John Osteen's Jesus, The Deliverer (1997)

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throughout his life one thing thing that most to Jesus he sacrificed everything to lead them to his father and to love him no matter what Jesus loved everybody that was what made him so different and so necessary to our lives I'm John Osteen pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston Texas through many years of ministry we've discovered that there's no greater joy than loving and caring for God's people that means you no matter your denomination grace a walk of life your dreams and desires are important to God and that makes them important to us we've dedicated our lives to bring in the compassion of Jesus to everyone by building faith in God through the teaching and preaching of his word they could help those who have been overcome and be overcomers we're interested in God's fair best for you so please just as you are join the people of Lakeland for the next hour as we open God's Word together welcome you so they would church oh that's the joy of the Lord and you know Bible said the joy of the Lord is just straight and God wants to fill us with joy you said well don't y'all have any problems well we have problems we have fights with the devil but I'll tell you we're winning every battle shout Amen hallelujah and we are we are a Bible teaching Church we worship God we teach the word we preach the word and we try to help suffering sighing crying dying humanity and get them filled with joy instead of sadness and we're so glad that you've tuned in today don't he greet the people amen I just want to remind you that God not only can give us joy and he is a God of compassion and mercy but also he's a God of peace the Bible says in second Thessalonians just as is closing out the chapter may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace no matter what happened in a world where people have gone wild and everything is happening God can give us peace he is he is the only one that can give you peace in this day and time but the Lord of peace himself will give us peace now if you don't know God it's a different story because you don't know how to have peace so I just want to tell you today that Jesus is peace and He will give it to us and we have decisions to make he is there and he will give you peace and then the Colossians 3:15 says let the peace of God rule in your heart so you have the peace that Jesus gives then peace can rule in your heart and all the people said Amen and dodi you know so good for the people to learn God's Word and I'm going to talk right to the people on television learn God's Word the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God everybody shout impossible I can't hear you shout it again now listen to it carefully without faith it is impossible to please God how many of you wanna please God shall praise the Lord and I know many people watching by television you walk to please God but without faith it is impossible please God would you say well if I gotta have faith how do I get faith but the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God yes and that's why we emphasize teaching and preaching the Word of God here at Lakewood Church we like to we'd like to develop people with strong faith we don't want the devil chasing us we want to be chasing the devil can I have an amen amen television audience do this with us if you got a Bible everybody say if this is my Bible and what is this I am have what is this a hell I can do what it says I can today I will be taught the Word of God boudic advanced news alert heart is receptive I will never be the same I'm about to receive the incorruptible indestructible everliving seed of the word of God I will never be the same never never ever that will be the same in Jesus name Amen you may be seated and television orders we're reading from the book of Mark chapter 5 beginning to read with verse 1 and they came over unto the other side and of the sea of the country of the gadarenes and when he was come out Jesus was come out of the ship immediately there met him a man out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit he and this man had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice saying what have I to do with you Jesus son of the Most High God I journeyed that you torment me not well Jesus had said unto him come out of the man you unclean spirit and he asked him what is your name and he answered saying my name is legion for we are many and he besought him much that he would not send him away out of the country and there was nigh under the mountains a great herd of hogs feeding and all the demons begged him saying send us into the house that we may enter into them and forthwith Jesus gave them leaving that unclean demons went out and entered into the Hogs and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea and there were about two thousand and they were choked in the sea and they that fed the swine fled and and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what it was that was done and they came to Jesus and they saw him that was possessed with the demon and was sitting and clothed and in his right mind could a heaven a man I'd noticed the startling next statement and they were afraid and they begin to pray and ask Jesus to depart out of their coasts and when who has come into the ship he had been he that have been possessed with the demon paraded for him that he might be with him howbeit Jesus allowed him not but said unto Him go home everybody shot go home go home and say enter your home into your friends and tell them how great things the Lord have done for you and have had compassion on you and he departed and began to publish in the capitalists of the ten cities have great things Jesus had done for him and all men did Marvel hid not a wonderful story I said isn't that a wonderful story I want to talk to you about you know about how Jesus no matter what the devil can do to you or tries to do to you that Jesus is able to drive out and deliver you you don't matter what you've gone through it doesn't matter how far down you have fallen or how many people have said there is no hope with God all things are possible can I have a better email and you know our enemy walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and we see him here now in in in processing a man now they are there are many facets of the of the devil's work he begins with obsession and then oppression and then Paul says and you know many people don't realize that the devil is trying to fascinate them by causing them to be obsessed with things that are going to give them harm in their life oh my baby he came up to even set off it's not a pretty tree in that nice look at that it's good for fruit look at that oh my and he fascinated her she became you know obsessed and many people that the first step to the devil getting a hold of you is that area of obsession that fascination he tries to get you fascinated with some other woman beside your wife but ain't she pretty ain't she nice whoa but I'm telling you she may be nice but you gonna pay a price but you know people the grass is always greener on the other side you better keep that woman you got you got her trained you know what's wrong with him so don't trade him in for somebody you don't know what's wrong with him but people become fascinated and then people become fascinated with just doing nothing but making money making money making money many people get fascinated with themselves oh my the greater the great one has arrived get fascinated with all kind you get fascinated with pornography that's us the devil some people right now do you have pornographic material hidden in your in your house someplace and I pray the devil will be uncovered in your house but you have a fascination for all of that all of the areas that can harm you the devil begins with fascination fascination and and then if you listen to him and get fascinated enough and begin to listen to him and to agree with him you will have what the Bible calls oppression he takes over and begins operating in your mind and in your body now I'm not bragging on the devil I'm telling you how you get rid of him many people listening to me on television you don't even know there is a devil and you don't know there are demons you don't understand why you're doing what you're doing but listen folks the good news is not there so devil and demons the good news is you don't have to live for them amen amen and the Bible says in acts 10:38 have God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed everybody say Oh Prince say it out loud he healed all that were oppressed of the devil so every person jesus healed had been made sick mentally tormented physically ill by the powers of darkness we need to realize that that sickness and disease and mental torment that they're all an oppression of the devil the Bible says Jesus what about all the villages all the cities healing every sickness and every disease thank God there followed him many many multitudes of people they followed him because of his miracles well listen Jesus went back to heaven and what Jesus did on earth his name will do today thank God he left us his name his name in the book of Acts became so feared they said we command you the church we commands you not to speak in this name but I got news for you devil who we aren't going to be quiet you notice how in public places they always leave out the name of Jesus oh we ask this in the name of our Savior we ask this in the name of our God we ask this in the name of the Lord but they never get around to the word Jesus whoa oh it's because you're deaf the devil is the god of this world and every time he hears that name Jesus he trembles because it reminds him of that day that Jesus walked into his castle and put him down on the ground and put his head od neck and took the crown from him and the keys hey man he is a deep-toned enemy he is a defeated enemy and so we have that name but now now I encourage you if you're being fascinated by something gambling cheating lying immorality that fascination that comes for doing nothing but giving yourself to making money and leaving your family and neglecting your family a fascination with all of these things a fascination with going to palm readers a fascination with going to be those that are gonna tell you future will look where they live if they had much sense they'd find out how to get a better future for themselves a lot of people a lot of people a lot of people are fascinated with the psychic line oh they get fascinated with all of that because it has to do with the supernatural let me tell you something you don't have to go to the psychics to get the supernatural you can go to Jesus amen amen the devil's first step is to fascinate you and then he comes if you give him room he'll heal not heal no pressure and you'll get a hold of you through all of the psychic lines and through all of the the works of the devil and all the fortune tellers and and you know so much said well you know I went to a meeting and somebody told me my name and address well big deal if you don't know that you're in trouble listen just because somebody continued you know something about about you like that doesn't mean that's of God he will fascinate you and then if you let him he'll come and you know pressure and you'll get mental disorders and you'll get mineral disease and you'll get nervous breakdowns and you'll get sickness and disease in your body the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now if you if you let it they're not much of this in the world but you go from obsession to oppression to possession now this man was processed we've had several people in this church process with demon powers they didn't even know where they were and God delivered them through the name of Jesus nobody cast out a demon out of a woman right here and and many of you saw that and other things I didn't even know many when your demon process you don't even know hardly what you're doing you have moments of sanity but not much and that's the ultimate of what the devil wants to do but here's what that's what he did here he possessed that man and I want you to notice Jesus delivered even the worst he can deliver the fascination and you know the obsession he can deliver you know the oppression but if you even if you get to the roof last place where he possesses Jesus can still drive the devil out and what he did on earth his name will do today that's what I want you to see his name will do today Jesus said I'm gonna leave you my name and you act in my place now I used this illustration often Dodi has has soul powerful thority to use her daddy's name and her mother's name and she could go to the bank and show that power of authority and writing a check to get any money or transferring the property or do anything she is acting in their behalf she is doing what they would do if they were able to do it well now Jesus has gone back to heaven and he left us power of attorney to act in his place to do what he would do if he was down here on earth and jesus healed the sick and cast out devils and we can use his name to do that very thing notice how people act how that how the devil wants to get you involved this man was possessed of and of a demon is his name was legion this demon had power had under him 6,000 of the demons see their their authority in the demon world of principalities and powers rulers of the of the darkness of this world of wicked spirit in high places and this happened to be a prince one of the princes and he had under him six thousand others which is a legion now the first thing that happened is that man let that that but prints into his life and he opened the door and that all the other 6000 in be careful who lays hands on you and who prophesize over you and who ministers to you in the psychic world or any other place just be careful don't let any demon in your life some you people right here you on the edge of oppression you're on the air to put such a dog don't don't go out there and leave in that Twilight Zone of ins uncertainty oh I think about the young people of our day I think about them going down a highway jumping from car to car did you read that think about all these things that they do and the drugs and the alcohol and all the things I'll tell you snuffing but the devil and demon powers we've got to take authority over our families and bring them out of the devil's power notice you know how this man acted it says uh he they met him out of the tombs you have not clean spirit yet his dwelling among the tombs living in the graveyard no man could tame no man could no man could bind him no not with chains and always night and day he was in the mountains and the tombs crying and cutting himself trying to commit suicide the word always always night and day see there is no peace saith my god to the wicked the devil may entertain you for a little while but the bottom of the cup is drinks I'm tell you if the end of it is no peace always night and day in the tombs crying but when you thought you'd notice how how this demon called Legion has to bow to Jesus but when he saw Jesus he looked out of that man's eyes and saw Jesus afar off and you ran and fell and worshiped him why did you worship him because the devil knows that Jesus is the Son of the Living God he ran and worshipped him and he said are you Oh what have I to do with you Jesus you son of the Most High God I sure the torment me not somebody said well the devil been torment me let's listen if you know the truth tell him his notice if you go to the right kind of a church the devil won't be tormenting you you'll be tormenting the devil and Jesus had sent him come out of the man and he asked him what is your name he said my name is legion at six six thousand demons under him my name is legion for we are many my name is legion for we are many and there were all those hogs over there and they begged Jesus all the demons began to beg him saying send us into the Hogs that we may enter into them and as demons longed to have some kind of a body if he can't get a human body they want a dog or a hog or a cat or anything else they want to go in to have something to manifest himself through because they are powerless without a body say they can't have my body said like you mean and Jesus let him go into those hogs and notice the Hogs couldn't sign that they committed suicide written over the cliff died instantly they ran back in the town everybody came out and they told him all about all about what happened to keep this deranged man you know anybody to race he tore his clothes off he ran down to the community naked they bound him he broke the chains no man could tame him he was tormented day and night now they come oh this is why we preach about Jesus this is why we get excited about hallelujah they caught and they found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus he was clothed and in his right mind and what Jesus did there his name will do today because he said if you ask anything or demanded a thing to be done in my name I will do it I'll back it up the Holy Ghost will arise to do something to take up and so the Bible says when they saw him clothed in his right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus they were afraid can you imagine that was the day that I was afraid of this kind of a Jesus listen Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever but they were afraid look like they should have been glad they got their problem solved the man is clothed he's in his right man he's sitting at the feet of Jesus elder said Jesus oh thank god you're here but they were afraid you or some people are afraid to come to Lakewood they're scared one person said I find to get up enough nerve to come do I have to have nerve just come on we're out here full of love we're gonna teach you about God and about Jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever and the man said and the man said Lord let me go with you I won't travel honey everywhere you go that's way that way you ought to be if you have Jesus in your heart and if and if you have made him the Lord of your life and if you have been healed or delivered by him he didn't master I want to go with you in your ship but you know Jesus Decapolis means 10 times Jesus said no I came over here to get you delivered and I got a purpose for your deliverance you'd go home to your friends all the tin towns and tell him all the great things God has done for you and he sent him out to tell his story you see what does God want me to do tell your story tell your story tell what God has done then let him know that God is still a deliverer Oh Halliday now listen to me Jesus is still delivering people from the power of the devil and there's only one name that they were listen to and that is the name of Jesus and you have that name shall I have that name that name is Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus I have your name I'm afraid the devil demons they have to bow to that name you know this may be a very strange kind of a message for you to hear today maybe you don't hear about this where you go to church I'm not critical of your church but it's good for us to know who our enemy is it's good for us to know that our enemy the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour many of you out there have been obsessed many of you are pressed and some of you might even be absolutely possessed of the devil I don't know but the devil is working on your mind and trying to get your attention and there's only one name that you can use to bring him under control and that is the name of Jesus and you know when you make Jesus the Lord of your life you take on his name just like with Dodi and I got married she left the name pilgrim and took on the name Osteen when I took Jesus as my Lord and Savior I took his name I am a Jesus person now because he is the lord of my life and I bear his name and I use his name to set the captives free know today the greatest thing you could ever do is to turn your back on the devil and demons and the world in sin and make Jesus the Lord of your life I'm telling you the devil is the god of this world he is the one doors to kill steal and destroy but Jesus would you to have life and don't go to hell with the devil let's go to heaven together just make Jesus the Lord of your life folks you just prayed this prayer Oh God yeah I know I'm a sinner in you enormous but God I won't peace in my heart I want to be saved I don't want that devil to get me and and send me down to hell I want to be saved I want to go to heaven I want peace in my heart so today ask you Jesus come into my life be my Lord and be my see this day let heaven make a record jesus is my Lord and I'm saved and I'll never serve the devil again
Channel: Keith Alan
Views: 5,623
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Osteen, John, john osteen, Sermons
Id: pZ6eQxmm7mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 30 2014
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