Johan Liebert: The Life of the Monster

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monster is an amazing series with a lot of flashbacks and piecing together of different histories into one full story this video is going to be a catalogue of johan's life chronologically from his birth to the end of his recorded actions there are gaps in what we know about johan's life so there will be some missing time here and there but everything that we do know is included here there's also a lot of different characters in this series and some only pop up for a little while so we'll keep photos or videos on screen to remind you of who's who likewise we'll be keeping a timeline going to show where we are chronologically finally german and czech names i'm coming from the manga and the sub so apologies in advance for the pronunciations let's crack in the story begins in 1975 with a not so chance encounter between two people johan's mother and father these two have been pushed together by psychiatrist psychologist franz bonaparta as part of a eugenics experiment designed to create a new leader of humanity the resulting pairing results in double the results with twins johan and ana note that we're going to be calling her ana instead of nina through this whole video before their birth the parents attempted escape before being recaptured and the father killed the remaining family now essentially prisoners to the experiment moved to the three frogs building which became their first home by 1981 the now five-year-old twins dress the same to give the illusion that only one child existed to the people around them their lives are still held in bonaparta's experiments the defining experiment came when the mother is forced to give away one of her children to the red rose mansion while both children address the same it's unclear if the mother can tell them apart but she picks johann before changing her mind and sending ana the mother and ana leave to the red rose mansion anna is subjected to days locked in a dark closet before finally being released into a room which is filled with people related to the experiment she witnesses bonaparte poison and kill all the people in the room besides themselves then he tells her to run she runs back to the three frogs to find johann there still alone he had presumably been rereading bonaparta's book the nameless monster for the past few days waiting for her to return as anna tells the tale of what happened to her johann internalizes the memories and believes that he himself was the one that was sent to the mansion and witnessed the mass murder with ana waiting for him to return at this point the kids are alone with the mother disappeared and the experimenters dead with no reason to stay the twins set the three frogs ablaze and set off into the world without any destination in mind during this time they were taken in by a few different families johan definitely killed the first adopted parents and most likely killed all the others as well without ana's knowledge by 1982 the two six-year-olds have wandered out to the czech german border here a patrol officer later known as general wolf finds them on the brink of exhaustion seeing the nameless monster in johannes hand he decides to name the boy johann johann was such a nice name after all wolf then sends the kids on to two separate orphanages in east germany anna to orphanage 47 and johan to the questionable kinderheim 511. the latter is an experimental facility set up by the east german government in order to turn children into super soldiers brainwashing and stripping kids of humanity however johan came to this facility already a monster if bonaparta had made a monster of johan kinderhaim was taking his humanity out johan stayed in kindergarten three years until 1985. it was then that johann incites the massacre inside kinderhyme where nearly all of the staff and children tear each other apart johan watching the whole thing from atop a staircase kinderhyme burns down and only johan and a few others make it out burning things down will become common for johan as his journey continues at some point shortly post kinderhyme he is adopted by the leibitz he pushes them to adopt ana also and so a sort of family is formed in 1986 the family flee from east to west germany into dusseldorf this is where the series begins following the events directly shortly after arriving bonaparta who is living at dusseldorf at the time visits the family to see how the kids are doing he checks in on the children while they're asleep but unknown to the others johann was not sleeping sometime after bonaparta leaves johan takes a gun and shoots both of his adopted parents enters the room shocked johan hands her the gun and tells her to shoot him in the head okay is rushed to iceland memorial hospital having survived the head shot but barely his surgeon dr kenzo tenma performs emergency surgery and manages to save johan's life one day during recovery tinma laments to the only pretending unconscious johann about selected members of his hospital johann to repay tinma's surgery work kills those mentioned members via poisoned candies shortly after he takes anna and disappears from the hospital altogether from the hospital the twins live with reinhard dinger a taxi driver shortly to be turned killer by johann this home is short-lived before the twins move on their next stop is the fortners where johan leaves his still recovering sister he plans to reunite with her on their 20th birthday johan continues to travel and bounce from parents to parents from heidelberg to munich to cone where he stays in school for a time actually before he moves on again he burns that school he attended removing evidence of his own time there his next stop was another family in hanover then a couple in hamburg for a time before settling with another family by the name liebert these lieberts had a son around johan's age also named johan this other johann had died though records of that death were mysteriously burned during his time with these lee bits johan took over the role of that son this is also when johan begins his underworld money laundering business quickly becoming the underworld's primary way of cleaning dirty money dealing in the degree of millions of dollars johan is still only about 14 or 15 years old at this point as well for the most part johan did not spend much time with the levitz mainly using them as a backup for his current identity it's also most likely during this time that he came into contact with and recruited roberto also known as adolf reinhardt three years later johan hires adolf juncker's crew to carry out some of the murders of his previous adopted parents continuing the middle-aged couple murders by 1995 johan has moved on to another family the springers and stays with them for about a year he looks to clean house by killing off yonkers crew but yonkers himself escapes only to end up being treated by dr tenma johan manages to draw yonkers out but tinma arrives in hot pursuit the three men meet in a nearby parking building where johan executes yunkas in front of tenma before walking away thus sitting in motion johan's biggest antagonist dr tenma [Music] this year marks johan's 20th birthday and has promised to reunite with anna he sends her letters to meet him at heidelberg castle though we don't know for sure what his intentions are he posts a man at the castle to keep anna there meanwhile he's purchased two corrupt cops to go and kill off her adopted parents the fortners while tinma manages to stop him from meeting anna the fortners are still killed by the cops also including jacob mora an editor of the heidelberg post who got dragged into this whole mess johan attempts to meet ana again in the following year in 96 at this time johan has just disappeared from the underground money business he was running and the underworld has gone into chaos over who gets the money concurrently a neo-nazi group led by the baby have been vying for johan's attention to become their next hitler while johan has no interest in this group he does drop by to leave a message for ana to meet him at heidelberg and ingles warehouse it's also at some point during this time and possibly in the year previous that he's been cutting off all of the people that surround general wolf with the baby and tenma chasing johan's attention when anna arrives at the location he isn't there instead having written over the water tower help the monster inside me is about to explode the following year in 97 johan enrolls in the university of munich majoring in children's law and volunteering with local children this university is also the one ana is attending during this time and presumably through the latter of 96 johan has also been working to isolate hans shuwald one of the biggest economic players in europe by 97 he has isolated shoehold from most of his relationships making him more and more reliant on the young prodigy that is johan johan has also spent time grooming edmund farren a fellow university goer to pose as shoeld's son however the situation changes when johan meets his real son karl newman johan changes strategy coaxing edmund into suicide or possibly killing him and setting up carl as a legitimate ear by bringing shuwald his true son johann has fully cemented himself at sherwood's side at the same time detective richard brown has been putting the pieces together over edmond suicide leading him towards johan before all of those pieces can fall into place johan meets with richard and begins to subtly psychologically attack him bringing up his past failures as a cop and trying to push him back into alcoholism this ultimately fails and johan kills him by pushing him off the roof staging the whole event as a suicide from richard's supposed fall back into alcohol also during this time at university johan has been teaching a group of kids the rooftop game you climb to the roof close your eyes and walk forward if fate favors you you will live and see the world in a new light this leads to a number of children dying though johan manages to stay unnoticed in all of these events after all of this johan comes into contact with another copy of the nameless monster by france bonaparte for the first time since childhood this triggers a psychological reaction from johann causing a major if subtle change soon after at the opening of shuel's book donation johan causes the library to burn down narrowly avoiding assassination from tenma and escaping once again after the library incident johan moves back to the czech republic to prague there he disguises himself as his sister ana and sets up a life for himself he's here investigating his own history killing the previous headmaster of kinderhyme 5 11 who lives here reinhardt biermann there is also a recording of himself as a child during an interview held at kinderheim that's johan's next goal in his pursuit he kills several policemen who are also searching for the tape all the while still dressed as anna at some point he gets his hands on the tape and records a message for tenma over the end of it coaxing tinma to follow him on this wild chase it's during this time in prague that he manipulates milosh one of biermann's adopted children into fleeing to the red light district and suggests that the young boy kill himself if he can't find his mother johan also orchestrates three murders to aid christophe's last name a fellow survivor of johannes kinderheim history and colloquially known as the devil's apprentice before finally leaving prague himself johan sets fire to the red rose mansion following prague johan returns to germany and reunites with kristoff under the aid of eva heinemann tenma's ex-fiance after connecting with kristoff johan tracks down peter chappic franz bonaparta's old right-hand man chappic can't give him bonaparta's location but leads him to his son jeremy lipsky the puppeteer before leaving to find yeremir johan meets ana once again this is when he learns that he was never the one that went to the red rose mansion all those years ago a fact that makes him smile and tear up leaving anna there johan tracks down the puppeteer and learns where the man himself is hiding these days the village of rouenheim before heading there johann starts his final house clean he personally kills his last remaining subordinate horst grossman then organises the murder of all of the serial killers he has manipulated over the past years cutting off all his ties before heading it to the perfect suicide johann travels to roenheim with roberto and begins slyly distributing guns and preying upon the fears of this small town this starts a fire that ignites into a blaze which begins yet another massacre for this town as the town reaches its height of chaos johan meets tenma at the center ready to die by his hands tinma has followed johan and is poised to end it all but he won't take the shot johan threatens the young whim to pressure tinma to take it but tim is still not shooting then ultimately he is shot by the boy's father ending his journey and his perfect suicide or so he thought chinma gives emergency surgery to johann saving his life from a bullet to the head a second time johan remains unconscious post-surgery until the epilogue in 1999. at some point in 99 tenma has had time to track down johan's mother and learn the twins real names when tinma returns to johann's hospital bid he begins to talk about that mother and johan's true name we don't know if the name is spoken but johan immediately wakes up to tinma and fills in the final piece of his history before falling seemingly unconscious once again after 10 mi leaves johan's bid is empty where johan is now no one knows that's johan's journey there is some ambiguity in that ending around whether or not the final reveal to tinma was all in his head if johan escaped the hospital or potentially died at the hospital there is supposedly some more information in the somewhat sequel another monster but admittedly i'm only about halfway through it i think the ambiguous ending in this series is by design so we're gonna leave it there this is the end of the video if you watch to hear thanks um i really hope you enjoyed this less goofs than i normally try to put in but i think that matches monster's style a bit more you know if you like it consider liking subscribing you'll know how this works leave me a comment i love chatting with people um oh i got a twitter now too if you want to like have a good convo hit me up always down for a yarn if you're a monster fan uh definitely go and read billy bat seriously you will love it so much anyways thanks for watching this has been cg and i'll see you gs in the next one
Channel: SeaGee
Views: 543,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johan Liebert, Monster Manga, Timeline, Character, Monster Anime, Manga, History, Richard, Villain, Speech, disguise, Analysis, Antagonist
Id: VKgAU9NmHmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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