John Romero — Quake Postmortem

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thank you everybody I've never been the Saint Petersbourg so it's really great to be here and to see this cool town it's really nice I live in Ireland where things are kind of small so it's kind of cool to see giant hotels so I'm gonna be talking about the development of 1996's quake 1 this is post-mortem so quake was released 1996 but the story of quake starts in 1990 so we used to play Dungeons & Dragons and in John Carmack's campaign was a group called the Silver Shadow band that did work for a group called justice in the silver shadow band was this badass named quake that had an incredible Thor like hammer he's someone you would almost never see because he was so high level and our group was just made up of low level peons we're basically lucky to see him at any time and like going in an awesome adventure with him once or twice needless to say we wanted to make a game with quake in it especially if we could play as quake and we were finishing up our first Commander Keen trilogy and we decided that we wanted to make quake next so in the preview section of marooned on Mars the very first Commander Keen game made in 1990 we hyped up the idea for our next game quake the fight for justice so we worked on the prototype for a couple weeks in January of 1991 and it just wasn't what we were thinking the technology was not there yet so we decided to put it on ice so someday we will make quake it reminds me of the start of Pixar if any of you know the story about Pixar all the ideas for all of the new movies came out of one meeting at the start of the company all the way up to the movie wall-e so we can continued working we made a game called dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion anyone played this game before yeah all right 1991 we decided we're gonna return the quake later it wasn't time so we released Wolfenstein 3d 1992 and then we released this game called spear of destiny as anyone played speed or destiny yeah I didn't think that many it was kind of a sequel that was not really heavily promoted Doom I think some people played that alright so we made doom right after that 1993 and we made doom to probably played doom too if you like Doom one yeah alright and while doom 2 was happening they were also making a game called heretic or the company called Raven people play a heretic yeah right and of course Hexen after heretic yeah that's personally when my favorite game sure of course so John Carmack he was planning on making his next engine a true 3d engine of thank God we decided that it was time for quake it was only four years after we had made the prototype but in that time we had made 15 games we made an engine upgrade the Wolfenstein 3d for Raven Software shadow caster we messed around with the atari lynx while we were in development for wolf3d for Atari and Atari even wanted us to create their mascot character which we named pounce but Atari dissolved after that and we made the wolf of the Super Nintendo version of Wolfenstein 3d and so we had this really you know a team with only six people in it at the time arch-vile is standing in for Tom Hall back there so the original ideas behind quake were starting to develop you know at the end of 1994 and we didn't have a cohesive vision of how the game of the game or really how the game would play we kind of kept it open so we did not immediately assume that it would be a shooter what we had was the knowledge that we would be creating a true 3d world for gameplay to take place in our game design ideas began with quake the character he had a huge and powerful hammer he could throw that hammer and destroy buildings at least in the D&D universe quake came from a medieval time period so we already knew that the game would take place in the past we talked about maybe you know how the camera could move around like one incredible scene that we wanted to make possible is that you would sneak up behind someone in multiplayer mode and maybe someone standing at the edge of a hill and you slam their head in with a hammer right in the back of their skull and they tumbled down the mountain forwards and the world rotates forwards as opposed to just left and right rotation that people had been used to forever well we never got that working but the idea was there just in case we decided to have that kind of gameplay well the first part of starting work on the engine was establishing what our priorities were going to be so a client-server architecture was just as important as the engine being truly 3d we're not going to be faking it like our doom Aerotech this time it was gonna be real and had to be really fast to do that we're going to be using the FPU the floating-point unit for the first time to speed up 3d calculations since most processors at that time had them built in and we were developing on Intel Pentium chips around 90 megahertz with 8 Meg's of RAM still targeting das as the gaming operating system to play it on and we were developing the game on next step workstations so before making levels we needed a level editor that could create 3d maps and before we could write a 3d level editor we needed to define the structure of the world and how it would be represented so this was John Carmack new engine design and it was going to be based on what he called brushes so a brush could be any shape but in the editor it would start as a rectangular volume and special cutting tools could shave off edges so the slopes could be made but those tools cut at an infinite distance so creating interesting shapes required several brushes individually sliced and pieced together an example of this is a first door you see when you come down the ramp from the initial slip gate it's a high tech door that has a notch on one side and the other side has a bump on it and they fit perfectly together and to create the store required three pieces on one side and two pieces on the other side the editor was called quake ed and had a pretty unique way of making levels because creating a true 3d editor would be like creating today's Maya or 3d studio max from scratch and that would take a really long time so we went with a really simplistic editor that showed levels just from the top down in a side view that showed the brushes that were under a special marker that we placed whenever we wanted to adjust the vertical height of the brushes we could drag the brushes in the view up and down and see the results in a small 3d rendered view you can tell how painful this was because of this way of viewing in creating levels that took more work to make simple things like a ramp like the ramp that you walk down when you come through the Slipgate you may be thinking that this way of editing levels would be incredibly difficult and insane and you'd be right for example for that base door I had to draw the door in 3d and in 2d in in the editor then rotate it so that it was vertical and then I could rotate and move it into place using the side view and the marker this process happened for every single brush in every single level it was extremely labor-intensive but the team was making levels instead of waiting for this huge 3d tool to be created so here are some sketches that I made before starting on the very first quake map which was a 1 M 1 the final map basically had that shape the Golden Horseshoe at this time it was early 1995 and a lot was happening at the time doom and doom 2 were out in the world and they had really changed gaming dealing with that involved an incredible amount of talking to journalists because everyone wanted to know how he did it and who we were it was really important to keep John Carmack coding and away from press interviews so J Wilber our CEO and I basically handled those duties so John Carmack knew that he was gonna need some more programming firepower at this bleeding edge of technology we could only work with the best the first obvious person who entered our minds was Michael Abrash after all he was the genius that wrote power graphics programming which was the book that John Carmack learned from that gave him all the graphics knowledge that he needed to develop the very first Commander Keen engine in 1990 the game that helped make the PC into a real gaming platform and Michael was a programming legend already back then he had written for dr. Dobbs Journal for years teaching the intricacies of 8086 assembly language the way that Roger Wagner taught 6502 assembly in the pages of soft talk magazine ten years earlier Michael was a hero programmer and John needed a hero who could write assembly language fast and great so John flew up to Seattle where Michael was working at Microsoft he flew up there to convince Michael that quakes technology would be the first steps towards the Metaverse that Neil Stevenson describes in his book Snow Crash this was something that Michael was very interested in doing well it didn't take much more pushing from John to get Michael to leave Microsoft and moved to Texas so the first half of 1995 was very busy with bringing a brash into its software my coding of quake ed to gets Andy Peterson and American McGee learning how to make levels in 3d getting Hexen underway with Raven software working on the ultimate doom which is the first retail version of doom that people could actually walk into a store and buy and me spending time experimenting with true 3d level creation in quake ed so there's a lot going on at that time during the first four months the engine was working with a client-server architecture and we made some test levels so we could move around in them in multiplayer since we hadn't established how we were going to be building models yet we used a golden sphere 2d sprite after a short time of researching methods of making 3d models with animation and hardware that could do it quickly and easily John decided on a path to reading in 3d file formats and UV mapping skin textures we bought a silicon graphics indigo workstation and aeleus modeling software Kevin cloud decided that he was going to be the guy making all of quakes 3d models Adrian would do the textures and everything else that was 2d made the player model first so we could stop moving around his spheres the skin textures were a little tricky because they were limited in total coverage so Kevin had to model in a certain way American was very busy making a ton of very small maps for John John's Engine to render the engine was going through a lot of changes mainly architectural in the renderer for the sake of speed American made probably about 50 small maps for John stressing different areas of the renderer and those were all throwaway Maps at the same time if he was working on actual levels for the game so rewritten algorithms for caching light map rendered textures meant a brush had to rewrite his tightly written assembly language loops over and over by the end of the engines development there were eight major engine render architecture changes that required rewriting let me also just take the time to say that quicks renderer was written before the existence of GPUs that means that every single pixel on the screen was computed with perspective correct texture mapping and placed on the VGA screen which had a limit of only 256 colors the screen was at a ratio of 4 to 3 because no one had 16 by 9 monitors since there were no video resolutions that supported that quake was usually run in 320 by 200 pixels ineuron shot of quake before we created the status bar halfway through 1995 we still did not have a solid game designed because the engine kept going through changes and we had no additional coders who could write gameplay code to test our early ideas so work kept going on models and textures and levels and technology we knew that whatever we created would be usable in any design idea that we settled on hexan launched on October 30th did which was called Devil's night during this huge dwango deathmatch 1995 event held at Microsoft's campus does anyone remember Glencoe yeah I think there was a Russian server or two I was at the office to play deathmatch that night over the modem with the winner of the doom 95 tournament that took place the winner was Dennis Fong also known as Thresh the twist was that that we had to death match in Hexen which I had been playing a lot of in which he played for the first time that night so we're continued for another few weeks until the engine was finally considered done enough to make the game now we would have programmer time dedicated to gameplay programming we decided to have a company-wide meeting to determine which direction we would go in at that time the team was burnt out we've been working away for a year trying to make a game without gameplay programming or an idea of how fast the engine could go the speeded the engine helps determine the kind of game that we could make a slower engine would be able to create the game design that we had at the start of the project and then a very fast engine be used for an FPS I wanted to experiment with a game design and see what we could do with this new full 3d fast engine and I was not as interested in making another FPS as I was about exploring our possibility space half the team made up of the members who were burnt out wanted to just slap some FPS guns in it and finished levels and ship it the other half we're okay with trying to do some design experimentation at that point if you're working with the team in that state the only way forward is to do the easiest thing so we decided we were going to make quake in fps we'd start working in a common room and we would get the game done as fast as possible at that point I decided that my time it it would be done after shipping quake we've just taken over the rest of the sixth floor a town east tower the offices that we just got were demolished and just basically all the walls every single thing was demolished we could rebuild it so we picked this huge corner space as our war room we called it this area is where we would we would finish quake in this big room we all moved our computers in there and everything else so around this time we found out that Nine Inch Nails were big fans of Doom and they played it on their tour bus after their shows so we got in touch with Trent Reznor and we talked about him doing the soundtrack for quake so he came to our office we talked about it we decided that the music would be ambient not really songs like our previous our previous games had in the meantime Trent got us some ambient music that a friend of his made to kind of hold us over while we were waiting for him to finish the quake soundtrack my first task was to redesign the game so it used all the currently created levels add some interesting story to it and some creature design that emphasized the Lovecraftian influence of our environment and the story so I added several enslaved old ones various keys in different dimensions that you needed to travel to so you could free them and a little bit more complexity and after talking with Kevin and Adrian about how many models animations and textures they could do I had to simplify the design into a game that we could finish pretty quickly so it took a lot of those keys and characters out and I streamlined the design back to a really simple get a key open door kill monsters find secrets find the exit stuff that we really know well so the newest stuff was inherent in the engine technology such as the way secret doors opened by moving back and in sliding sideways doors can move horizontally now and we finally had platforms that could follow a path and take the player on a ride we add water you could swim in and we endured the surface of the water and the wind blowing outside we added wind tunnels that could propel the player through the air and we could even change gravity and let the player float so we use the special properties of the engine to make the levels more dynamic than doom and it resulted in a very scary single-player campaign mode so this was January of 1996 and the mood in the war room was not a good one people didn't talk to each other much and the atmosphere was pretty oppressive the room was mostly silent where in years past we'd be sharing music played on a boombox we just had to get the game done so we entered crunch mode this was a seven days a week until we shipped so I called Tom hall Mike Eid co-founder from before who left halfway through doom if he'd be interested in co-founding a new company after I shipped quake Tom was working on his latest game at the time that was called pray and said that he would love to start another company so plans for ion storm lay dormant until after quakes release around the end of February we got the game ready to test multiplayer mode with a few deathmatch maps in fact we decided that we wanted all players to test the game for us we called it Q test and it took us 38 hours nonstop to get it ready and we uploaded it to an FTP site On February 24th of 1996 and just watched the Internet reaction did anyone play Q test here it was a long time ago I can understand if you weren't around a couple days later we called seven of the most hardcore local do MERS over to our office so we could watch them play the game they loved it and their feedback helped us refine some movement and level issues the time after Q test was a blur we were working away every single day we got an offer to sell its software to our publisher GT interactive for 100 million dollars at that time we were so deep in quake that we said that we could not even think about it right now we just were not innocent in the correct frame of mind so on we continued crunching making more levels making more monsters more sounds checking off the design check boxes to keep the game at a reasonable size we had to impose a limitation we decided that a levels BSP size could not be bigger than 1.4 megabytes with this restriction we couldn't make really huge long plain levels I remember working on a really cool entrance for e2 m6 and after the level was built and it went over 1.4 megabytes so I just deleted the entire entrance and left it as it was originally designed it was just no use arguing at that point we all just wanted to get the game done so eventually I did release the bigger version of the level onto the internet about ten years afterwards we were getting close to finishing the levels and everyone on the team could feel that the game's end was near the crunch was so intense that American me II was sick for the entire last month of the game's development we did not see him until a couple weeks after the game came out other team members pitched in to finish the level so we could ship I finished doing the sound work we finally got the tracks from Nine Inch Nails and a horrible decision from their record company the music could not be an mp3 format so the music had to be CD audio tracks burned on to a physical CD playable only on CD and this is the reason why none of the music played while people played the game they would have had to leave the CD in the CD player all the time so on the day of release I don't even remember how we decided the day that quake was ready to go but it was a Saturday June 22nd in 1996 and as I had done for every single it software game since the beginning I created the demos that you see in the attract mode and I created the gold masters nobody was at the office the company was totally broken took me several hours to get the game in a final state because it was the first game that we made that had subdirectories and finding a compression that was not zip and handled sub-directories was difficult in 1996 I settled on the LH a compressor which you probably have never heard of and it took a while to finally get it to work I wanted someone else at the office to be there for the upload of quake 2 the internet so I called my friend Mark Fletcher who was a really hardcore Doomer and I was on IRC making sure everyone knew that the upload was imminent IRC was exploding and the channel was splitting constantly due to too many people being on it I uploaded quake zip and hung out to hear the fans reactions and then mark and I left the next month was a pretty slow one people were recuperating American finally came back to the office I took a two-week vacation came back and I created the retail gold masters for physical distribution right after that honest sixth John Carmack wanted me out of the company and I wanted to start ion storm with Tom Hall so everything worked out within six months after leaving half of it software's 13 employees left the company quake had taken its toll but of course that was not the end its software went on to create the incredible quake to write off that people play quake 2 here yeah awesome game and I was busy heading up ion storm while we worked on four games at one time we worked on anachronox Dominion daikatana and Deus Ex a lot of DS we all still continued to create games to this day with the exception of John he's dedicated to VR and a brushes there to help him Kevin is still at its software he's been with the company since 1992 tom is at play first in San Francisco and I'm at Romero Games in Galway Ireland where life is good thank you very much thank you John yeah so now we are going to have some short 15 minutes Q&A session and during this Q&A session please ask questions can I switch to Russian okay the way to that the way to approach this is just pop over to the Claddagh soon as his bit nuts milk not a kiva process civil prosecutorial doesn't see me Estella media me will prostitute is legible procedure on most of the date for every McCune this is equatorial planet such as of olya what remix performer khuddam astronomer hamsa Rizzo Bosnia Virginian the Claddagh the white request for pro super power to the Claddagh so yes Lee will be it is the way to approach Bangla schema GUI one previous even Muslims adage Borowski okay thank you John it was awesome presentation however its title I think what not really explained I was expecting to hear a post-mortem because obviously quake is dead everyone is playing dota csgo whatever can you tell exactly what had happened to the arena if yes and quake why the game had died and no one ever except very hardcore fans among us still plays it thank you well it's kind of funny because arena arena deathmatch I think kind of started with quake 3 even though you could play doom and quake with a lot of people together it took a little while for arena to kind of catch you know catch fire and in 1999 when quake 3 was released and then team team arena right after that there are a lot of really cool mods that took advantage of the arena format like like rocket arena 3 and Disney's and I personally am NOT a fan of of arena because I like one-on-one matches because I feel like I earn every frag versus getting slammed in the back by someone I don't even know is there for me if I play arena deathmatch it's just for target practice and not really for score it's like a warm-up for the real match which is a one-on-one with somebody maybe that's why you know maybe that's why it didn't work out you know when you play you know deathmatch another in other games yeah arena isn't like the really big thing I think maybe I guess you know battle Royales kind of an arena but it's such a gigantic arena maybe just the arena format moved to something else like battle royale where you actually feel like you're getting some time to play versus a smaller level where you just get killed right after you spawn counter-strike style John you mentioned that the idea for quake came from Dungeons and Dragons campaign John come on run what was the set in it placing like a hawk Oh Pharaoh knows was it a ham Bru Satan that he came out with what was that what was the what was the setting for the original donkey campaign or in quake yes well the camp the the D&D campaign was absolutely medieval it was a totally like classic Dungeons & Dragons medieval time period it was the D&D setting was not not the typical one because John had been running his world for years before we actually met and started playing in it and he had a really huge map that not everybody got to see because you just have to you know you can't you have to get high enough level to even deal with the crazy stuff that he has at the outer edges of the map so what normally happens when you play D&D when you play a session of D&D is that there's a focus on a specific module that is a specific location and everything is designed around that location and with John he had a world that was just massive and you could go anywhere at any time except for I mean you could die if you want to areas that it's too difficult you could totally just die and that's that's a consequence of you know that you kind of make your decision do that but it was a very political world so it wasn't just about hacking and slashing stuff constantly it was about who runs what areas can we get on their good side we do something for them and while we're doing that we're running at all these weird mysteries because we'd find like crystal coffins in this forests that are you know what is that you know he would just throw all kinds of crazy stuff everywhere and we are investigating it and end up on crazy adventure there's lots of different dimensions and and lots of magic and it was really really cool it was really neat to have a kind of a boundless D&D campaign we could just decide we're gonna go that way and he could totally handle it how did you come up with quake after this game by the way actually how did he come up with quake you say like the idea of quake came from playing this you know it seems totally different yeah what would you come up was originally the the original idea of quake that was the medieval design that we when he had when it turned into an FPS it didn't make sense because you're not going to use a hammer and all that but we really love the name quake so what we decided to do was just name quake is the thing the character that you never see that is that is controlling all of the different dimensions and you're kind of going after them as they are shipping things through this little slip gate and trying to take over different dimensions it was a pretty weak story okay hello Jim what do the main reason de cadena failed the main reason for de Kitana failed oh wow it wasn't that good the you know one of the things i think a lot of people don't know about daikatana is that when i put together ion storm i had i didn't appreciate the fact that the people that I was working with and its software had so much experience by the time we got together you know to make our first game it it'd each of us had been making games for 10 years already so when I started ion storm I didn't hire a whole bunch of veterans I decided that the people who were modders that really are passionate about making levels and making quake BOTS and stuff like that would be pretty cool to have on a dev team so I basically built a dev team out of modders and many of these modders had never had a job before they'd never been in the industry none of them had ever made a game so I was the only person on the team to have ever made a game before and at that time I had made 90 some games and none of them had made a single game so it was it was a very long process to get these people over three years to release something that you know a major publisher would actually put out and you know it did it was I have there are people who are nuts about daikatana and love it it's been over the past ten years it's been upgraded to a decent game with 1.3 1.3 patch that dev teams have kind of took over the source code and just fixed everything so you know it might be an average game now hey John first I'd like to thank you for attending our doom party last year we appreciate it right thank you and I have a question about quake so in quake it's inspired by North Korea meters so you go through all the different dimensions mentions gathering the eldritch rooms but we have one great final boss in the first episode the coton and then when he completed the second second one the third one the fourth one there are no bosses just grab a room go back to the exit was where the the boss says for the remaining episodes actually planned did you have to cut them out because of time constraints or something like that what exactly did you have in mind if you did yeah so we did not have time to make new models for those for those final levels and then program them and do all that so instead we decided to do something that we've done before and doom which is take a a powerful creature and then make that the boss at the end of an episode and then you see them in the next episode the way that the barons of Hell were at the end of episode 1 and doom and then they were kind of all over the rest of doom so the the shall wrath I think was the name of the character that was in the second episode and you saw for the first time at the very end and so it was like this weird thing in like the last boss was in the final level called end and that was the only other character that we created that needed to be its own model we couldn't just take something that we had done before because it was like the end of the game we need to do something so it basically just sat there we weren't going to do other stuff with it so I had to come up with the idea of telling it hydron thank you I have two small questions first doom is awesome doom doom doom is awesome yes thank you yeah and my second question quick have some and find Easter eggs yes or not said again joy hips have a quick sum and find that Esther X or not o Easter eggs in quake are there any easter eggs which have never been found yet in in quake no people have pulled those levels apart so many times yeah there isn't anything I don't think that people have not found in quake so Jen hey what would be the top 5 games that you do come in to play maybe more than once maybe the not yours of course but like the more in the money mines probably thanks top 5 games well I love minecraft we actually actually do we play minecraft because we have four kids and our kids love minecraft and for a family game it's it's a night it's a nice game because it's not it doesn't need to be intense all the time like we love playing overcooked but that's a crazy intense thing that we don't have a family that wants to kill each other in deathmatch all the time so so we play Minecraft just because it's chilled out and we can kind of people can kind of join each other and help build things or mind things or go you know go to exploring or whatever so it's it's actually been a family game of ours for about eight years now so that's one game I played dropped seven G's whenever I'm on trips usually drop seven is a very casual game that's kind of a mathematical game made a while ago by by a designer that he's really really great his name is I can't remember his last name Frank anyway he's what Lance break Lance yeah of area code he teaches at NYU in in New York really great game my wife and I compete in it all the time and she just sent me a screenshot two days ago for the highest score that she just got for this year was always a yearly high score it's not it's not like a game that I would say yeah that's like the coolest game ever but it's a really nice like we just have a competition going for years I love hitman I love the new hitman games 1 and 2 I think the design of the new hitman design is just incredible and I love playing it and replaying it over and over again shooter wise cheez I really like the original Ghost Recon a lot has anyone played the original PC version of Ghost Recon desert season in the island Thunder and all that stuff there there are may it's amazingly replayable and that's definitely one of my top games of all time just because of how replayable that shooter is compared to other shooters world warcraft i love wow I've been playing well since it came out in fact the one of the programmers on quake his name is John cash and he was the network program around quake he he was a lead programmer of World of Warcraft so when he left it he went over to Blizzard and became the lead programmer are on Wow so he was there making that game for 5 years and I think he's still at Blizzard now you know you should actually recommended by Empire of Cena I guess yeah Empire of sins are our new game if you guys heard of it who heard about the new game John does yeah it's a 1920s prohibition-era Chicago turn-based strategy game it's a real time until you get into combat and if you do just check out some reviews in a few YouTube the trailer there's an interview with my wife Brenda who's the game designer on it and I'm I'm there and I work on the game as well that's a really really good game and the review the previews cuz I've we're pretty beta still and the previews are really good so we're happy we got PC gamer and and everybody to play it for hours in our booth and and they liked it so it's it's not it's not something that you would expect but Brenda loves civilization you know it's one of her favorite games and she wanted to make something in that time period that was kind of like it so it's that's pretty cool Empire of sin well we have one minute one last question and turn up I see there anyone okay the one is technique mysteriously boom master mr. doom concert broadcast with malicious robotically gurgly a mobility platform Cygnet mobility machine is just a smartphone of on rescued stovic bottom do multi is bright seldom era games do it secretly amiable not formally well assigns your map a couple formula so the question is if you read a masters of doom book somewhere in the end it said that mobile platforms grow and the question is are you going to go to mobile platform to make some platform mobile games or you're going to stick to the desktop and PC but I've been desktop like since I started so PC all the way I actually did mobile games in 2001 I started making mobile games and at that time I made a pretty funny game called hyperspace delivery boy has anyone heard of that game it's pretty rare alright well we were planning on bringing it back actually to just kind of remaster it and then in 2017 we released a game called gunman taco truck which is a funny game that's basically all my humor I wrote every line of dialogue and text and stuff in it and and it was and it was actually just put it out there with no advertising or anything because it's on mobile it's on iOS and Android it's hard to get anybody to like be able to see your game apples Apple told me that every month 20,000 games are put on the iOS store every single month so it's hard to see like games unless you have a lot of marketing and money so we just kind of put it out there and we unbelievably Apple chose the game as one of the games that they loved with we never talked to Apple they just chose it out of the huge ocean of games that's constantly being put out there and then we put it on the Mac and they chose it for the Mac and then they did it then they did a review an interview with our son Donovan who designed the game and so they did a big when they redid the App Store to include developer stories and other stories they wanted him in there so they did an interview with Donovan over the phone and then about a year later when the iPhone 10 came out they actually he contacted me and asked if I would upgrade a gun man taco trucks the iPhone 10 just out of the blue so it's a neat game I think it's pretty fun school it's hard hard hard very difficult game but it's hilarious at the same time right now I'm not focusing on mobile stuff or focusing on basically everything else we're desktop and the consoles ps4 and Xbox and in Paris when sin is also on the switch and and I just came from Gamescom from yesterday Gamescom and I've been busy you know just checking out what's out there and getting with the press to pay attention to Empire of sin and so it's turning out really cool we're pretty happy thank you John all right thanks you
Channel: TechTrain
Views: 24,490
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Id: zAC4_ID8quY
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Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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