John Wycliffe: The Morningstar | Full Movie | Peter Howell | Michael Bertenshaw | James Downie

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[Music] you [Music] are they doing digging for bones they're trying to rid the Church of a memory one let's haunted them for over 40 years who was he his name was witless dr. John Wycliff he knew him father oh yes my son I knew him what did he do to deserve this I'll tell you about him he was a man whose life should be remembered as long as this English nation of ours loves its freedom I first met him when I was a student at Oxford he was the best teacher I ever had best preacher I have heard he quickened both heart and mind found us as boys led us to Manhattan he's known throughout Europe as the most brilliant scholar and philosopher of this age but we watched him saw that it was his study of the scriptures that really released his enormous energies his biblical research convinced him that our beloved church had long since departed from the New Testament doctor couldn't keep silent he called for drastic changes and that as well as troubles began to mount the Holy Father has sent warning John if must be gotten to by quickly and completely aye Lord Archbishop let me assure you that I'm most zealous to perform the holy father's bidding we must not fail again this time bishop courtney i have assured His Holiness that you have the matter under control the political tide has shifted to our favor your grace weekly put up in silence long ago but for John of God's protection but now we have the upper hand besides we cliffs own words and writing is all the case we need I was he to it that His Holiness is pleased I am apprehensive my brothers we must not see only the threat I've longed this opportunity at my trial at some Paul's a year ago I did not get to say a single word of my own defense my supporters and my opponents argue over protocol and then the mob disrupted the trial nothing was settled because nothing was discussed not at least Bishop Courtney has moved this trial to Lambeth where God willing we should be free of outside disturbance I still think the outside disturbance may have saved your life if the bishops will listen to reason if they will answer me from Scripture if we can agree but the glory of God's church is to be found in devotion faithful service knowing power and wealth well Nicholas just think of the many doors this trial could happen I only hope it doesn't lock a door the one to your cell oh I'm sorry leave you alone I worried I fear I'll not see you again I had a terrible dream last night I dreamt you were alone on an island of rock in the middle of a bus don't be afraid are we not in the hands of the Lord I expect he has much more for both of us to do friar the thing you are a heretic said they'd like them to play a good woman with false fears the frauds are angry with me because I say they have no right to act like parasites acquiring riches by leaching off the poor yet not acquiring enough learning to read a simple Bible passage have no fear I shall be back before long all the same it will be dangerous promise me you'll be careful [Music] Oh Lord king of heaven and earth my mind is spinning it finds no rest how often I've been tempted to submit and withdraw my writing yet just as often I've been led back to the authority of my holy word facing this trial I'm a man walking the edge of a precipice at midnight and yet father I cannot deny the truth of the Scriptures I thank thee that thou art altogether wise and gracious Lord give me the wisdom to defend thy word whatever trials there may be then may the grace to endure them into thy hands o Lord I commend my spirit whether for life or death for prison nor freedom according to thy holy will in the name of our ism Lord Jesus [Music] good morning Nicholas do you think we should keep pace with these students that's my dear John is a question I frequently ponder before entering my classes well said I've received word that we had to stop on our journey to confer with John of Gaunt he's a TD greatly in the past dr. he has indeed he's been as devoted a patron to me as he has been to geoffrey chaucer you may need him more than ever now we shall soon see but now we must make haste [Music] [Music] god save you dr. wickless gentleman good dad you said parties that's right sir this fine tell us at home women robbing travelers around these part for some time past but it's the hangman's rope from now all right these young gentlemen your students doctor yes look well on this Reggie um says and remember the fate of men who fall from the grace of God you can save your insults yet if I am NOT fallen from God's grace my sins are surely forgiveness of sins of any man in England tell it's good doctor hear your blasphemy please Sheriff please let him speak I am interested to hear what he has to say no bless you Father I have been a soldier of the king and I do not deserve this ill treatment then why have you taken to this dishonorable life of stealing you know as well as I do father you know the law it's almost 25 years now since they fixed labor his wages said they couldn't give up no more but the cost of food goes up all the time and then just can't afford to earn an honest living no more I said I know you believe you have good cause to be bitter but nothing can excuse the breaking of God's law but what did you mean that you are sure the forgiveness of your sins well I went to my priest and I bought an indulgence paid good money for tea to my peace promised me that I had the stored graces and I hope you search for my forgiveness I may be a father but I've always been a good Christian will turn with his good Christian did Jesus sell indulgences like yours my intelligence is good I tell ya man the forgiveness of God is not to be purchased by a few coin yeah but I paid good money about priests promise the intelligence was good what are you saying see it's worthless believe me my son God's forgive him some grace will give you true assurance 9 culture let's come to that I'll ask the sheriff to sell my vicar Bloodworth Church and he will hear your confession and help you find true repentance it is never too late repentant thief who died next to Christ on the cross got the best assurance of all today Christ don't you thou shall be with me in paradise that thief needed no indulgence he needed a let's turn to Christ I almost begin to believe you Father [Music] [Applause] [Music] good sirs if you please good sirs they say in the village that one of you be a great doctor of the church if that be so may a poor man ask for some help how can I help you sir I do not ask for money doctor just a little of your time how can I be a service it is my wife that leads the help doctor she's beside herself with grief for the boy child we had last year that died I tried a reason with her and comfort her but my words of ale as little as a cold wind she will not be comforted for myself I try not to get too fond of a child till it gets to be six years of age or so so many of the little ones die you know has your wife spoken to the parish priest what's the pity of a father the babe was not baptized not baptized it was my fault doctor there was a special levy from the church for the Pope's army and I had no money for a donation and the priest would not baptize with a donation no father o generation of vipers and before I could earn the money the poor babe was carried off by a fever many months have passed but my poor wife spends every day in weeping will you help her good sir may the Lord bless you and give you peace my daughter I thank you for your kindness good doctor but my heart is so broken it will not be comforted you see sir what did I tell you God will bring peace to your mind and your heart if you will only give him lead his love is especially lent to broken hearts like yours father I will tell you why my heart aches or some months ago a travelling partner came through our village and this friar told me that the spirits of unbaptized infants are cursed to wanders fireflies no whenever I see the fireflies rise in the summer Twilight I fear that maybe the spirit of my own lost child woman you know that God has given us a holy book to lead us into all truth the Bible father yes I spent my life in study of these scriptures and I tell you truly there's nothing in God's book of this old wives tale of the fireflies have you ever heard of the Great King David yes Father the mystery plays a festival time his story is told in the scriptures and the book revealed that one day the great King David had one of his own baby children grow sick and die and when the child was dead David rose up and said my child will not return to me but I shall go one day to be with him and that was many years before the institution of baptism dr. you speak so comfortingly but how shall I know that one day I shall go to be with my child keep your eyes fixed on that other babe born so many years ago in Bethlehem whose death did break the heart of his own dear mother the Holy Virgin keep in your heart that Christ died to purchase ourselves by his hard suffering on the bitter cross I'd remember that he rose again at Easter to call us to himself in glory [Music] doctor the comfort you give these troubled souls you meet their countenance changes in your very presence our Burnett is mr. povey it is the sharing of the scriptures that gives the comfort is enough well we are less than one hour from John of Gaunt's we shall soon see what words of comfort he has in store for us you don't look to me this time Jonathan if I cannot save you again I came to your rescue us and pause my lord I cannot intervene again I would do you more harm than good now it is only a few short months since the death of my beloved father King it now we have a 10 year old boy all of them our dear Richard is no more than a puppet in the hands of ambitious men men who are afraid lest I should you serve that newfound power now is not the time to have John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster at your side over there I shall not be present to pluck you out of trouble again I would give you a little instruction how to deport yourself laughing for God's sake with applause sometimes so naive this time you must try and grasp the politics of the situation my lord your advice is always welcome but politics is your Lordships studied not my own so you have always said I remember when my father send you as a delegate to the Peace Conference improved your arguments were good and sound but your approach so stiff and unbending even now you still do not comprehend the valuable politics is conflict by doing like a duel or that part a political enemy as you would have military me with tactics never try mercy sir in battles that would have cost you your life and me a good man be off with you but I cannot see how this applies to my case and let us be a little more specific at Lambeth Palace your most dangerous enemy will not be Sudbury but Bishop Courtney he seeks your downfall he makes no secret of it do not let your quick tongue fill his quiver with arrows for your own destruction be diplomatic be moderate fight a tactical battle attack on you can retreat when you must my lord knows that I shall speak truly and remain steadfast in my opinions that is exactly what I expected you to say you are your sucks and stubbornness my lord reprobate exercise Norman do positive oh if this were still an age of champions I recall the glorious challenge I led bother the Black Prince through town to the King of France that they should decide the issue of a whole war in single combat finger it both our nation's would have been spared yes John in ecclesiastical matters you are my champion and the champion of England you have hope restored to the crown its dignity and prerogative as derived from God maybe now at last we shall see an end to the Dominion of popes and planets this English nation would be a mighty one when it finds the will to rouse itself Saxon alone we stand at the point I make in my writing is that lordship comes from God and can enter be exercised as by a steward in his service I confess and sometimes a poll by the interpretations that political men put upon my words yet I have written nothing but what I've learned in God's law make no mistake I take my stand on the Scriptures as you will argue no doubt at Lambert in your customary contentious manner circumstances will govern my actions below as the young Squires thrusts governed yours if you may have a skill you are exotic and I love you stick to your script is then and be a David to bring down the Goliath Courtney you conquer for he is a tool of room and his ambition would enslave us they are not great joke I place myself in the mighty hands of God while I'm a good doctor but at Lambeth you might find that he delivers you by the hands of a woman my lord dr. Witt if you have heard the charges against you you have heard the accusers you are satisfied that your teachings have been accurately presented to this Court I deny only that they are unorthodox we would have you questioned by Bishop Courtney who have studied minutely the marital theses bishop Courtney thank you my lord Archbishop we rejoice that you have condescended to obey our some and I rejoice that you have studied minutely my theses bishop Courtney you profess doctor that the authority of human government can be higher than that of God's church I have to order all Dominion comes equally from God I get any bit right for the exercise in obedience to God should the church corruptly evilly misuse its powers then the civil authorities would have the right and the duty to correct that abuse and who will be judged for this that same civil authority indeed dr. Whitley there's not this famous theory of Dominion Amer justification for the crown to usurp the property and prerogative of the church it is not but in the master of property signature refer to it I see no basis in the Word of God for the church to possess extreme material wealth can it be the doctor Wickliffe is jealous that he has not received the share that his great talents one third of the land of England is owned by the church such ownership is not the business of the church Christ and His apostles lived in poverty might we not do well to imitate their example we should dispose of the church's goods by presenting them perhaps to the English nobility I'm sure the Duke of Lancaster and his party could put them to good use rather than pay fat siphons to the large number of foreign judgment from the Pope has appointed to absentee English benefices the church might better use his wealth to feed the poor and starving common people of this row let us begin there your own mouth condemns you Wickliffe first you seek to undermine the authority of the church after bishops and even of the poop and now you instruct us how best to bring about our own downfall you leave little room for doubt but the verdict of this court must be one last question dr. Woodruff what spiritual authority would replace the one that you have just so effectively demolished your own fevered brain nobis record the initial authority the Word of God the Holy Scriptures [Applause] we pass an important document for the archbishop and brothers in Christ this is a letter from our Queen Mother Joan of Kent speaking on behalf of her son Richard who at his majority will ascend the throne of this realm Her Majesty declares that dr. John Wickliffe has rendered long and valued service to the crown the which she asks this court to recognize further she requests that there be no harassment of dr. Wickliffe and lastly she requests that this court shall refrain from pronouncing any final judgment she has no right no right Bishop Courtney no right the Queen Mother has spoken and we shall listen respectfully dear brothers let us proceed we will confine ourselves to the consideration of the points at issue in dr. Wickliffe species and refrain from any judgment of the man himself [Music] Java got I perceive his filed handedness queen mother will not have written so bad his prodding so it's again quickly this keeps her grasp you would have delighted in his destruction my lord delighted I should hope not relish this conflict I would rather have weekly food with us and against us it's a brilliant man his life is spotless the devotion to God beyond question dangerously attractive qualities but the man is misled he's a heretic and he must his heart is not checked his following daily his name and influence spread like the plague you've heard my lord of the many itinerant priests he ascends into the countryside to preach the scriptures considering a lot of mockery so much of the preaching of our friars and partners has become ablute I can hardly condemn him for that sometimes I wonder is mine the only voice to be raised and defense of the true church what is to be done at the headed Archbishop's do not live forever my lord very true brother Mark but if we waits to fill Deadman shoes we may wait too long you have some action in mind before yes yes indeed the bird may have flown beyond our grasp but the nest is still there for the taking Oxford is the key if Oxford is purged of Wickliffe and his Lollard heresies they will lose their credibility without the endorsement of the academic world the nobility will find them less attractive ideas are only as powerful as the men that hold them besides if the peasants get any more troublesome than they are already the nobility of all were the first to cry for law and order where will they turn for help could the church [Music] but Wickliffe was allowed to remain at Oxford Pope Gregory died and chaos ensued the church broke apart with the election of two rival popes England and most of Europe went with Pope Urban 6th in Rome France and a few allies supported Pope Clement the seventh in Avignon in the confusion that followed John Wickliffe was left free to continue his writing his ideas grew more and more bold [Music] this is most strange I don't understand ah there you are daughter what a hunt we had today you should have seen us two boys dead within the first hour the secondary god for you be the Bligh's had to preface we were discussing this new book fresh from the copiers father it arrived the day before yesterday I'm a book Lord egg when my daughter's pretty smile I regret that I ever allowed her to be taught her letters it must be very serious indeed well father it is by your old chaplain John Wycliffe what does Amanda know why father haven't you heard this book is wickless attack on the church doctrine on transubstantiation against illness this time this priest has gone too far I have just seen you hope dare to attack the doctrine of transubstantiation the many central doctrine on the church yes my lord you simply say yes my lord an attack on transubstantiation it's an attack on the mass an attack on the mass is an attack on the foundation of the Holy Church which tracked retracted it was ignored the heard Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church don't scribble dr. you are attacking Jesus her sacrifice let's ignore my transubstantiation is a modern doctrine unknown to the Fathers of the Church Pope Innocent the third and the fourth Lateran Council first pretended less than two hundred years ago I proclaim it is believed believe throughout the whole prison that my noble joke the fact that something is believed by the multitude [Music] you know why I asked this thing of you yes we haven't known each other for many years a great many years okay loyal service to the old king God rest his soul she was like no old you know upon the hearts of the people his nation if you do not recant this folly a wound may open which might never heal already there is rebellion in the air I'd never reach it is surrounded by fools and blackness my Lords of Gloucester and arendelle pull the strings upon which he dances and they are dangerous man I am fearful of what chaos may be let loose you do the poor of this room have suffered too much too long and you will do well to be fearful if you persist in this beauty I can do no more your stubbornness puts you at Courtney's mess I can only continue the work I've begun madam may attack the body my lord not the soul you would not have me by the protection of Courtney by selling my soul it has been my privilege to serve you who is yes I thank you for all you have done to shear me if you have to step back from me now have no fear the Lord will be my shield I might not see your face again God keep us then till we meet in his kingdom farewell great joke [Music] this is madness John you know it is their leader John Wallace escaped from prison that could only be in trouble we have no business being here how many times have I appealed on behalf of the poor of this country Nicholas I'm identified with that cause why should I not speak to these peasants when they asked to meet me there on the brink of insurrection if it is believed that you helped to fan the flame let us at least ask what they have to say [Music] ah the wit clip you come yes as you asked but why this secrecy roll our sakes doctor we take a certain risk in talking to you and we know that you'll be in certain considerable danger your poor breeches come into our villages and tell the Bible stories maybe our friends we think you're our friend too we think you're on our side I think my friend I've already declared myself on your side well answer me this then Louise right the poor laborers who can't fill their children's bellies no matter how hard they work or the governor's rank giving them a rise in no in 30 years take care John this is a powder cake you are fully justified in what you say it's time things were changed it's time for a change it's time to overthrow the tyrants doctor we are many thousand strong every man amongst us knows and honors your name if you would help us a purpose of my life is to help all God's people but tell me is it true that John Ball has escaped from prison no about that matter of fact yes it is so sir then it is he who was stirred up this revolt he may have stirred it up but a part has been brewing for a long time now he knows what to do brothers listen our Lord Jesus lived in an age of cruelty and injustice far worse than our own he came to overthrow tyranny but not with the methods of journey his kingdom will prevail but we must work for it in his way following his word words words the time for words is past now is the time for weapons to speak consider I beg you consider I beg you we've had enough of your fine gentleman's words what made us think that this fine oxford gentleman with dirty hands in our cause he doesn't care that is neither just nor true I don't care you say I don't care how many times have I spoken for your course pleaded on your behalf for mercy that your wrongs might be righted I've appealed to the church beg them to look to the needs of the poor oh no my church Sanchez me I am spurned for my efforts by the civil authorities the royal court distrust me you say I do not care you must understand the way of violence is not crisis way cannot be my way nor should it be the way of any Christian man you are a good man sir we are not evil men neither your priests have shown us the way of Christ and we want to follow it but it won't fall on our backs nor bread in our mouths religious talk can't stop us now there's been too much talk with too little results my brothers wait our Lord was not at the landed gentry he was : man a carpenter who left his trade to become a servant to others he washed his disciples feet if you let him God will wash the rancor from your hearts and lead you in his way we will see things change believe me we will you've got to understand sir it's gone on for too long far too long now we fight [Music] [Music] chaos and bloodshed came to England with the outbreak of the peasants revolt thousands of the poor marched on London smashing every authority except that of the young king which the second the knighthood once gathered in force put down the rebellion but it was a time of disorder and violent protest against all the institutions that oppressed the common people the nobility and many in the church began to hold John Wickliffe to blame for the revolt it was charged that his doctrines made the peasants think that they were important in the eyes of God and thus they might have earthly rights to Simon Sudbury the Archbishop of Canterbury was beheaded by the mob and in the aftermath Pope Urban appointed Thomas Courtenay as the new Archbishop of Canterbury with the Supreme ecclesiastical power in England in his hands at last Archbishop Courtney wasted no time in moving against Wickliffe - Chancellor Reagan Oxford without today so John Wickliffe let's see who's master now [Music] it had succumb John since my appointment I fought for liberty to teach what you would within these walls doctrines condemned by the people called teaching forbidden by the Lambeth Council but it couldn't last we both knew that Court has appointed a Council of twelve to oversee the University my authority is by licensed that council they have issued their first orders see for yourself I had to be deprived of all academic presidencies I do not wish to submit God knows you have no choice Chancellor well the university remains an arm of the church you have no choice if you resist if I resist Pope Urban will place an entity to the University the University will lose always hard-won privileges precisely I feel that would be the end of the matter now the heads will roll I'm sure of that remind you they have no regard for this place as the greatest center of learning in the Christian world they care only for conformity and proper obedience sound we've been to teach am I also to be denied access to the libraries for my studies that is undoubtedly or the council has in Google John its intention is simply to cut you off from everything you stood for how can I continue my work my old friend I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] factor I did not see you there and still Cova that is right sir I'm sorry we disturb your meditation no disturbance I have time for my students always you two are near the end of your studies or not you will be returning to your homeland before long yes sir and we have something to tell you whilst we have been at Oxford we have copied all your work every one of them every one the complete works of dr. John wick lip we copy everything your books go with us back to Bohemia what should I say I'm astonished and delicious sir Bohemia is such a beautiful country in Prague your name is already famous don't you come with us things are so sad for you here now we hear you're forbidden to teach there is danger for you here in Prague you would be honoured as you deserve a moment ago I was in deep despair now I'm full of joy I thank God for two such good friends your invitation tempts me I am an academic I've always lived amongst academics and I confess I'm frightened by the condemnation that's heaped upon my head please come with us you will find the protection you need to continue your work no I I think not somehow I feel it's not yet finished I think there's still work for me to do here in England we promised dr. whatever happens here in England you your teaching will live on in the fortress Mountains of Bohemia a marvelous Agha's ways may ever continue to do his work through you my dear sons in Christ you see in our way I do go with you to Hamlin [Music] yes yes I see I give you facts yes oh yes now I understand [Music] Oh Lord it shall be I will be done laughter worth what will you do it laughter was why not they're not these eight years past the reps and Laughlin why should I not resume my pastoral duties perhaps about time considering a number of sermons I've preached against absentee Tareq's oh you know full well you've never neglected your past or duties neither there or not that's not my process so clearly the divine hand of Providence was guiding me that love as pastor yes and the work hammers do that will be the most challenging that I shall ever face in my life as a scholar as a scholar so what do you mean my entire career slowly let me to see that ultimate authority he's not to be found in traditions when councils in the church we've known the Pope authority the Word of God alone over the centuries net Authority has been eroded usurped and now our nation our own people our civilization starves for lack of the Word of God how can live under God's what if they do not know God's Word they clergymen do not even know that Latin and it still s God's Word my TAS artists if you will Nicholas Joe if you will is to use this exile to translate the Holy Scriptures all of them into English our little English songs I think understood well it will be a glorious undertaking doctor most of your students will want to help there will be no lack of workers you realize the shockwaves this will send through the Curia not to mention your opponents at Canterbury you already stand accused of heresy translating the Bible will be seen by some as nothing less than insurrection against our Mother Church did I see it is nothing less than my sacred duty as a loyal son of Christ Church it's so plain to me now how did we ever lose it the New Testament was written in the coin in Greek the language of the people some Germans flattened body translation was in the common tongue I ain't even to be deprived of the word of God because he's knocked up in a foreign language how can we keep a faithful church without the Word of God as it's bread for hungry souls my dream is to see the unquenchable fire of God's word kill Lord in the hearts and minds of all other people [Music] wicked good lad you for it for it yes not just I don't think I shall be needing this no doctor thank you copy with it dr. wickless and with you first [Music] for months we labored at our great task day after day close attention to the Holy Scriptures became for us a source of Revelation and constantly new insight into the truth of God's law our hearts were set aflame with the Word of God the research translation and copying of that word became not a task but a supreme act of worship throughout this time dr. Wickliffe was sustained by an amazing energy while still performing his parish duties and continuing to write and speak in public against the corruption within the church which so deeply distressed him he nevertheless managed to supervise personally details of the translation work but he soon began to realize that the translation of the word into English was only the first step now the word had to be taken to the people [Music] in his second year at Latta 'with Wickliffe suffered a stroke which left him partly crippled but he would not permit his affliction to disrupt his work [Music] [Music] brothers in Christ I rejoice to greet you at this blessed time and I thank God that he has spared me to see this day you know all of you that I first began to send out my little flock of poor priests during my years at Oxford they were a gallant band but after my banishment I never thought to preside over such a commissioning again yet here you are my brave new flock I bless you I know how much I thank God for you within this Ville we have uncovered the damnable heresies of this pernicious school man John Wickliffe when shall we be spare the venom of his pen the subversive threat of his presence see for yourselves how low he has suck this man of former great reputation the jewel of Oxford Fame throughout Europe for his knowledge of the Scriptures and the father's look now at his depraved teachings foundation declares it lawful for any man to preach the Word of God refuse the necessity of the authorization of the Apostolic See this will have the people here preaching from any common man who could open a copy of the scriptures every man is called to be steward of God every man is responsible to God for what he does with his wife every man must stand alone before the final judgment of God God has given us the scriptures that we should learn how to think and believe and live my good brethren let us make it known that it is every man's right to examine the scriptures for himself to read them in his own tongue that he may learn how to serve God it is not enough to leave their interpretation to the church he has been condemned for a heretic forbidden to canvass his pernicious doctrines and pulpit for school Oxford has been cleansed of his influence so that it is no longer center of heresy and yet this learnand doctor still remains a thorn in the flesh of the Mother Church for now what do we learn that he and his acolytes have been engaged from the moment he went to latter worth in translating the Holy Scriptures into the common English tongue shall God's law which has come down to us in the language of learning be so debased so stripped of majesty so enfeebled of meaning how shall the Volga tongue of common men adequately convey its wisdom we rarely dare to give the Word of God in the common tongue into the hands of the common people do we fully understand what we are doing will some not abuse misuse and misinterpret the soldiers my brethren of course but has keeping the Scriptures as the property of the hierarchy and the clergy prevented misuse no indeed it is further it's abuse we will give God's Word to God's children and his Spirit will guide them he will take time for growth and understanding but I fear what judgment may befall us if we dare not give out this word did not the blessings in the custom declare that it was necessary only for God's ordained to understand the Holy Scriptures that they alone should communicate this knowledge God has committed the treasurer of his word to the keeping of his Holy Church that ignorant men shall not misinterpret them to their own damnation it is reported your grace that we truths intention is to release another band of ragged preachers upon the countryside this time armed with copies of the new translation then they must be stopped it shall be ordered that under King Richard seal and upon certification from a bishop that henceforth all itinerant priests shall be arrested and imprisoned my friends the way will be hard hunger bitter cold foul words physical attack and reach you it may be you will be persecuted imprisonment then like Christ you will turn the other cheek if need be again and again love him and serve him always therein lies your strength furthermore it is the Mandate of this Synod that a condemnation of John Wickliffe be set forth with all speed he shall at last be delivered into our hands for the judgment and condemnation he deserves Wickliffe never appeared at the third trial he suffered another stroke was attending Mass which left him paralyzed the trial went on in his absence anyway but was interrupted by a rare and violent earthquake both Courtney's followers and wigglers saw in it the hand of God's judgment on the other [Music] I'm glad you are with me my son work must the times come when by God's grace every man and every woman in this kingdom must have the Word of God [Music] in the English language [Music] after his death his work and influence continued to spread not only here in England but in Europe too with John House of Prague severe persecution followed many of us were put on trial ordered to recant shamefully some of us did but some of us later renounced our recantations but why do they dig up his grave why do they burn his bones I'll add 13 years ago 30 years after dr. wickless death the Council of Constance ordered that John Haase be burned at the stake and that the bones of John Wickliffe been dug up and burned to ashes why or somehow they think by burning his bones that they can erase his memory and destroy his influence but they never will [Music] the chronicler fuller wrote they burned his bones to ashes and cast them into Swift a neighboring brook running hard by thus this Brook have conveyed his ashes into Avon even into 7/7 into the narrow seas they into the main ocean and thus the ashes of Wickliffe are the emblem of his doctrine which now has dispersed the world over [Music] you
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 131,343
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Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, John Wycliffe, Biography, Drama, Peter Howell, Michael Bertenshaw, James Downie, John Wycliffe - The Morningstar, The Morning Star, The Morningstar, Religious film, religious movie, feature film, full movie, full film
Id: t1V2cFsVUOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 9sec (4509 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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