John Maxwell - The Secret to Success

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you if I could come off the stage and have a personal conversation with each one of you and if I asked if you wanted to be successful everybody in this room would say absolutely that's why you're here that's why you're registered that's what he paid money but if you and I could take that success conversation and expand it and I ask you to tell me what you thought success was in a crowd this size I would promise you there would be probably two or three dozen different answers because success can be very subjective I would like to talk to you about it today I am I've studied the subject for 30 plus years I've tried to ask questions of successful people I've tried to talk to them try to discover what made them successful and kind of find out what they think success is this is a success symposium this is a day that you set aside I've set aside two to kind of be more successful and get our act together and hit our potential and climb a new level that's why we're all here and I think it would be maybe good for us to take just a few minutes and kind of have as a settling point and as a starting point what success is I think success first of all is knowing my purpose in life as I have watched and observed successful people what I have discovered about them is they really have figured out why they're here they really do have their act together and knowing their purpose in life is a stability for them so that when everyone else is rocking and rolling and and and things are a little unsteady and people are kind of leaving the ship and people are kind of abandoning their causes with these people they hold steady right throughout the storm because they they have a true North Star they truly are focused it becomes an it come an anchor in their life that just holds them steady and the anchor is a confidence based upon a knowledge of purpose someone said that there are two great days in a person's life the day that they are born and the day that discover why I'm here to tell you a highly successful people they've discovered why you you
Channel: SUCCESS Magazine
Views: 407,944
Rating: 4.8251796 out of 5
Keywords: Success, john maxwell, secret to success, secret
Id: yU8lUimI-Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 23 2009
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