John Deere: past vs. present. How their stance changed over time.

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hey everybody how's it going when i discuss write to repair on this channel i often discuss it from my perspective why from where i'm standing i believe that the reasons the manufacturers give for not supporting right to repair and your ability to repair your own products are false are erroneous and are just complete made-up bunk but i often don't discuss it from the actual perspective of the manufacturer today with the help of a viewer and listener i'd like to discuss from the perspective of the manufacturer from where they're standing how their own arguments make no sense and are not supported by their own actions or practices this is a letter that i received from a listener and a viewer about john deere i'd like to read it to you all hello lewis i'm a large fan of your channel and i believe in backing right to repair and i was inspired by your sears and roebuck video to show you some john deere stuff this is my 1939 john deere model a the service manual to it includes everything you need to repair your machine prior to 1960 john deere used the now famous two-cylinder design this is a very basic engine style that heavily copied other machines of earlier times they used this design from 1923 with a model d up until 1960 with what is called a 30 series the main advantages of this was the fact that the farmer could repair these machines here is a link to john deere's website explaining it somewhat this link is totally defunct so i'm just going to it down below for anybody who wants to check it out the reason i'm going over this and sending this to you is simple john deere is lying if they were doing this for epa reasons then certainly things would not be sold john deere to this day still sells parts to my model a over 80 years later they still produce parts for my machine which has zero epa or emission standards in its design my machine is what is called an all fuel model john deere had a manifold coming from the carburetor to the intake of the engine that would atomize the fuel prior to combustion this allows vintage john deere's to burn any combustible fuel my machine will operate on gasoline kerosene diesel used motor oil cooking oil automatic transmission fluid etc i have the dealer brochure to my tractor explaining as to how these machines are able to burn cheaper fuel now besides the versatility this provides the epa emission standards on these old girls are none john deere is still producing parts for machines and a dealership will to this day happily do an overhaul job of the engine of my machine i feel perhaps you can take a minute to look at these into this complete reverse on what made john deere an american icon the reason every farmer dreams of a green tractor was this crew design that the average man can repair also this is not the end of it as well john deere's dealership will install high compression pistons and lengthen the stroke of the engine this in turn makes my machine which was rated at 25 horsepower to about 45 horsepower this would be as if apple would sell parts to the apple ii or lease a model to the general public with the option of your computer being rebuilt with new chips diodes and upgrades as well while at the same time not allowing you to buy parts to the current models this has nothing to do with safety or regulations my tractor is so old it doesn't have an electric starter you have to spin a very large flywheel by hand that can easily backfire and break your arm they used to bring the tractor to your farm teach you how to operate it and their advertising at the time shows it as well here's some links and i'll include down below you can clearly see that they advertise cheaper easier repairs on their machinery they to this day hold this mentality as john deere heritage dealerships will pay people to bring their machine to the dealership to display this is to show the reliability and long-term investment a john deere tractor or piece of equipment is they want to hold this above us while bricking modern machines for extra profit and the excuse of safety figured you'd enjoy bringing this up keep up the good fight and indeed i do enjoy bringing this up i very much so enjoyed bringing this up and there were some very interesting pieces here in the advertising materials that i thought would be interesting to share with you nowadays because it's just not something you're going to see much anymore so this one's called the waterloo boy the waterloo boy is a farmer's tractor plenty of power and low cost of operation low cost of operation are big factors in making a tractor satisfactory to you in addition to those two important features ease of operation means a great deal you want a tractor that you can care for and operate yourself just as you do with your grain binder manure spreader etc and you get the benefit of these advantages while you operate the machine yourself don't fail to give that last point full consideration it is one of the big advantages of the waterloo boy construction an advantage that makes the waterloo boy stand out as a farmer's tractor all working parts easy to get at all working parts easy to get at you stand up while you make whatever adjustments may be necessary to motor or gear parts in a short period with the waterloo boy instruction book to help you you can master the working details of the tractor and be ready to give properly whatever attention is required when you go to the dealer store to see the waterloo boy be sure to note it's sturdy simplicity and easy to access working parts easy to access working parts when you take that and you take the company that had these advertising materials that stood for this ideal and you compare and contrast that to the company that now sends lobbyists to legislative hearings to try and prevent farmers from being able to fix their own stuff it's absolutely effing shameful what has happened here and you can see that there are some i guess are some positives to this i mean if you take a look at john deere and listen i wish i was an investor 10 years ago i probably would have been better off for it than with my own personal stock picks but this this is where we're at right now where many of these companies have policies in place where they claim that you you can't fix this yourself because it may emit more afterwards yet they're more than happy to fix and sell parts to a device that is just a giant puffer of pollution depending on what fuel you put into it and they're happy to maintain it for you just fine i thought it would be interesting to share this with you all when you listen to companies talk about their anti-right to repair stances on a regular basis i just want you to think about this type of stuff you know when you hear people say that if i have access to a schematic or a diagram or i'm able to buy a charging chip this is going to stifle innovation as technect says when they're representing firms like apple who are part of their trade organization what does steve wozniak say who actually started apple and was engineering their original products he says that the very reason that he was able to do a lot of the stuff that he was is because he was able to mess around with stuff like this in a manner that you're not allowed to today when a company says that this is a really bad thing you really can't have people fixing things because of emissions they're fixing devices that are literal choo choo trains of debris at this point when you think about i mean a 1939 design is most certainly going to have horrible emissions in contrast to even the biggest polluter today they're happy to sell you parts to fix it just fine while lobbying against your ability to repair the expensive ones because that makes them money it's important to understand what this is all about at the end of the day it's about money and it's about control and if they can control what you do they can make more money that's it for today and as always i hope you learned something i'll see you all in the next video bye now
Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 43,109
Rating: 4.9866071 out of 5
Keywords: macbook, logic board repair
Id: OcyVG00PHew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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