Joel Dahmen Unfiltered, Every Shot For 9 Holes

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we're back saig season 2 we're here at greyhawk go the one the only Joel [Music] Damon yeah beautiful that is nice that was really good about 10 [Music] ft you know what that means I told you when you were 15 that you'd play 8 years on the p I wouldn't believe you if you told me that 8 years ago I wouldn't believe you exactly so it's been pretty [ __ ] good it's been unbelievable that'll do it [Music] baby we're back s gig season 2 we're here at greyhawk golf club with the one the only Joel Damon welcome Joel happy to be here I'm happy that you're here we've been talking about doing this for a while we're going to go play some golf today the side gig normal situation nine holes I'm carrying the bag we're walking ball down ball in hole which I love saying that ball down ball in hole we're playing real golf today we said two under's the record Shane's got the record of two under you know there's a lot of talk on the internet about oh Joel Damon oh he likes to party he likes to drink you're a golfer okay I'm pretty good you're pretty eight years on the PJ tour eight years on the PGA tour and so we're going to put all this noise to the side oh Joel's famous oh can he still play we're going to go out there and tear this golf course a new one uh as long as you get the win right and you mostly just keep up and shut up then I think this going to be a great day I think I can get the wind right seeing as there's not a single breath of it that's why we live here that's the plan all right so we're going to warm up a little bit and then we're going to go play some golf nothing too complicated I remember you were doing the Quest for 170 a couple years ago you gotten there I have made it to 170 ball speed it was a nice spoofing off Bryson getting to 200 so I figured if I got to 170 I could maybe play in the same tournament how much of that was actual work that you did or how much of that was just better equipment if you just choose to swing a little bit harder than you can prob I I could get there at that point but it's a fine line for me between hitting it straight and then trying to swing harder yeah and like sacrificing a little bit of crookedness so it's like getting your Baseline speed a little bit higher so that your top ends we can go a couple couple more miles an hour for me to cover a bunker get to a par five or something but so what used to be top end is now kind of cruisy to yes exactly got it um still working on the straight part of it all but I can still chip it out there nice and straight prefer to be a little more of a mutter than a birdie Fest yeah you like it to be nasty out there you want to I'm really good at pars yeah wind and rain is your friend I prefer it that's kind of an interesting heads space to be in I want par to be a great score yeah I grew up in Eastern Washington the Springs were cold and crappy and that's what I played I played at Washington in college so Seattle's not great so that's why I moved here to get away from all of that but I still like to mud a little bit just like that how you been playing you feel like you're off to a decent start um it's been a little slower than I wanted this this calendar year but uh my game's way better than my score has been um I typically get off to a slow start but um I like where everything's trending I'm ready ready to get going here so if you got if you got like a 9:00 a.m. tea time what time are you turning up to the golf course I'm typically two hours prior two hours that's a lot I know people don't think I'd try I actually try well that's what I want to get at that's what I want to get at uh I have a very stringent r i mean all tour players do but yeah I'm 90 minutes I'm on my my PT table getting stretched out doing some warm up there for about 30 minutes and I'm an hour to the putting green do 20 minutes of putting stuff about 5 10 minutes of drills and then a lot of fuel stuff and then off to the range for 25 30 minutes hit a couple chips and on the way to the tea and are you more of a hotel or an Airbnb always there BNB cuz with the kid especially not with the family but even prior to that I was always there BNB in it um or a guest house guy that's right um You said in the show that was your low point that week so that that hurt that that hurt a little bit I think it was just a low point of golf that a year prior to that I was leading the US Open going into Saturday and at this time I was drinking and having a blast but my golf game was miles apart I was going to say it wasn't a low point for me we had fun we had a great time we stay at my parents house we hav't we stayed at my parents house for the US Open LCC and we had a really good time and then he said on the show that it was the low point of his entire life so oh that's a bit of a stretch probably the golf side was pretty low cuz I had put some effort in at that point yeah and I wasn't seeing results I was trying to dig myself out of the hole having the kid and life was changing I was famous I was playing Bad Golf and I was trying to dig myself out and I couldn't dig myself out combo so instead we just go to what uh dantas dantas baby the best place in the world it's incredible it's the best you invited in like you know we were like family to you guys right away and that was a lot of fun it was great yeah Rob was excited to come back yeah Rob was there yeah Genesis would have been yours but you got to get in I got to play better you got to play better t play better that's what it's about [Music] typically it's just a send driver left but I do not want to hit in a fairway bunker today yeah so that that bunker looks like it's about 290 to the one on the right yeah feel like it's just thre it at the right one uh that's what I would typically do yes yeah so let's do that okay Fireball whiskey thank you to Fireball for allowing me to do this dream series cheers let's have some fun out there I always need a good caddy and a good mine frame before we start I'm so dialed it's crazy this is really bad I have a phobia of hitting three with all first teas so let's not hit it then no uh you got to do it you just got to get over it you got to you got to take it in the teeth sometimes are you sure you don't want to hit a little Cy driver the problem with that if I go on a fway bunker on the first I don't like those either so we're going three-wood right edge of that right bunker yes beautiful that is nice that was really good we're off and running wow that was like a one yard draw huh yeah uh 3-wood likes to just tilt a hair left which I'm okay with it's the only Club it's interesting that I feel like that is kind of what they're designed to now like the driver's cut and the three-wood draw a little bit you nailed it I already got a text from my wife I didn't take the trash out so hot start hot start you're still on the hook for chore duties even with the baby and with the whole golf thing I'm on the hook for everything but she's such like a good I feel like she's really big on you practicing so I feel like she wants to take care of things yeah but I also have to still do a decent job yeah like it's not that hard to be like a decent human your practice is it just go hit a bunch of balls or do you kind of have like drills that you're doing so I'm not a range rat so if I'm there I'm actually going to set up track man I'm going to be working on mostly yardages dialing in numbers I'll hit like 50% less shots than other guys but every shot I hit is actually on with a purpose I'm not just there like hitting balls right you want to see how far it's what the spin rate is yeah like I want to make sure the numbers are good but um changing targets all the time and and hitting stuff like that has been more important to me than just like being out there and just hitting balls just hit balls all right it's 150 to that back pin 150 so we obviously don't want to go long and it's a little into the wind correct um you thinking like chippy eight I typically will still hit nine Arizona ball's still going to travel decently well um long being bad so my 9 goes low 50s into the breeze I'm saying what is this 15 so I'm probably from here so it's probably 40 seven from there there we go okay we'll work on some details we're getting closer so if I hit a 559 iron which is probably really stock I think it comes out great right side is going to fall off a little bit you probably got to go three left of it from The Edge yeah you see that like where that shadow comes in like just a little right of that yeah exactly so there's kind of like two scraggly trees I'm going to pick uh one of the branches on the second one on the right yeah I love it it's kind of settling down right now I think Nine's perfect little pole get back there little pole spinning down the hill all right s okay just easing our way into it today we're easing our way into it good shot so how how are we doing cuz uh the Netflix show just came out I watched it yeah I'll just yeah I'll just kind of let you speak on that I think the hard thing for me that is tough to translate to the public who watches the Netflix show the hard thing is that that was like a year ago 9 months ago that was like a long time ago in a golf world yeah so people when it comes out yeah I was going through a transition phase of being a pro golfer being a dad being Netflix famous from the first show we were talking about it when we were watching the show we were like if you had just had a kid that would have changed everything correct and you see that with you know spe and you see that with Ricky like it's a real thing it's a real thing and then you throw in your complete your life your profile just skyrocketed yeah it was just a lot 3 weeks apart my world blew up yeah um oh wait did the the kid was born like right when the show came out kid was born 3 weeks prior to Netflix being released so a lot happened really quickly and golf was a little bit left behind I was focusing on being a great dad trying to be a great dad and still a good husband but I was also struggling a lot on the golf course this is my worst calendar year as a pro and it was frustrating not to be able to get over the hump but right before the right after the camera stopped rolling you had a really nice fall I had a great cple top 10 right yeah there was I had kind of found myself again there in the fall I think a lot of people panic or feel like they're panicking but I know that I have great golf ahead of me I didn't I thought this pin was way further back you like it in you like it out uh out's great I didn't uh actually turned out to be a pretty decent golf shot if this what's your process for reading greens because we've had guys on here Keegan Bradley said he doesn't Crouch once a whole week he's fully aimo yeah we had Shane Lowry who basically laughed in my face when I suggested he if he asked aim point so where are you where are you uh I not an aim pointer I I understand AO principles there's zero lines there's straight putts on a planer green there's one uphill there's one downhill over a ridge or change of of color is going to be change of Direction like I understand those things but I still do a lot of my reading I actually do all of my reading over the ball so you don't go behind it you don't go on the other side I look for Speed wise on the low side of it to check so obviously we're putting up a large tier here so I'll come to the low side of this and no I'm putting up a large tier and I'm going to get a general idea that this is it's going to break a little right yeah it's going to be straightish up the hill last 5 ft go right and there's a ball Mark that's kind of on top of the ridge that I'm probably I know it's in the ballpark but I'm going to do all of this when I'm over it you don't line it up no so with my ball uh I will on uh inside of 8 ft that are relatively straight okay um I'll line it up but on this it's more important for Speed kind of have my line picked out but now I'm feeling the speed end line together here that's interesting you do everything over the ball cuz I feel like that's not that's not typical right most I feel like would read a putt and then be like totally locked in I over working with mini putting coaches and doing things feel like I do a lot of things my own way but I read something I get over and I'm set second guessing it I'm always going to go with my gut which is going to be over the ball my last thought so I just get in and do that first and just own it that way the show or whatever the public perception makes it sound like oh if you just did this or you practice it's like the way that you are as a golfer has to match up with the person that you are as a person so if you if I put you out there and I compare you sometimes to Fitz who's the polar opposite of you who I know really well yes if I told Matt that he had to come out and have a couple beers and show up on the first te he would start to panic and I think if you if I told you you got to be on this range for seven hours you would start to panic I would start to Panic or if I charted the shots like Fitz does yeah um like it has to match up it does so and that's uh I battle that a lot my rookie year of who I I tried to be a pro golfer like a pro golfer like practice hard and do things the right way and like be serious and I I was having fun it's like I am who I am it translates to my golf game which is kind of more fun little more laidback I have kind of a rep of maybe not practicing enough or working hard on some things or maybe taking you know not as seriously but that's just how I play my best like if you look at through the years of my me playing my best I I put a lot of time in I listen to a lot of podcast I read books I spend time around a lot of smart people like I'm better when I'm in my head space of being happy and showing up golfer I am and that's what that was one of the things of the show this year was like La last year it just you didn't seem like you were having that good of a time out there I was not cuz golf wasn't fun golf wasn't my priority for the first time in a long [Music] time here you you reaching for the driver quick you like driver I think so cuz right bunker EG can cover right bunker is only like 260 cover again the left one's 278 oh it does narrow a ton more than I thought but I'm not sure I think three-wood might I mean it's probably 275 from there three-wood might still get in that bunker though 3-wood goes in the left bunker but if we can cover right bunker with three-wood it's going to kick a little left you still only have a wedge in like three at the flag I that's exactly what I was thinking okay three-wood again yep very nice beautiful that's going to cover it no has to yeah yeah that was solid yeah that was great yeah I might need to nip after this hole you know yeah I'll nip we usually do we usually do birdie nips but that was a good par that was a good par yeah this is a good drive here this turned out actually great these are back toback 3-woods on one end too that I've striped all right 106 probably what like 100 to the front edge yeah so there's a little back stop I think it slips a little bit right to left I'm going to try to fly this like 109 or 10 just the hair right of it or I am going to try to hit it uh probably just left splitting Shadow and pin so it's a step right of it and you don't have any sort of course management system there's no decade you're just kind of oh no I exactly that uh I see I'm more put together than people think especially with Gino decade started it golf IQ and really I work with John rehorn it's been my stats guy so yeah we're it started with decade there's a little more Nuance to it now but uh rarely do we aim at pins and goo's my guy out there and he's like hey this is a number this is where we're hitting it now being disciplined to those numbers as way harder cuz sometimes you want to fade a five iron into 3 ft instead of hitting a 25 like even like this you got a you know a sandwich in your hand there's no this is very green light this is just we're trying to make it let's [ __ ] do it then let's let's make one we have 106 playing no wind little pull stay there sit there yeah about 10 ft hold it we'll take that three yards but underneath the hole putting up a hill so a wedge like that you hit a good shot right you pull it a little bit are you thinking okay why did I pull that what happened there are you just happy with the result um when I'm really into the golf and I'm focused I will almost always have a 10-second discussion with Gino of this is why I think I pulled it I thought on that wed shot I don't feel like I stood close enough to the ball closer to the ball for me equals right and I felt like I was stood a little bit too far away did you feel that before you swung it yes and you just decided to swing anyway this is a uh we're we're creeping into uh day-to-day problems of Joel Damon on well I was going to tell you you know I'm a big therapy guy so do you think I'm like a huge wuss uh I don't think that anyone's a wuss I think that everyone should have someone to talk to there you go so they got through to you then no one got through to me I've I've I have different Outlets of doing things for different people and but I don't think that you necessarily need to be laying on a couch staring at a ceiling talking to someone you've been watching too much of The Sopranos cuz you know you can do it on Zoom now see that's the other hard part is I'm I'm a big face Toof face intera action guy I like to no I like I like to hang out and actually meet people and chat with people and like be friendly and are you reading putts I'm trying to so I have right in my feet I feel like it's inside left but it's straightening for sure so when you say inside I agree it feels like it's left Edge I think the hole is I think it's really straight at the hole if not going so a lot of times I'll come over here and find zero right so I'll find straight so I feel like if this is a straight putt cuz if I go to this side of the ball this is breaking left for sure so I have breaking left breaking left still braking left I'll find zero which is probably somewhere in here so aimo principles if you're at you know 12 ft and you're a step left of it you're probably around the edge or just outside of it oh it broke across the hole huh unbelievable see that was see there's potential Valley out here as they talk about in Scottdale potential what valley effect so we're up north Scott still Valley's this way could have some pull there you had a good putt i i hadit a great putt you're pretty you're pretty quick you're Pro I mean if if you're doing it now this is how you play on tour you're pretty fast aren't you I'm a very fast player I'm one of the top 15 fast players and you can see that with data right yeah exactly we have that all so do you try to slow down so my slowing down is walking breathing talking the process before the shot but once I'm into it it's my routine because yeah you don't want so you want to slow your heart rate when you're walking you want to you know Gino controls Pace at times oh I left that thing I'll meet you there I love it just the thing fell off I'll be right there way to go thank [Music] you this is uh one of the hardest holes out here yeah just a long beefy part for I mean that right bunker is very much in place so there just anything left to that right bunker right exactly so there's a tree on the left that we just got to keep it right of you saying that tree that like is has the dark bark exactly so if it's right of that you're gonna stay on grass just like like that Cactus that's exactly right so I'm gonna try to hit this at the cactus and uh I think there's a breath off the left oh we're challenging right no it's holding its line challenging right over it carried it dude that's so 170 that was 172 I think that was some decent ball speed though that was hit pretty good yeah that shortens a hole bit make a birdie 15 five pin is right in the middle so there's room over that bunker there's room over that bunker yeah there's probably there's probably a good 10 yards over that bunker feels just like stock nine doesn't it that's what it is after that first tool as well you get a little better gauge on what the N9 iron's doing I know that the Bunker's running kind of parallel to the green to the right so we can't miss this ball right right but that's kind of tricky though because the green does kind of slope right to left it does um this is one of those probably going to hit uh cameraman and try far left and but I'm going to hold it yeah exactly so if I can split ball finishing between cameraman and pin yeah just like a nice 8-footer up the hill that's the goal over did it oh exactly what I couldn't do just carry yes it did Lucky Dog you really didn't deserve that bounce no that wasn't a great shot you did not deserve thatly but when you're playing better golf you get those breaks that's right and when you have the right attitude see that help you got a cadd a great CAD like yourself believable at this you got some big pairings I feel like right after the Netflix show didn't I did I played with Justin Thomas a lot yeah does anything strike you cuz you you the squad that you hang out with it's like you Nick who's obviously having a great squ uh year but Mark Hub like but when you play is there a difference between those guys when you hang out with them and like a JT and a speed when you hang out with those guys do they have like an aura about them yeah but I think that we we as a Not Top 10 player in the world non-m champion create the aura yeah cuz they're still just boys to themselves when they're hang out with their dudes like they don't treat them any differently any weirder but when you're around these guys in their element when they're the best there is something that's just a little bit better about them it's a certain Swagger yeah not our best nine iron here not the best nine iron but you got away with it I you know and bogey free golf is a nice way to play so I I think we're I think we're in a good spot this a hard hole too have a quick have a quick nip very quick so this will be one where you go into the low side I will so I'm going to circle the hole just to get a layout of it so it's going to be a little down and obviously breaking pretty hard right at the end pretty hard left at the end yes correct sorry right slope right to left so I think amateurs struggle because they think they have to hit it harder if you like I don't think any tour Pros actually play speed on this right cuz you're already hitting it through especially outside 20 ft you're going to be hitting it through the Fringe anyways kind of right over that dark spot maybe the right side of it so I got this one you see what I'm saying this big one here so I'm going to go a little right of this we have there's there's actually one I kind of put to Apex when I'm over it but probably aiming here and rolls just left of that but this is one of those where you don't hit a great shot in the green but you slop one in from deep and your round gets going that's when you start to feel the juice that's when you start to feel a little fun get going oh see how that was more downhill this is where I'll throw a line on them Just Right Center yes it's definitely right of Center not much I I'll like if this the 3T in I'll hit them pretty hard yeah Prime tiger status I'm not quite there but I'm not going to limp him over the front as I rattled it in yeah it's in though it's in how much will you look at Stats and strokes gain and all that a ton way too much probably but also there's there's a way of what you feel so you have to understand what what you feel like versus what's actually happening so will there be weeks where you're like okay I feel like I hit it pretty good with my irons and then my stats will be dog [ __ ] no because I think it's more for me it's short game and putting but isn't short games around the green kind of a funky St it is you can be 20 ft away from the hole and the best you can hit it is 20 ft and it goes down as like minus and it goes down and so those are a little but you can separate those and use like how good I hit the easier shots today so the other one that Strokes the andle say that you hit it 20 feet next to the hole but you're absolutely screwed on top of a ridge or something right like that wasn't that good of a golf shot you ever thought about doing like Strokes gain to your target versus Strokes gain like yeah so that's a little bit of what we're going down with the golf AQ stuff and with John re is having more of that of like which is very Fitzpatrick right you got to be honest with yourself about where you're trying to hit [Music] it this hole suits RI I'm going to start saying R you know like the proverbial caddy we exactly so those little skinny trees it's like 338 to those so I feel like starting it off that okay so this is part five this is super tough uh green because it's elevated and short but obviously the only thing I can't do is hit it in the right bunkers here um so I will take it at those and just try to just peel it a hair but I also it's a decent decent length so I'm going to give it a little bit more gas here get to get to low 170s here I think so it's not going 330 so it's left side of the Fairway it's fine it wasn't the full treatment I tried but it's in the good shot it's in the Fairway which is a good uh it's nice when my Ms are in the Fairway well I remember when I first uh started learning about decade and about all that stuff the 60 yard thing really tripped me out can you believe how how wide that's what I'm saying so for those of you who don't know Scott fet built this decade golf situation and he basically tried to turn golf into as much of a math problem as possible so if you think about golf the way to think about golf is not as a straight line it's as a cone or as a triangle a sniper rifle versus a a shotgun pattern exactly so it's you're going to have variance not no one hits it on the straight line every time and he said the variance for a PJ T Pro on average is 60 yards with driver it's insane 30 yards on each side which is crazy but if you overlay a 100 drivers like that's kind of what it is no that's that's what the numbers say that it is yeah so I'm not the longest player on tour and I'm one of the most accurate players so I shrink mine down to 50 50 okay but wide this is quite a turtle back green huh this is a brutal green yeah this is a great par five that thing did go a long way by the way yeah ball goes far in Ariza that probably went like 315 see so I don't hit it that short no you have a method for judging lies certainly not Phil Mickelson when I have a method but 257 it's uh 248 to the front it's not going to actually fly further when it hits the ground it's going be hot I do have a slight tree issue I could go over it but all of a sudden if I'm hitting a high through out of this it could go forever we could get that jumper I don't like three-wood I think it's I think three-wood could land on the back of the green and go long why don't we hit some why don't we hit like five wood at where he's standing if it goes in the bunker great I think I do short is definitely the Miss here short right is definitely the Miss short right I feel like you're you're chipping uphill I'm going to go with the hybrid which goes about 235 out here you have the fivewood or this is the five I do not so I go driver 3-wood this is my hybrid but I have a 9wood uh new weapon instead of the four iron yeah exactly um five iron's your lowest yeah I'm really turning into an AM golf I'm turning an old golf I got old man just a touch right of what I wanted but that's going to be fine it's going to be Fairway it is it's uh should be fine that's like a just don't know if you're going to be able to hold the green with throughs think it's throwback huh that's been around since 200 that's actually bought off eBay really that's Gino belli bought off eBay cuz I had the same club for nine years finally cracked on me and Gina bought three more I was going to ask you do you think you'll play this Senior Tour I can't imagine imine me turning 50 if I have the opportunity hopefully I do that not to go out there and play 10 12 15 times year your old buddies you have to do it I've they have so much fun dude it looks un last week and you make money you make tiles of cash oh yeah so like you keep returning think they're in Morocco and they all flew the jet over there together they look like it looks like they're just boozing and hanging like honestly it's like you go like mini tours corn Fair where you're all friends you all hang out then you go to the tour where you kind of separate in a family life and then you come back both 50 and all you just hang out cuz the kids are gone you play golf you goof off it's got to be the most fun I think you could be a senior tour killer I really do cuz your game is not really about like ballistic speed right I it's just like you could have like a Steven aler run you know what I mean when a couple Majors couple million bucks so I have these thoughts yeah um I got to do a little more work to guarantee starts out there but oh you got to do a lot more work it's kind of hard isn't it's like you got to make 25 million or something at least or win five times or major there's there's some numbers to get to for sure so a shot like this you know 30 40 yards will you walk it off will you go see where you I will always go and check out my landing spot yeah so shorts bad figured that one out early there is a bit of a back stop so it gives you a little Freedom greens are a little soft I think I mean I think if you land it here it's you got plenty of space totally so this is one where I'm going to give myself like an extra step buffer and if I can land in here and hit it properly he's going to hop and spin yeah it's one of those where we actually this is one of those you practice a ton as J Pro yeah cuz it's kind of the range where you put the most spin on the ball and that's the most fun to practice so you're not pacing it off though do you want a number do you want no so when I get to 50ish yards I'll take a peek but I can I can just figure this out I'll land it one inch right of it little far oh I just balanced it a hair it's not if the greens are faster it might come back it's trying is it trying is it moving date yeah I think it's coming back a little slowly it's crawling I know if you just keep giving yourself these chances for what 72 holes you're going to make a couple you're not you're going to be stress free so you're trying to hit as many greens as you can give yourself as many looks as possible and just and like have great speed on the putts well I feel like amateurs you got to get everything there it's like if you watch tourpro from 35 feet they're going to leave a couple short well that's you're supposed to it's just like the same variance that you have in every other things there's variance in putting CU if if you start taking let's say we have a six foot gap on a 40-footer and they all go past the hole now you have 0 to 6 feet or you just have 3T 3et got to go a little right yeah I have down the hill right I have this ball Mark here that is standing out to me yeah I like that it might even be the left side of it I think if it loses speed it's going to die I agree with that do it all right you know what that means you know what that means what does that mean Dan means a verting it all right see that's a great caddy there having me lay up a little bit I'm telling you this a giv more room for error three-wood goes long you got a way tougher shot the tiger five you know about the tiger five I just heard about it recently it's a b it's a it's a real thing no bogeys on par fives no doubles no missed easy up and downs no Bogies with a nine iron or less and there's one more that I can no penal I think it's no penal no no doubles yeah no double because when you watch Pro Golf you watchv you see the best players playing the best yes you don't I don't see you finishing t21 making 125 Grand and going home and having a cof and having a great time I love [Music] it what we got 204 smells like a five iron pretty nip it's a rule R it's a rule professional golfer makes a birdie I'm going to be in real trouble if anyone gets hot in this series because Eagles I'm hoping it's me but if not I don't know who your next guess this but I hope they get real hot for you so you like five iron kind of bleeding off the righted edge of that left bunker that's exactly yeah so the longer my clubs go the more of a fate I have just cuz they're in the in the air longer or is it more is it more of a pth thing it's just a pattern of my body and golf swing over the years that this is just kind of what it is it's only 189 front so I think five's plenty of Club five is definitely plenty overdid it go a little what do you mean overdid it it's like 10 ft right of it oh I just missed it a here not bad it's fine for five iron that's probably I was going to say that's probably tour average from there you pay attention to the golf courses like you know obviously there are some certain guys who are super into it who get into the architecture and the design you get to play the best you don't really get a [ __ ] I don't like people will talk about how they set up and oh they could have added this bunker they should have not had this they should have this angle and I'm like I I just like my brain doesn't even work that way it's like there's a fairway there's a green yeah let's go play she'll never be out there and be like wow this course is amazing like it's just so what I think about a great Golf Course is more of the hang the people like you can go play like Goat Hill Park in San Diego area that is so much fun to me like I just want to hang out with good people enjoy like four or five hours with your buddies like that was not a bad shot at all probably 40t 45 ft it's up the hill the whole way we have left at our feet straightening out at the hole this is going to be really it's going to kick left pretty good in the first 25 agree the first half is left hard and then I don't think I I think it needs to be almost like I don't think it's going to keep breaking so what 8 ft out you'd say it's got to be close to center of the hole I think even more I think it's like once it gets to to like here it's going to roll really straight I mean I agree with what you're seeing I I'll break it down into this first you know 20 ft is left but right here is not breaking left yeah so the source of it as we call it cuz the ball's still coming right to left the hair here got to be inside right probably at 8 10 ft out yeah it's still going to go a little left cuz it's like on an angle yes yeah sit sit down sit down wow it did go right like a couple right wow yeah speed was perfect speed was great how often do you bring in Gino for every putt do you never bring Gino in we'll bring him in for the hard ones I got this ball on the right Edge and just maybe on the top Edge you think it's all the way on the edge I do okay but you really do bang those cuz then you don't have to worry about the other [ __ ] yeah you just get up there and mash it another thing about that people don't realize is like if you get an if you get an eight handicap on one of those perfect putting mats they're going to make like pretty much every single putt correct it's really not that hard to hit a like a dead and even like you said even an eight handicap has a decent putting stroke enough where they can I mean look at rig [Music] well I don't know if we want to go there okay you talking about your son or you talking about well we're were talking about I was going to say your son's your son's a little young to have a good putting stroke he's got a good arm on him early what is he 18 months 13 months 13 months not afraid of a ball he's a big kid 99% tile on everything if I told you when you were 15 that you'd play eight years on the P I wouldn't believe you if you told me that eight years ago I wouldn't believe you exactly so it's been pretty [ __ ] good it's been unbelievable and that's the positivity that I'm trying to bring out because I feel like with this Netflix show you're awes you're it's not that bad like it's like it's I understand that like you could be doing more this side the other but like things are pretty [ __ ] good I wouldn't change a thing I would I don't want to change anything I mean yeah I'd like to win some more tournaments and I'd like to be around but I am working towards the thing believe it or not okay so it's it's 327 to that bunker buker I feel like it's the right edge of that bunker it's it's driver at that R hker all day perfect beautiful really good dude that's roasted huh that pretty good money in the bank what amazing you're not a big quick te pickup guy you like to watch it like I've seen like mat if he hits a good one he picks it up and doesn't even check you you are like you're watching it till it falls probably never thought about that before no but even as a tour player I would say we only hit maybe five shots a day exactly the window we want exactly the line we want so you might as well enjoy them yeah you might as well you got to look at the good ones I don't have the highest ball speed it's not the prettiest thing of all time but I kind of like when the gun goes off I like to be pretty competitive and I'm I'm into it out there especially you know in those in those moments I'm not you must be pretty flexible though because your your head drops a little bit you get pretty like you got some side bent so you got a little nean in I do yeah I like to say that actually nean takes after me that's for sure he is Young he's richer too I think he's really good yeah man I remember I play with him when he was like first out on tour and you were impressed oh immediately like well I do feel like there is a certain benefit if you're back and handle it because it's it's it's it's more stable Through The Hitting Zone that's exactly what it is super stable face it's not necessarily a speed move yako it's like trino a lot a lot of trino is the handles leading in front stable face not a lot of rotation okay so something like this we're probably like 45 50 yards I would like a number here just to the top of the bunker or to the you yeah that's ex all I want is that cuz if I hit over the bunker we have a birdie look all right so I got 56 flag and 45 to the top edge of that bunker I'm going to go take a look just to give us some a visual definitely going to go peek with you cuz I need to understand how much room's over the bunker to the pen right and even if you even if I give you the number it's you you want to see it yeah 100% so there is plenty of room but it's still intimidating shot well it's off a down slope it is like you said ball down ball and hole ball down ball and hole baby this is not the game with your homies where you roll it so obviously long is just toast yeah but I mean you got you got probably 40 ft of correct there should be plenty I should still have enough room to hit a little spinner in here if you land it anywhere between i' would say here and the edge of the green yeah you're I mean if you land it between here and there you're fine yeah these are ones where like a great shot goes to a couple feet but even a not great shot is 10 12 you still have good looks this would be pretty stocky and I'm just going to make sure it covers a bunker it's not so firm that you can't hit your stop yeah exactly be right yep really good I think that's going to be tight isn't it tight Ry that'll do it that means another nippy for Danny Boy I didn't realize I was playing for you all day I you are good shot buddy thank you that that's what we call that nipy hustle back in the nipsy hustle yeah you know rest in peace yeah I didn't say RP to that guy right yeah nipy Hustle but that was a nipy Hustle we honor him with Nippers we hit nippy shots and then we take nips so you've played US Open you've played PGA you've played British just never the master I have never set foot at a Gua National you didn't even get the invite I mean I have but I'm not going until I get there myself and someone else was saying that too I don't remember who it was but they were saying I'm not taking the invite unless I make it into the tournament and I will go if my career doesn't get me there but I I do believe that I'll get there that's yeah turn out on blable I think you're going to get there this year bro I think the players is when it starts I like that let's clean this up because we're playing ball down ball and hole oh that's right ball down ball and hole ball down ball and hole I'm glad the world saw that that was pretty pure ball down I got a group chat that's called ball down do you really yes it's so good ball down ball in hole is that your crew at home yeah it's a squad at home one of the things that a couple of tour guys have told me we going this way you go right here worst ball scramble you ever with yourself so I actually did it a lot when I was in high school Growing Up So if people don't know you you play a Scramble with yourself and you play the worst ball so you hit two drives you play the wor worst dve you hit the next two from there you play the worst shot and I think it was Rory who said like if I can do that around even par I know that I'm playing it took me like 3 years shoot even par it's hard because you're going to hit some foul balls of course but also how about that 15 footer you made do you play for money um in practice rounds yeah nothing crazy you're not in the Phil games I'm well one time I was and I was on the winning team that was great you played with Phil or yeah it was me and Phil against Harry higs and Keith Mitchell was this I know exactly where this was Liberty National it was God look at this golf br how about I remember golf I'm a big I am the biggest golf dork in America probably I love it uh we I made eight birdies that day and we rinsed [Music] them so you see that little tree on the on the right that's just left of that bunker that's 315 see so I have more room right than left and if I hit this squeezer it's going to get on the ground ground faster and it's going to use and roll a little right what do you do to first of all I got to take this birdie nip what do you do to hit the squeezer you te it down I did I Che down already but I'm going to stand closer to the golf ball number one standing closer brings flight down and I'm going to choke down a hair on it and those two things is just going to lower the flight I can still have a high 60s ball speed on it will it cut more uh it can there are times where I can really cut it with that yeah I am not feeling that today this will be pretty straight still so just off that right off that Tre off the left exactly so if I can get this ball to land just right of that it's going to hit and run right love it and it'll give us a look at going for it in two oh I whiffed it oh no stay left might have some tree issues on the second I think it's probably I mean it's in Grass it is so that's like part of the deal like that was a pretty poor golf swing but having a squeezer like it's not going to go that far off line yeah it's not it's not in the air long enough to get offline correct and we have a Kyo right behind my golf ball up there it's only 224 to the the flag 224 is all that's what it says I believe you so that that sort of tongue in the middle of the bunker is 202 you think it's you think it's four iron or do you like hard five well I'm actually might go 9wood to the Moon just hit a hit one way up in there I got a tree slightly in front of me that's that tree is in your way I I if a four iron the answer can be yes you can just say yes I mean I could get it over it but then we're talking about accuracy of once the ball start going up so I'm going to shoot Nate back there in the back left corner cuz that's still not a bad spot he's 230 are you not worried about that going 235 in the air a little bit if it comes out a little warm but what I might do to keep this from going hot is I'm going to take it stand closer and try to hoist interesting that you do a lot of it with where you stand everything was a set up that's so old school so I don't change my golf swing if you stand close Ball's going to come out low and typically right if you stand further away Ball's definitely go higher and more left I want to take some off of this so I'm going to feel more cut and just add a degree of Loft to this to make sure I don't hit the hot left one you can hit this 215 that's what I feel like it's 215 is probably the number I like that but I'm also I'm going to hold it stronger in my left hand through the Impact Zone to hit this higher and make sure it doesn't go as far and more right oh be good Joel might be short short short it came out spinning hit the top edge of the bunker yeah I did it was flying like a butterfly with sore Fleet see that's why this club so cool that thing was going to be [ __ ] dialed so this goes shorter than the hybrid but longer than a forearm would go yeah I guess it's about the same as a for when did you when did you get that club I I put it in for Tory week cuz that rough is so long and wet and I needed to gouge out some of them because a lot of times you can get something to even go like 170 out of there and get around the green did you ask tiger for a sponsor in no I did not you didn't you just didn't D to do that didn't even attend think about it no tiger probably would know me if I wore my stupid bucket hat in the clubhouse you've got no interactions with him I played with him and you played with him can I guess because this is going this would be this would be alltime gol well let's talk about 20 2018 quick and Loans oh that's a good week was that not it that's a week that was it unbelievable I'm [ __ ] dude I'm telling you I'm Next Level I'm really crazy with this stuff wow and well you want to know why you're it's because there's that picture there's that picture of Tiger walking up a hill yes and you are in the picture and there's like millions of people in the background that's the coolest thing and one of the funny things is G I lost by one but I was a plus one and a half in Vegas so so you won the vet that's awesome I birdied 17 bed 18 and I lost him by one was it cool was he nice it was the coolest thing I've ever done in my it's it's better than my cuz he was playing good then so you must have been up there we were in like 10th going in Saturday he birdied four in a row in the front he birdied four five six and seven seventh green he made like a 20f footer and it's like stadium golf me and Gina were this far away I had like 2 feet to tap in and Gina looked at me and he goes this is [ __ ] awesome and we could barely hear each other yeah that's so cool so are you okay let's talk about this are you 60 everywhere around the green I am not 60 everywhere I'm old school I will get the ball in green and run it you'll have a pitching wedge and it yeah no I'll have an iron it so walk me through this what are you looking at here so this is pretty tough uh well the LI is on almost a down slope but that might help with how long the shot is well the problem is is look how like this can kick and bank so hard it's got to land on the green so that's a deal and you can't spin it a ton out of it but I think if you land it here you land it where you're walking right now you're totally fine yeah I mean so the deal is like we got to get on the shelf right we got to get this this 15t circle you can go higher and softer over here and use it or if I get in there and really feel this life might able to spin one in there what club do you have in your hand I have I this will be a 60 shot cuz it needs more spin this is a good one for amateurs at home the thicker and heavier the sand you need less bounce on your clubs so you need to go to a sandwich or Gap wch because the club is just going to do it itself it's going to do it itself yeah this looks a little crispy I'm going to have to get in there probably spin one a little bit spin sit down sit down ah I just chunked it a bit little clunky little clunky it should be can we work on this as well so we got we got to do two things when we're in bunkers wait wait let me just give me a second what's wrong with that the problem is that this first dig was like it's in here well now we got issues so pool pool que low handle a lot of stuff starts away we're just low handling this and it's very light we're only moving top of sand we don't need bottom sand here okay so top only moving Top Sand so then you can pull some in on the edge is Gino a good uh all time absolute all time he's all of Famer he is it's a zen garden so if you take like you know see how this guy just dug right here yeah so you can get in there the other deal we can do oo we getting nasty with it and you can get all that sand in there and then it's just a light dress over the top see you see how you drug that we got a to pick up every there we go every stroke is one stroke what do you mean it's oh you're saying you can't like swipe and move it's even lines all who's catting for you in your qualifier uh Alex Bush one of our producers hope he can rake a bunker better than you yeah that's going to be tough people people behind me won't be happy if I do that so to me this is super planer this is just one slope it's going to be gradual right to left the whole way yeah this is you kind of got to feel it with your speed and your like I so that's the deal is like you can we both agree it's right to left the whole way there's an nice of it but these are ones where I'm really good or I think I'm good at when I'm over the ball so I'm very interested this this put's only probably what 16 ft and you're not even thinking about lining it up no cuz there's so much swinging it if it was a dead straight putt I'd line it up so you're are you looking at an apex point or you just kind of feeling yeah so I know that this piece of grass when I got over it is just low so my ball has roll high of that everything's been short and breaking a lot math checks out like that what I say what I say bre try I try to tell you unbelievable I tried to tell you it's believable it's pretty believable I wouldn't say it's unbelievable ah see it was a good line I just I just didn't hit it yeah they're not rolling very [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick 186 this is a great little part three here I think it's good full seven I think it's going to carry that I mean that little Crest right there there a CR I think that's probably 80 cover which is makes it a great number there's nothing to that we're in a dome right this is perfect you just got to like sack up and hit a let let's see something just a little left of it I'm going at the shadow oh my God what was that rap Fort I don't know you tell me kick right it did kick right yeah it's so bad appear appear appear what happened there uh you had to diagnose that one yeah well I can tell you that I thought I needed to hit it to yours harder and uh the arms went faster than the body so is there ever a thought to hit six and feather it in no that is it's a great number if I could just it's a simple piece just like sack up and hit it yeah so uh with the with with rigsy you're rigsy my my baby boy rigsy you going to put a golf club in his hand on the young age I I don't care if my kid's a tour player I don't need him to do that I think that golf is an amazing thing that can connect people in life for sure you can go out for four or five hours with your buddies and hang out like you can't do that any other place no and it's an excuse to do it with the wives and everything that's the deal is like so you told your wife I'm going to go walk with my friend for four hours or probably be like get the [ __ ] out of here right or I'm going to go to the bar with my friend in 4 hours I'm going to go do this for you can't do it I'm going to go play golf go ahead no problem so I also think it's good for business like in that aspect I think growing up around a golf course is the best thing you can do for a kid teaches respect learn to hang out with older people learn how to you talk to older people there's rules you H that someone else is kind of not your parents just yelling at you the whole time I don't really care if he's good at it but he's going to understand and respect I'm not to say traditions of it but all the things all the values that golf adds so you've got the Washington head cover the Washington alignment that cover you got no hard feelings against against the way it went down there that the uh that our coach laughed us did you get kicked out of school kicked out is a wrong word I flunked out what does that mean uh I didn't pass my classes so so you were ineligible I was on probation I didn't do enough to get back in good standing and I was you're not a you're not a stupid person by any stretch so I think I was actually I went to college because that's what we were supposed to do when they were I had a scholarship there was no option in my life not to be a college student that was just how I grew up in my family but I quickly realized relationships with people is way more important than a piece of paper that said I got an econ degree from Washington with a 23 GPA that would have been C that would have been nice but not going to help help me relationships and who you meet and who you hang out with is way more and I figured that out probably too early you didn't like playing all there enough that wasn't enough to motivate you you know the cool thing now I can play any golf course almost in the world yeah you can do whatever you want you can get on an Augusta too if you just swallow your pride and you know what else I can do I can win a damn golf tournament and I can get out there and I can play it did you know that when you won Dominican it wasn't getting you to the Masters oh yeah you knew I want to I want to get to Augusta for way more than myself I want my dad to play still healthy and can play how old's your dad 67 same age as my dad yeah so I think he's got like 10 years eight to really like actually be a decent golfer well how old are you 36 yeah so you got about want Gino probably more than my dad I want to go play with Gino and I want him te him up on the first te I want him to shake his hand like barely get the tea on the ground and I want him to shoot 85 he's going to hit it into two Fairway I'll tell you that much cuz right on one no he might mail it right first so I want I want to get to Augusta for the people that have helped me get where I'm at more than I want to get there well that was one of the things in the Netflix show where you were like that was one of the things that seemed to hit home was like when when they told you that like it's not just that you're whatever it's that the people around you are really really trying yeah they are and they all want what's best for me so you don't want to let them down cuz they're they're putting it and at some point they're going to stop putting the effort they're going to put in as much effort as you're putting in right well if they start putting in less effort all of a sudden that's not going to work so I have to up my effort level across the board so everyone is on the same page I like that so all right this is definitely going right the whole way correct we got up a up a good tier it's still breaking right at the top I agree um if I'm drawing straight lines that's a great spot to start I had one exactly so I'll start when I have this like Upper Ridge deal so this spot lined up exactly what you were thinking so I want to make sure it's on this spot or aim here Ball's just inside it's going to keep going that way and it's up and it and and it's it's even up once against to the top tier correct so we got to make sure once again pace is out out great nuked it nuked it no I listened to all the haters what were the haters saying that I leave him short and underere them sometimes my caddy says that to me not me I would never that snapped off the map that was a terrible so that is a terrible three put and there's this is where I get in trouble I didn't had a great shot I wanted to make it Pace got bad instead of accepting a tap in par you tried to jam it in there I wanted to make sure that it was getting there be and then you so all of a sudden you're impatient it took me eight holes to being impatient we had a good seven hole run there but I parred a easy par five didn't hit a great shot got impatient but why are you thinking why is so negative like that you're 200 under par standing with like a 35 footer on a tough far three like I want to be better I want to be 5 under I want to be three after that hole like instead of accepting the easy things all right well let's go accept some easy things and finish with the birdie see that and now I'm just I'm chapped right now you're upset I'm pissed yeah cuz I didn't do an easy thing yeah that's not really a I wouldn't say that was a particularly tricky punt no it's just slightly up a hill but I wanted to [Music] hoop [Music] so this is me a a I call it a fairway finder kind of the same shot that you hit on the par five exactly but I'm going to hit it not right I'm going to hit it good this time off that tree with the pale bark you just nailed it so pale bark is going to leak just to right of it good swing Beauty that's going to go a long way in this Arizona that's cruising yeah yeah see those are fun go hard go one yard go one yard I need one yard yeah I don't really talk to my ball because I can't control the ball that was pretty control that was unbelievable see now now what I'm thinking with my rat rain is that if he just two puted the last hole we'd be two under we'd have a [ __ ] wedge into the last we'd be flying Gray right and then you have a wedge on 10 11's a reachable par five and then you can keep cruising that way but we're not the unfortunate thing is we're not playing the back I have the hardest time team on a Thursday at 7:30 off 10 no's there yeah like that is so hardy it motivated I think I teed off in like 25th at Waste Management on Saturday but there was we were one of the first groups off one it was lined Fairways that was so much fun Shane L was like dude this is like a Ridder cup really it was so loud he's one of my favorite to play with cuz he's positive we always have a great chat CH he's a great husband yeah loves his kids not afraid of a pint with his boys he's played in probably four Rider Cubs three Rider cuups yeah it's fun he's a he's a dude all right 152 downwind downwind a little bit I still think it's probably nine iron or you like wedge wedge will not get there so if I just stand up and hit this full nine it's probably got high 50s in it it's 143 front yeah I don't think wedge gets there I think it's I think it's just good smooth nine yeah so this is like this is driving range nine I pulled it oh I pulled it sit down sit down should be a good number yeah it's not bad 25 ft just a bit of a tug oh see why does that happen body slows down a little bit yes this is very makeable Joel I agree see it wasn't that bad no it wasn't it was it was a slight pull but the number was good that was was barking we're still here with the look sneaky Traer it's got to go right doesn't I mean Super Quick Pass the hole feels like it's kind of just inside this Mark here so I have a hair lless than you early you should never have to grab the flag that's on me that's on me that's really bad I grabb a lot of flags I just think it's going to have to be trickling a little bit you're right maybe it's not going to break that much I kind of see what you're saying I think it's more fast than left to right that's yeah see I got some ball rolling in here might not catch enough friction to go right oh it did dive oh no we got issues hammer time I've been shortened wow that's a dirty pen we can't end like this that thing rolled out like crazy well we you called it oh yeah it's pretty straight up the hill left Center so that's what I was thinking it might probably just have a tilt of right overall unbelievable finish to the day all that for that all that for even par all that for that oh that for even far the greens got me at the end we were I feel like I thought like we were hitting a stri there after six holes I felt nice especially after I nipped the wedge in there if if our ball flies two yards further on part five I probably two put for birdie yeah then I probably don't three put eight and this is a tough pen but we had fun we had fun and that's that's the key here we're not you know we're not playing on tour here we're having a good time we're educating the people thank you for doing that of course that was a lot of fun saek season 2 episode one Joel Damon what a player Netflix Superstar but also a golf Superstar eight years on the PJ tour we're not we're not downplaying your golf accomplishments I also think that my best golf is in front of me and the next couple years are going to be good golf and I'm excited for the fans who root for me to be good and want me to be good or actually going to get like to watch good golf and I'm excited for that it starts with the players I love that that's a great spot to start cheers
Channel: Fore Play Golf
Views: 236,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riggs, Barstool Sports, Barstool Golf, Fore Play, Fore Play Pod, Barstool Podcast, Trent, Barstool Trent, Frankie Borrelli, Alright Frankie, Funny Golf, Golf, Golf Course Review, golf, podcast, golf interview, comedy, comedy interview, comedy podcast, golf comedy, joel dahmen, dahmen golf, full swing netflix, joel dahmen netflix, joel dahmen full swing, dan rapaport, side gig barstool, pga tour caddy, caddy for pro, pga tour joel, 9 hole caddy, inside the mind of pga tour
Id: 86YHVbeIsY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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