John Deere 1640 Ho/ Lo Part 2 Assembling and Timing the Clutch and Planetary

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[Music] okay we've done the high-low break in the high-low clutch pack now we have to look at the high-low planetary unit now once again grab your pot of grease handy and look oil just before I get going cut a bit off the top there's a standard grease tube if you cut the top off like that the lid still goes on if you cut it straight and it keeps the dust out anyway Lancers handy tip number 21 okay now we have these gears here and they're a double pinion as it's a compound planetary now a compound planetary these gears are - as as opposed to just a single gear they're they're a double pinion so so look what what we do with this is as you put the housing down there if you remember we had two needles and a spacer and a thrust each side so we'll just give all that a white make sure it's all good and gave them a little I will give them a quick and once again a bit of grease now why the grease in here well you notice the rollers want to hang down see that they they naturally just want to hang down with gravity so put grease around them and they'll stay it they'll stay out so that when you bring the pin through here you're not trying to push through a a roller that's dropped so we'll pop that one right to the bottom we'll pop the center in grease in here okay why I had to start this segment again I just got a message on the camera that looked up and said camera is exhausted that's well imagine how I feel haha okay all right we've put we've put grease on the bearings then I usually stick me fingering in and just poke the rollers out to the outside so when we go to put the shaft in we haven't got one sitting down low I'll put grease on this end here you can see which way that's been sitting and I could grease here but no other purpose them to hold the rollers the needles in place now you have an open end here and a closed end the small gear goes to the back now this shaft this is the shaft that had the ball bearing in it so you'll see in here this little oil hole the oil hole brings oil up through here and helps lubricate these bearings so it's just lube oil that comes out out of the normal Lube surface so that's why they have them pegged over another reason why they have them pegged so if we slide that in there being a ball bearing in into the hole on the shaft and turn that and poke that in that's one gear put together okay we're doing it another couple quickly okay so one key one spacer one key bit of grease baked all the rollers back here put a thrust washer in the grease put a thrust washer in the grease make sure it feels like it's all good I'm Danny [Music] and Lance you put this after all why okay so that's ready to go in the ball in so our oil holes line up and holds it all together that feels good one two go get a grease one two and a Spicer one Spicer well grease there's probably 50 ways of doing this so this is just here when we do it then stick your finger in the hole and run all the rollers yeah against the wall of the gear bring a thrust in another thrust make sure you have the shaft be in the right way okay now this gear here the gear that sits on the bottom mine has part number l3 triple six one and if you don't take any other advice bloody well listen there it'll cost your money okay this is a compound planetary now being a compound planetary you have the double gears here a lot of compound planetaries need timing this needs timing so look first up will pop the thrust in a bit of grease on it gives you a good start up put the cap on the grease and get it out of the way now this is really important and i can't overstate how important it is it's just really important now on this gear you can you see a V there a V there and the V here they are timing marks you must time it so obvious to you we can turn this and we come to two teeth with a mark on them in this instance it's that one and that one see there I hope you can I'm just not sure there they are they see the teeth haven't got dots and those ones they've got little marks usually if you line them up with the V's in the casting at the back there you won't be far off right and where is it buddy shadow here we go so there's the two marks there you can just see there so line those marks up you know bring this down over the top and make sure the V goes between those two pointers on the outer gears if they don't look I've missed this one here taking me out slide him around a tooth bringing back in again so before you do anything more at the moment take time to look at that so you need to be pointing between the two marks on the gear now I'm the gear see those marks there you can just see them there that's what you're looking for so if we go back make sure that's timed up there's no need to turn that for any other reason so that's timed that is important it'll blow up you don't want that now this top gear it's not important for that to be time we don't need to so that can pop in over the top here like that and what happens is this plate this piece here drops down over the top so where are we yeah so that that would go down over there but of course we need plates on there don't we so these only have two clutch plates so when you look at these plates here you can see the Pistons pushed on there and that's been the wear surface make sure they're true with the steel rule or something these are good and so they sit like that one goes there then we're going to use the fat flakes in there someone's put the metallic plate in here once before I'm sorry and giving you a kick D then we use a steel one I'll keep kicking it came I saw a bit what I didn't do he which I should do there's a bit of oil okay that looks good D now you'll notice we have a ball tall and a Dale a bit further away there's a shadow mark here so we just have to line these up which is the crisis where they all look the sign there I think it'll have to go like this there's a day I've probably done that back to front a little bit you've got a lawn and up with you whichever way you go yeah we got the bolt on it sign over here so that's the we just need to learn all those plates up I'll get down here I'm getting down to boogie I'm just getting in to check out the lights are lined up correctly okay so we've got that sitting right down it's important to make sure that this housing sitting right down and we haven't got a plate caught and you can see that this is moving it in the pack here we're not we're not band up at all so that's good so now yeah back up again that's the big problem now these bolts they're half inch bolts they don't have any washes on them they just tighten up I usually put a dab of Loctite just makes me feel better then go go and find something be back in a second three two okay come back up a lot tight double off tight double lock tight there are 5/16 UNC bolts so probably 25-foot Pandor something like that this is what I do didn't believe I can't find the other half inch penis there okay nice and tight all right so we get the whole aisle Oh break over here near and if we've done this right and that should all sit in there nicely now we just flush with the back there so we know we're not traveling too badly there there's an eye ring in here and an o-ring down here for your PDO brake and your PDO end on some no that's it that's it for this one so there you go hopefully if you follow those instructions you'll get your high-low together quite easily it's not a hard mechanical job there's just a few little things to know and sometimes watching someone do it it's just a big help there you go job done we'll move on to something else [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bundy Bears Shed
Views: 5,336
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: john deere gearbox, john deere trans, jd trans, jd1640, jd hydraulics, jd2140, tractor repair, tractor restoration
Id: 6ami7YD8WQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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