John Mark Comer Interview with Pete Scazzero
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Brian Bull
Views: 9,524
Rating: 4.8248177 out of 5
Keywords: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero, bridgetown church, bridgetown, john mark comer, interview, Solid Rock, Solid Rock A Jesus Church, Bridgetown, Bridgetown Church, Gospel, John Mark Comer, Portland, dominic done, Oregon, Sermon, Church, Pastor, Calling, identity, jesus, transformation, sermon, bible, kingdom of god, kingdom, god has a name, author, Bridgetown Daily, Emotionally Healthy Church, pete scazzero, 1 Thessalonians, Philippians, the ruthless elimination of hurry
Id: yNAqhlcFZfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 19sec (7099 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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