John Hancock's New Game Room Tour

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ladies and gentlemen it's done [Music] after five months I'm finally done with my expansion and for people that are new to my channel or people that haven't followed me a long time this is an expansion to my other game room which is a converted garage and so I wanted this game room to be different you know there's a lot of people out there and they have a lot of Nintendo themed game rooms and you know newer newer games you know switch we 3ds ps4 Xbox one you know I love playing games on those but I really wanted to celebrate the classics the classics you know going way back target 2600 is a huge part of of my life and especially collecting videogames I wanted to showcase it but also wanted to showcase other classics in here they come they came around at the same time period so sit back I want to show my game room expansion a place where I'm gonna hang out and play games let's check it out together so here it is game room complete I have several thousand games in here many complete and box and I wanted to focus on a place where I could play games a place where I could show my classic video game collection and just chill and just hang out and talk and you know not have to be cramped and just I love it I love everything about this room I you know really really excited about being able to just hang out and play some games so here's something awesome I had to have in my game room and this was a gift I married a good friend of mine Jonathan rose and Chelsea Beck and they gave me this as a gift for doing that their service and it is super awesome and it was a Kickstarter and it was a print done of all the lightsaber battles from everything from rogue one to the original Star Wars and it just it's awesome I love it it's got some really cool stuff I really enjoy this it's it's it's it's unique and I have to have it in my game room my favorite movie of all time Empire Strikes Back this poster has actually been in every single one of my game rooms going back to the early days of me dating my wife when I lived in that in a flat and I in a you know like a single bedroom apartment and it was really cool so this is this poster is weathered many storms and I had to have it in here it's just you know what can I say it's my favorite movie and at Empire Strikes Back it's classic Vader can't go wrong and if it's the 80s one of the show some of my classic computers and classic comp consoles that came out in the 80s and I really had specific ones I wanted to show and I don't not all of them are up here but you know I did run out of space and I just really wanted to just decorate my top shelves with some of my favorites some of my favorite pawn units some very rare ones and uncommon stuff you know but you know I love all things pong related I'm always looking for new stuff and it's just this stuff you know and seers tell the games it's kind of my sub collecting that I really enjoy doing and it's it's been a lot of fun know over the years collecting this stuff when we come to lighting I do have a dimmer switch and I can turn it down or up as much as I want especially for like media and so that I do have that option and a lot of times a light is off a lot of arcade marquees and I've had these in my collection a long time the berserk was actually a gift from Chelsea Beck and Jonathan rose for my birthday and I wanted to show some classic arcade marquees I love arcade machines I wish I had more space and recently I got this this was at the Portland retro gaming expo it was you know 40th year anniversary of the 2600 I'm gonna have a frame but you know for now I just stuck it up on the wall and I just wanted this show that and a futon you know fold-out couch and it's small and it fits in here pretty nicely and this is for guests when they want to come stay they don't want to stay in a children's bed they can crash here this is my working 1974 flim flam it's kind of a 4 player pong clone knockoff and I did score it locally I did a video with my family talking about it and I'm really excited to have this as a centerpiece in my game collection considering of such a pong fan I had to have a pong arcade machine and this was affordable I actually had to take it apart to get it through the entrance and this is this kind of neat I I see myself kind of hanging out with friends here I have four chairs just they'll be on the corners and we just hang out play some pong or you know have a beverage and chat and I'm looking forward to that so here it is my classic game collection on this left side and I have many many many favorites that I cherish that I grew up with and so first up is I organized the Atari 2600 by game company and there was a lot of different ways of organizing it that's the way I did it I used Sterilite many media crates I had 200 of them to assemble this shelving unit and I bolted it to the walls using several 1 by fours and it's very secure now if you notice here I have like a cartridge here and that is because I'm missing the box actually just recently got this box but it's just not here yet and so that's where I would put a boxed copy of this and this is just kind of place holding it that way I had enough space organized out on this shelving unit to show kind of what I'm missing I also collect many variations so I have spaces for those four boxes I still need and so then you know by organized by company so Activision and then it went to Apollo and then it went down to 2600 which I Atari and started with the gatefold I'm missing basic math that's the only gatefold I'm missing and then I started with the text label 2600 games and then then went to pitcher and etc etc so this is just showing kind of how I organized it again it works really well these many media crates hold six 2600 games box for people asking about the protectors you the protectors are retro game protection calm and it is they're awesome and so it they have many different types of game protectors there that's what I use I've been using them for years so I just wanted to show the many of these classics it took many years to get this this is not something I purchased off eBay I did have received some donations but I would say 90% of this is something that I collected over the years and took a long time to amass this collection it's not something I just bought and I'm really happy to finalize it this is some of my pride and joy these panda games are very hard to get boxed and again this is just an example of a crash video game and one thing I love about these is the price sticker so it's KB sets clot you know I keep I keep original price stickers on it it dates it it you know KB toys you know pretty much essentially gone and I you know $4.99 it's in really good shape this is stuff that you know eventually I would like to showcase in a museum and it's gonna happen you know it's gonna take time lots of steps that I have to get in place before I can you know roll it out so it's it's just you know something I want to do down the road I'm going to need more time and yeah something sega love collectin sega for a classic Atari and made some cool stuff I'm missing up and down box which was days I'll get it so again I want to show I not only collect 2600 but I collect everything of the time period so moving on to the homebrew stuff I really love collecting homebrew video games and I I chose I didn't showcase all my 2600 home brews but these are the ones I like you know halo you know star castle Ixion that's kind of a cool one release Sega game very neat there's some games that I was involved with publishing you know game panic game panick 3d catacombs of chaos and a tour and just for people asking those are out of print now those aren't won't be made again any time soon it's just a lot of work to do homebrew publishing and I'm I'm kind of tired so here's some other stuff homebrew stuff and here's some just loose carts all sorts of neat stuff and here it is box 5200 collection again had many contributors over the years and I'm really happy to have it finally together and you know again piece by piece my name these games were purchased over 25 years and found at various areas of the West Coast conventions and you know Craigslist scores and all sorts yard sales flea Mart's it's just this neat to see together my 1700 collection with many home brews I'm a huge fan of the console and having a complete box Atari 7800 collection with many variations and it's just neat to see all the other a lot of a lot of neat stuff and really happy to finally have it all together in one place next up is my Cliquot vision collection and again collect this over the years Clicquot is a lot harder to find it's kinda neat to go up in Canada and see it more popular I guess cleco up there was a lot more popular than the 2600 and I have several my cleco vision games and box I'm very fortunate to have amassed a decent ColecoVision collection I'm far from having actually not too far from having all complete its it some of these games are just really expensive so I may never have all of them but it's it's fun to collect and have the super game module which is a neat kind of a homebrew Hardware add-on that adds additional capabilities to the original ColecoVision and last and definitely not least in the far corner here is my Odyssey 2 collection and I have several home brews I have the complete complete box I have just some neat side stuff including the multi card I have the Ralph Baer sine pinball both versions and just just a neat neat seat need to have this stuff all in one shot just slowly bag goes all the way down alright there it is my totes I use those to put all my controllers in got into inexpensive 4k TV and I use various things to hook up nearly 20 consoles to two TVs one CRT and this TV I've used some simple HDMI splitters switchers my Commodore 64 here and now it's hooked up to my CRT TV and I'll get that in a second but yeah so the comer 64 is in here it's awesome this has been on my collection 20 years my ps4 pro my actually Neo Geo MVS 1c and it's in a Super Nintendo shell my TI 99 with a Witco adapter so I can use standard 2600 controllers on it my backwards compatible 20 gig my Sega Genesis set up recently had my Sega CD go out so I have my backup unit it's in really nice shape it's been completed box for a long time Apple to see I love that thing on a side note this to see here has been to nearly every PR GE event and playing Morgan trail and so it's really cool to have a final resting place here and I have the retron 5 we AVS and n64 with the HDMI out very cool I just recently picked up an excellent Xbox 1s and I loved it and it's a great a great 4k media player so that's why that's in here my martyr than television I did a video on that and I want to talk about these cards here this was from a long time ago PR GE did a really simple museum and I was a part of that with some consoles and we took Van Pelt and I found these cards and I thought you know what let's just put them in here just kind of need to kind of show the different eras of classic gaming and these eras were something that I came up with and talked about in the class they taught at Portland Community College so here it is this is the corner of my game room and this is kind of where my classic computers and consoles are isay I mentioned before the c64 was here and the vic-20 is here you can't you gotta have both and I'll a huge fan of the vic-20 with a a multi cart in the back a bare-bones multicart right below it my vetrix my Tandy color computer 3 with a Witco adapter so I can use 2600 controllers on it my 130 XE with a multi cart back there so I can the ultimate 8-bit card it's like essentially the the best multicart you could probably have for the computer it's awesome my modified 2600 s-video out my modified Cliquot vision I have anything it's RGB modded actually but I haven't hooked up hooked up just AV cables at the moment and it's amazing as you notice these are vinyl covers these are all original vinyl covers by the way and so I just got this Odyssey 2 1 it's really cool and so I'm really happy to have that and this is a rare from my Odyssey 2 I also have a 2600 adapter so I can use a sari 9 pin adapter so I can use a 2600 controller on it pretty uncommon and yep my Cliquot vision I've done a several videos before but let me flip this up but I have out here just want to show this I have modified my Cliquot controllers and I had this done by yerkey on atari age and he straightens the chord of the cleco controllers and adds a ball mod and it's really cool it's a really neat mod it's by 5200 and my 5200 is with a multi cart it's like essentially brand-new just taken out of a box and it's it's awesome huge fan of the atari XE GS it was kind of a you know essentially a rebranded 8-bit computer sold as a console bizarre fits all ready to do this I have several the games sealed and boxed I don't have them all I would like to complete this someday just some of them really hard to get like karateka I'm just I'm still missing Mario Brothers which is easier to get just just have for some reason having a hard time getting it and some other one summer games is pretty tough to get but it's what the loose carts look like and below this is my tabletops my Game and Watch tabletops and I'm really proud of having these including a Donkey Kong jr. which was a cleco release the other three were game and watch but still same style and stuff so I put it together I love the Cliquot tabletops you know those are just classics you know I think a lot of game rooms have these you know and I love them Donkey Kong is by far my favorite and below is my beloved Vectrex complete collection so these are some home brews here yes that's a complete and box 3d imager it's in really good shape and it's complete here's some uncommon home brews for the vet track system war the robots is really pretty tough to get there was this was out of classic gaming expo a long time ago and you know it was pretty hard to get this one definitely is rare and then every Vectrex game complete and box and they're really good shape this is kind of an oddball this bed bed lamb right here it's got like a double print here and it's kind of my oddity nice if you're wondering why that's there so yep here's completing box Vectrex collection and here are a ton a time and i got these at pak-rat video games and tons and tons of homebrew Vectrex games including and this is a separate and I've done the still some of his games and dead of night very cool vetrix game last and definitely not least is my new media shelf and it's Atlantic I got this off Amazon and what's important to know about this you must bolt this to the wall and it's really a thin media shelf it's kind of flimsy once you bolt it to the wall it does not go anywhere up top is my Fairchild channel F card collection I'm missing a couple still I do have the homebrew pac-man kind of cool it made a homebrew game and put it on actual physical cart and these are some of the new little mini arcades you can purchase these at Walmart my favorite is Qbert centipedes pretty good and they they just released a oust and rampage but they're they're not here on the west coast yet here's my box Game & Watch collection and really proud of kind of collecting more I get the set eventually just it's expensive all of them are expensive very proud of the crab grab and the spit ball Sparky complete and box with my donkey calling variation there's it's just by it's fun to clock all these and it's just it's expensive and the I just collected these over the years but they they are not cheap and they're all functional the ones I got are functional and I know I can get little stands for them I just haven't yet again this is 1.0 version so I'm just trying to so as much as possible next up is my trash a tea cart collection that's right I have all the first-party trs-80 cart can color computer cartridges edible games I have many of their in box and these are kind of cool the predator ones pretty sweet and got that and I have several others down there including dexter and some of the educational games but the thanks are in cart yeah it's kind of cool sorry to jump around that's my atari 8-bit cart collection and the rarest thing i got is a prototype actually actually I have a couple prototypes in my collection then this is Star Wars 8-bit and it's it's kind of hard to see but this is legit Corey from classics and lot of these picked this up for me I have a couple other prototypes two in my collection that's the one that's I currently have I have a 5200 mega mania as well and below that is my calmer 64 cart collection nothing crazy I do have a diagnostic dead test like it like a diagnostic cart kind of cool I saw the ball and there's more Commodore 64 cartridges I like I like collecting classic computer cartridges kind of an oddity more 8-bit Atari 8-bit cartridges and behind it is a homebrew cartridge called dungeon hunt very cool that they made that and something that's not in a lot of collections is TI 99 I love collecting ti 99 been collected a long time and just continue to collect for it and would like to collect more of it so these are some of my rare games and I have others in box and this is just what I have to display I've got a lamp from the West fest and I have a boxed miner 2049 er and right below here is RCA studio 2 complete set I know there's not bingo there but I believe bingo wasn't commercially released so I know there was a complete copy off eBay a while back but I don't think it was publicly released anyways multi car which is kind of cool so there you have it thank you so much for the positive comments people have made on this journey I've done several videos just showing little increments of progress I've done from in the foundation all the way to the completion it took about five months I want to thank Larry who helped me construct this awesome expansion I want to definitely thank my wife Sarah who's been very patient with items in the living room and stuff just taking a long time to come together and I want to thank James Zimmerman who really helped me put together some of the shelving units in here and if you have any questions or comments comment below I'd love to hear your thoughts again I built this specifically to be an add-on to my den in my house and in a cozy place where I can just chill sit back and play some awesome video games thank you so much to people around the world who continue to watch my videos I'm still doing three videos a week one on Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays I typically upload at 8 o'clock in the morning Pacific Daylight Time this is the immortal John Hancock my hat's off to people around the world they're awesome beautiful take care
Channel: John Hancock
Views: 98,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Immortal John Hancock, Game Room, Collection, EpicCollectorRoom of Doom, Nintendo, Atari, Sega, Retro, Hipster, Large Game Collection, Video Game History, Gaming 101, Gaming, Atari 2600, John Hancock collector, Atari 5200, Atari Collector, john hancock, the immortal john hancock, retro gaming, john hancock retro, video game, Epic Game Collection, Atari Collection, Atari 7800, Colecovision, Commodore 64, C64, Game & Watch, Vectrex, Tandy, retrousb avs, ouya, PS4, Xbox One, Odyssey 2
Id: v3TAVvhzGyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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