Joey Bosa Pass Rush Technique: D-Line Drills | Way to Play

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[Music] welcome to this week's episode of the nfl's way to play performance series and this week we are highlighting the great joy bosa what makes our game so special is the fact that every so often there's a player that enters the league and revolutionizes a position and joy bosa has done that and continues to do so on the defensive side of the ball but what is it about him that makes him so special and unique well let's walk and talk through what makes joy bosa the future of nfl pass rush without a doubt joy boss is a special football player now let's talk a little bit about pass rush now i'm not a pass rush expert but here's what i know i know great players when i see him and what i've noticed as a former player and even now on the performance side is this great players are able to stabilize themselves from the very beginning meaning before the ball is snapped they find themselves in a strong stable posture good players are able to figure it out once the ball is snapped so you have to decide do you want to be a great player or a good player if you want to be a great player here's an opportunity to develop the ability to stabilize yourself prior to the ball being snapped on this particular movement here i'm going to have josh get into a bear crawl type position so his knees are going to be off the ground his elbows are going to be slightly bent and a nice neutral spine at this point in time he's going to drive the ground away from him and have to stabilize himself into a dynamic or active plank position now here's where it gets tricky he has to now pull himself or gather himself back to posture what we're doing here is building the ability to stabilize yourself before the ball is snapped if you're able to stabilize yourself prior to the ball is snapped it gives you a better chance as a pass rusher so josh is going to give you one more i apologize josh i know it's not easy here we go you're getting the full stretch of the body you're fully extending the hips are being challenged the lats are being challenged the shoulders are being challenged and now we have to reverse that and pull ourselves back together this position right here or this movement right here is about controlling the body and that's what makes joy bosa a great player now what we're going to get into next is the things that he's able to stream together after this and that's where the production comes into play and again that's what we're all trying to get to as football players is production the charles just explained to you why it's so important to keep everything tight inside the frame of your body when playing like joey bosa everything he does is so quick and sudden that as an offensive line athlete it's hard to defend what he does because you just don't see it coming so we're going to give you a couple lower body movements that you can do to build that lateral power that joey bosa has while staying with inside the frame of our body because that's the key to his pass rush is that he doesn't telegraph his moves he can move inside he can move outside and create a lot of space laterally going from that sprinting position it's a great transition and these are a couple movements that'll help you build that type of strength the first one we're gonna do is called a cossack squat it's often called a bunch of different names it could be called a lateral lunge glide it could be a squat glide a sumo squat glide but all we're gonna do is have bogs here set up in a really really wide base outside the frame of our body but as he goes down he's gonna sit into one hip move his whole center of mass and then go from the right to the left and he's going to try to keep his hips low the entire time if you struggle a little bit with this movement you can go up in between each rep back up to the middle back down but you want to build mobility in your hips because you got to be able to get outside of your frame to stay inside of your frame on the field if you want to make it a little more difficult you can add a light load this will kind of help you keep your upper body engaged as you go down but we're really building that mobility in the hips so that we can move laterally much like joey bosa uh can and we're going to do a couple explosive movements now to kind of show how to take that functional mobility into functional power so what do you got for us bugs well for starters with the kha'zix squad is great because there's no way you can pull yourself out of there with the opposite leg when i'm down on this end i really have to drive myself up so that will bring us to the next part is we're going to do a 45 degree bound we are going to eventually bring in this med ball but we'll start no med ball the reason we love 45 degree bounds is because one doesn't take a ton of skill when you see track athletes through bounds that is a lot of skill involved and bigger athletes including defensive line athletes don't ever look really good doing them maybe both so he is a freak but we love this because it take requires a low level of skill it has a lot of carryover and a big return so the 45 degree bound all i want you to do is think of we're gonna drive off the ground push the ground away that way with your right leg and catch over here in your left leg that's just how we're going to start the progression just one drive one catch good so as we can get good and confident at that an athlete's understanding i'm pushing away the ground and not reaching out then we start adding a sequence to it so now i want you to go we're pushing the ground away left catch right push the ground right catch left boom so as we get good at that we can increase the distance let's just go five yards real quick you can increase the speed there we go good you can increase the speed you can increase the load you can take a med ball and all i want you to do is kind of just throw the med ball back and forth it's the opposite of the leg you're catching with so boom boom boom good perfect and this is a lot of things we see with defensive line athletes specifically joey bosa is he's kind of going back and forth as you said he has a lateral step he's displacing his body laterally as he's making his moves gaining ground while doing it and that's what we see with that's why we love this 45 degree bound that traditional balance is great it has its place i'm sure especially we're talking get offs and stuff like that but we're talking about what a defensive line athlete's really doing like joey bosa we love this doesn't require us spending a whole day learning a new skill or whole month learning a new skill because ultimately we're trying to get sacks like joey bosa joey bose is a beast he makes his living on the edge by getting up the field keeping those hips up the field and using a two-hand swipe without really turning his hips and maintaining acceleration that's the key the priority is acceleration we'll give you two drills to help you do just that in the first drill we have a band and what we're going to do is focus on some core stability and just get some holds right some static holds and the band's going to try to take us out of our posture here and as you can see he's in a stance where he has his right leg back has the band kind of in the mid mid part of the foot here all right and he has two hands on the band and this band is trying to pull him open right and we're talking about swiping the hands joey bosa's trying to keep those hips up field to keep acceleration so all the rotation is coming from the trunk so we need to be strong in the initiation of the rotation and we need to be strong on contact so come back here we're going to hold it here about 20 seconds right then we're going to get to the contact go hold it there for 20 seconds right this is the two main parts of the swipe where he has to be strong and what you want to do is just hold that for 20 seconds about three to four reps switch it up get both get both sides because he plays on different sides of the ball and everybody wants to be kind of a two-way player all right we're now going to make this a little bit more explosive we're going to take it to the field more make it more game-like so you've seen everybody does medicine ball drills we're twisting and things like that but we're gonna make it static with a twist if that makes sense we'll go through it so we're gonna get in that same split stance that we were in let's go with your left leg back you want to take the ball and you can use a wall you can use a partner but what's going to happen is he's going to keep his lower body still and he's going to rotate his upper body and also his hands into the wall or a partner let's just get two reps he's gonna separate his top and bottom half and be explosive with it good now this neck now this is going to be part two we're gonna get the rotation and then we're gonna snap back to neutral and then last but not least this is part three of it this is the final progression we do that all that same thing but now we're going to bring this leg through same way you would use that hand swipe but then you got to clear that tackle to get by get to the ball there it is very good one more time very good and all we're trying to do here is simulate what's happening on the field a lot of times you'll see he leads with that inside hand yes so he's he's leading with that inside hand but he's bringing this outside hand to pin because if i miss you can recover and put your hands right in the middle of my chest so he's trying to pin as he gets himself through i got you okay okay talk to me a little bit brian about the hips because for me when i see d-linemen i think a lot of times everyone talks about getting skinny or kind of flipping their hips and hips and i'd imagine on a swipe those hips coming behind the swipe gives you a lot more power and joey he kind of just keeps focusing on acceleration but he's he's swiping people's hands how is he doing that right i don't know he's just special he's he's a different he's a different type of rusher and that's a skill that he's developed and it's it's repetition in practice and like you said a lot of guys they're rushing up field and when they swipe they flip their hips and get through they get through but what he does so well is he's rushing through he gets this swipe but just stays in that sprint and he's able to bend the corner a lot faster and for him more efficiently and that's a skill as you can see joy bosa is a special football player he has changed the game for the better but you might be the next person to do so but we'll never know if you don't get out here and play some [Music] football you
Channel: Play Football
Views: 53,252
Rating: 4.9747562 out of 5
Keywords: nfl, football, american football, how to play football, play football, joey bosa, pass rush moves, pass rushing techniques, pass rush drills, pass rush drills d-line, d-line drills, d-line drills staying low, d-line techniques, d-line tips, d-line pass rush techniques, d-line stance, d-line moves, defensive line drills, defensive line techniques, defensive lineman drills, defensive line stance, defensive line moves, defensive lineman techniques, pass rushing moves
Id: xdgNpSQc2fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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