didn't want to go far out cuz [ __ ] uh sharks on a jet ski a jet ski is this right they ain't going to grab you off the jet yeah you come back and and you just ah you realize this country ain't this oh bro no but I you got to go Asia Man Thailand people the tires are so humble man so nice people it was never on my list and then well it was but like not point where it needs to be not to a point where I'm like I've got to reach there when you went on holiday and I was looking at your story stories I was like bro yeah everywhere you went was lit and I I didn't see the [ __ ] half of it no it was that you what I mean cuz I know what you're like Johnny's like Johnny's that type of person where like cool he's on he's on social media don't get me wrong but when you go on holiday and stuff like that you don't even like to be on your phone you just actually like living in the moment yeah I like enjoying the moment yeah so like I know that there's bare stuff I didn't see that I just that's so good and you see when you see something for a phone it's not the same as that it's not the same I did get M I got mad jealous when I saw that I saw the place you staying I was like oh no you know what it was it was that is so that looks mad fun and he was with good peoples as well yeah we just like I think the company as well was that was that like good comp the two boys that I went with f and mo they're my popup boys but I got even closer with them um when I was at obvious I've known him years but I got closer when I was out there I like the fact they was on the same [ __ ] as me yeah we were sitting there and every morning it was calm let's go gym come let's eat clean come let's do this and you're all doing it together it's all going to Mo no one's going to drop off at that point because we all doing it there's some Buzz about being in an outdoor gym in Thailand yeah it just makes you want to be a better person the gym was outside there b a gym pass over here is what score gym pass over there is 100 bar two pound and you can just go in there [ __ ] it's just so it's so sick Bro I was going to say something um oh brao so obviously I like to keep my trims fresh yeah I was out there I'm really I'm have to take this off um hold on so obviously I was out there for a month I need my trims you had to I have to I have to have a trim in it yeah so thankfully first geizer I got a trim off some geizer from Brum um I shout him out yeah [ __ ] it he's good stuff uh I think his inst is Barber JW some he cuts a lot of the wolver Hampton wonders teams but I put on my story saying who's got gim sick gim good Chim I recommend it yeah it was good in puket sort me right out before cirle then I put on my story again bear in mind this when I was ill as well I remember I saw that this was just before I was getting ill in cootal I put on my story any Barbers any English or British Barbers cuz like the tires like they might be but I'm not taking a RIS I'm not taking risk I can't lie no ain't nothing in put any British barers um in cotel three people suggested this Giza yeah he had his own Sho in cotel Barber Shop mate he give me the worst stream in my life it was so bad and it was like I didn't say to him cuz I felt bad he such a nice Geezer in he but if he sees this now yeah mate that was awful give up like it was no really bad really bad stick to sco show a picture of it yeah I do it's really bad please let me see and he he even knew he [ __ ] up because afterwards he messaged me without even messaging him saying oh I'm really overthinking the trim do you want me to do you want to come back and me touch up I didn't even say anything to him so you must have knew definitely knew it was hor bro it was absolutely woeful bro hold on let me get he knew it was bad though if he said that bra like fade where I might even put a picture on the screen [ __ ] it I'll put the picture on the screen it was I was wearing hats for like four days it was [ __ ] I said I'm really overing about the trim [ __ ] J to come back and I'll touch it up that where's the fade oh my God where's the fade oh my God 10 Mar question where not where's Wally where's that [ __ ] fade bro what the [ __ ] am I looking at man yeah good trip that is shocking you that's shocking that is shock and know what the funniest thing when I sat down in a chair my God shocking shocking shocking I was that's terrible Johny that is a fast that's wful that's wful I think I got another picture of it even worse picture wul wul trim um and what the [ __ ] did he do no no no bro brav like where's the what the [ __ ] it's like two different solid colors isn't it where there's no gradient there's no gradient oh my God it took him about 40 minutes as well how don't know and when I sat down on the chair I was like oh I'm glad I found a British he was Scottish is it I'm glad I found a British Barber like he was half slagging off like of barers like he's going like oh yeah you know like I was I was I was just nice I he was like why don't you go to a tie Barber I said I'm not trying to be rude to them but like I what I mean if I'm going to I'm going to cheat on my baraba I want someone to you can't [ __ ] up a fade he was like do you want me to do the top I said nah no I said not in a rude way I said but like I don't trust you enough to do the this is before he started trust you enough to do the top thank [ __ ] I didn't let him do the topag what if you let I was like yeah don't really trust people do he no I understand it he was like yeah I went for a fear the other day and like people how you not know to do a fe mate you must have [ __ ] sound in his eyes or something he said how you know to do a f I'm being horrible in it but but no but it was I can't lie it's a horrible CH horrible Chim horrible Chim first Chim I got was good that Chim was [ __ ] wul how' you [ __ ] that that b you're a barber he was like he was saying oh yeah people give dead F he was like half laughing with me I was like yeah imagine as a barber you couldn't give a f wait wait wait talk me through it the moment he showed me the back of the head I no that's what I was going to say I've been through n it was I've been through I've been through a bad Barber experience when did you clock that it was going to be [ __ ] until he showed me the back of the man so wait he started here yeah so he was taking off he just on the side back ins side that's how can you [ __ ] that I re I'll do a better job I'm putting a picture on screen by the way the picture was definitely on screen I probably would I probably would have done a better job for you so he showed you what in the mirror or like what no so I had a mirror in front of me yeah yeah but that's what I was thinking can you but I don't like to stress until the job's done I hear it cuz otherwise you start panicking and you start telling him yo do this do that don't want to be that guy yeah I'm put much I've had three people subscribers say to me yo so [ __ ] you lot whoever [ __ ] told me to go to that [ __ ] cuz he was [ __ ] yeah go to this ge I thought he's got his own Barber Shop must be [ __ ] must be Jesus yeah [ __ ] hell yeah um he show me the back as soon as me the back I was like he's like is that at eight I was just like it was such a nice GE you could I didn't want to be rude usually I would have said yo brother come on but I thought I'm in Thailand this trims cost me £3 right and all um and yeah I just acted like it was all okay I was kind of telling myself when I was in that barbering chair and he showed me the back of the head I thought I ain't washed my hair today yet I've come here with scy hair let me go have a shower where it might look different yeah I've gotten a shower as I've come out in the sunlight I'm oh my mates are ripping into me they had a they had a I've come back into the thing as soon as I walked into the thing and come out the shower BR there was like BR cancel our appointment them two both had appointments after me I've messed GE said a these two are ill in it they can't really make it like whatever oh no he he defo knows that he [ __ ] up mate there was that was cing kep filming me and that there was like like bro wait you saved your voice why did you go in as a guinea pig you should cuz I got suggested it by you got you told to go this [ __ ] Stevie Wonder have done it BR MK that straight away there was and then it was a recurring joke for that week when it was growing out I was my boy was going I need a trim and I said go tell my boy bro come on man you bro I'd rather be seen dead I'd might shave it off I'd rather shave my head off it was wful was that the last gy that you had out there the last gy I had out there and then I was just I thought I a just let it iied to get my man again the Bry Gea um but he was just in a different Island to me at a different time didn't match up oh that so that is a woeful trim how bad is that that's the worst Tri thank [ __ ] he didn't touch the top oh my God can you imagine what he done already done I've had my I've had a air transplant I reckon he would G I reckon he would have done that in it I had to tell him beforeand I said don't touch no one near that bit I he's still grinding his hair transplant is it oh [ __ ] good thing you told him though but he took like 45 minutes to do what that's the thing it looked like he just went like this with a with a with a with a with a like this like that just yeah just clean it up a bit around the sides here like that yeah say yeah mate sweet but it's been it still looks a bit bad gr back it's gr back it's gr back still look cuz when I went to my actual barar I got a shot my actual Barber as well because I've shouted out other Chris The Barber on Insta oh yeah see put sick bar I've been with him seven years since eight years maybe but even he was like who you know what I mean like it's a lot it's not a lot to work with the fade he [ __ ] it yeah yeah he got rid of the fade still he actually he exed off your whole thing he he he exed off but yeah Tyler man the one not one of the best place you know before I said Dominican Republic place this took it over [ __ ] isn't it is it really cuz it's like nothing You' seen before it's that floating islands to be fair yeah never been to Asia I've never been to Asia so that will open my eyes I ain't seen I ain't seen nothing about Asia I don't know nothing about Asia nothing the foods par like there's all Street vendors in in Rae cuz there's different oceans on different islands in it I don't know it works like yeah yeah yeah bro you get in the water in RA in in a sea you could only go in there for like 2 minutes the moment you go in there all these fish start biting you instantly and it kind of made me deep like bro I'm actually on a tropical [ __ ] yeah you're in a tropical place there's monkeys walking about I go in the sea for a bit I'm getting stung to [ __ ] and you're like oh that really hurts not jellyfish they're little fish as soon as you're going there go straight to your leg start biting you whatever like you're looking at these mountains there's [ __ ] like mad like tree Vines for like it's just n that's sick it's only things you see in films yeah in a film that's what I'm going to say on yeah yeah yeah like War films on Vietnam it's exactly like that okay it's literally stuff I'd see films games like that war games yeah so that is that's that's mad until you actually go and actually see it I say throughout the whole month I said wow about a thousand times yeah wow W SE never seen bro wow yeah it's unbelievable unspeakable if I if you Haven in Thailand I highly recommend it and I don't recommend just I met some people out just stay in one place at puket the whole time n you want to bounce around you've got to bounce around yeah man I see I see what everyone that I know that's gone has said you got to do the whole thing like got to do the course you got to do the and stay at Le yeah they said at least three weeks CU you got to get from place to place and you got to spend a decent amount of time in each place at least like Yeah couple days in each place and they've all said it's cheap they've all said they had a good time I've not had one bad review about I still done bread but yeah but then that's you you decided you're deciding you know I mean if you wanted to go for a cheap holiday you actually could if you wanted to okay for example yeah leave this number cuz I don't to come across like I'm bad dunting so I hate that type of [ __ ] in our B fight in like 4 days I yeah bleep that in there for a month for a month for a month and you went bare different places and oh [ __ ] that's Co stayed in B better places you stayed in actually better places [ __ ] H cheap cheap even the combination is cheap it's just the best place in the world and you could have done less cuz you were being generous at that point deciding to do that but me and Mo and f [ __ ] we booked one hotel and was done Hotel let's go to the next one left off cases in there just bring a rock for three nights for another hotel so we acting like [ __ ] just spunking Bing a hotel not lacking it and booking another one leaving yeah but like yeah I we just wanted to do the best experience have the best Thailand experience like if we know there's people from at home that are in this place we're going there yeah one thing I would say though if you're going to do it as well a lot of people like to Freestyle it cuz you can be out there plan it go on Airbnb buom book on it or go on hostel book somewhere yeah there and then but I think you planned it before didn't you I booked every accommodation November before I went you was all set so that that way even though sometimes you might be in a place where you might think oh I wish I could stay for another day you can if you want cuz that's what we done sometimes you're just losing out of money yeah but at the same time when you've got a set plan it like keeps your structure in your head of imagine you like got lazy and then stayed in one place four days you're missing out that you got it keeps you it will keep you go it will keep make you do the journey I mean exactly I think that's a better idea because there's so much to cover bro there I haven't done oh I still got to do Chang M and off like I still got to do bear so you can't wait to go back going back Jan I'm going to do Vietnam I might even do two months [ __ ] mom's life it's the GFF out there you forget about home sounds so bad it sounds so terrible I did not miss my family or friends once I wouldn't cover you're doing the way you was living there I felt bad for my mom cuz my mom definitely missed me I did not miss my brother my mom my dad no I didn't he was just out there enjoying yeah was you pissed coming home last day was you fuming was you was you like we was really depressed is it on the flight home just try pop some daer pan in it go sleep didn't really work just [ __ ] 30 hour flight it's long is it yeah it was long oh I bet you cuz you know when you're enjoying yourself so much somewhere coming home sometimes I'm like I can't wait to go home no no no it wasn't that never it wasn't that it was like boy should we extend and we was like no I can't we got things to do yeah a whole month you've been gone now was like that's why when we at there we sat down with each other and we was like right cool this year 2024 we need to get on our [ __ ] [ __ ] like serious serious get on our [ __ ] and any any business ventures we want to do like off camera that I do like get on them yeah and cuz I'm trying to live this life yeah yeah yeah I'm trying to live abroad yeah bro it's a happy life man it's good stuff trying to live abroad brother I can't like it's fulfilled me so much to the point of where I was meant to go Barcelona in June for off I'm not doing that now I was meant to go uh somewhere else I'm not doing that now I'm just going to do I done Thailand I got obviously Qatar Qatar that's sick yeah Qatar you're probably watching this one no it be the week before basically yeah playing in Qatar yeah for the World Cup stadium for a tra match for Unicef sick un sick um we're going to do ten reef and then I got to do Bea once got do one got to do one be one thatp for Bea just K one one Bea and that's and that's me for the year just want to go Thailand go back to Tha go back legit sick [ __ ] there's probably more stories that I haven't thought about but I'm just rid the they'll come about in future episodes cuz I'm pretty you done a whole month done a whole month can't can't record every single day we'll be here for time yeah it is addictive yeah man you never once that I think I want to go home you know like you said holidays usually like I'm ready now you know them ones I know them ones you know when you that you reach the end of it you're like can't wait to get home get in my bed but if the fact that you didn't have that feeling bro I'll be honest yeah you found a good one and you know what is every single location is so different that's good as well just keeps like I thought the islands would be similar they're not at all keeps it fresh it does it's that brand new place every single like that's good man it's sick it's [ __ ] sick yeah well that was Johnny's Thailand experience yeah man this episode is just Johnny St he you know what I might do obviously I've snapchated everything that was out there if you go over to my snap I'm going to make collections on my snap profile of each location in it so if you want to go t yourself go a look what I was doing um idea yeah go go I'm going to make little sections I've already made Bangkok and cuk National Park I haven't done the rest cuz I just enjoy myself but yeah I'll do that so go over to my snap Johnny k98 go have a look what I was up to um yeah I've been Johnny Yes Michael it's been good episode I went to Milan in Dubai by the way yeah let's talk about it let's talk about it let's talk about about me how was your JY brother mine was unbelievable best JY I've ever read my J was good but it wer Johnny no no come on what did you get up to nothing I just had a bit of I just had a bit of pasta and then um Milan's nice Milan had a bit of past with Philly and then uh went for did you go dubs yeah my my my my boy brought me to dubs for his birthday oh what um do you know yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I think I saw your story brought me to the days how there for four days have you changed your opinion on it yeah cuz our opinion weren't very good on it but you know what I we need to go back yeah we do we need to go back I want to go back with a misses I think that I can't lie I feel like in Dubai now that I've been few a fair few times now have to go with kind of like mobs in a way I feel like say for example yeah say for example me and you when we've been like we we're in relationships we went with our our partners yeah I can't lie we'd have a sick time double dating we'd have a sick time the whole time we'd have a sick time and we only went in it we we just did you do Beach Clubs this time no but I but I did do a I did I've done a beach club before there when I think first time the first time I went there when I did go there for Gumball we' done a couple beach clubs and then um beach clubs are the best I did like brunches and that like but inside it was still good though still good and then um Don a boat Don a boat that was little boat party oh it was good bro it was nice holid so good in it nice vies clear waters all good good sunshine good people yeah man but I feel like genuinely now if I want to to go back and properly enjoy cuz I'm going back in April for a wedding family though you're saying it like it's bad I'm going back in April for a wedding I don't want to go back why going with my family in it so ten in March my family I don't want to I want to go somewhere else with my family not the B oh yeah I I hear it I hear it unless you're staying in some result I'm staying in the Marriot with my mom I'm in the marot got a tear ass in away yeah with uh my cousin's getting married to uh to to a g that also went to my school that's sick yes I've got to go and shake his hand and say yeah cheers for squeeze it really hard it yeah she's for uh shaging my cousin and uh now we got pay for flights all the way to come over here to word cheers mate now I got pay for a [ __ ] flight FL Hotel appreciate it but yeah genuinely it was it was good man it was good we both had a good January good holidays it was fun but now it's time to grind smash the year smash the year out whatever you know are doing stay soar get in the gym eat clean eat clean and all that pattern can't lie money to be made you tell yourself every year you're going to do it and you don't and you don't do it get on it let's get it let's get it this year mom's life is get this year stay focused but motives in England are [ __ ] anyway what are you missing out on the other week M obviously I got back and my whole thing's changed my boys are ringing me from the pop saying oh come down up I 10:30 I was a kip yeah that's good though CU you want what you get up early W straight to the gym that's it I I've never been like this in my life I feel like it's enlightened I don't know why it just do good that's you just sometimes you need a new burst of Life bro you got it yeah but yeah now we can wrap thank you for watching see you next Wednesday take care
Channel: The Good Enough Podcast
Views: 19,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnny carey, if a chav was on come dine with me, come dine with me parody, geezer, roadman, day in the life, british tv, GKBarry, GKBarry Podcast, TikTok, TikTok Podcast, TikTok Drama, Cancel Culture, Say It or Shot It, Grace Keeling, Saving Grace Podcast, Saving Grace, Saving Grace GKBarry
Id: xojSLJYQO2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 14sec (3854 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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