Let the Skyfall - Movies with Mikey

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[Music] Irma's our commander for the Royal Navy although he wore naval uniform he spent the whole of the war stuck in room 39 of naval intelligence people like to read about heroes espionage is regarded by the majority of the public with a romantic attack he was not exactly of us who accompany of the labels quite alas put it mildly first time I met him he came up to me and said my hope commercial husband and I was kissed mother passionately and I meant that war gliders have to set your adult for a lot Memphis revival because I think you're a sexist misogynist dinosaur a relic of the Cold War [Music] his first book Casino Royale it's almost a confession already of what he is what he wanted sadism sex more the secret unspeakable things he desired it was an autobiography of a dream James Bond or double-oh-seven is a wildly English top secret super spy film franchise that has been in business for 57 years the IP is owned by yun productions Hyo in short for everything or nothing the name of both a very good video game in the company itself run by why why did you do that with the music ins and stuff our journey starts with cubby broccoli a man with the greatest name of all time but also the most key creative person involved with the franchise from the beginning he produced the first 8 Bond films and was the key creative fine the scenes turning this into the business that it is and he produced a heck of a lot of movies to get there hello fire down below but there was always more voices than Cubby's including that of Harry Saltzman everyone involved in the story of the James Bond franchise deserves an episode on their own but we don't have the time right yes we should do credits [Music] [Applause] [Music] double-oh-seven is one of the longest-running same continuity franchises in existence today ii really only to Godzilla ironically or is it I started scripting that's suddenly something happens it was like having an orgasm it's a series that has found a way to survive and remain in the conversation for decades it might not sound like a lot but think of all the franchises that it has outlasted there's already a Jason Bourne same continuity reintroduction reboot to the soft reboot as it were in our rearview a stone's throw at just three years ago bond is still going and it fought back from the brink for practically its entire existence I get it running a business is already hard enough and I can only imagine most family businesses add an extra layer of patience to an already extremely difficult thing to succeed at so I get it in concert with a lot of cruise actors directors set designers costume designers makeup artists stunt people lighting crew and a hell of a lot of other people I'm saying outside of what the text says so to speak I see what I did there James Bond keeps a lot of people employed James Bond job creator not what I saw this episode going but okay the first film in the series doctor no in 1962 was a cultural phenomenon the world over it returned 60 times it's 1 million dollar budget one man against the world is commonly touted as the sub-genre that bond created ain't no die hard without bond yeah that whole one man against the world phrase is gonna pick up additional meaning as we talk about where bond came from what it is as an artistic expression and entertainment apart from being a business bond is a pretty troubling thing and at the center of it all is he in Fleming allow me to set a stage when Casino Royale was published in 1953 you have a lot of fear and uncertainty in the world James Bond came into existence the same year as the USSR tested their first hydrogen bomb setting off an arms race with the United States that would last for decades the Cold War the invisible war Ian Fleming an actual spy from World War two whose code name and this is true was 17 F he goes off to Jamaica after the war to his house he named Goldeneye and puts together a novel he himself referred to as and I'm quoting dreadful oh fish opus oh and he stole the name James Bond from an actual person 2,000 words a day on a golden typewriter short sentences sentences like bombs guns spoke once Ian's friends told him the book was pornography the publisher was super sketchy on the whole thing and the New Statesman said it was without a doubt the nastiest thing I have ever read but don't take my word for it here's an excerpt from the novel and to set the scene this is James's internal monologue in the book Casino Royale after Vesper is kidnapped it reveals deeply troubling things about both our main character and our author but in the man of infinite contradiction a drink was never good enough women were never satisfying enough but he discovered the bottled water which was the world is not enough delicious this is just what he had been afraid of these blithering women who thought they could do a man's work why the hell couldn't they stay at home and mind their pots and pans and stick to the frocks and gossip and leave men's work to the men and now for this to happen to him just when the job had come off so beautifully for Vesper to fall for an old trick like that and get herself snatched up and probably held to ransom like some bloody heroine in a strip cartoon the silly [ __ ] it's gonna be yaks for a dog that's not in any way a one-off by the way just open any one of the books and search for the word let's say woman to come up yeah I get it the 50s were a long time ago when people thought dumb bad dumb things listen I grew up with James Bond is just part of the culture around me he is allowed to treat people badly because he saves the world no one is unclear on this you can only point out the behavior with a wink and a nod for so long bonds peers look the other way and end up validating his toxic horrendous HR pinup behavior and ergo so does the audience first time I met him he came up to me and said I hope your motion husband connecting author conduct pretty concretely to the text here double-oh-seven is a behemoth of action cinema and is a franchise I love it has inspired me in so many ways my whole life without bond there is no die hard there is no fast and furious and there is no the offices John Krasinski and Amazon's tom clancy's Jack Ryan this is directly connected to the soul of your franchise Fleming describes men as the only real human beings and women as like dogs I am saying this from a place of love I saw die another day on opening day what browsers are gonna do cut surfing tsunamis today know it it's math here's a couple of but did you knows okay being romantically linked to James Bond gives you a 31% chance of dying but let me make that worse for you in 75% of all Bond films at least one of the female leads is killed 75 percent 18 films we have a spreadsheet you did teri hatcher dirty and I'm still cross about it I've been asked to state my feelings about a fellow named bond bond is fearless skilled witty courageous one other thing he always gets his girl and to think I had to preface all of that just so I could talk about [Music] [Music] Skyfall is a pretty good James Bond movie but an exceptional film what about death and rebirth it's sort of shocking to listen to Sam Mendes walk through the film on the commentary track to illustrate that in the first scene we meet the older James and we'll spend the entire movie asking can he still be the world's pre-eminent super spy which you can answer like this James in the hot pursuit comes across a bleeding agent the next him so to speak he is faced with his own mortality bleeding and dying on the chair the dying dude in the chair represents the next generation the ones that were supposed to replace old James at mi6 who has a lifetime of scars and guilt this is a movie about your body failing you when you depend on your body because like you made that 100 percent of your value to the world and James callously leaves his younger mirror in a film that has a thing with mirrors and reflections to die it's sort of a grand joke is James Bond as unstoppable as even he thinks he is and the answer is no no he isn't time stops for nobody wow that like ties directly into what you're saying about the legacy in history of that Skyfall is a 2012 film directed by Sam Mendes with writing credits for Neil Purvis Robert Wade and John Logan and I've already buried the lead here because this is the third time that Sam Mendes and Roger Deakins teamed up in their trilogy of the most beautiful films ever made jarhead Revolutionary Road in Skyfall which I assume means I have to do an episode on Revolutionary Road next year and that's a wonderful segue as I can put into your head to keep in mind as they talk about other things look at the way James is photographed in this film he's tired weary depressed aged regretful spiteful and ultimately accepting of mortality also the movie turns into home alone at the edge hey let's talk about this action movie on a technical level of difficulty this is the quad Lutz level of difficulty here Bond movies always have whiz-bang intros it's a thing there's a legacy and sky falls intro is bananas it's a brilliant structural escalation foot chase shootout car chase train chase the sniper must make an impossible shot it never stays one thing there's motorcycle driving on rooftops in Istanbul a thing they really did well I mean obviously Daniel Craig didn't pretty good little bit different you know guys are doing quite high speeds 45 50 mile an hour and a three foot wide piece of concrete for most of the chase the photography in the film lifts this idea by portraying James is an absolute icon in every way the way this sequence escalates is unreal every sequence is just like Mike on and then the sequence ends with James essentially dying boom we enter the credits something Mendes described as what he sees as bonds subconscious which tracks perfectly because it's horny as hell but it's the stuff in between bond is lost and doesn't know who to trust also his fetish his Guns N'Roses Tron porn death rebirth and my 6 is blown up it is reborn as a quaint subway station hideout very TMNT 2 vibes em dies there is a new M at the end of the movie we got a new cue in this one a new Monte Penny all things become new things rebirth what hell have you been enjoying death now that he hath guide who is James Bond and he lives the life of a spring breaker who couldn't let go of that life and lost all meaning his own life and basically becomes an alcoholic who are you if all you are is prowess at a single thing or arguably two things James Bond sinks to the bottom of the well of self isolated torment and he asked himself Who am I and he doesn't have an answer watch the news and realize through the fog of who you are you actually did have responsibility you also failed it who are you deshaun might be in order okay I'm in change well we've sewed your fat put your things into storage standard procedure on the death of an unmarried employee with no next of kin oh is all of that existential dread getting to you you blow off psychological concerns about your state of mental health after experiencing a grievous trauma and then blow off the test and pretend mental health understanding is dumb and meaningless because real boys do not feel like you mad at your friend's father pump such an example I might say day and you might say where's tender I'm saying it's asking the right questions but pump the brakes because the same dumb tropes are still there Bond women literally framed as a mysterious prize to be won he pursues her parallel to the mission at hand as she is indeed involved in it he pursues her blindly oblivious to obvious consequences he walks into her shower where I can only presume she wasn't expecting him a thing Sam Mendes speaks about on the commentary because they exercised a wealth of caution to not make James appear as a quote unquote sex pest yes that is criticism of the character at him but also the people responsible for making the decisions about what happens with double-oh-seven behind the scenes here's some constructive feedback given as if it were a live twitch stream look your films broccoli fan but the persistent misogyny is getting more difficult to stomach as the years go on in the world grows further beyond there my office use of women agenda from 1953 which are well documented within the text and the making of the films themselves Epson shot y'all anyway back to what Bond movies are good at erotic subtext where are villains a met villains Silva is a great one where Javier Bardem found extreme pleasure in playing Silva as bonds opposite he pursues bond physically in the same way that bond pursues women the sort of hilarious aura Burroughs of the whole dynamics that yes Silva was captured on purpose to enact his plan but that's the same thing that James Bond does he gets captured by Silva on purpose so we can use the transmitter to capture him thing of it is Silva is mad because the secret agent super networks who allow no oversight whatsoever refused to take one ounce of culpability an argument the film litigates in a courtroom now looking at Silva's computer it seems to me he's done a number slightly unusual things anyway cue plugs Silva's laptop directly into the mi6 Network which doesn't go super hot for him he's using a polymorphic engine too you take the code never I tried to gain access it changes Subba escapes all of this wild super double blood Maru bird was super villain stuff is all textbook bond to me so it didn't really bother me but it's what happened next that I love it's one of my favorite sequences in film history these two old birds who know every aspect of themselves is washed up find themselves at an impasse where they both decide to take responsibility for their previous selves and Mayor James Silva is new school as they come cyber warfare data money Bitcoin by the looks of his she shed the literal old-school versus the state-of-the-art no gadgets no spectacle three ghosts of a previous world fighting an army with whatever they can find in the junk rawrr fighting for their lives in a shell that once housed James himself he cannot fight his own history any harder than he is this is the only bond back story in bond it peels back the artifice of the entire franchise no missiles no laser beams no shark tanks just three people defending an old house from a dude who can bring the world to its knees just exceptional work over the course of this sequence that just builds and builds and builds and builds I watch it all the time this tiny sequence brilliantly staged in this cramped and wildly under equipped house is blown up and then the whole thing crescendos in this beautiful visual poem of the apocalypse just totally reverses what you thought you were watching it's small and cramped and then it's explosive and big and outside it just it sucks itself inside out Roger Deakins you take my breath away will you sign my yearbook please we deal with some stuff bond gets his dude I guess and these two people to care about each other sheriff final moment em says at least I did one thing right which is a loaded sentence for a figure of personal leadership to say as they died in your arms and after a long and earned emotional journey james reevaluate who he is and how he conducts himself just kidding he ain't learned [ __ ] I'm gonna put my dick in a martini y'all I'm not sure there are that many films they give me quite the same sensation that Skyfall gives me to do this huge magic trick setting up this 50-year old film character to age out and except he'd lost a step and in that movie with a fireworks display of cinematography composed of nothing but showstoppers and it ends with the death of a character who has taken exactly none of James Bond's sexist horseshit since the moment she stepped on the scene in 1995 because I think you're a sexist misogynist dinosaur a relic of the Cold War James Judith Olivia Dench and you've let our queen die in his arms it felt like this monumental crescendo in service of something but it was just the opposite in my house you watched Roger [ __ ] weakens when it was on the dang TV Moonraker is wild y'all it is a wild thing who could forget old Holly Goodhead and looking for dr. Grammatik you just found her a CIA agent combo astronaut who a classic package James Bond Madhu you are truly indiscernible from parody I wasn't allowed to watch the Timothy Dalton ones I mean I was seven when license to kill came out please don't be mad Goldeneye is still a stone-cold classic Casino Royale made me believe that this gritty reboot in the Golden Chemical Romance Age of gritty reboots actually at something to say but James it's not you it's me I expect too much I do this and I rally for movies all the time I love loving movies it's my love loving his thing I remember seeing Skyfall in the theater ah to make an entire film about accepting the responsibility of the people you [ __ ] over and taking ownership of your own choices in the face of a certain debt look at the end be like nah JK y'all and on top of that it's still there the same [ __ ] every time Severine a victim of human trafficking is relentlessly pursued by James and he does not save her she is murdered due to his failure but if you want to get real with it for a second she was murdered because M cleared bond for service after he failed all of his mental and physical tests I didn't have on pause the test he didn't she could learn a literal license to kill well you certainly did a court-martial and the only thing James says after it happens is so where's the good scotch she has never mentioned again surely you see the issue that you James Bond take pride in being cruel to women tattoo on your does Macao sex trade you belong to one of the houses when we twelve I know what a woman is afraid to pretending not to be not lucky so where's the good scotch so honest question is that your business strategy maybe some of us truly never grow perhaps you James Bond are destined to stay a psychotic sex pest forever maybe that's all you were ever capable of saying and maybe that's exactly where you came from and you are free to make your own decisions James I wish you all the best but I got a move on bro I think I'm gonna see some other forms of entertainment for a while I can't stay here like this anymore I gotta spread my wings and just see what's out there you know maybe killing Eve when we watch the Americans and who can forget about the offices John Krasinski and Amazon's Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan this is the end of the road for us James and I am given strength in this difficult moment by the incredibly moving words of the modern poet Adele mm-hmm this is the end hold your breath and count to ten feel the earth move and then hear my heart burst again for this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment so overdue I owe them swept away I'm stolen let's all wrote a goddamn breakup song and it was right there the whole time Oh David McIntyre wouldn't let Matt Hesse group Ken Burns John who could forget John or jury hey Jerry Jill Clark John Hyde that black tooth Bob San all names because David Smith J wants a cat Tobias Howdy's Tobias I don't know why I said it like that I'm sorry it's really hard to read this fast and there is the reason I'm doing this if you'd like to be on this list go to patreon.com/scishow and if people on this list in the pretzels here look gene Russell dear of patreon would like me to slow the credits back down they have the great I'm just testing it out because four or five minutes of credits really messes you up with the algorithm cuz words I don't know Lords org Aaron Peck yet blogs more terrible bland Trey Warren Ray Johnson follow me on twitter at Mikey faced with Jacob who flew by
Channel: FilmJoy
Views: 178,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyfall, James Bond, skyfall video essay, james bond video essay, sam mendes, daniel craig, roger deakins, james bond skyfall, Movies with Mikey, MwM, Mikey Neumann, Filmjoy, Film Joy, movies with mickey, joyus media, film review, positive movie review, positive film criticism, film analysis
Id: d2qfa3tlgH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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