I Caddied For Sahith Theegala | Side Gig with Dan Rapaport

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foreign Netflix Superstar up and come around the PGA tour like this right at it I mean it's right in the middle right at it yeah I'm trying to land this thing three feet right of the hole For the Love of the Game Golf deserves this nine I think so a little into huh kind of split the difference between that tree and the flag I've done this before good swing thanks now now we now we hit our stride now we go that is such a cool shot [Music] thank you what's up guys I'm Dan Rappaport and I'm very excited for the first ever episode of side gig now the concept for this video is I am a golf pervert like a sicko and the thing about podcast interviews they're great but you don't get to really nerd out you don't get to really go deep into the golf squeeze that's what we're gonna do today so I am lucky enough to caddy for solid figala right behind me number 29 in the world Netflix Superstar up and come around the PCA tour he's going to play a match against his roommate who's also a pro named Roy Coots hopefully it's fun for you guys to get inside the mind of the PGA Tour player so let's do it [Music] foreign [Music] I believe I will be your uh your caddy today now you're you're prepping for a decently large tournament next week yeah some people may have heard of it I actually forgot the name of it but oh it's it's the USA flag with like yeah so it's in Georgia yeah okay I know obviously we're you know we're not on a PJ Tour event but if you were at a Tour event would you be one of the guys who has the trackman out who's checking the numbers or is a warm-up for you kind of just getting the body loose yeah more getting the body loose I don't think I've ever used any sort of machine like right before around because one of the main things I realized in college was I was practicing like a total loser like I was just I would be practicing a long time I won all three Awards this player of the year but total loser dude I was just like spending time on the golf course not getting stuff done practicing less but more intentional has been really big for me I know you have something of a party trick I've heard that you can do on the driving range yeah yeah this guy's gonna have to move yeah [Laughter] see you're an absolute animal because the vast majority of golfers when they hit a shank it sends them into like a mental spiral neuroses and I the fact that you I love it the fact that you do it and then are like completely unfazed is you get the feel of the shank and then all you have to do is not feel the shank and you will never shake it so you don't put this club in competition then no I do this is like your seven hour yeah so this is a seven iron you're going to use at Augusta National that just has a lot of marks from you purposely shanking the ball yeah well the well the great thing is it looks like all my other clubs because I don't really know why why is like self-deprecation like no I'm not I mean you and like Joel Damon you guys all think you suck there it is that was good that was like a top yeah really really special um all right you want to hit one square and we head out there yeah let's do it see now that I've gotten that out of the way it's like the face looks huge like how do you even miss this is like the worst advice I think that you could give anyone ever that's more like it yeah then you just hit toe Cuts all day beautiful let's get it going I love this I like that it's not like a patch either no no we got this thing that's style we got this thing [ __ ] ready to go foreign I'll mark one properly so I start with the I dot out the line and then I go 99 or 909 not Gretzky although that's a good homage to the freaking best to do it too but 909 my area code yeah OC [ __ ] huh no it's actually San Bernardino County which is sneaky what are we looking at here just a just a dog leg right par four par five it's really short from here we're just playing the up tee on this one whole oh well freaking let's have a good let's have a good one you have a pet view about guys saying like play a wall right play like garbage buddy he's like yeah let's just saying say what you mean I hope you [ __ ] hit this one in the piss now Road isn't missed drivers though I won't say that he's probably a little nervous I mean who knows the last time I've had a camera on me oh missile hyped that's perfect really good like a little knuckly cut I like that perfect you going Lumber here yeah tough start for the caddy that didn't pull the head cover on the first side that is a tough start where's the head cover right here you love that one yep the bag's gonna be heavy I know I know I've done this before yeah same line I'm a little deeper than sorry a little deeper than Rose so foreign all right we're off all right like when you were growing up you said you're you know you're an introvert if you like practice alone was it kind of meditating for you oh absolutely yeah I feel like I know you're obviously from SoCal but I was like pretty far east and there just wasn't a lot of golf there yeah um so I didn't really have guys that would just go out and play with until a little bit later on but um I just loved it like just out in nature yeah like there's a certain Zen to it for sure and your your dad like he liked golf but didn't really play yeah he like never played he just loved Sports I basically like picked up every sport from watching it on TV with my dad you want the the gun yeah let's do the gun we got a marker right here it's 188 middle yes 190 Flags so on a shot like this would you would you want to know like the lip of the bunker what kind of information do you want so Charlotte like this like there's a little Ridge in the middle of the green too so like well I'm standing here with Carl I'll get the Cover online with the flag on the green and then the cover probably just right of it because that's where I'm looking of the lip of the bunker so that lip of the bunker like in line with that steak is 173. cool so you got you thinking six iron I think it's downwind actually I'm thinking seven iron yeah National hydraul seven a little cut anywhere loft is not good oh boy God it's trying oh well that's got to sit okay do you miss the green left that actually might be okay all right because it didn't kick off just a little bit of a tug you know what's funny I was standing over that shot I stood over that longer than normal and I was like this is the club I just tried to shank dude this is what I'm saying you can't be doing the [ __ ] I don't have a [ __ ] seminar in for my first Iron that's fair enough what does your dad do my dad it works in it got it yeah he's a computer engineer he literally went to the MIT of India okay he's an absolute genius I was gonna ask when he came over and all that he's like so so smart and he gave all of his brains to my brother and not me so that's why I play golf he came he was the first one from his whole family who came over here amazing um and I think he came in 86. did he meet your mom in India or they met in the states arranged marriage no way or rain marriage oh yeah that's the absolute Norm I'm gonna take a free drop here I think it's this is ground under repair for all you uh rules hardoes ground under repair that's why we're taking the drought now are you allowed to clean it if it's got under repair yeah oh yeah come on bro tell what yeah we'll go with yeah it will be wet eventually you know I know a lot of guys these days are pretty much 60 everywhere are you one of those guys I at least are on the greens I've always just I I kind of like know how to hit the other shots I've practiced it but I just like how was the open for you with that it was great I just putted everywhere yeah if I was in between anything potted this is a very makeable chip trying to land it just on should break her hair right let's make it happen that's it oh a little quick then leave it short I got you thank you we got to get this thing wet I haven't hit a putt to realized do you bring in Carl a bunch or you kind of Do Your Own Thing I wouldn't say a bunch but definitely on several putts around like it's for the ones where I'm just not sure like if I step up to and it looks good I just trust my read but Carl's a greater green reader should be right Edge need this for the tie hammered it you did hammer it all right one down just smashed it through the break that's a bad not up and down [Music] that right bunker is actually like right now we shouldn't be able to reach it we're just trying to hit it just over the left side of that tree because he thinks he can't that bunker on the right is not really in place so over that left side of the tree is plenty of room kick right just kind of straight down yeah that should be okay left her off when did golf become like serious for you like when was it like when did it cross over from being like oh here's this cool thing that I'm really good at to like oh my God I actually might be able to do this like I was really good when I was really young what are we talking like 9 10 like no like six to yeah like six to eleven that was really good and then I just like like maybe didn't practice as hard as I could have and like also hit growth spurts and then I kind of sucked for like four or four or five years yeah once I got to maybe my junior year of high school I played really really good that summer and then I committed to Pepperdine and then I had like the best year of golf in my life my senior year of high school did some of the bigger school I mean I guess pepperdines did anyone try to like navius steal you once he'd already signed not really I always kind of have a little chip on my shoulder I know me and Roy talk about a lot she's like UCLA RSC or something I mean like kind of but just like it's like a few to all the other schools for not wanting us do you think it was because your swing is like unorthodox or because why do you think that was yeah I think it was a combo of just like my swing was kind of like I don't think a lot of coaches believed in it just like in terms of consistency or longevity even and then honestly in high school I was really inconsistent so I don't blame them I was very streaky like yeah I hit my growth spurt early in high school and I like freaked out and I couldn't play I mean but yeah like six three six three yeah a good day so 85 flag back up into the win shot like this like so what's your stock 60 and do you hit it like full ever yeah so I have a 58 and then it probably goes 100 yards full but I like you said I never hit it full and I don't think many guys do yeah but just because of this lie I think I'm gonna go and hit it even into the win I think it's gonna knuckle a little and help take the spin off but honestly I just have a number just because I think it's going to jump right and do you use any sort of like course management system to determine where to aim any like you know decade type of situation are you just feeling it out yeah just feeling it out so like this right at it I mean it's right in the middle right at it this is a very easy paint I think Roy just freaking hold it it's definitely tumbling a little short you think I think just a little short Green's running nice I feel like I feel like they're like well that first putt they definitely rolled nice well I I made them look like freaking Augusta on that first hole break break turn Do It Good pot gosh the first two holes out here they're like probably the two easiest holes out here and I par them every time that's why I'm always down early on here all right good effort dodge a bullet honestly one down through two is basically like being one up now now we now we hit our stride now we go will you ever change like a grind or like bounce no literally never yeah literally never put the same you played freaking like rocket mortgage or somewhere that's like soft as a pillow yeah and Saint Andrews and you've got the sayings and setups yeah I can't believe people change as much as they do honestly [Music] you thinking nine you thinking a little feathery eight I'm thinking pitching wedge dude I'm I need to dial in your your yardages because I'm off yeah I I think it's downwind I think it's I think see this is strategic I think it's a hair into I think it's compared into gosh it's definitely way downwind Roy I think you might want to go sandwich see this is strategic one down through two get to see what he does on this one that's gonna splash that was an early Splash call that's gonna splash oh it was in two wow that was a good call Caddy geez all right I guess I'm going nine iron you kind of had that that treat exactly just turn it off the tree it's probably five a Hertz with a draw oh really safe pushed it a little bit of a save job all right we're on that is a match play that's a match play special right there so in a tournament would you would you like a long pot like this tended pulled I would just leave it just leave it yeah okay so like I would say this is probably the strongest part of my game law is like just like lag putting I say that I'm probably gonna put it just something like you feel like you've had that touch since you were a kid yeah just like again just like a lot of my practice was when I was a kid was just like feel stuff I would literally just like sit on the putting green swack pots and swack chips so like I just think I have a good feel a lot of the prior also says something about my ball striking you have a lot of lag putts Chase Chase goodbye thanks he wants to wait and see he's trying to make his Bogey and then they decides making nerving one we are back you back to even hey let's go thanks John Momo even though I was handed the hole I'll take he'll take it we'll take it any way we can get it there's a catty rookie mistake here you don't leave the bag you got to leave the bag on the way to the next hole and this thing is not getting any lighter [Music] I know you were driving that one car like all around the West Coast you upgraded since yeah I might have to show it yeah you might have to show it we could do a little Pimp My Ride action I love that thing it's the one like material thing in my life I've always kind of dreamed about it's like a nice car yeah we'll do a big reveal it's been it's my dream car I literally got in it when I first bought it and I was like I drove it up to RSM that was the first event I had with it and I was like tearing up driving up I was just getting so sentimental totally you dreamed of having a nice fancy car is nothing wrong with that those Mounds on the left side that first one's 309. so I mean it's just just kind of split that in the trees right yeah exactly the center line is probably that just left of that tall tree right in the middle so into the fan do you ever tee down oh yeah teeing it down right now kind of the this is like my Max Homer feel where I just like cover and just hit a little squeeze cut let's do it yeah it's funny how Max home was like everyone's like he's the new standard it's like oh I want to swing it like Max oh his rhythm like Max he's freaking Adam Scott levels yeah I would do I would do unspeakable things foreign oh yeah I like that one that is a sexy one that's a crowd pleaser yeah that's when you get the oh yeah that works on the firm The Firm tour Fairways literally sometimes I'll just like sit on a range and watch Max and balls just to like try and get some from osmosis funny that you say that I was interviewing um Justin Rose in the podcast and he's working with black mark Blackburn now why Mark Blackburn yeah he was like honestly I just wanted to swing it like Max Homer your swing let's get into that a little bit yeah very homemade a lot of people on Twitter like to say you're gonna have back problems yeah yeah it's kind of a long story with my swing actually but when I was young I 10 fingered it literally until I was like 11 or 12. and I would I was really shot at the top and I would cover incredible like my hips were square like at the Target yeah um and I would hit like high draws okay and then I hit my growth spurt and just like took my swing like all out of whack and then I started hitting like steep super steep like left Cuts yeah that's well you got a really flexible like spine back so the thing about my back is I have 18 degrees of scoliosis going to the left it's kind of a lot if you have between like 22 26 is like the the line where you can like people can get surgery and it makes them like two inches taller overnight yeah literally like fixes their spine but if you see an x-ray it kind of like shoots up a little right and then goes left so luckily it goes that way so I could get Bend this way without putting stress on my spine if you're saying the side Bend is not it's not actually because it's your Natural Spine angle a little bit of it for sure yeah I mean I definitely have a lot of side Bend too but it actually feels like good if if I'm like if I try and keep like a very neutral spine angle Adam Scott it like kind of hurts yeah so if I had to go Lefty swing I'd be I wouldn't play off if my spine curve the other way I'm convinced I wouldn't be able to play all right 137 and then to cover on that line is 126. so oh okay that thing is really really tucked will you ever aim at a flag that close or will you even if it's a wedge kind of give it a little space yeah no with the I think I have a perfect number for a full 50 degree should be a little hurt yeah definitely a little bit of hurt yeah felt it on the T more so but it's like a thumpy fifth here I'm still okay I'm still aiming a paste right of that yeah yeah I'm trying to land this thing three feet right away and you and you play your irons pretty much dead straight I go both ways um I'd say my shorter clubs like eight iron M typically draw just for spin control and traged for me if I try and hit like a half yard draw I don't even know if it's going to draw so I try and draw it like five yards oh hold your head up hold your head up that is short side what would Carl say right now what would his what would he say like how can I be a assistance right this term is headless headless headless well you just like didn't think about it it was headless you've I've just sit in the one spot you can't right it's like a chicken without a head that was terrible not my favorite lie in the world either no super Sandy in there how's your bunker game um I don't like that answer I think it's pretty it's improved yeah it's probably the worst part of my short game but it's I still think it's pretty good but like not Aussie level the Aussies are all in 30. it's just built different they're just born in the sand over there actually this is I have more room than I thought yeah you're okay you're gonna land on The Greener in the fridge no I'm gonna land it short just trying to land it like literally right there you're not nervous that'll get caught up have it trickle off no I think it's so firm right there carried it a little further than you want yeah further than I wanted people get way too firm when they rake bunkers it's all about the little push pull push [Music] are you ready for this toss we're in danger of another oh that was a nice top I was you could see the ball rolling under the red how was that it was like 6.4 out of 10. okay I'll take it the through stroke is a little rough a little yeah see even that's a little too jerky you got to be really sensual with it all right let's make this part outside the hole Yeah just outside right [ __ ] it very nice get up and down you know I'm gonna degrade that to no no no no cameras you don't have to say anything what is that no no no no no no if you if a guy hits it in there you're getting fine don't hit it don't hit in the bunker that's you know you know it's fair I'm not paying the guys so I mean this is about as right on Main Street as right down Main Street yeah yeah this is a sick hole let's just drive it right at the flag right it's the flag exactly cool can't really feel anything back here it's like protected by all these Hedges yeah should be off the right though yeah logic would hold that it's off the right just gonna try and hit a straight one at the flag questions shot right side of the fairways yeah a little cut oh that that might be rough actually it kind of goes a little right there so you said worst part of your game is driving so if you could have anyone I think I know what your answer is going to be if you could drive it like one guy on tour Hood yeah it'd be Rory he played with him before I haven't played with him but I just know it's Rory I mean who doesn't want to drive like Rory yeah how about long irons maybe Xander for long irons oh yeah you played with the goat Tom Hoagie Tom oh my God Tom Hoagies one of the most underrated players I've ever like okay maybe now he's not underrated no he still is underrated definitely no one thinks about him in that team it is stupid field hit eight arms plus impact he starts like bitching about the shot and this shot is six feet left of the pin yeah and it lands like 12 feet long left he's like she's like HD I pulled it not a good swing I'm like I have 12 feet for birdie from 170 yards and I striped it yeah he's Stripes yeah why just JT Justin Thomas yeah he's money isn't it disgusting he's got like the back footer that the one hop and stop it's disgusting yeah his rhythm on wedges like he makes it look easy but like people I feel like people don't get how hard it is to strike a wedge solidly with that kind of tempo you're saying that slow yeah yeah and then putting it's a tie between Denny McCarthy and Taylor Montgomery Taylor Montgomery was like the we we had him on the podcast he's like the mini golf world champion what are these pins that pin's like three from the other they knew we were coming good tournament crap so 55 flag I can't really get I mean there's no carry on that line all right 155 55k it's like just on top of a little Ridge okay trying to get nine I think so a little into huh definitely a little into but that should take a little spin off so it won't yeah won't get crushed let's try and hit a 60 shot yeah trying to split the difference between that tree and the flag dial I've done this before good swing thanks yeah good shot I like that one now that's the that's more professional I like that was professional it's the standard professional it's like tiger I remember I so I was telling you I had that job yeah where I was following him around and uh they say you're going to Japan next week I was like oh my God so I went to zozo's my first first tournament out in the new job the one that he won the one that he won and then two months later Presidents Cup yeah he's the best player by a mile and I'm like oh my I'm about the one at Royal milk that was one of Royal Melbourne and I'm like I'm about to be like on the wildest ride of all time I feel so grateful that I got to see just those three months where he was really really dialed yeah you got any reactions with him at all yes I have a pretty epic I've only really I've only talked to him this one time at Riv I'm eating my breakfast alone like I I wasn't sure I was in the early wave and usually like I was just sitting alone facing like my back against the door yeah all of a sudden someone comes up from behind me and just bear hugs me and you know what Split Second where you're just trying to like think who could who could it be right like I was like oh it's probably one of my corn fairy buddies or just like I don't know maybe a family member of someone yeah and I turn around actually not I'm looking at Tiger Woods he's he's right here so he bear hugs you I mean that takes some kind of some kind of confidence yes straight up bear hugs me and I look over and I thought my heart was gonna stop I'm like dude I'm [ __ ] looking at God here but uh it was it was sick he's just like great tournament like yeah so the first words he says excuse my language he said great [ __ ] job last week and we're like I was just so Juiced but listen like I just wanted to ask how he was doing like tired I hope you're doing well man like praying for your recovery and all that but I couldn't get words out yeah he was like I was just like thank you thank you like I'm so glad I'm here like all out but it was so cool and the fact that like he knew me and like watched golf oh that's big for the program oh wow can't miss that big mistake yeah and then he like walks to go get his breakfast and his like Squad is behind him with security guards and stuff but I thought that was so cool that is cool looking back at it he's just like a he's just another dude you know so just turned a little left try and break the par streak bro bro you kind of hammered those man that's why I was saying bro I was reading the butterfly I was so confident I was gonna make it you got to work on your John rum how the [ __ ] as I've hit it four feet by dude I love jogger always reaction I love that he gets fired up yeah it's nice that he showed some emotion it's like people people get Matic offers for being robotic and then they show emotion and people get mad at that too yeah yeah and I feel like he hasn't done anything like I can't think of anything top of my head that's not even disrespectful yeah inside left yeah inside left very nice thank you so that's how that's your routine like that's how quick you do it you just get up and hit yeah pretty quick yeah I I had to slow down not have to but I just I slowed down a lot since college for sure sometimes I just hit a shot I'd be like why did I not think about like why didn't I think about this Factor right [Music] ever since journalism school all you hear about is like it's dying like media is dying and like people are getting laid off and you know and it's true it's very hard to monetize the written word and so it's so nice to be at a place where I feel like there's positive momentum that's growing like I don't know anything about the field really but at least like from The Golf Scene the last like two three years it's been such a good movement yeah like just make golf more fun totally cool well I think you know guys doing stuff like this yeah that helps too but just like everyone's I mean golf's hot every single person is a golfer now yeah there's a quarterback every basketball player like I have people who don't want like people tell me who could give less of a crap about golf that listen to golf podcasts now like obviously foreplay and yeah there's a community aspect of golf that other sports don't really have it's pretty you feel like you're sitting around the fire pit on the 19th hole with your boys that's like what the pitch of our podcast is yeah all right I'll just roast one right at the left side of that bunker left edge of the bunker yeah that's the money line I'm just gonna hit my normal cut kind of over the edge of the tree line that's traveling yeah it should be okay good soft bounce probably just in the rough it's kind of my if my Miss is that tight I'm pretty happy with that yeah let's be a pro golfer here all right so it's 276 flag okay 256 to the high point of that bunker so I feel like it's just firm through it all day and yeah so I have a four wood yeah I can go between a four I don't have a three wood I have this hybrid that I call Frank why it turns short for Frank and hybrid because it's a 15 degree hybrid oh my God this thing it's like a three wood absolute piss missile so it's 17 turned down to 15 to 15 and it spins at like 2200 so you cannot actually you can get that thing running it spins just as much as my driver how far does this thing carry I carry this like 265. so I need to into the wind I need a thumb I mean realistically it's going in that bunker but that's something that Pros I think people are perfect people don't really know about Pros sometimes it's like that's what the golf course gives you yeah that's what you got to take who said that recently it was I think it was Cantley somewhere he made a great point it might have been a rib he was just like like I'm not even stressed about second shot par five like about hitting the green Australia I'm just trying to leave him the easiest place to make four oh that's a riser special that's a short right of that front edge you think yeah yeah that's a good spot it's a really good spot yeah on the outside it was kind of nice that I couldn't fully get there actually because usually if I hit it there and got pin High dead if you watched the PGA Tour on TV you're seeing the best players who are playing great exactly you're watching the guys that are on the top of the leaderboard every time right they're not showing the guy who just kind of hits it to 25 feet two Flats moves on no a gripe that me and Carl always joke about is like 215 yard par three guys up there with five iron it's a tucked left pin [ __ ] water bunker left yeah and this guy will absolutely stripe one 25 feet right of the hole that's all right right in the middle of the grand the commentary is like oh safe play there like safe shot I'm like no he [ __ ] laced that right at his right car he was looking so shot like this do you do do you usually want a number do you kind of walk it walk it off feel it out on a shot like this if it's under I'd say probably 60 yards I'd never get a number okay but like in tournament I'll I'll Pace it off to the front of the green just but mostly just to get a feel of like how it is or are you counting in your head counting in my head yeah but I'm never like okay I have 30 yards this is the swing you're not doing the Bryson clock method just to like know so just kind of kind of crested on the green just a little left of it yeah but yes finishing left of it go go it's a little short of that Ridge the hand placement's pretty good for the club handoff bro I'm telling you I'm not an amateur I feel like a rookie mistake is to hand it high like where are you supposed to grab it exactly yeah you gotta It's gotta be like waist level one time for us oh great effort thank you two up thank you yep cheers six pars [Music] all right so I have not seen this club yet tell me about this guy okay this might be my second favorite Club in my bag but this thing's sweet it's a hybrid shaft super light 85 grams and it's like a it's not a game improvement iron but it's like the thicker yeah pink iron so when you set it down you can see the back and stuff but it still looks good but like I can hit draws with this club which is like kind of I've never been able to draws with the longer stuff so it's been like great for me off the tee and I can hit like low ones and just kind of do anything with it that bunker is 245 so you're just trying to hit like a little draw off those kind of those three trees so I'm trying to yeah exactly just a little draw off those three trees trying to finish it like right on the right edge of the water cool yeah just like a 245 250 show okay like 235 and roll out a little bit exactly yeah just a smooth one foreign that would be dope all right so 150 flag I can't tell the carry on that line but on the on the left like where we can see the lip is 139 so it's probably similar to that and it's probably 10 on little downwind a little down maybe a hair off the left feels like wedge yes just a cuddy little wedge maybe a 45 shot huh all right I gotta hit one good shot for Just For the Love of the Game it's for just for golf golf deserves this yes keep cutting keep cutting all right good shot thanks feels like the match is sort of in hand going for the truly lock assaults there it's like drinking on the course it's kind of like a caddy tradition so wow these are good goddy's drinking drinking on the job Caddy's drinking on the job he pressed like you know it's post press feeling really confident I'm feeling good bro you're gonna take that disrespect right this guy's drinking on the golf course all right you want to read this for me Dan sure I haven't read them well myself clearly honored I have it fairly straight like my first thought was left Edge I'm joking I was a joke it looks like it wants to go a little bit right but I'm not sure it will I feel like it's like inside left maybe okay maybe straight up the hill because I can kind of see it like sloping a little bit from the front of the green to the back overall okay the lens inside left all right here we go broke across the hole broke like two cups gosh seven Parts seven pars that wasn't good that was not a good idea that was bad I was also I pushed it here oh the hand off yeah [Music] okay this is a big boy hole 242. yeah this is a hard hole pin looks back right so a hole like this on tour obviously there'd probably be a little bit more rough around yeah are you just thinking middle of the green middle of the green this pin is really tough like you see that sign just in the back there yeah right at that and just hope for the best this is the one I'm talking about where guys will hit the middle of the green and I'll be like oh safe shot good shot it's like no I absolutely laced four iron there is it four iron it's either four or three I think I'm gonna hit four two forty two forty two I'm trying to smash four am I hitting hope for just a just a rope right at that sign yes good swing relax really nice wow I think that is playing a long way yeah it is you hit that good I hit that good yeah maybe a touch high on the face but I don't think that was ever gonna get there but I just couldn't hit three arms I couldn't bring yourself to do it what flavor Peach and tangerine High proof yeah yeah pars aren't great content it's all good but that's the professional content I'm I'm a no bogey guy yeah exactly no just a bogey free day yeah another just not a 240 with that PIN nasty nasty like this thing's just gotta cross the ridge because it's almost downhill after that yeah it is it's it's real this is a tricky putt this is going to test your lag putting yesterday my money where my mouth is but yeah do you have a process for reading these long ones so on the long ones I I just break it down it's like this pot from here to the ridge I break it down in two parts I pick a line that I want to hit over in order to get to the Ridge and then from the ridge to the hole I look at it as like almost a separate putt got it so I'm just in here trying to roll it over this pitch mark and my thought here is on especially on a lot of up and overs is basically to just try and leave it on top of the Ridge and just have it trickle over it yeah because I feel like it's so easy to hit it you know eight feet biome because yeah you feel like you don't want to leave it short of the Hill exactly go very good thank you perfect thank you there it was yeah that's another thing is like a lot of a lot of amateurs think they got to get every putt to the hole that's only my dad used to always tell me he's like you got to get it to the hole you got to get it to hole it's like actually Eagle putt yes you still feel my way 60 foot I still feel that way I'm like I don't get that many we don't get that many chances to make Eagle I know that's not statistically driven or backed up at all but trying to make Eagle they're so rare the the playing style has got to match the guy's personality right like you're you're not you're not a like an anal numbers cruncher processed guy you're just kind of so it would be unnatural for you to like yeah to go against those instincts I feel like I'm kind of just a mix of a mix of stuff for sure because I like looking at numbers and stats and I love golf nerdy stuff like that yeah but I don't really use it you just like to just I just like to see it like the bill right percentage that's my favorite this guy sent me a thing he goes send me a data golf thing that said 13 bail right percentage she's 15. 15. he's barely right Bales right more than anybody else on tour and he was like proud of that the stat the stat was when there's trouble left who misses it most 20 yards or more right of the Fairway and I let it buy three percent I don't know if it was second but you were like Prime tiger of bailing out right but my missed percentage left was like 0.2 so [Music] [Music] those trees are 340. so anything I mean it feels like that skinny tree exactly cool we got to make a birdie here okay this is a birdie hole last hole short Par Four or bogey free bogey free that's all I matter all right just like a little Stinger driver-ish go for the low one yeah foreign such a cool shot thanks I love that shot thank you what's the ball speed on that one is it lower than me no it's higher it's about the dynamic Loft like where I'm hitting it on the club face it's so low on the face that the loft is actually like six or seven degrees versus direct strike and it's just how are you dealing with with having money that's been a crazy thing talk to my dad my parents about it feels like you haven't allowed yourself to like really think about it no like the money is incredible and all like I'd be lying if I said the money isn't awesome but I'm just so focused on the golf part and getting better and and that whole process and stuff like the money isn't really changing it's just a byproduct any of that if anything it's it's cool to know that I have more resources available to maybe look into things I wouldn't have been able to before um such as maybe buying it I'm thinking of buying like a home gym thing okay another thing that I think about with the money stuff is just being able to eat eat meals and not worry about it yeah that's pretty much my favorite thing in the world is just food that thing went miles by driving has has improved does that sprayer that out no you just feel it I just feel it in my bones I haven't got my stats are terrible by the way can I talk about that yeah please do last year I was the only person to make it to Eastlake snuck in granted but none of my stroke skin statistics were in the top 50. at all none of them they're all like 70 to 100. Serious average and I was just like what I feel like I'm doing some things really well and something's really bad yeah and then this year I'm playing even better than I did last year and my stats are the exact same I don't have one statistic in the top 50. even you've gone a little longer since you turned Pro a lot longer I've probably gained I've I've done zero speed training just gotten stronger and a little more flexible with my trainer Josh and have gained comfortably five miles per hour since I've turned Pro nice ball Speed without doing any speed stuff unluckily I'm kind of tall and lanky yep all right 95 okay I have loblo I just a little downwind yeah it looks like a Penn's Lane's like six or seven Paces on yeah this is dead aim should be perfect just gotta make one birdie I'm feeling a birdie I always got the only birdies boy am I feeling a birdie please be good please all right we're gonna have a good chance for birdie okay that didn't you gotta wait till the end of the video for the birdies that's how we drew it up no promises you want to walk with the putter my friend sure make it a little more tour see this is yeah the thing about the tour though is that they don't have the true lead on their hands and the rangefinder I might eat my words but I don't think I'm ever going to flood private I just don't want to lose touch with not not because of the prices because I get why people do it but just so I don't lose touch with reality in a sense interesting I don't even want to know how good it is you've never done it before I've done it one time you're a college team or something no now my college team does it a lot you're welcome guys but uh the only time I went was with Brent snedeker okay from a US Open sectional to to the Canadian event and that was not planned I got on it last minute and it was really nice but now I've flown enough now that I get the upgrades and stuff and getting some upgrades into first class so you're fine I'm like why would I ever need more than this yeah your frequent flyer miles have got to be yeah astronomical it's nice oh gosh I don't know what this does actually Dan you want to get into one more try one more I'm gonna do my bones bones is always doing this [Music] when I didn't get to see your other tattoo this one yeah yeah this is a new guy I like tattoos real curveball what is that my Jewish mother is not a fan um it's a light bulb okay it's kind of a long story but yeah okay the cute version is that my fiance's last name is light oh and she's changing her last name to Rapaport so we had to put in the rafters okay you know what I mean I like it forever uh it looks like it's gonna go left at the hole from here it feels like right Edge cool I got my liner right Edge [Music] yes sir I knew it I did call it I knew it for the contest that's unreal bogey free we're under par sorry Roy I'm not sorry that was a ton thank you thanks so much for doing that that was really great it was a lot of fun sorry for the L it's all good he just mean he made me feel good he beats he kicks my ass all the time he just wanted the cameras that was so great thanks so much for doing that but like that's what professional golfers do it wasn't anything special you weren't hitting it well no but like you could easily go shoot four under in the back yeah 60 67 and then we're off it's not it's not pretty it's not always pretty though and that's not that's what we were talking about like when you're watching on TV all you see is the pretty stuff yes and that's that's what makes golf crazy in golf I feel like there's such a small fine line between guys on tour and guys that are grinding on Mini tours legit I think it's a very small and fine line and you're just one event swing thought what home what Max said you're just one Whatever away from getting to that level that's what makes it crazy and you're also one Whatever from losing it and just going batshit crazy yeah that's true we're going positive vibes it's true all right that's a wrap how great was that I was just like golf nerd them I love that what a guy
Channel: Fore Play Golf
Views: 273,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riggs, Barstool Sports, Barstool Golf, Fore Play, Fore Play Pod, Barstool Podcast, Trent, Barstool Trent, Frankie Borrelli, Funny Golf, Golf, Golf Course Review, golf, podcast, golf interview, comedy, golf comedy, sahith, theegala, sahith theegala, sahith theegala golf, dan rapaport, side gig, the woodlands golf club, the woodlands country club, Netflix Full Swing, PGA Tour, PGA Full Swing, Side Gig With Dan Rapaport
Id: p-b6k7Dumn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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