Developing the Leader Within You - John Maxwell

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lesson has to deal with the price tag of leadership which is self-discipline when people asked me and they do in QA all the time John what is your greatest leadership challenge I always give them the same answer my greatest leadership challenge is leading me that's my biggest problem my biggest leadership problem is John Maxwell yeah leave me see it's much easier to lead you my gosh I'm teaching these lessons on developing the leader with you it's so easy to lay out these thoughts these ideas give you these steps to do it it's so good and then when I'm done I leave you it's just wonderful good luck see it's easier to teach what I know that is to live what I know teaching is easy living it it's more difficult and that's where self-discipline comes into play it might book intentional living and what I teach it what are the things I do for people as I give them a visual and this is a visual that works for intentional living but it's a terrific visual for self-discipline I always do this because what I want you to know what I want to know what I wanted to know is that everything worthwhile is uphill everything there is nothing in your life there is nothing in my life that's worthwhile that's quick and easy it's all uphill you have to fight for it every day you have to climb for it every day does it come to you it's not in three easy packages and it's not the cure to overnight success it's like one guy said all my life I've worked hard at being an overnight success everything worthwhile is uphill now the problem is we have downhill habits now if you have downhill habits and you have uphill hopes you're in trouble and the only way that you go uphill is by self-discipline so listen to me very carefully it's an impossible for you to have continuous success without having self-discipline in your life impossible and my greatest challenges the leaders your greatest challenge as a leader and that is everyday keeping people climbing because they don't want to climb they want to coast to success huh are you with me they want it to come to them they treat it like the lottery and they just kind of hope that if they're the right place at the right time something wonderful will happen to them it won't everything worthwhile is uphill all the way all the way not not partially uphill and and and the challenge that we all have is we don't mind climbing uphill for three or four days as long as we can coast for a couple I just I deserve a break I deserve a break I see what you don't understand is four days of climbing is wiped out with one day of coasting and you're back to the same place that you were and you wonder why you're not being successful it's faster downhill than it is uphill it's easier downhill than it is uphill it's quicker downhill that is uphill and so what happens is we have a lot of good uphill days but we have a few downhill days and a few downhill days cancel out all the uphill days so people ask me all the time they'll say um are you writing another book yeah writing into the book in fact I'm always writing three books I'm creating one writing one and finishing one well do you do that all the time every day hasta god I've never had a book write itself it would be nice if I can figure it out I'm gonna get by into that program no I've got to write every one of those suckers and I love people say well how do you do that with a legal pad and a pen one word at a time what's your secret every day every day now self-discipline the first thing it does it it enables you to go uphill you can't go uphill without self-discipline nobody will carry you uphill nobody can coach you uphill nobody can push you up here if you go uphill you got to do it yourself there are no free rides uphill there's no such thing as accidental achievements it's the bridge self-discipline is the bridge between good intentions and good actions good intentions is on one side of the water and good actions is on the other side and the bridge is self-discipline that takes our good intentions and turns them into good actions and the question is is my attitude about self-discipline is it a tunnel or is it a bridge if it's a tunnel then self-discipline is heavy because it's always about what I'm going through well I'm going through this well I'm going through this I'm going through there's a difference between going through something and going to something when you're going to something your on the bridge when you're going through something you're on the end of the tunnel in a tunnel hoping there's some light at the end of the tunnel so if self-discipline is a heavy thing for you it's a hard thing for you but if self-discipline is a journey for you it's easier for you is that a bridge or is it a tunnel am I going through it oh hope I get there or am I going to it secondly self-discipline is the difference between temporary success and sustained success because the uphill journey is all the way you don't get flatland and you don't get down land you it's just all up land and so the core of all success the core of all success principles is the core of it is self-discipline most people want what I call a quick fix okay John okay okay talk to me talk to me help me out here what what's the quickest way for me to be very wealthy highly influential and very successful in life just know it's just cut out the just give me the just straight quick fast easy way there's no such thing it's uphill all the way and self-disciplined is the vehicle that gets you there listen to me carefully there is nothing I can do for an undisciplined person to make them successful and the quicker you understand that and quit working with those kind of people they'll wear you out what have you done for me lately can't you carry me for a while I don't want to carry you I want to throw you off the bridge the only energy I want to exert with you is throwing you down have no desire to it's the pay now play later scenario you either pay now that's what my father taught me and then you get a play later or you can play now and you pay later but you're going to pay do you want to pay on the front end you want to pay on the back end pay on the front end the cost is less than the back end every day you delay the payment the payment gets at greater level number three self-discipline makes habit your servant instead of your master now habit becomes your servant not your master once you understand self-discipline habit begins to serve you instead of you serving it now we talked about uphill hopes downhill habits are you with me so let me let me on the screen let me take show you that there between uphill climbing and downhill sliding see on uphill climbing everything worthwhile is uphill can I tell on downhill slide nothing while there's nothing worthwhile if you're going uphill you get wins you get losses downhill if your uphill you're preparing if you're going downhill you're repairing I know people every day they just repair they just are fixing yesterday everyday high morale is up hill climbing low brow is in downhill sliding you get high self-respect if you climb uphill low self-respect if you're going downhill self-improvement uphill no improvement downhill you're purposeful uphill you're aimless downhill you're fulfilled uphill you're empty downhill you're making a difference uphill you're not making any difference downhill you're intentional in your actions uphill you're got just good intentions on downhill Wow now all of this up hill climbing can be described in the phrase self-discipline again it takes a highly self-discipline person it's uphill climb and only self discipline will get you there now okay let's talk about emotions for a moment because we all haven't we're all emotional creatures emotions are a wonderful thing I've I loved emotions they allow me to express a lot of things to a lot of people so I'm not anti emotions but let me say something emotions without thinking is downhill you show me a person that's emotional that doesn't think and they only got one way to go downhill and emotions with wrong thinking is downhill and if you put emotions above thinking it's downhill so how do you get uphill that's when you have emotions but with right thinking because when you think right your thinking will always trump your feelings they always will not in the beginning got to give people time to work through that in the beginning that's it's emotional we feel that well my gosh it's wrong and I'm mad about that all right it's okay it's okay there's nothing wrong with that here's what I say let your emotes emotions emote for the first few hours but then let thinking come into your life you with me and if thinking doesn't come in your life there's no uphill to it self-discipline number four is mostly most easily developed in your strengths and in your passion because self-discipline needs fuel and the fuel comes through doing what you love and doing what you're good at there's there's a relationship between willpower and why power there's a connection and the connection is very simple when you're doing your why your purpose you have a will because it's what you love it's what you care about that's what I call making self-discipline easier and so therefore I'm very self discipline in adding value to people because it's a passion of mine are you with me I'm very self discipline and writing I write at 5:30 in the morning I write before people want to see me and I get very excited about that I I don't get up at 5:30 oh my god got it right again okay here we go mmm come on thoughts hit me hit me mmm no thoughts hit me I'm gonna lay down for a moment sleep on it for a while no I get so excited when I wake up because I know I'm about to write and the moment the pen starts moving the ideas began to come the moment the pen starts you got to move the pen the ideas don't come to the hand without the pen it's the motion controlling the emotion which turns into self-discipline so I don't have to write I get to write I want to write so people say I admire yourself discipline let me taste something when you fall in love with something as much as I've fallen in love with something you'll be self-disciplined also a lack of self-discipline is a lack of knowing what you want in life and when you don't know what you want you won't have any self-discipline power to get there self-discipline number five makes consistency possible and consistency compounds it always has and it always will see consistency is the prerequisite of excellence you only become excellent in something because you're consistent with it if you're inconsistent and it's hit or miss you've never hit or missed your way to excellence it's consistency and consistency reinforces the vision that you have and the values that you have people do what people see so when you're consistent with that people see you doing it and it becomes a value in there because leadership is highly visual people do what people see and consistency establishes your reputation you get a reputation by doing the same thing extremely well Wow and that consistency provides security for other people because they now know they can depend on you if you've been good in the past and you're good in the present there are pretty good odds that you'll be good in the future it's that consistency that has bring security peoples where they say wow as a leader I could depend upon you and when you do all those things and put them together consistency compounds and so here's what I mean I've been speaking like I'm speaking now not as well but I was speaking for 50 years okay for 50 years so people they they watch me teach they said John you're such an incredible communicator you you just sit on a stool and drink your water suck a cough drop laugh and talk and walk around and sit down with this you seem totally relaxed well I am I'm not nervous wasn't nervous before I came out I'm not nervous now I'm afraid relax I'm with friends I'm having a wonderful time this is hard this is very easy ha what's this what's the secret alright we're friends I'm gonna come down and I'm gonna share the secret with you but don't tell anybody just between you and me ok here's the secret I've done this 12 thousand times that's secret twelve thousand let me hit this way if after twelve thousand times I'm not any good and I'm nervous it's not my gift you see we miss consistency because in the beginning we counted one at a time and we're so obsessed with two three four five six seven all right eight to this eight times Hey you shouldn't even start counting until you get to about 10,000 it compounds right in the same way I shared with you it was my seventh book when I got good at writing seven books the first six books people weren't sending say to me when you going to write another book what's your next book coming down they're saying oh my god you wrote another one the first six books only my mother bought the books get the picture training I've been doing it for 39 years writing I've been doing for 38 years providing resources I've been doing for 35 years self-discipline allows every day to count and self-discipline allows every day to compound and what you gotta understand is you'll never know how good you're going to be until you've done it long enough to know how good you can be that was really good you're never going to know how good you're going to be until every day you do it discover how good you can be and self-discipline is what allows you and me to get better and here's the way it works in the beginning when you start off you're not as bad as people think you are yes I know what it was like to start off and I've started off I mean when I first started speaking I would and and that wasn't really good and I want to tell people I want to say I know it wasn't really good but I'm really not that bad I just I'm not quite as bad as you think I am because the beginning people just think you're worse than your but let me tell you how consistent works if you do it really good over time in the end you're not as good as people think you are it's called the consistency flip after a while people just say my gosh they're amazing no not amazing just done at 12,000 times if you can't do it good after 12,000 times find a new gig okay get a new career go do something else self-discipline is that a bridge are you going to something if it is it'll motivate you or is it a tunnel are you going through something if you're a tunnel with yourself this room you'll quit all the time but if you're a bridge you'll keep going because you see what you're going to not what you're just going through that's self discipline
Channel: mattgclement
Views: 253,226
Rating: 4.9091096 out of 5
Keywords: John Maxwell, Developing the Leader Within You, leadership, discipline
Id: 8X6PNJEqMrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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