John Lennox: Scientific Discovery REVEALS God's Existence & REFUTES Atheism | Eric Metaxas on TBN

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I sometimes say to people how does Genesis start in the beginning God created the bits of the universe we don't yet understand well that's what Hawking believes you see that kind of idea no in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth that is everything in other words the bits we do understand are the bits we don't but here's the interesting thing it's the bits we do understand that point so strongly towards God so it's important for us to understand as much as we uh Revere what science can tell us it's it's important for us to understand the limits of science um and I was talking to Dr James tour of Rice University in Houston do you know doctor very well and he was telling me he's probably no not probably he would say probably because he's being falsely humble he is without doubt uh the brightest and best Nano scientist nanochemist nanobiologist on planet Earth today and he creates molecules in the lab and he knows how difficult it is to create molecules and he tells me that without any question science has never even begun to answer the question of how life began and how molecules assemble themselves because of course we can't be talking about Evolution because there's no life we're talking about dead molecules and I thought if ever I needed an illustration of the limits of science here you have the greatest nanoscientist in the world telling me and of course he's a Christian but telling me that in fact not only don't we know it we haven't even made any progress on figuring out how molecules assemble themselves he's very convincing I I find his arguments absolutely convincing in that sense and I've long maintained that the origin of life is the crucial thing and as you rightly say you cannot explain it by Evolution because Evolution whatever it does or doesn't do depends on the existence of life and the existence of life is certainly bound up with the idea of a word base a coded base a genetic code and all its sheer complexity it's not only the complexity of it it's the nature of that complexity this is a word this is like a computer program and it is always fascinated me that the language that has been deemed appropriate to describe molecular biology at this level is taken from computer science and therefore the evidence that comes pouring forth is that no matter how far we go unnaturalistic presuppositions we're never going to get a solution and it would be better to follow the evidence where it leads it's very interesting to me that one of Dawkins predecessors the famous philosopher Anthony flew who was a great a great advocate of hume's ideas that Miracles violate the laws of nature and high aim to believe in God and he believed in God because of the discovery of the nature of the genetic code that it was a word that this kind of semi-autic language there was no way it could be generated by chance and he was perfectly prepared to make a very important point that it's this I want to follow the evidence where it leads you see if you assume that what science means is that you've got to have a naturalistic explanation well then I believe you're never going to get one but if you say look I want to follow evidence where it leads here's a word what is our common experience of the Genesis of words that have meaning it's mind and therefore here is certainly in our priority reason to believe that there's a mind behind this whole business as James tour so very clearly asserts and I would encourage listeners to watch his lecture at the University of Waterloo the Pascal lectures he followed me or I followed him but his lectures are far better than mine and they're well worth watching well I I have to say that it seems to me the the more uh I meet and get to know people like you and your books and and James tour and some of the proponents of intelligent design like Stephen Meyer and Michael behe the more I am convinced that anyone with an open mind has to conclude at this point that there is no question that the evidence leads us in the direction of believing in a a God who created the universe in other words even though we might not be able to to prove it if I had to make a choice the evidence of late perhaps 100 years ago this wasn't true but but because of what we now know through science the evidence has become overwhelming pointing in that direction that's how I said let me just pick you up on the although we cannot prove it the word proof unfortunately is ambiguous in the English language and when we say we don't have proof what that should mean is we cannot prove it like we can prove a synergism and Mathematics or ethereum and Mathematics but you cannot prove anything like that outside mathematics right you can't do that in physics or anywhere else or chemistry what you get in these fields is proof in the legal sense that is beyond Reasonable Doubt now when people react and say oh that's not strong enough I said it's strong enough I couldn't prove to you mathematically that the jumbo jet that brought me to New York a few days ago was going to get me here but I trusted my life to it because I think there's enough evidence and when we made an auto fully automatic Landing a JFK in fog and the runway became visible about one and a half seconds before we touched down and the pilot said switch off all your phones make sure every electronic thing is off because they could mislead the guidance mechanism that'll get your attention there's an example of committing your life to these these technological masterpieces but you can't prove mathematically and then on the more human level I've been married for 51 years to the same person I can't prove mathematically that she loves me but I'd risked my life on it do you see the point in other words when we say we can't prove it we mean we can't prove it mathematically but we can give evidence for it well John this is the great lie that has crept into the culture and it's why we're sitting here because um when we talk of faith in science we talk about the Christian faith and science up until fairly recently there was no divide between the two in fact one as you said in a previous program uh led to the other a Biblical Faith led to the assumptions that led us to science to do science and but we live in a culture now where we have to make the case over and over and over again because people have drunk the Kool-Aid and are somehow convinced of what they've been told over and over and over for example that the only proof that we can have is scientific proof you've just said and I know it to be true it that's sheer nonsense but we have to make that case over and over and and I I've I've often said uh the same thing you know we say Napoleon existed and we talk about his life well prove it in in a lab prove it scientifically nobody would even want to prove it scientifically historically give evidence but of course we can use logic and we can use evidence and that's what we do in our lives with just about everything of course it is and we have to redeem the ground in the culture so to speak we all know what evidence-based faith is and The crucial thing to grasp is that the the atheists are wrong when they say Christianity is not an evidence-based faith it is I think that we need to bring another thing in I I wondered why is it that so many of these people Hawking in particular when he was alive told people you've got to choose between science and God I could never understand that until one day it dawned on me what the reason was it's because of its concept of God you see when I was younger if I used the word god it meant the creator of the universe eternal independent of the universe who creates and upholds it but you see now they're so hung up on the idea that God is a fiction that they've reduced the god of the Bible to the level of the Greek god of Thunders right now a course on atmospheric physics will remove the need for the God of Thunder straight away and so you get atheists hey there folks if you enjoy this video and want to see more interviews like this one make sure to subscribe to my Channel please just hit the Subscribe button below click the notification Bell so you don't miss new content every single week ninety percent of you who watch are not subscribed and you could be in the first 100 000 subscribers to my channel I would love that please subscribe God bless you Stephen Hawking the late Stephen Hawking gave people the impression and many people have it you've got to choose between science and God and if you want to be regarded as a thinker you forget God and I was puzzled until I realized that that comes from having a false concept of God that's thinking of God as what we call a god of the gaps the Greeks didn't understand thunder so they postulated the God of Thunder that God will disappear once you've done a little bit of atmospheric physics so the idea is that God is a kind of placeholder that you believe in until science fills that space now two bad seriously error here the first is that the gods of the ancient world has a brilliant Oxford Dawn Werner Werner Yeager said the Greek gods are descended from the heaven and the Earth they were created by the Primeval chaos the god of the Bible created the heavens and the Earth so if you put them in the same category you just don't understand it's a failure of understanding what these Greek gods were now that's the first thing but you see that means that because the god of the Bible created the heavens and the Earth he's not threatened by science at all because he's the god of the bets we do understand as well as the gods we don't I sometimes say to people how does Genesis start in the beginning God created the Wits of the universe we don't yet understand well that's what Hawking believes you see that kind of idea no in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth that is everything in other words the bits we do understand are the bits we don't but here's the interesting thing it's the bits we do understand that point so strongly towards God we've just been talking about the DNA molecule this word Newton when he discovered the law of gravitation didn't say oh I've got a law of gravity I don't need God no he said what a brilliant God that does it that way and it's the same with us if we go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art here or wherever in London or Amsterdam and we see a painting the more we know about painting the more we admire the genius of the person that did it that way the less we know about painting the less we'll be able to admire their genius and so the more I understand as I mathematician some kind of a scientist of the way the universe works and the way it's describable the more I admire the god that did it that way because science doesn't threaten him isn't it true I mean I have to say that uh I I wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal a number of years ago which uh was a a shortened form of some chapters in my book Miracles which themselves uh took much of their uh information from your book so I want to tell people to read your books but in that piece they title yes that's right they titled it uh science increasingly makes the case for god um and I I do make that point that I think scientists today many of them are scared because they have had a lot of cultural power and the evidence now very strongly points away from their atheist Theses and they're frightened and so all they can do is make a lot of noise and try to redefine terms and try to say that you're stupid if you even question these kinds of things and try to use these false arguments I mean to say that I don't believe in Zeus and I don't believe in uh era and I don't believe in this one and that one and and I also don't believe in Jesus as though there's some kind of that's called sophistry let's face it if anybody who's serious wouldn't say that and but I really do think that there's a real fear uh and that they have a narrative and that they become hostile because their power has been threatened their cultural power has been threatened I think that's fairly real but it's good to remind ourselves that not all scientists are like that first stepping back from this historically many people don't realize that in the Hundred Years between 1900 and 2000 over 60 percent of nobel's Prize winners believed in God that's Point number one that's amazing and when people say to me look science and God cannot live together I say well what do you make of Francis Collins who worked in the Human Genome Project directed it and there's now the director of the National Institute of Health and what do you make of Bill Phillips who won the Nobel Prize for physics they're both Christians you see if some God were total aliens and enemies you would never have a Nobel Prize winner for physics who's a Believer you just wouldn't get it and that's enough to tell me that this assumption that science and God are enemies there's something seriously flawed with it it's it's actually absolutely false
Channel: Eric Metaxas on TBN
Views: 405,474
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Keywords: john lennox, john lennox debate, john lennox ai, john lennox proof of god, proof of God, scientific evidence, does God exist, science, math, proving god exists, apologetics, Stephen Hawking, apologetics for kids, atheism, atheism vs christianity debate, proof of Creator, How Science Points Toward God, intelligent design, genetic code, christianity, james tour, eric metaxas, eric metaxas show, eric metaxas radio show, eric metaxas on tbn, e1e1e1, e2e2e2, em11em11, em1t1b2n, em1tbn, tbn
Id: N-miE3KXij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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