Corrie Ten Boom: A Faith Undefeated (2013) | Full Movie | Pamela Rosewell Moore

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on May 10th 1940 Nazi Germany forces invaded the Netherlands overtaking the country in five days on bombing raids the German Luftwaffe dropped over 97 tons of explosives on the city of Rotterdam forcing the Dutch to surrender during the subsequent Nazi occupation over 100,000 Dutch Jews will be rounded up and taken to concentration camps few would survive in the face of these horrors and at the threat of losing their own Liberty an elderly father and his two daughters risk everything to save the lives of these persecuted people this is their true story based on the testimony of the trio's only survivor [Music] the youngest of four children Corrie ten Boom was born in the Netherlands in 1892 to Casper and Cornelia both dedicated Christians Casper tan Boon or harlem's grand old man as he was known was a devoted father and husband and a man of high moral character very much respected by the local community this is the city of Harlem located in the Netherlands it's the capital of the province of North Holland this is also the city where Corrie ten Boom grew up in Frank we're standing in front of her house and it's a typical Dutch house it's tall and narrow the bottom floor served as a wart shop that was the family-run business and the floors above served as living quarters the ten booms were a very dedicated Christian family with our values and norms firmly rooted in the Bible father read everyday from the Bible and they had prayer and they also had varying translations of the Bible which they shared together French German somebody even had a Hebrew one I think and the BI was strongly a part of their life and they lived by it the house or Baiae as they like to call the house surf them well when it was just two parents and four children but when the elderly aunts moved in with them they needed more space so father Tim Bohm bought the house next door but the problem was the levels didn't match the original house where they lived was in six built in the 1600s the house that they purchased was built in the 1400s and it was only two storeys and it faces the other way and I had a space between it an alleyway which he closed in pulled down the two inner walls built a spiral sort of staircase and joined the houses and the interesting thing about that was that there are different levels the house of the workshop the bay a house the original one had the three floors and the house had only two floors so you it fools me to this day because you never quite know which landing your honor which house you're in as you can see the different levels made for a very odd house a peculiarity that played an important role in the clandestine work the family would later on undertake Cory's life was a happy one she learned many valuable and important lessons from her father and when Cory felt deeply in love she fantasized about a marvelous marriage as many young women do however her heart was broken her dreams shattered when the young man showed up at the house for a visit with his fiancee somehow Cory's social standing did not meet with his mother's expectations so her dream was not to be father Tim bomas he had done even when she was a child went up to her bedroom to comfort her and he said Cory love is the strongest force in the world and when it is taken away it hurts very deeply and the important thing to do is to find another channel through which love can travel it's Russia said my heart was broken that moment and after they had gone I went straight to my bedroom and I said Lord Jesus I belong to you lock stock and barrel I surrendered this part of my being that is wounded I've had a very happy life and Jesus has taken care true for me that I have never become a frustrated old spinster and I had to surrender my if only the decision was a definite one and Cory never looked back convinced that God had a greater purpose for her life [Applause] Cooley dedicated herself to the care of her aged live in ants and with her sister Betsy they nursed them until the time of their passing the two sisters also worked among the young people in the city hosting Bible studies and Cory initiated a club for the mentally handicapped she loved them dearly she wrote a book called common sense not needed just a little pamphlet book about her work among those who want intellectual ease as able as others and she taught them from the Bible tragedy struck the home in 1918 when their mother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage while she remained bedridden Betsy took on the housework and Cory took her place as a helper in the woodshop the family soon discovered that Cory had a keen business sense and due in large part to her management skills the family started doing better financially she became Holland's first licensed woman watchmaker she went to Switzerland and did a course in watchmaking and watch repair under the Swiss who of course the leaders and came back and became the main helper to father Timbo his watch shop their happy business and community life was disrupted when Cory's mother passed away in 1921 though the loss greatly affected them their faith in God's Word provided the comfort and confidence of a heavily reunion Cory's mother had been a great example of helping the less fortunate and so with a large and nearly empty house they decided to do more for those in need the family is very missions minded and they are in touch with a lot of missionaries in Indonesia which was a Dutch possession in the days when that happened not now of course but this very strong connection with Indonesia and missionaries went over there and they received into the house the children of the missionaries and brought them up as it were kept them in their house sent them to school fed them wash their clothes helped them to learn about life they were separated by from their parents for years but there was always room in the bay a [Music] years went by and though war was looming in Europe it was but a shadow in the Netherlands until the unimaginable happened and Germany invaded our country on the 10th of May 1940 within weeks life changed drastically for everyone in Holland they had believed that the Germans were going to give them immunity as they had in the first world war the German government took over and put its rules in place the Nazis confiscated all radios in the Netherlands they did not want anybody to have information about the war but the ten booms managed to keep one and they kept it hidden inside the many stairs of their house now during the night they would gather around the radio listening to the news that came in from London but they would also listen to the speeches of our Queen because the beginning of the war our royal family had to find refuge in London and listening to the voice of our queen would give people great hope and courage they also could listen to the speeches of Hitler [Music] I heard us say a couple of times it started out in a normal voice and then the voice got more and more excited and higher and higher and in the end it was the voice of a demon unable to sleep all night due to the sound of enemy planes and explosions Cory went into the kitchen to find Betsy calming her own nurse with tea as the sound of the planes diminished Cory returned to her darkened room feeling her way to the bed she cut her hand on a sharp object it was retinyl from the explosions if I hadn't gone to the kitchen surely I would have been killed coral a turtle Betsy there are no ifs with God her sister replied being in the center of his will is our only safety Corie often sought comfort in that reply especially when the Nazis took further steps to consolidate their power at first the persecution of the Jewish people wasn't it wasn't noticed very much but in as time went on they saw that their Jewish friends were being picked out initially forced to wear an identifying star of david' Jews and their shops were soon attacked their houses raided and eventually they were rounded up the Nazis also turned her attention on the Dutch men at one occasion a Jewish neighbor Shah was being attacked but father Tim Bowman Corrie pulled him in the safety of their own home they contacted Cory's brother Willem who along with his son kik had begun finding hiding places for Jews now weeks later when Cory ran in to kick she asked about a neighbor you must stop asking so many questions if you wish to continue being part of the Dutch underground resistance her nephew replied the statement shocked Cory and left her Casper and Betsy facing a dilemma their Christian faith motivated them to help people but the idea of being part of the resistance seemed political a turning point came when a man showed up at the VA with an orphaned Jewish baby a local pastor unwilling to take any personal risk had refused to take care for the child appalled father Tim boom didn't hesitate to take the little one and Betsy and Cory rallied around father's decision they would risk their lives in order to save others this is where Cory's previous experience organizing youth groups became quite beneficial after some time I had 30 teenager boys 20 teenager girls 20 men and 10 women and once we heard that in a Jewish orphanage in Amsterdam all the babies had to be killed because they were Jewish babies when we heard that our boy said we will save them and we will steal them and they went through that orphanage and they stole all the hundred babies you will say how is it possible I'll tell you a secret you know sometimes their team to a good German and who were soldiers when the army and is that we don't like to work I mean longer for other of Hitler we will not kill the Jewish people can you help us and I always said sure I will help you just come in and we gave them of course people clothing and we took the uniform so they found themselves across in a very different situation and they took a lot of risks really everybody was welcome at the house Jewish and not father Tim Bohm said quite distinctly that I will take in anybody who comes to my house where the Jewish or not but they did have a special love and interest in the Jewish people it didn't take long for Jews to show up at the door desperately looking for shelter and refuge mothers with children young people the elderly each facing the threat of incarceration because they were Jews no one was turned away they tried to give it as quite as possible but the time came when there was too much activity going on the tempos lived in the center of Harlem because very near the police station which makes one thing that there had to be policemen there who are mainly loyal to the Queen still was he couldn't possibly have gone on so long but they began to suspect that their activities were known they had to have extra ration cards and the the ration cards weren't easy to come by the government was supplying them with food for three people and of course there are a lot many there are a lot more people in the house than that for that Corinth I used to read the ten booms electric meter and had been given a position with the food office unsure of Fred's loyalty curry boldly asked for the impossible hundred ration cards to her relief Fred agreed but there was a problem he had to account for each cart to a Nazi supervisor to his credit he faked a robbery asking a friend to beat him up in order to make his alibi seem more convincing months passed and the ten booms hidden guests were moved to other locations in secret fearing that telephone was tapped a secret code was devised a caprile OCD hematocrit water that's how it sounded in Dutch in English I have a watch that needs repair a caller would say that meant another person that needed a hiding place would be arriving the Tam booms used this sign to let the people of the resistance know that it was safe in the house safe to come in and this meant stay away in order to keep the housebound guests occupied that 10 booms created work schedules and activities so often it was just like one big family together you know not thinking of being must have been living sort of in the balance of the real life they're actually living where they had enough to eat and we're looking after each other and loved each other and the knowledge that one day the Nazis might come things continued to get even more difficult several times Cory's nephews and even our sister nollie were arrested imprisoned and released the possibility of a raid on the bay a was very real and they are in touch with several people who thought that this had to happen they had to have a hiding place it was too dangerous for them for their visitors it was decided that a hiding place needed to be built the room furthest from the doors to the street was chosen it was Corey's bedroom which was at the very top of the stairs in case of a raid the Nazis would probably search every room and would take them longer to get to the upstairs this is Corey's bedroom this is for her bed was and this is actually the shelter or the hiding place now you see this wall here is built into the ceiling and built into the floor the Nazis would always do these raids and they would come into the houses and and and hit the walls to listen if there was a hollow space behind it so that's why they built the floor of the wall in the floor and in the ceiling and so if you bang it it sounds very solid this is the closet with a bed linen and you see here the entrance so it could be opened people could go in here and Cory always put a suitcase in front of this opening here that would remain for approximately 48 hours sometimes they might here with six people with only a small opening for error once the juice were in the house they couldn't go outside it was way too dangerous so the temples could hear some strong meds now as long as they stay down like this they could get fresh air and sunshine to warn the occupants buzzers were installed at several places in the house when the hiding place was built and the buzzers reinstalled they began practice runs now imagine them sitting at the table Cory would quietly get up go to the buzzer press it suddenly everyone scrambled plates were picked up and the table set to make it look like only three people were eating the others rushed up the stairs grabbing their belongings with them at the same time there could be nothing to show that others were living there if someone had been sleeping they would have to turn the mattress over so there would be no warm spot on the bed nothing could give them away it would be a matter of life and death and they had to be inside the hidden room all within one minute [Music] eventually the drills will pay off Koli had been battling influenza for several days when there was a knock on the door once there came a men to me and said will you save my wife she was arrested she has saved Jewish people and now she is in a police station and there is one policeman who will run the risk to set her free if we pay him 600 kill this happened I have no money that man was a betrayer the man's name was John Fogle young vocal in touch he pleaded with Cory to help him with some money to get his wife out of prison it vague that she here Mensa helped in English I know you help people here he said having helped him Cory retired to her room there were lots of people in the house Willem was there the brother he held a Bible study no can you imagine doing all this kind of thing knowing her in danger they just sort of didn't believe it that it was going to happen real him was there and I'm not sure if his wife Tina was there with him she probably was and whoever was coming to that particular Bible study then there were the Jewish people and there was another man who come into the house on we don't really know why we don't exactly know who that was and then there was the young man hunts parlez who had just arrived on his bike had parked his bike outside and taken the ration cards into the house still feeling sick Cory slept upstairs at five o'clock the doorbell sound let's open the door only to be respected by the Nazis thankfully there was a buzzer near the door and she had been able to press it Gauri was awakened when the guests burst into her room into the hiding place the unusual layout of the beige slowed down the Nazis a detail that Corey would later attribute to God's providence by the time they got to her room Cory was sitting here alone accusing her of being the ringleader of the bay a the Nazis demanded that she will tell where the Jews were hiding Cory played them and they slept with taken into a waiting truck Cory was horrified to see Betsy and a nephew bruised and bleeding a Nazi officer offered father Tom balm to remain at home if he promised not to cause any more trouble but father Tim Baum refused thrown into a truck the ten booms were taken away curry eventually found out that they had been turned in by the same man that she helped John Fogle they were taken from the police station to the prison in slave-owning on the Dutch coast and it was there that father and Betsy and Cory at least Betsy and Cory saw their father for the last time they were lined up with their noses to the wall and father Tembo quoted some 91 one he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty and they didn't see him again Betsy and Cory were examined by the medical people there and they determined that Cory had pleurisy that she was probably a danger to other women if she is putting the cells with other women so she was separated from Betsy for the first time in her life put in solitary confinement no doubt being in solitary confinement and with no knowledge about the well-being of her family and the Jewish guests was very trying for Cory weeks later around her 52nd birthday Cory received a letter it was from her sister no my dear Cory will you prepare yourself for this our dear father passed away ten days after imprisonment and of course there was deep grief there there must have been and how she would have longed to be with Betsy her companion and much like sister she didn't know that he where his body was it was in fact thrown into an unmarked grave or she knew was that he had died but was happy for him wishing you the best was yet to be you know we've always told them that it always said our times are in God's hands while the letter board difficult news it also borne news of great hope Corrie noticed that the handwritten address on the envelope seemed to be slanting towards the sent carefully she unglued it peeled it off and used the code code word for the Jewish people and it said in Dutch a Lahore Lord you're saying Fela all that all the watches are safe mean over the Jewish people get out of the hiding place so that's all she knew at that point interrogated repeatedly Corey gave witness to her faith eventually bringing her Dutch interrogator close to a conversion when I was in prison I once was brought before my judge and my life was in the hands of that man and when we testified to our faith the Lord touched the heart of the judge and instead of an enemy he became a friend but he had to do his job and so it happened that suddenly he showed me papers found in my house and to my horror I saw names addresses and particulars but that could mean not only my death sentence where the death sentence of my family and friends who were imprisoned the judge said can you explain these papers that no account and I felt terrible terrible unhappy but he knew better than I how been his papers were and he turned he opened the door of the stove and threw all the papers into the flames my how happy I was that moment if you had told me that I could be hundred percent happy when I was in a prison in the hands of an enemy I should never have a liberated but when I saw these flames destroy these horrible papers that was at it for the first time I understood Colossians 2:14 where is written that Jesus has taken the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us as taking them out of the way and nailed them at the cross a form of relief came from a rare show of kindness as a nurse provided Corrie with a small easy to conceal Bible it brought great comfort to Koreans she read from it as often as she could in the darkness of her cell after spending nearly three months in solitary confinement Corrie along with other prisoners was taken to a waiting train and there to her great delight and relief she caught a glimpse of Betsy her sister who was helping other prisoners board a train Corrie pushed her way through the other prisoners calling out her sister's name finally the two sisters were reunited it was such a blessing but as the doors of the Train closed they had no clue where they were going was it eighty eight or something into one cattle truck the walls are it not much air coming in at all not really sure where they were going except it was they knew as Germany bound it was moving very slowly very little water was given the people nearest the jug of water got it all of course and the people who weren't near it didn't days later the Train finally came to a stop cooked was a on the premises somehow of a Philips factory you know the Dutch they were making radios I think for the German aircraft and they were used to that kind of work they knew how to work on watches so they did that work there betsy couldn't keep up as much but they would have it one day off a week and they would hold services they would at the weekend they would have a place they'd sing together I think it was better than prison they were together so they had a lot of strength together in the communion with God and their knowledge of each other and their love for each other they were they were outgoing they're able to help people but terrible things went on like one day the Germans lined the men up and shot them not in their sight but it's not within their range of vision behind a wall but they knew that the wives you know they're weeping wives that they were losing their men and then came d-day the 6th of June when the Germans apparently had received knowledge that it was going to be movement of troops and decided to empty their concentration camp in the Netherlands and then they moved on to the real home but Athens bulk the notorious extermination camp for women located in northern Germany it was also a training center for female SS guards who were infamously inhumane and cruel along with other prisoners cuvee and Betsy were made to strip naked and walk in front of Nazis and their guards for inspection the finish line was the worst I have never felt so hurt so so miserable so cold when I stood there and Betsy my sister stood beside me I said Betsy I cannot bear this this is so terrible and I thought that I could break under the burden of that suffering and then suddenly It was as if I saw Jesus at the cross and the Bible says they took his garment he hanged there naked and by my own suffering I understood only a fraction of the suffering of Jesus this is camp amersfoort one of the many camps set up in the Netherlands by the Nazis during the Second World War and although this place is not as notorious as a switch or reference book it is representative of the horror that many prisoners suffered there was absolutely no kindness shown them Cory often talked about the guards having had lessons in how to be cruel the camp commander was a 28 year old woman who'd had extra extra lessons in hand to be cruel so they they contrived to make life as difficult as possible people were given a number didn't won't refer to by their names when Cory and Betsy arrived at ravensbrück every prisoner was being thoroughly searched Cory worried that her little Bible would be discovered so she hid it in the back of her dress and then she started praying she prayed Lord you caused the blind to see please make those that see blind and when it was her turn to be searched the guard somehow got distracted with another prisoner and she walked right through they were thrown into barracks 28 which was filled with twice as many women as it was built for but they were together and they found a the women had to share mattresses dirty straw mattresses there were fleas and lice it was very dark and when it was learned that the guards didn't come into their particular barracks 28 and they wandered about it they even discovered that it was known to have so many fleas that the guards just put the food down inside the door and left them to it now when I came in that prison we had to live with 700 prisoners in a room that was built for 200 to a sterile dirty and very soon our clothing was full of lice those lies have caused many sicknesses but if some raiding and habitus for the gods would never come into our room they were afraid to get lice from us that was good since the guards avoided the barracks Korean Betsy took the opportunity to read the Bible with the ever increasing number of dead for prisoners when I was surrounded by people who had had a training in cruelty and the Bible was forbidden but we had every day twice a Bible message in that room where we were together in a concentration camp with 700 prisoners she must have seen specific cruelties and of course she learned that there was a crematorium well it was it was obvious it was seen and that she didn't know whether she'd be the next person to go into it peep women were taken away very often being told they were going to have a shower so they got all happy but when they got there water didn't come out of the shower but gas so that got around so when the people came in to say give out the names of the people you're gonna have a shower they didn't know it might be sure but possibly it would end in the crematorium the cruelty on any level but that the guards could do is they did it including the beating of Betsy Betsy's health was declining and because she was unable to work as fast as the guards demanded she was beaten savagely while all this hardship tested Cory's faith it seemed to help Betsy's faith soar to Corey's consternation Betsy pitied the Nazis even the trader back home whose action caused the family to suffer so much misery as their situation got worse Betsy began experiencing visions of a brighter future yes it was if the Lord laid out for them coming plans that they were going to do together first was that either in a dream or a vision she was so weak she was dying but Betsy said the Lord has told me that we are going to have a house in the Netherlands and it's beautiful Corey I've seen it the Lord showed it to me it was a very big house and she said Cory got show me what we're going to do we can't ever have a real home there for people who've suffered a lot psychologically in the war or take them in we look after them and we'll have we'll have a garden for them they can plant flowers it would be so good for them well Betsy's faith remains strong her body was quickly wearing down she slowly starved to death they had to go to roll call every morning and came a time when Betsy couldn't walk so the woman went on either side of her and carried her out but they came when she couldn't do that later that day she's transferred to the infirmary week though she was bet she shared with Cory an assurance that she had received from God that before the year was over they would be released now Cory clung to this promise with all her heart only to have it break when a few days later she faced one of her greatest fears she was told that her sister had died Betsy was placed along with other corpses in a rundown latrine awaiting a mass burial she had the most wonderful expression of peace and joy on her face and all the lines had fallen away she is like she was when she was young and Cory was delighted to see that although she is devastated by her loss she thought we'd always be together that's what Betsy said we'll always be together Cory you and me Cory wondered if Betsy's last words regarding their release was a result of delirium she was standing at roll call one morning when her number was called her prisoner number was called out with the prisoners who were told to step forward she didn't know when her number was called what it meant it could have meant the gas chambers sometimes people were supposedly set free she didn't know if it was that slowly she stepped out from the Rings and in case she was not to return she handed her precious Bible to a prisoner obediently she followed the guard but not to the work field so the trucks or the gas chamber Cory was in fact taken into a room to her surprise and without any explanation Cory was given a pair of undersized choose an old dress had a coat and her release papers soon she was walking past the armed guards with our vicious attack dogs best the electrified gates until the camp gates Betsy's words came to her mind we will be released before the year is over years later curry would find out just how miraculous her release was she only made one visit back to the concentration camp rousing spirit and she learnt there I don't know if she saw the record she probably did though the Ravens were prisoners and she saw that all the women of her age were killed the next week she called it a clerical error of man and a miracle of God as in every concentration camp the prisoners never knew whether they would live or die it was the very same case with Betsy and Cory this is the very road many prisoner walked down on their way to their execution and this monument was built to honor their memory [Music] with little money Cory wandered through the city for days until a nurse took pity on her and helped her with a bath and food eventually she made her way back over to Holland to her beloved home now a lonely place she saw some of her family for the first time since her arrest her brother vilem had been imprisoned contracted a disease and passed away as a result kick his son was never heard from again instead of feeling sorry for her circumstances Cory reached out to those around her who had also suffered she sought out the mentally handicapped children she had helped before the war and brought some of them to the bay a to live with her though she kept busy ministering to victims Betsy's concern for the perpetrators would come to mind Cory had never forgotten the trailer responsible for the misery of so many people she harbored great bitterness against him Cory knew though that when the time came that she was released from the camp and was back home that she had to write him a letter and she did and said that he was forgiven and then she explained the gospel very clearly and after a war that men were sentenced to death because he had caused the death of many Dutch people when I heard that I wrote him your betrayal has meant the death of my old father was 84 years old when they brought him into prison after 10 days he died my sister who died after 10 months terrible suffering my brother he came out of life but a sick man and died through that sickness and his son never came back I myself had to suffer terribly through in three different prisons but I have forgiven you and that is because he in my heart and I send that men and no Testament and underlined the way of salvation and that men were rotary that you could forgive me is such a great miracle that I have said Jesus when you get such a love in the heart of your followers their hope for me much of what Betsy had told Cory had come to pass but there was more that Betsy had shared with him we must also go to Germany German has suffered so much how did she know no news was reaching her no music came in to them at all no news without from them all those months they've their houses are in ruins they haven't got power how did she know that must have been a kind of vision or a very strong dream but they won't need concentration camps after the war Cory they won't need them at all and we'll find one and we'll clean it and we'll paint it on the outside it will be lovely green like flowers coming up in the spring and we'll look after them who will stay with them Cory said will this be after well we do have the house first or will this be the first thing we do well we go to Germany oh no we have the house first and then we'll be in like in the new concentration camp which will be turned into a nice home and the house was indeed provided in Holland there to the consternation of the local people Cory took in the ostracized Dutch that had collaborated with the enemy she did her best to rehabilitate them to help them to face their mistakes and to be reintegrated into society the house itself was exactly as Betsy had described it to Cory as she was dying once the house was established Cory directed her work towards the second part of Betsy's vision Germany after some time the German authorities came to her and they said Fraulein we've heard about your work and what you've done to help the homeless and we want to tell you that we've got a building that we might you might think suitable it's a concentration camp in Darmstadt and so she remembered her sister's vision or dream of of having a concentration camp and turning it into something that was light and clean and had lots of flowers so she traveled there and she became convinced that this was what the Lord had in mind through Betsy's words when they were still far from being free there were German people living there lots of families and people all jumbled up together and their little living spaces were separated by curtains that they were not private places at all and so she didn't go to a hotel or somewhere she stayed with them and could hear all the clattering and talking going on and ministered with them for a long time it's all three parts of Betsy's vision were fulfilled a home in the Netherlands where people were looked after for a long time and changed later when its initial purpose was no longer needed changed into a kind of nursing home and the vision in the Germany the concentration camp was completely fulfilled and so was the going around the world we must tell them Cory what we've learnt in this terrible place the love of God is stronger than the deepest darkness and although she didn't go personally her story did Cory simply did what she felt God was telling her to do and people began to take notice she took any opportunity to tell her story not for any self-promotion but because it resonated with so many who had experienced hardship due to the horrors of the war Cory was speaking in a church in Germany at the end of the 40s and she was in front of a group of people who'd gathered there and at the back of the group she saw a man who wouldn't look into her eyes and suddenly and with a bit of a shock she recognized him as a God from ravensberg who had been particularly cruel to her sister Betsy now when it was his turn to greet her he said foul line I saw in the newspaper that you were coming I was a guard that the heavens broken I don't know if he would remember me but since the end of the war a miracle happened in my life I became a Christian and I've asked God to give me the opportunity to ask forgiveness from one of my former victims and with that he held out his hand and said foul line ma'am will you forgive me so what happened next must have happened in seconds but Cory stood there looking at him and she knew she couldn't do it she couldn't stretch out her hand all she could think of was Betsy suffering but then she did what was the secret of her victory in Christ she made a quick turning to him not literally she didn't move her head or anything but she turned to the Lord and said lord help and on that prayer she received her burst into her heart and mind from Romans five the love of God is brought into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who's given to us and with that came a revelation that she was not expected to conjure out of her own heart and mind love for the man which they could receive through the Holy Spirit that which wasn't needed to forgive him yeah was hatred and bitterness in my heart I remembered for my dying sister had suffered through this man but I know from the bride of that hatred means murder in God's eyes and I said all Father forgive me in Jesus name my hatred and the Lord took it away and I said thank you Lord Jesus that you have brought into my heart God's love through the Holy Spirit thank you Father that you in me is victorious over my hatred and that moment my hatred disappeared and I said brother give me your hand I haven't given you all she regarded it as a very important part of a message she asked me if I would help her to have two things in her messages first and central was the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the whole world and she said Cory Tembo must be behind the cross and then I said what's the second thing and she said forgiveness and she told me the story of the god she let me into her world in a way that was disarming and cause a great sense of responsibility and being her co-worker and she never spoke anywhere without those two elements being sensual her work eventually took her to the United States she was virtually penniless living frugally and making ends meet through the love offerings taken up for her at churches she would go into a church and asked if she could share her story little by little people began to take notice and her speaking engagements began to multiply the time came when someone suggested a book one of her fellow dutchman a man called brother Andrew God's smuggler had a book written with the help of the American narrative writers John and Elizabeth Sheryl and while they were working with him on that he often mentioned his friend Cory Timbo at one point Ruth the wife of evangelist Billy Graham had the idea to produce a movie based on the book soon production began the movie was partly filmed in Harlan mr. yeah my name is full young for the film brought greater demands on Cory's time and she received invitations to tell her story around the globe to curry every open door was an opportunity to tell others more about her faith it was just as Betsy had predicted and she said and Cory gods told me that we're going to go around the world together and we're going to tell anyone who will listen what we have learnt in this terrible place that God's love is stronger than the deepest darkness that Jesus is Victor that there is no pit so deep the love of God is not deeper still and they will believe us because we were here she did have openings to speak in the States just about everywhere and since she was approaching her mid 80s she wasn't doing the world travels anymore I think she in a sense would like to have but her heart was getting slower but she had enormous opportunities through that movie I joined her in 76 which was a year after the movie came out I had prayed as a young woman of 21 that whatever it cost I wanted to do the will of God and I knew when I prayed though though it was with the deep joy of surrender and the presence of God it was with many tears because I knew there was a price to be paid and there was but I'm glad I paid it because the Lord has been very real waste kept all his promises and perhaps being Cory's servant was one of the most difficult actually I'm not very good at being a servant and but we were happy together we were good coke we were a good team and it wasn't always perfect it wasn't and she wasn't perfect either and she would have been the first to say sir but she came very quickly to the Lord asked forgiveness as soon as she was aware of any sin and she taught me to do that - and then to ask Lord fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit and she went on no not not bogged down by the sin Cooley was tireless at her work encouraging others in their hardships constantly retelling the story sharing the lessons she had learned and recounting the many ways in which God had been faithful to help her she rejoiced to do God's will never flinching from a responsibility never saying no until the day came when her body began to wear out on that particular morning it was a couple of years later and she was in a rented house in Placentia in Orange County California she'd been tired I went to her room a bit later because I didn't see any light in the room I thought she must be getting some extra sleep which was good I thought and I felt my way into the room I knew the room very well it had dark curtains which shut out the light on the window facing east and I put the tray down and I pulled the dark heavy curtain and it flung back and then there's a flimsy green curtain and I that's wrong about going very quickly and I I turned around to face her and I sort of froze in my tracks because it was a very different under Corrie from the one I'd said goodnight to the night before she looked really distressed and when I said anything she didn't respond my first silly response was well have I done something wrong but of course that wasn't it that wasn't the kind of person she was there must be something very wrong around her to a coat of her hand it was very fleshy it was cold it didn't respond to mine and I said let's pray it on the court because that's what we always did we always went to the Lord and then instead of this uplifted hand gesture which was common to her prayers we'll open eyes she looked down and clasp her hands together I ran to the phone and an ambulance came and later that day it was announced that she'd had a very severe stroke we didn't know how severe she was two weeks in the hospital she was alot able to go home after two weeks because she was able to walk but she never regained speech and other things that we do with language she couldn't read or write or no point at the right thing and it mean the same thing to her as it meant to me she was a completely different person if ever there was a different person whenever she had to adapt to something that must have been the biggest one it was like an imprisonment not with cruelty was a kind of precious imprisonment as through the next nearly five years she went through it with the Lord and her voice couldn't say it to me but her life did that I've served in my youth and I serve Him in my old age I served him in my strength than are serving in my weakness and in my death is in my life an underlying the whole of carton mom's life was the verse in Psalm 31 verse 15 my times are in your hand that was taught in the VA it was the theology of the Dutch Reformed Church it was the very healthy form of Calvinism which sees the compassion and goodness and love of God and the happening of things in the light of that but whatever happens somehow it's allowed by God as Betsie seeing those words as it were in Ravens Brook somewhere on the story of our life The Blueprint God had written the word Ravens Brooke so believing that when things go wrong I'm very much like things to work out exactly as I've arranged them when they don't after all these years I'm learning to be a bit more flexible that's the sovereignty of God Cory loved an object lesson that she often used in her public speaking she would show an embroidery from the Rome site it would be a mangled mess of threats hardly much to look at and a confusing mess then she would flip the same cloth over and on the other side would be a beautiful crown it was a vivid example of the lessons Cory had learned in her darkest days she could make little sense of her serious predicament but in the end it was God's Way of weaving into her being a crown of life things were in fact very clear to God she treasured what she had learned during the war for the rest of her life when the ability to speak was taken from her in her old age she stayed faithful to her faithful God like the poem she quoted so often my life is like a weaving between my God and me I do not choose the colors he worketh steadily oftimes he we with sorrow and iron foolish pride forget he sees the upper and I the underside not till the loom is silent and the shuttle's cease to fly will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why the dark threads are as needful in the skillful weavers hand as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern Mia's plan pray for yourself and for the other Christians where there's no vision the people perish and we all know that we live in a time now that there is a great darkness and fog over the whole world and the great joy is when we have the Word of God we can see the things as they are from God's point of view look around and be distressed look within and be depressed look at Jesus and be at rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 509,287
Rating: 4.9136376 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, World War 2, World war II, Nazi, Nazis, Corrie ten Boom, Jews, Gestapo, Concentration Camp, Resistance, The Hiding Place, The Holocaust, Robert Fernandez, Pam Rosewell Moore, A Faith Undefeated, Corrie ten Boom A Faith Undefeated, Special Interest, Documentary, Corrie Ten Boom A Faith Undefeated Full Movie, Corrie Ten Boom A Faith Undefeated Movie, Corrie Ten Boom A Faith Undefeated
Id: GHjiGwG4cFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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