John Cena Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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Potato Salad has been seasoned with that good attic salt.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GonzoBalls69 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

Love this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yabbadebbie 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody out there this is John Cena I'm gonna be doing a wired autocomplete without further at you let's I do this okay so here's how it works the question is who John Cena who let John Cena fly the helicopter whoever did that was a poor management decision who is John Cena's father this is where the plot thickens are you ready for this because I John Cena have a father named John Cena little known internet fact I'm not a junior is John Cena's team well that's a group of folks just like a band of minstrels that travel the universe they play a song it's a very trumpet based it goes something like Pratt Pratt Pratt that's my team who does John Cena look like I fancy that he looks like a character named John Cena who is found often on WWE programming I think we have a striking resemblance I'll let you decide who is John Cena wrestling sometimes he's like this sometimes he's like this and sometimes he's like this and sometimes he's like this and that's the four phases of John Cena wrestling google auto-complete completed next what John Cena let's see what Google had to say about what is John Cena's diet good choices and folks you out there know what good bad choices are like well tell me what those are come on overindulgence is the key to to dietary room what ours John Cena's shoes so they're like a peanut butter style I had to really grease the ends of my toes to get into these my feet are swollen thumping what does John Cena's finishing move it usually is are you okay and then I go get a sandwich and call my mom what is John Cena's horoscope in my future is a wonderful animated movie called Ferdinand which you're all gonna go see I know horoscopes are usually general someone was very specific and I wonder why what is John Cena's hometown I hailed for the mean street of West Newbury Massachusetts in it have you ever been to West Newbury you know what I'm talking about there's two streets there's Main Street and people street there's a dump in West Newbury and it's on Maple Street so you wanna stay on Main Street wired autocomplete next phase of Google what John Cena what does John Cena look like well he is a man with a deformed human face what was John Cena's longest title reign well I've the been the champ of being stupid for 40 years let me see what if John Cena played Minecraft well I would build worlds that's what would happen if I played Minecraft what did John Cena play in football well that answers simple football it's a sport that all players play on there's positions I think the question should be what position did John Cena playing football so I'll answer this question football what is the John Cena potato salad joke there is a small large group of folks out there who think that I'm rather bland kind of like potato salad it's bland it's something you sit down at a barbecue for the sake of having another food I guess it's better to be called potato salad then a steaming heap of bull so what are you gonna do next more does John Cena so these are four answers from the Google machine of does John Cena does John Cena still wrestle in 2017 well these are the final days of 2017 so yes yes next does John Cena sing ISM theme songs yes I wrote and produced and created a theme song done with Tom's new franchise blow up shot and then can't see me my time in case you forgot I fell off I'm still hot knock your shell off so you know the rest does John Cena do cardio cardio is an exercise that increases your heart rate so yes two and a half minutes at a time I do cardio does John Cena have a youtube channel their channels on YouTube where you can see John Cena but there's no specific John Cena YouTube channel top searches of do Bulls first one do Bulls have utters I would speculate that they do because I have I've nipples do Bulls hate red I think they hate agitation I don't think it's a color thing so I think they hate agitation do poles move yes that sounds like this Oh [Music] DuBose qualify for bonus depreciation we all know about this I'm not gonna bore you with commodities class but sadly enough I do think that those qualify for bonus depreciation do Bulls wear bells a bell wearing Bowl is a belly laugh it's boisterous and beautiful you should take a bespoke blow with a bell do Bulls eat apples yes they do I'd like to think they'd eat anything but a grain based snacks some sort of grass but I think apples should and could be in their diet wired autocompletes next phase where is John Cena's where's John Cena's house well home is where the heart is guys and right now my heart's with you so you're out there listening welcome home it's been a wonderful journey I'm glad you're back you wanna make your self a sandwich I'll turn reruns on your favorite program on ok great no problem and put the toilet seat down where is John Cena right now I kind of already answered that question and we'll go to the next one thank you where is John Cena's gym I don't know that way where is John Cena from before you address this guys I'm from my mom that's how creation is made whereas John Cena's family from essentially my family is from a long line of people that produced people and that that's how we be became to be this is John Cena for a wired autocomplete session adios
Channel: WIRED
Views: 8,037,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john cena, john cena interview, john cena funny, google autocomplete, wired autocomplete, autocomplete interview, john cena autocomplete interview, ferdinand movie, ferdinand the bull, john cena ferdinand, wwe, wwe john cena, wrestling, pro wrestling, professional wrestling john cena, john cena autocomplete, john cena wired, john cena funny moments, you can't see me, john cena you can't see me, john cena minecraft, wired,
Id: -RUbNqpwOt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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