JOHN WICK 3 takes on CRIME (and jesus?)

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[Music] you never really expect yourself to be where you ended up you know what I mean I think about Keanu Reeves a lot really more myth than person at this point photographed by paparazzi one fateful day in 2010 eating a sandwich on a park bench became a meme a person who is experience more than their fair share of reasons to be sad sometimes I guess there is no normal when you're Keanu Reeves did the world really need a John wick three I mean John wick one was easy to relate to because John's opportunity to grieve was stolen away from him it was catharsis but here we are a stone's throw in a country mile away from where we started an announced on stuff in gun ballet babadook you never really expect yourself to be where you ended up you'll see what I mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sue is packin Parabellum if you want peace you should prepare for war - also it's the name of a 9 by 19 cartridge designed by Georg Luger for the Luke hey wait a minute you say out loud John wants peace that's all he's ever wanted in one point had actually attained it that's why John wick one was so shocking this unassuming guy is minding his own [ __ ] and dealing with catastrophic loss this yosef look and mother fart Lord assaults and takes away literally the only thing he has left in the world to love it was cruel as [ __ ] but oops that dude also just happened to be the crime world's version of Baba Yaga and if you want peace it John wick 3 John goes to war with the high table the Council that connects and governs the entire criminal underworld mafia triads cartels it's all connected crime it's the connective tissue of this entire universe crime is glue to gloriously oversimplified the entire John wick series in the wake of what we know now an idiot kill his dog so John wick start war with crime but oh no John is crime well John wick : chapter 3 em - para bellum is 2019 film once again directed by Chad's - house key Derick Kolstad returning for the third time is credited with the story for this valve ensures the screenplay credit with three other writers David leached the co-director of John wick one was too healthy went on after wick to direct Deadpool to an atomic blonde also he's still around this executive producer but let me deepen this narrative as all good trilogies do in 1997 after successes stunt people in the industry such as leech was the stunt double for Tyler Durden in Fight Club trust me their resumes read like my old DVD collection leech and Stachowski partnered and created a stunt designed business that helps you with everything equipment people design oh hey and Chubbuck 3 I'll scroll their recent work page to show you the disk company has become its own successful business that puts a lot of people to work I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the both of you wonderful stunts space cowboys who took over in Hollywood you never really expect yourself to be where you ended up but back to Stachowski and John wick the crime Baba Dook a man who by the end of the third film has killed almost 300 people since the start of the first one and now literally haunts the very idea of organized crime noise when discussing this film it's pretty difficult to discuss much without the context of all three films and I have to describe my experience watching this movie it was kind of strange like small he's not subtle in the theater when this shot happened I was like Oh John dies at the end the high table accepts your fealty but what about him what are we going to do about oh he has to die like the crucifix symbolism is egregiously unsubtle he dies at the end but it's fine he's okay also there's like stigmata energy like just trust me but here's a strange question does John wick have a dad I mean obviously he does I'm sure mr. Giovanna rich was very kind but I mean John is really disconnected from anyone he had a wife lost wife got a dog lost a dog other than those we are unsure of any real familial connection he is what was a quiet person allow me to rephrase John is hit by trauma so hard he doesn't know when to stop that is literally the entire franchise at the meta level down to the micro level broken down into a single thing when do you stop our world started here fortune favors the bold a sentiment this movie burns right out of John's skin Pia's boogeyman Jesus I sort of loved that definitely didn't imagine ending up there but you never really expect yourself to be where you ended up that describes everything about John wick John was wronged we were behind him for that movie and herein is our conflict while John wick to chose to try and read justify his revenge by having a villain destroyed John's home in all of his worldly possessions John wick 3 just said wolf buddy please look at the mess you're making and most of the movie is just people being like Chand please but crime can't bargain with an unkillable wronged bogeyman that they wronged so crimes gotta go John wick vs. crime the high table represented here by a character known as the adjudicator the judge the arbitrator the person who must see the world is black and white said that the rules are followed they see only how John wronged them and Winston has intense crime Don father-figure Mojo John's own father figure decides he's got to die to rectify any of this crime turns their back on John wick very well gentlemen so I would assume at the end of the movie that John is very ready to go to war with all of it para bellum prepare for war crime find out if you cut the king you better cut him to the quick never seen a man fight so hard to end up back where he started [Music] Keanu Reeves a kind generous person with a fierce capital a F work ethic is 55 years old over the years of doing the John with training physicality the martial arts and unlike weapon work so I'm really the ceiling and when you're the limit you can always get better okay so Chad said something I think it's worth remembering and being over 50 the physical limitations that one gets at that age has to be overcome with even more hours of physical fitness training Keanu has to spend more hours at the gym to train and prepare for something like this he spent thousands of hours with 8711 stunting learn judo Jia to stomp on all the arts to come along with it thousands that work ethic is 100 percent reflected in the universe of John wick this is a film of course where John is so on the ropes that he cuts his own finger off just so that he can keep moving his wedding ring finger at the moment were John awesome agrees to kill his father figure the moment John sells his soul to the elder the one above the high table the character played by Sayid tak Maui God the devil in this universe it holds no distinction to John it doesn't matter in the prices steep the price is high because he has nothing else to give he has nothing to barter with remember when John used to have a really cool car well now he takes the horse to work John wick is ruined he seeks penance John knows what he did but he just can't stop because stopping means dying why do I wish to live how would you answer that question John is that a loss I mean he stammers he says something to the effect of my wife to remember and the elder is like oh you want to remember your wife huh well your punishment is Christ but also IV literally he doesn't even get to keep the ring Angelica Houston's character the director states this plainly earlier in the movie art is paying life is suffering and if that isn't beef those of John wick a Lita taco [Music] sorry rd8 the taco how did I get here chadwick movies are special because the work ethic of those entertainers to entertain is atypical of Hollywood but here's the Shyamalan twist let's talk about Halle Berry [Music] so some John wick casting calls go out for this film looking for someone to fight alongside John wick I'm not really sure what the sophia role looked like in the script at this point they wanted someone who would do the hardcore training they were not looking for someone to take it easy someone with the work ethic of Keanu Reeves which probably pretty rare it wasn't your average sort of casting feelers so we put the word out like look we're looking for someone that really believed in the acting side of it and who was willing to give us a time to train her to be a little bit more on the action side of things I wanted the transformation anyway so Halle Berry went to chaps to housekeys office and was like what can I go in and talk to him cuz I think he's just amazing and I just want to tell him that I'm gonna do this movie and I just want him to meet me because I think you should knock on the office door and then a few days later I left there and he called back and he said okay I want you to kill it I'm not sure who hired you I can't tell I heard Halle she had her training lasted five months three hours a day of fighting two hours of guns and then to top it off in the evening she became a dog trainer she spent four hours a day with those dogs because it's a monumental amount of work to be able to control your body like that and dogs at the same time on a movie set everything about Sophia's character is John wick down to again they become partners in the [ __ ] but Sophia does not like John better get going switching gears aja Kade Dillon and non-binary actor playing a non-binary adjudicator who forces themselves to see the world only in binary since evil evil binaries they are an adjudicator for the entire totality of crime which I mean there's it's gotta be up there right you yeah they're coming to NBC's this fall the adjudicator because crime has to defend itself somehow Mark Dacascos only the strong Brotherhood of the wolf frickin Iron Chef I love the character of zero just straight-up literal ninja assassin moonlighting as a street food sushi chef and he's just a huge fan of John and his work which is literal death it's just a good it's just a good character there's a craft to these films I would be horrified making an action movie knowing that these movies exist well maybe not if I made the movie the raid but only then just kidding people from the Raider in this movie - there's thought there's nuance there's care I'm sure some people can relate that you go to the movies in the theater and sometimes it doesn't always seem like there's a great deal of effort on display that definitely does not happen with John wick movies there is a monumental amount of effort on display you can tell a whole lot of people care about these intricate details of this violent world but the X is central crutch of it all the truth John seeks but will not actually accept there is no happy ending for John none he wants one but if this movie is about anything it's that there's no fix here John guilt lost causes craft which brings us to [Music] there's a sentiment running through John wick three this overwhelming sense of huh helping John had extremely dire consequences for a lot of us or in other words truth we did this to us consequence the boogeyman has relentlessly torn down the structure of the temple that evil hath built everyone including the system itself is getting desperate what are we going to do about John wick helping John has had immense consequences the director lost her hands for helping him Sophia had already hidden her own daughter to protect her from the life Sophia chose she then tore her entire world down on behalf of John Winston loses his hotel and chooses to murder John to maintain his status quo and Karin fought at John side all the way to the end before ferrying John to his fearless leader symbolism Oh yesterday the mythology of John wick grew up enough to be its own thing while remixes cores of other things like these movies seem to be referencing the matrix a lot good lots of guns they're all gods now they're remixes their own pop culture hey I hate to belabor a point I made in 2014 but again chats the house key was the stunt double for me oh I met have been a rehearsal hall in Burbank it was my first audition that's where I met you Moo peeing and a an insanely talented your path Hong Kong stuntman meanwhile candles in the background doing kung fu with the neck brace on and just and it was a little intimidating but it was but she went trial by fire for how I find the Wachowski way the Wachowski gauntlet it's all connected in some weird way this movie ends with a boogeyman off Jon meets himself and he is a big fan [Music] [Music] the world of John wick has deified John wick God recognized God know what I need John cannot be defeated he seemingly has no self agreeable course of action but to fight the entire system but he has lost so much and believes in a peaceful end even though he has no answer to the question why they wish to live never seen a man fight so hard during the buck what he started here she possesses an immortality of torment John wick indentured to his bottomless incurable pain robbed from him by an idiot who sprung just the right leak in just the right pipe and then hell flooded out truth you really miss your wife consequence you became the one demon she never wanted you to lose yourself to and now they're all doing it this unimpeachably structure for crime was so easily toppled by applying just the right amount of pressure in exactly the right places the immovable syndicate of crime has met the unstoppable Baba Yaga hey you know I every time they make one of these that bloviate uncontrollably about symbolism and illusions older literature watching this movie again all I could think about was Dante's Inferno how Jon just finds newer depths to sink to because rock bottom is an infinitely unattainable goal for him the hole is always deeper and sure that's only a third of the pretty dope Vergil fanfic known as the Divine Comedy I mean Virgil and Dante just walk through hell and judge everyone like they [ __ ] don't stink it's effectively a more judgmental version of the simple life [Music] I let that sentence sit for 5 entire seconds and I still agree with it it was in that moment I was like whoa hey wait whoa what was the name of the ferryman who carts Souls across the river Styx it's right there which just is like a piece of advice or whatever is not the wisest choice of words to shout in a crowded room Charon the ferryman carting Souls across the river hey wait a minute that's your name the River Styx situated in the fifth circle of hell and Dante's Inferno receives a visit from the Beast most from the east coast aka jutsu church on the fifth circle of hell is wrath I feel like I buried that lead but the fifth circle of hell is wrath there is no greater sorrow than to recall our times of joy and wretchedness once upon a time in 2016 I watched this movie called John wick on blu-ray it knocked me on my ass and I wanted to talk about it so I made a video because there was a lot more going on in that movie than a typical little action movie I mean I kind of make money on the internet sometimes if I talk about movies real good but how long are we supposed to do this for where does this ride end truth all Brides must end we all must end Here I am sitting on a bench eating a sandwich thinking about John wick again but Who am I kidding I could do this forever you never really expect yourself to be where he ended up you know what I mean oh there's doggy Armour in this movie is the best show brought that up max I would like medicine or Ken Burns John Bret busy Adam Trevor starts ham bacon Matt and Dave the Aiden Finkel Sayer b28 brosephine Jamie hands Amy beat Tiger Beat Matt Buffon Oh jury lalo me Rob Goulding I've already lost the plot I hope you enjoyed paying good money to see these in the credits really just give it up for Alan pod Alex pod Gorsky interrogated abuts I think John wick 3 is dedicated to butts I think that's a fair fair thing to say don't you agree iris Fox Adam Billy Charles Dan Fred take that - first name Smith oldie but a goodie Merlin Brittenham durman's to do pleased to see you all still hanging around with movies of Mikey o 2019 has been tough but we're delivering the good Cyclops boy Oh
Channel: FilmJoy
Views: 237,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John wick, john wick 3, john wick mwm, john wick analysis, keanu reeves, mikey neumann, mwm, movies with mikey, film joy, filmjoy, movies with mickey, film review, positive movie reviews, film analysis, parabellum, john wick 3 parabellum
Id: pAZtxmCRnxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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