Joe Rogan Tells Russell Brand to Quit Veganism

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it's Mike here and today I want to respond to Russell Brand being on Joe Rogan and in particular Joe Rogan's ideas about the science that's being put forth to support veganism his ideas on hunting and cholesterol and all that fun stuff we're gonna look at the particular pretty ridiculous recommendations that he makes for Russell Brand as well as you know how pushy should vegans beaver and explore that topic as well so let's go for those of you that don't know whistle brand he's an actor a comedian he's generally interested in spiritual things he's been vegetarian for a very long time he's kind of bounced in and out of veganism he did that a few years ago but right now again he says he's a vegan now the episode itself did cover a lot it was over three hours along and it had some interesting discussion in there that was not on the topic of veganism but Joe Rogan spouted some very unsubstantiated claims that I think are completely inaccurate to millions of people which is why I'm making a response video all right when the topic of veganism is first mentioned by Russell Brand he says that he doesn't want to be pushing his views on other people here he is you and I would be supposed to I would say take adversarial stances on I'm vegan now you love hunting but my personal philosophy is my morality and my spirituality is for me it's not something I'd go around inflicting on other people and telling them how they should behave and I would say that a large portion of vegans hold this same view and I'm gonna talk more about that at the end but I put this first because I think it's funny that Joe Rogan more or less seemed to agree with this outlook other people we should all be more like that I really I really believe that and then he followed his example no he did the exact opposite a little bit later and outright told out I'd pushed his view on Russell Brand saying that you should quit your vegan diet you'll be better you know you're you're a fit guy you're a healthy guy if you just keep going get off that vegan diet and keep going maybe maybe that's a little pushy and I will say this was in the context of doing martial arts training so Joe Rogan was like you should quit a vegan diet for your martial arts training but it was very much unsolicited Russell Brand wasn't like I'm having problems making improvements or whatever no he's going up in belts and all of that stuff so again completely unsolicited but imagine if we flip this in Russell Brand is like Joe I think you should give up your meat based diet I don't think that would have gone so well okay backing up a little in conversation when Russell Brand talks about being vegan he mentions that he watched what the health and of course Joe Rogan's response is this I watched a documentary called what the hell have you seen yeah it's filled with a lot of propaganda propaganda damn those guys like the Nazis I remember it's they used a lot of discredited studies yep evil vegan propaganda to make you healthier save animals in the environment the worst that's seriously who discredited these studies was it Z dog and his zero research that he used oh it wouldn't have been different because they still would have eaten [ __ ] that's what people do till you tell people cigarettes cause cancer they continue to smoke this is actually an argument for eliminating all health education you can watch my video on that if you want to see more well what the hell that did exaggerate some points by no means was it all propaganda and those studies were not discredited I mean what who are we talking about maybe Nina ty Schultz right up on it well one of her points was that if the risk ratio is in two times or higher than it's a meaningless finding which is insane meaning for example that unless something causes twice the heart disease or cancer that it doesn't matter that's why we have statistical significance to show that the finding is meaningful and say a 10% increase in heart disease is actually gonna result in 60,000 more people in the u.s. dying for no reason so and just like oh it's epidemiology though it's all just epidemiology which doesn't count and there's a lot of epidemiology studies that'll connect things right there dealing with how often do you eat red meat how often you eat this how often you eat that and then they find oh well there's more instances of diabetes and people that eat meat okay but is it people that eat meat and vegetables or is it people that eat meat and vegetables and Diet Coke and and sugary sodas and ice cream and french fries and how are they eating their meat are they eating cheeseburgers for some both fast food place are they eating grass-fed steak that's a complete straw man because epidemiology is not the only science that supports a vegan diet we have several clinical trials for example reversing heart disease and other diseases you can't say just because red meat is associated with cans that it's an association and therefore isn't real there's no connection no we've studied the mechanism for these connections we have that heme iron and so forth of that the WH O's team of scientists mulled over before they came to their conclusion he mentioned the association between meat and diabetes and was kind of trying to say oh that's not real at all but no we also have a mechanism for that many of them from this study we have at storage and in particular intra my of cellular lipids which is where fat in the muscle cell sort of gums up your insulin lock and messes with glucose metabolism again we have heme iron here we have those nitrates and finally inflammation all mechanisms that contribute to diabetes Joe Rogan this starts talking about a primal diet which is defined by more of those meats on processed meats grass-fed etc and no grains and so forth there's very little evidence that shows there's anything wrong with eating meat if you follow a normal healthy what they would call a primal diet I would like to see this body of evidence that he's sort of referring to with primal diets because yeah maybe you can see a little bit of an improvement over a high meat standard diet by going on a primal diet but the amount of research there is abysmal compared to a vegan diet and you're getting benefits on a vegan diet that you could never get on these primal diets for example the clinical trials showing the opening of arteries and stopping of heart disease in its tracks most importantly we don't have studies showing lower mortality levels for people on these quote primal diets if anything we have meta-analysis like this showing that low-carb diets which is more or less what he's talking about are associated with 30% increased mortality by contrast vegans have a decreased rate of mortality in the studies that look at them and back to arteries though we have study like this one that found that people who went onto a low-carb diet you know that higher meat consumption dodging the grains their artery clogging increased while people on a more plant-based diet that their artery clogging decreased and so it might say oh well those studies weren't on the exact primal diet I eat and the frustrating part is that these low-carb diets haven't really changed that much but there's always people trying to sort of slip out of all the studies showing how bad they are by one small detail like well in my low carb diet you actually flip the steak over before you eat it and none of those studies are on that type so I'm healthy one diet that was higher in meat and had no grains and was not processed in any way was actually the diet of the Inuit so would they be amazingly healthy well looking to Inuit mummies any weights that had never seen a sugar green in their entire life they weren't westernized yet 60% of them from this study had atherosclerosis they had heart disease no it wasn't carbs clogging those arteries it wasn't an Salukis evil sugar industry agenda no Joe Rogan is just wrong about primal diets I also want to mention that in terms of a primal diet grains didn't exist according to Joe Rogan well here's a study from over a hundred thousand years ago from Mozambique showing that yeah they ate grass seeds which are also known as grains hay then basically says that meat is good unless you have some type of super duper rare allergy or something I mean unless you have some very unusual rare condition where you're either allergic to meat or you have some very strange digestive system and/or you have real problems with high cholesterol foods which is very rare as well most of what you're getting is vegan propaganda or maybe you have arteries at all which can clog from saturated fat and cholesterol or maybe you maybe you have cells which can be oxidized and the DNA can be shredded from heme iron in red meat that's all very rare though I think you're good you're totally fine he then says the point that I hear pulled out a lot and that is that vegans only compare standard American diet is the worst of the meat-eating to the vegan diet and the reality is that a lot of these studies are on as the Adventists and the omnivores in that group are arguably the healthiest omnivores in the world they're then compared to vegans that are not vegan because of health but because of religion because of their seventh-day adventists religion one example result from that vegans had 78 percent lower risk of diabetes those omnivores still average over weight and those vegans were in the normal BMI range and so forth so he takes the position that it's just a standard American diet and the processing that's unhealthy it's not the eggs or the meat those are healthy especially grass-fed beef is great are you eating cheeseburgers for some both fast food place are they eating grass-fed steak as I mentioned in my last video and you can watch that for more details grass-fed appears do you have these saturated fat content it has virtually none of those omega-3s that you hear about about a hundred times less per serving than chia seeds grass feeding the cows increases methane emissions by over three times when compared to grain fed though neither are good the land use is absurd and finally still a class 2a carcinogen so the health benefits of grass-fed animal flesh once again a myth and speaking to eggs they start on that topic in the ethical area and to be fair Russell Brand sort of opens up a window to hear all the wonders of magical backyard hen raising when he says that he's you know he gets a little frustrated by having to dodge eggs in this land I've gone back and forth to veganism because I feel good Jesus Christ man there's enough things in my life I'm not doing without not being out I have an egg without feeling with your house two raised eggs if you get them from a good farm the chickens are just hanging out firstly backyard hens still come from breeders who have no place for 99% of the chickens that are born male so that's not going to be a good outcome and also these are animals that are very prone to becoming egg bound because we have accelerated their breeding by twenty to thirty times and I will say from the people that I know who have backyard hens when something goes wrong with them they don't want to spend the money to actually care for them well care for them ethically take them to the vet and the vet bills are expensive so the animals end up suffering a lot and also other bad things can happen to the animals as Joe Rogan demonstrates chickens in my garden are not confident in these animals in the world one by one slowly mock dr. lemonade in I lost nine of them to coyotes just last month maybe two months ago that's a pretty heavy so have you told you talked about this happening in a previous video I responded to I'm wondering if this is another time that this is happening but it goes to show that even the most ethical intentions of animal exploitation can often result in a unhappy death that makes what is possibly the most misguided nutritional recommendation ever when once again talking about martial arts training you should eat eggs though man you really should you should eat some animal protein why animal protein what is it about animal protein that's so magical if you're actually paying attention to science and the essential amino acids plants have all these essential amino acids in the amounts that you need looking to legumes beans especially all of them are there so once again seems to demonstrate that joe rogan really relies on bro science I don't know if he's actually looked at the amino acid profiles of plant foods it seems that he just kind of here's what somebody tells him or it wants to say is intuitively correct I don't know nobody's not coming from a place of scientific validation he of course once again tries to vindicate cholesterol as being harmless to your health but I don't know if he's ever looked at the studies maybe he looked at these papers which are funded by the egg industry this one this one this one this one and or you have real problems with high cholesterol foods which is very rare as well very rare as well no cholesterol raises cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol in particular oxidizes and damages your artery wall and builds up in the lining of your wall regardless of how fluffy it is and he didn't even mention it but he probably believes that HDL will save him that quote unquote good cholesterol I have a whole video going in detail about this but simple example if you take HDL raising medication your outcome in terms of heart disease does not improve it does not appear to have a causal protective role it's just a myth and egg consumption is exponentially associated with the clogging of arteries and why do vegans have ideal levels of LDL cholesterol if something like eggs and cholesterol and all that's not rated fat doesn't actually increase it and by ideal levels of LDL I'm talking about from this study that window in which virtually no progression of artery clogging occurs between 50 and 70 it's not a coincidence it's not because they're drinking more kombucha or going to more yoga classes because they're not eating those animal products I will say if Joe Rogan does manage to convince Russell Brand to start eating eggs I would love to see his LDL cholesterol before and after that all right moving on when talking about forming the food pyramid originally and adding grains to it Joe Rogan says you know like that whole pyramid if these are the things you should eat bread milk there was no understanding of excess carbs and excess carbs leads to excess body weight and it makes makes you store fat so he's playing into the age-old carbs make you fat fear and looking to this study that put obese women on different overfeeding diets and measured what their fat came from they found that about ninety to ninety seven percent of fat stored came from fat eaten so yeah massively over consuming calories whether they are fat or sugar will help store fat and in rare cases be converting a lot of sugar into enough fat to make a difference but the reality is it's way easier to get fat on fat that's because fat is over twice as calorie dense per gram as carbs and it's no coincidence that those higher carb grain eating countries in Asia for example don't have the obesity levels that we do and yeah refined carbs refined grains are not health foods but whole grains whole carbs are healthy I would love to see Joe come up with a meaningful body of evidence showing the detriments of whole grains for example you look into a study like this on colorectal cancer survival we see a massive improvement with that cereal grain fiber from eating those whole grains and there are plenty of other studies on lower risks of other diseases from whole grains as well I don't get it moving on whole hormone stuff yeah yeah I do hormone replacement what type of things testosterone and human growth hormone you have to give yourself a jab in there yeah you get in the thigh so yeah Joe Rogan is taking testosterone he's on hormone replacement therapy and I don't know if he really really needs it if his levels would be really low or if he's just trying to like biohack to the optimal level but it gets weirder yeah I have I take are more thyroid it's actually made from pigs thyroids do you mean pigs fire roads now yeah hold on wait how what's happened to the pig they're long gone they're not so straddling over like a thyroid teetering about all emasculated he didn't say why this is completely disgusting but you know I guess if if you're just eating a sausage you're eating pig thyroid anyway so it's pretty normal thing to do and I will say watching Russell talk about vegan topics it's kind of unclear what his actual view is I mean he'll make a joke about how he would suck a pig thyroid directly out of a pig but chef Lupo I'm gonna do what it takes man yeah bring me the people chuckle at the left I relate out of it directly but then at the same time he'll say you'd be too empathetic to shoot a elk directly like I see that elk and I think I'm Bambi literally but like I would love the game love but but like the elk I couldn't I've got too much empathy in me that I couldn't deal with the feeling of after it was yeah sure and this brings us into the territory of hunting where joe rogan makes some pretty amazing in my opinion illogical claims here we go if you oppose the moral aspect of killing an animal which I totally understand and appreciate and that's what led me to become a hunter in the first place is that I was really uncomfortable watching these animal rights videos of factory farming I thought was disgusting I was like I don't want to participate in this I'm just hunting because I love animals so much killing is the ultimate expression of love I love you going vegan did not contribute to animal suffering though that would be that would be insane there's reference hunting is a different thing men to me hunting is this intense it's very spiritual in a way I mean people don't get it because they see you celebrating yeah the same way that human sacrifice to the gods was spiritual or any bad behavior you want to justify if I had to boil it down to one word I would say that our genocide or conquest to the Americas where we hunted down and slaughtered millions of heathens was spiritual and speaking to that yes spirituality was an excuse to kill millions of people who weren't native to the Americas the final death toll was maybe 130 million but a lot of that was from disease but they definitely slaughtered millions and millions of people with the excuse of spirituality spirituality is never an excuse to kill animals or humans his absurd justifications continue oh you know so what in your eighth when you're doing it when you're puttin the trigger you're not having what's going on in your mind well you you only are hunting these mature animals that have already passed on their genes alright next employee Bob yeah I was just wondering Jimmy kids yeah good check ok so you've passed on your genes alright so I'm gonna have to ask you to go ahead and come in on Saturday and step into the gas chamber yeah we're gonna kill you you also are recognizing that if you're not killing these things it's not like they're gonna live forever and out of ten moral gymnastics here you really stuck the landing not being immortal as a justification to kill you know they are they live a short life a short life with a very violent death it's either wolves or mountain lions or bears or something's gonna take them out you know that they're gonna suffer more by getting ripped apart by wild animals well if you really think this is a justification then you should go around killing at least most of the wild animals on the planet because they're gonna die a more painful death so you need to kill you this is ridiculous well so correct me if I'm wrong but just because you're hunting an animal doesn't mean they always have a swift death a lot of times they get shot and end up limping around and dying a slow painful death so this is not mercy any more than feyo's is merciless he's literally applying Thanos mortal logic to animals here and I've heard the argument that well this is ridiculous because everyone can't do that you know if everyone went out and hunted all the animals there would be no animals left which is true this is actually a point that I make a lot and I at least try to live by because if the solution is not scalable for our planet it is not a solution but I'm not everyone yeah I'm not everyone I'm a particularly privileged guy who exercises the ultimate privilege to kill a wild animal when our farm animals outnumber them 14 to one according to this study it is kind of a good argument because it's not realistic it's not sustainable and I love how he actually admits himself that it isn't sustainable but yet glorifies it and puts it forth is the best way to eat to millions of people if you have to come up with this many excuses as to why you're doing something or eating a certain way you probably shouldn't I don't need to be like oh I eat broccoli but because they only chop the head off it's not as bad and because I don't know I can't even think of a fake real justification for killing broccoli because it's not a problem justifications continue but the other thing to recognize is that the reason why most of this wildlife exists in the first place a lot of it was wiped out in the early 20th century from what they call market hunting basically wiped out most of the wildlife in North America to the point of extinction but the places would they've ever been replaced it's all through money that was generated through hunting okay it is better that this funding exists then doesn't exist but know that it's not a justification to continue this habit into the future you buy hunting gear and equipment ten percent of that money goes to habitat restoration a positive element of a negative action doesn't justify what if ten percent of child prostitution revenue went to fighting sex trafficking nope not okay you know an environmental tax on coal plants doesn't mean to be better for the environment to build more coal plants understand there are way better ways to deal with sustaining wildlife than relying on profiting from killing animals all right for the last point I want to touch on let's talk about that idea of forcing your vegan view or dietary view on other people again Russell Brand takes the stance of I'm not gonna force my views on other people and I would say there's a healthy balance but it's definitely the case that most people would like vegans to be this way they would like vegans to just shut up and not challenge their behavior but I don't think being anti preaching is actually a consistent position when trying to shut vegans up and I mean logically consistent because they definitely don't mind when people are preaching things that they agree with they just don't like when vegans are preaching because they don't agree with them they would never argue that people back in slavery days shouldn't have gone and preached to slave masters to stop keeping slaves because they agree with that you know just continue slavery don't put any pressure on these people because preaching is bad no they wouldn't agree with that and so to add on to this I would say that sharing your ideas in ways that prevents a backfire effect is probably better off it's really hard to do but the bottom line here is that when something bad is happening in the world the best thing to do is speak up and of course the perpetrator of that bad action doesn't want you to speak up in the end Joe Rogan really just lashes on to industry-funded myths or just popular culture urban myths about how eggs are healthy how grass-fed meat is better and how primal diets are amazing you know the apparent position that he had that all science supporting a vegan diet is just discredited and propaganda is absolutely absurd and finally his views on hunting his moral justifications are also completely out there and should never be used as logical justifications or moral guidelines and your I hope you can see that so all these ideas that he's recycling he likely just heard from some friend of his he never really looked at the science on these things and he's just recycling them as if they're set in stone they are not they are generally wrong that's it for today feel free to like and subscribe let me know down below what you think about all these claims and I'll see you in the next video thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Mic the Vegan
Views: 274,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan, response, russell brand, vegan, vegan diet, plant-based, eggs, cholesterol, no longer vegan, quit, hunting, hunt, DMT, motivation, argue, conversation, debate, debunked, propaganda, what the health, nutrition
Id: AMuSsWbWJq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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