John Deere S790 First Impressions

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morning combines and good car hey everybody you're watching call the cornstarch beautiful day today we got the 2014 case 9230 45 foot Draper with curry air bar on the front and then in the blue or the green Corner we got the 2020 John Deere s790 from Van Wall Equipment got the 40-foot Draper on the front of this we're gonna be running these two combines today we're over on Zach's Farm we got 150 acres here with these two machines with the beautiful conditions we're having today we're gonna get this thing wiped out in no time I've never been up on a John Deere combine like this before where we put the blue Gatorade I think we got over here fuel tank oh I like that cap look at that grain tank that thing's a mammoth uh dipstick dipstick dipstick let's be onto something here ah there we go a little towards the lower end but I think we're good I see what they did they put it down low so that way the little kids would do it so that way they know from a young age to check the oil that's smart John Deere and then with older gentlemen they put it down there so that way they don't check the oil then they have to buy a new machine faster we just got the auger set up to the bend hey Kelly come here kind of making it hard we're running the tractor on a thousand RPMs because we don't have 540 on this one probably over fit the tractor I'm running the RPM slower try to keep the auger from going 100 miles per hour choke key diesel hey 330 gallons I don't have enough fuel to do the 9230 or the 340 so we're just gonna get everything greased up we're going to put death and stuff just have half a tank in them yet so we can roll for a while that's it I've ever first put all their grease zerks in one spot in this nice bank right here so that way you don't have to climb all over the machine to get to them so thank you for that on reverse this is nice foreign took the fuel trailer to go get more fuel I'm gonna start getting this field outlined with the 790 so then once he gets here we should be able to go back and forth this feels pretty much square so once we get it down and back off the ends finishes back and forth we're gonna do 120 feet of inros or Headlands whatever you want to call it we're going to do it down we're gonna do a back and we're gonna do a down which is the equivalent to our 24 row planner doing a down and back I wonder if there's a rock or something wedged in there just right all right I brought lunch did you bring me a radio by chance yes perfect I have those that's the convenience store thank you hey that's Dusty red guy down I will say that that machine looks cool down on the wrong side see if it does let's open up that the back and look up in there and see what we can see I don't know to me it sounds like it's like back here but these belts are just jumping all over like crazy this one is yeah oh that storm thank you oh look at it did that come off I'm gonna open up the back here look into we have some in our Chopper all right really well you might as well get after it oh boy there's about to be a tussle here on the side of the road that's an s780 we've outlined all the waterways all the edges that probably have a good hour of seat time in here now so I think I'm ready to give some first impressions and just for clarification these are not my final thoughts on the combine these are my initial thoughts completely brand new platform to me I just got a phone with chat Larson from Larson Farms he runs one of these exact combines so you kind of give me a run through on kind of how to set things up a little better tricks and tips that he's learned kind of the hard way I guess you could say I like that how it gives me a percentage that is slick moving right along yeah it is I can probably push it a little faster too we're doing some four eight my monitors size wise the cab is very similar to what I'm used to on ours this kind of comes forward a little more so you can kind of Tuck stuff under there but this definitely has a more spacious area the cup holder main cup holder and this thing is incredible look at that it swallows your whole bottle don't got to worry about that thing flipping over you can try to knock it out and you can got a couple power Banks here it looks like you can charge your phone and stuff in those all right yeah phone I don't know what that little one is headphones maybe I do wish there was a speed knob on this steering wheel though you stick your finger in here and or you just feel like you turn a ton but this does turn sharper having these LSW 1400s on oh you dirty dog whoops sorry having the tires turns way sharper than the tracks extremely noticeable this is what I'm not used to at all I do like this though you press that one button it just lifts the head right up we'll grab the steering wheel we'll turn right around then once we get about halfway then we press this number two button head goes back down automatically gets on our Auto steer line all these buttons have a really crisp feel to them so when you press it it's not all mushy you know you engaged something when you click it so if I click this one I can set my max speed and I can turn it up like we can turn it up to five mile an hour we'll turn it back to four eight but then I can go full stick and I will stay at that 4.8 mile an hour I won't go any faster and but I can go slower and then let's say I'm in an open area like this and I want to go faster then I have this number two one program for a higher speed so then all I got to do hit that Zoom across the open area and then when I get back to the beans then I just hit the wand and we're doing 4.8 this one has taken a little getting used to this is our throttle I'm used to having a lever that we pushed forward that's idle that's like a medium Idol and then this is High full speed so it's kind of weird pressing that but I do like how you can hit everything right here from your thumb because ergonomically this is nice we're not reaching over here for anything it's just all right here the stick feels nice real smooth in the hand we got our unload on the right and we got our presets for the header control there you can do a lot with this I'm just kind of scratching the surface I'm sure but then this is kind of our manual head lift and then we can tilt it side to side this controls all our real functions this is our unload we can kick our Auto steer on there I have no idea what that e button does there's actually some buttons back here like this D1 we can use to change the pitch of our head when it first started out I was plowing that baby into the ground we were getting a lot of dirt so I can pull my little camera right here I had dirt and all those little gaps around the soybeans that's all it was it's just soil so we got that fixed machine is running significantly better now it did take me a little while to get my sample the way I wanted it to be when I had it set out yesterday got in today it was the dirtiest sample I've ever seen in my life no idea why it was fine yesterday today it was bad but nonetheless that probably took me about an hour to get everything figured out it's just settings on this machine are completely different than on our case machine I don't know it's it's different but it's similar it's hard to explain we can do a lot of stuff on here there's page after page after page after page of stuff and then we can get on here and there's page after page after page and we can click all this stuff and that stuff I haven't really played a round with these a whole lot I've been learning as I've been going when I've been finding things that I need and problems I need to solve out here in the field that the combine isn't doing it the way I wanted to do it then I get on here and I look and then I find something so like earlier my trash the way it's spreading on the back of the combine and felt it wasn't spreading the full path so like I clicked on this residue management and then I can change the spreading width and then this offsets for the wind that is super cool I really wish ours had that I'm doing 4.8 miles an hour right now this machine put it out for the power sometimes they're going down a hill you might get a little bit of a drier area you could probably cruise that 5-2 or better pretty comfortable going this speed I've outslugged it earlier which would have been bad because I was just going too fast just seeing what it could do and it seems like the faster I go the faster my reel spins which makes sense but when it starts spinning really fast speeds that are sitting on the edge of the Draper that keep getting flicked it's like they get flicked harder and harder and then beans were just shooting over the back of the head so I slowed down on purpose a little bit for that and I also turning this dial I was able to slow down the Reel a little bit too all these functions over here are engine controls we can see our fuel our depth level temperatures this is our speed RPMs I think that's how much pressure that the head is lifting off the ground with for the flex option on it and then this is all of our sieve loss or one of those is SIV loss ones rotor loss good tailings in this top left one that's the one I'm keeping an eye on this is our engine power load so once we start getting up into that yellow kind of want to stay there we don't want to get into the Reds I'm kind of keeping it at the bottom of the yellow and that's kind of where that four eight seems to be kind of a sweet spot this is a 40 foot header so it's five feet more narrow than the one we have on our combine I think this grain auger is also just a little bit longer because we are definitely not as close to the grain cart as we would be in the case which is kind of nice it gives the green car driver a little bit more playroom without worrying about running into the head I'll need to time it to see how fast that unloads compared to ours ours unloads fast but this is a bigger grain tank so it's a little bit deceptive I can get about five more thousand pounds out of this grain tank when it's full than what I can out of ours I do wish we were able to adjust the end spout on this though this is fixed I mean it works just fine but sometimes you just want to shoot it a little further or you want to pull a little bit closer towards you this this one's fixed I wonder if I can like move this around like widgets on your phone no that's not what I want to do I want to like put different things on a screen I will say this is a permanent definite Beyond just my first hour running the machine I will never go back to not having a crary air bar on the front just look how many more beans are up on that front sickle there would be absolutely nothing there if we had the air bar on dude we're going along it's just amazing now how many beans actually fall off the front of the sickle and onto the ground and when you get to the end they kind of pile up a little bit and fall off I was just completely oblivious before we had an air bar but now we have an air bar and we go back I'm not going back this is a good example of where the air bar comes into play all those beans right there those were all left when we got to the end that's what falls off when we turn around the soybean header is considerably different than ours being a rigid head instead of a flex ours has a hinge right here and it has another hinge right there so that way that Wing can flexed up and down and that Wing can Flex up and down depending on what the field condition is doing underneath while this is just a straight Ruler all the way across we are in some nice gentle Rollies right now and it's cutting like a dream I haven't found a single spot where it's been leaving a high I was kind of concerned about that being rigid if you get a spine in the middle or a spine on the edge you could be leaving high in the middle or you could be leaving high on the ends but so far I have not seen any of that and I mean this is fairly rolly ground through here so I've been happy with the performance these Draper belts spin so much faster than ours there's like one layer of beans across these that just pulls them right in where ours will stack up to like here this it's it's just like one thing having the air bar on the front it does keep this a whole lot cleaner we'd be stacked up like this high up here the machine's not Dusty really at all we got this field halfway done now or at least on this side of the road on the other side of Zach's house there's another 35 Acres but right where we're at that is non-program acres and this is program Acres according to the yield monitor which I've heard it's self-calibrating but I'm not sure a little bit I've done on this side's been averaging 65 to 70. and that side did 55. we'll find out more as we progress further on we got about 80 acres left over here we're cruising right along this thing's been just eating up the beach yo LSW oh man they're holding up well we still got the teeth on the tires look at this they don't even hardly leave an imprint into the ground these are the tracks I can stick my finger right into that well there's your answer what you do see here all right we got Ryan here trying to get that bearing off it's bad right there there's a couple four or five bolts on the back side yeah I loosen which was released to something and something happens and then the bearing comes off so I was supposed to film earlier but I kind of forgot but I'm eating a burger now so it's good hey man this was my lunch foreign I think these top lights are LEDs and then there's LEDs on the back of the head which that is really nice ours doesn't have that I like that a lot you can really see behind everything's looking but I think these Lower Lights and then the ones on the back and the side those are not LED lights you definitely notice a difference on that the LEDs once you get them you don't want to go back they're just football field Sun's going down over there Moon's coming up over there we did slow the machine down a little bit it felt like it's starting to pull a little bit harder head wasn't sliding quite as good it's amazing what just a few minutes of shade will do I will say this ours might have this I don't know because I I haven't really played with the functions it's not readily available on the joystick like this one is but having the ability to have a limited speed in whatever gear you're in on this one or two button so much nicer for your productivity it's like right now I have been set at 4.3 mile an hour I just shove my steak all the way forward and I go 4.3 mile an hour on ours sometimes you'll be going along and like you just get thinking about different things next time you're doing 2.7 are you doing 4.5 and then you got to slow back down and you're just all over the place it's just not as consistent it's amazing how much more you get done when you just one's being left over the waterways slow down for the bump let the LSW 1400s dip into that we're through put the head back down full stick ahead there we are combining beans again smooth process these beans are dry you can see them flying up every now and again off the Reel I did slow my reel down that's as slow as I can get it before it's actually pushing beads forward that's not what we like to see some of them are jumping over the back of the head which is also what you don't like to see I think some of that's coming off the spike flails that come out of the the drum that's in the center of the Draper it's like little baseball bats I think that's what we're seeing a lot out of the middle for on our combine it's further back inside so they're not quite as aggressive I don't know why every now and again my head just crawls down I haven't sat at like 50 Down Speed so it should be going a lot faster than that I do like how sharp this thing turns though look at that we're just continuing geez I'm about to turn around right on top of ourselves I like that I like that a lot new record for me 71 600 pounds and don't mind the beads on the ground all right Owen you're full it must be chugging along pretty good because we got three semis running around and a 1300 bushel grain card grain cards full and all the semis are full we're waiting another little handy feature see we can see that yellow end oh that ends got one too they have little lights down in those so that way they illuminate then you know where the edge of your head is when it's dusty stuff like that incredible feature I don't know if we can shorten up those tines coming out of that feeder house drum or what but it's like a little baseball bass just ping ping ping all those beans we're seeing are coming from there I don't like that we're almost done with this field too we've got acres to go nothing to pry on in this joint let's go shut you shining your lights of mine oh sorry I was getting and that's a wrap for this side of the field we got a 125 Acres done now we got 30 Acres across the road then Zach's it's done we're gonna use the potty oh that was my full dust [Music] looks like a good spot I like that cubby spot when you do put your gloves in there look at that gets them off the floor I like it it's a big old green tank covers full grapefruit liners full yes that is the gray Freightliner I know I can hardly recognize it either unbelievable what that acid did to it yeah blow that trash off the head I can turn up my road speed yeah look at that oh about took out that tree gotta be careful there oh don't take out the green cart now better better be careful got a little streak of beans that we left behind and see how it's kind of pushing right there on the head that's a sign it's starting to get tough we're gonna have to call it quits here
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 269,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, quads, 4 wheeler, tractors, farmers, country boy, heavy equipment, mechanic, renovation, restoration, trucks, cars, semis, puppies, big tires, construction, engineers, fabrication, building, home projects, family farm, high horsepower, diesel, dogs, Massy Ferguson, planting, corn, soybeans, John Deere, case ih, engines, abandoned property, off roading, Abandoned, science, bulldozer, tractor, farm, country life, combines, farming simulator, fs22, semi, harvest, accidents, food, detailing
Id: 3XoCRkXclf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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